Example #1
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateSizes(bool forceUpdate)
    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = toParentMediaElement(this);
    if (!mediaElement)

    if (!document()->page())

    IntRect videoBox;

    if (!mediaElement->renderer() || !mediaElement->renderer()->isVideo())
    videoBox = toRenderVideo(mediaElement->renderer())->videoBox();

    if (!forceUpdate && m_videoDisplaySize == videoBox)
    m_videoDisplaySize = videoBox;

    float smallestDimension = std::min(m_videoDisplaySize.size().height(), m_videoDisplaySize.size().width());

    float fontSize = smallestDimension * 0.05f;
    if (fontSize != m_fontSize) {
        m_fontSize = fontSize;
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyFontSize, String::number(fontSize) + "px");

    CueList activeCues = mediaElement->currentlyActiveCues();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();
Example #2
void MediaControlRootElement::updateTextTrackDisplay()
    if (!m_textDisplayContainer)

    CueList activeCues = toParentMediaElement(m_textDisplayContainer)->currentlyActiveCues();
    bool nothingToDisplay = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();
        if (!cue->track() || cue->track()->mode() != TextTrack::SHOWING)

        String cueText = cue->text();
        if (!cueText.isEmpty()) {
            if (!nothingToDisplay)
                m_textTrackDisplay->appendChild(document()->createElement(HTMLNames::brTag, false), ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
            m_textTrackDisplay->appendChild(document()->createTextNode(cueText), ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
            nothingToDisplay = false;

    if (!nothingToDisplay)
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateTimerFired(Timer<MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement>*)
    if (!document().page())

    if (m_textTrackRepresentation) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, m_videoDisplaySize.size().width(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, m_videoDisplaySize.size().height(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = parentMediaElement(this);
    if (!mediaElement)

    float smallestDimension = std::min(m_videoDisplaySize.size().height(), m_videoDisplaySize.size().width());
    float fontScale = document().page()->group().captionPreferences()->captionFontSizeScaleAndImportance(m_fontSizeIsImportant);
    m_fontSize = lroundf(smallestDimension * fontScale);
    CueList activeCues = mediaElement->currentlyActiveCues();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();
        cue->setFontSize(m_fontSize, m_videoDisplaySize.size(), m_fontSizeIsImportant);
Example #4
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateDisplay()
    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = toParentMediaElement(this);

    // 1. If the media element is an audio element, or is another playback
    // mechanism with no rendering area, abort these steps. There is nothing to
    // render.
    if (!mediaElement->isVideo())

    // 2. Let video be the media element or other playback mechanism.
    HTMLVideoElement* video = static_cast<HTMLVideoElement*>(mediaElement);

    // 3. Let output be an empty list of absolutely positioned CSS block boxes.
    Vector<RefPtr<HTMLDivElement> > output;

    // 4. If the user agent is exposing a user interface for video, add to
    // output one or more completely transparent positioned CSS block boxes that
    // cover the same region as the user interface.

    // 5. If the last time these rules were run, the user agent was not exposing
    // a user interface for video, but now it is, let reset be true. Otherwise,
    // let reset be false.

    // There is nothing to be done explicitly for 4th and 5th steps, as
    // everything is handled through CSS. The caption box is on top of the
    // controls box, in a container set with the -webkit-box display property.

    // 6. Let tracks be the subset of video's list of text tracks that have as
    // their rules for updating the text track rendering these rules for
    // updating the display of WebVTT text tracks, and whose text track mode is
    // showing or showing by default.
    // 7. Let cues be an empty list of text track cues.
    // 8. For each track track in tracks, append to cues all the cues from
    // track's list of cues that have their text track cue active flag set.
    CueList activeCues = video->currentlyActiveCues();

    // 9. If reset is false, then, for each text track cue cue in cues: if cue's
    // text track cue display state has a set of CSS boxes, then add those boxes
    // to output, and remove cue from cues.

    // There is nothing explicitly to be done here, as all the caching occurs
    // within the TextTrackCue instance itself. If parameters of the cue change,
    // the display tree is cleared.

    // 10. For each text track cue cue in cues that has not yet had
    // corresponding CSS boxes added to output, in text track cue order, run the
    // following substeps:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();

        if (!cue->track() || !cue->track()->isRendered())

        RefPtr<TextTrackCueBox> displayBox = cue->getDisplayTree();

        if (displayBox->hasChildNodes() && !contains(static_cast<Node*>(displayBox.get())))
            // Note: the display tree of a cue is removed when the active flag of the cue is unset.
            appendChild(displayBox, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION, false);

    // 11. Return output.
    hasChildNodes() ? show() : hide();
Example #5
void CueTimeline::updateActiveCues(double movieTime) {
  // Playing the media resource

  //  If the current playback position changes while the steps are running,
  //  then the user agent must wait for the steps to complete, and then must
  //  immediately rerun the steps.
  if (ignoreUpdateRequests())

  HTMLMediaElement& mediaElement = this->mediaElement();

  // Don't run the "time marches on" algorithm if the document has been
  // detached. This primarily guards against dispatch of events w/
  // HTMLTrackElement targets.
  if (mediaElement.document().isDetached())

  // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#time-marches-on

  // 1 - Let current cues be a list of cues, initialized to contain all the
  // cues of all the hidden, showing, or showing by default text tracks of the
  // media element (not the disabled ones) whose start times are less than or
  // equal to the current playback position and whose end times are greater
  // than the current playback position.
  CueList currentCues;

  // The user agent must synchronously unset [the text track cue active] flag
  // whenever ... the media element's readyState is changed back to
  // kHaveNothing.
  if (mediaElement.getReadyState() != HTMLMediaElement::kHaveNothing &&
    currentCues =
        m_cueTree.allOverlaps(m_cueTree.createInterval(movieTime, movieTime));

  CueList previousCues;
  CueList missedCues;

  // 2 - Let other cues be a list of cues, initialized to contain all the cues
  // of hidden, showing, and showing by default text tracks of the media
  // element that are not present in current cues.
  previousCues = m_currentlyActiveCues;

  // 3 - Let last time be the current playback position at the time this
  // algorithm was last run for this media element, if this is not the first
  // time it has run.
  double lastTime = m_lastUpdateTime;
  double lastSeekTime = mediaElement.lastSeekTime();

  // 4 - If the current playback position has, since the last time this
  // algorithm was run, only changed through its usual monotonic increase
  // during normal playback, then let missed cues be the list of cues in other
  // cues whose start times are greater than or equal to last time and whose
  // end times are less than or equal to the current playback position.
  // Otherwise, let missed cues be an empty list.
  if (lastTime >= 0 && lastSeekTime < movieTime) {
    CueList potentiallySkippedCues =
        m_cueTree.allOverlaps(m_cueTree.createInterval(lastTime, movieTime));

    for (CueInterval cue : potentiallySkippedCues) {
      // Consider cues that may have been missed since the last seek time.
      if (cue.low() > std::max(lastSeekTime, lastTime) &&
          cue.high() < movieTime)

  m_lastUpdateTime = movieTime;

  // 5 - If the time was reached through the usual monotonic increase of the
  // current playback position during normal playback, and if the user agent
  // has not fired a timeupdate event at the element in the past 15 to 250ms
  // and is not still running event handlers for such an event, then the user
  // agent must queue a task to fire a simple event named timeupdate at the
  // element. (In the other cases, such as explicit seeks, relevant events get
  // fired as part of the overall process of changing the current playback
  // position.)
  if (!mediaElement.seeking() && lastSeekTime < lastTime)

  // Explicitly cache vector sizes, as their content is constant from here.
  size_t missedCuesSize = missedCues.size();
  size_t previousCuesSize = previousCues.size();

  // 6 - If all of the cues in current cues have their text track cue active
  // flag set, none of the cues in other cues have their text track cue active
  // flag set, and missed cues is empty, then abort these steps.
  bool activeSetChanged = missedCuesSize;

  for (size_t i = 0; !activeSetChanged && i < previousCuesSize; ++i) {
    if (!currentCues.contains(previousCues[i]) &&
      activeSetChanged = true;

  for (CueInterval currentCue : currentCues) {
    // Notify any cues that are already active of the current time to mark
    // past and future nodes. Any inactive cues have an empty display state;
    // they will be notified of the current time when the display state is
    // updated.
    if (currentCue.data()->isActive())
      activeSetChanged = true;

  if (!activeSetChanged)

  // 7 - If the time was reached through the usual monotonic increase of the
  // current playback position during normal playback, and there are cues in
  // other cues that have their text track cue pause-on-exi flag set and that
  // either have their text track cue active flag set or are also in missed
  // cues, then immediately pause the media element.
  for (size_t i = 0; !mediaElement.paused() && i < previousCuesSize; ++i) {
    if (previousCues[i].data()->pauseOnExit() &&
        previousCues[i].data()->isActive() &&

  for (size_t i = 0; !mediaElement.paused() && i < missedCuesSize; ++i) {
    if (missedCues[i].data()->pauseOnExit())

  // 8 - Let events be a list of tasks, initially empty. Each task in this
  // list will be associated with a text track, a text track cue, and a time,
  // which are used to sort the list before the tasks are queued.
  HeapVector<std::pair<double, Member<TextTrackCue>>> eventTasks;

  // 8 - Let affected tracks be a list of text tracks, initially empty.
  HeapVector<Member<TextTrack>> affectedTracks;

  for (const auto& missedCue : missedCues) {
    // 9 - For each text track cue in missed cues, prepare an event named enter
    // for the TextTrackCue object with the text track cue start time.
        std::make_pair(missedCue.data()->startTime(), missedCue.data()));

    // 10 - For each text track [...] in missed cues, prepare an event
    // named exit for the TextTrackCue object with the  with the later of
    // the text track cue end time and the text track cue start time.

    // Note: An explicit task is added only if the cue is NOT a zero or
    // negative length cue. Otherwise, the need for an exit event is
    // checked when these tasks are actually queued below. This doesn't
    // affect sorting events before dispatch either, because the exit
    // event has the same time as the enter event.
    if (missedCue.data()->startTime() < missedCue.data()->endTime()) {
          std::make_pair(missedCue.data()->endTime(), missedCue.data()));

  for (const auto& previousCue : previousCues) {
    // 10 - For each text track cue in other cues that has its text
    // track cue active flag set prepare an event named exit for the
    // TextTrackCue object with the text track cue end time.
    if (!currentCues.contains(previousCue)) {
          std::make_pair(previousCue.data()->endTime(), previousCue.data()));

  for (const auto& currentCue : currentCues) {
    // 11 - For each text track cue in current cues that does not have its
    // text track cue active flag set, prepare an event named enter for the
    // TextTrackCue object with the text track cue start time.
    if (!previousCues.contains(currentCue)) {
          std::make_pair(currentCue.data()->startTime(), currentCue.data()));

  // 12 - Sort the tasks in events in ascending time order (tasks with earlier
  // times first).
  nonCopyingSort(eventTasks.begin(), eventTasks.end(), eventTimeCueCompare);

  for (const auto& task : eventTasks) {
    if (!affectedTracks.contains(task.second->track()))

    // 13 - Queue each task in events, in list order.

    // Each event in eventTasks may be either an enterEvent or an exitEvent,
    // depending on the time that is associated with the event. This
    // correctly identifies the type of the event, if the startTime is
    // less than the endTime in the cue.
    if (task.second->startTime() >= task.second->endTime()) {
          createEventWithTarget(EventTypeNames::enter, task.second.get()));
          createEventWithTarget(EventTypeNames::exit, task.second.get()));
    } else {
      bool isEnterEvent = task.first == task.second->startTime();
      AtomicString eventName =
          isEnterEvent ? EventTypeNames::enter : EventTypeNames::exit;
          createEventWithTarget(eventName, task.second.get()));

  // 14 - Sort affected tracks in the same order as the text tracks appear in
  // the media element's list of text tracks, and remove duplicates.
  nonCopyingSort(affectedTracks.begin(), affectedTracks.end(),

  // 15 - For each text track in affected tracks, in the list order, queue a
  // task to fire a simple event named cuechange at the TextTrack object, and,
  // ...
  for (const auto& track : affectedTracks) {
        createEventWithTarget(EventTypeNames::cuechange, track.get()));

    // ... if the text track has a corresponding track element, to then fire a
    // simple event named cuechange at the track element as well.
    if (track->trackType() == TextTrack::TrackElement) {
      HTMLTrackElement* trackElement =
          createEventWithTarget(EventTypeNames::cuechange, trackElement));

  // 16 - Set the text track cue active flag of all the cues in the current
  // cues, and unset the text track cue active flag of all the cues in the
  // other cues.
  for (const auto& cue : currentCues)

  for (const auto& previousCue : previousCues) {
    if (!currentCues.contains(previousCue)) {
      TextTrackCue* cue = previousCue.data();

  // Update the current active cues.
  m_currentlyActiveCues = currentCues;
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateDisplay()
    if (!mediaController()->closedCaptionsVisible())

    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = parentMediaElement(this);
    // 1. If the media element is an audio element, or is another playback
    // mechanism with no rendering area, abort these steps. There is nothing to
    // render.
    if (!mediaElement || !mediaElement->isVideo())

    // 2. Let video be the media element or other playback mechanism.
    HTMLVideoElement* video = toHTMLVideoElement(mediaElement);

    // 3. Let output be an empty list of absolutely positioned CSS block boxes.
    Vector<RefPtr<HTMLDivElement>> output;

    // 4. If the user agent is exposing a user interface for video, add to
    // output one or more completely transparent positioned CSS block boxes that
    // cover the same region as the user interface.

    // 5. If the last time these rules were run, the user agent was not exposing
    // a user interface for video, but now it is, let reset be true. Otherwise,
    // let reset be false.

    // There is nothing to be done explicitly for 4th and 5th steps, as
    // everything is handled through CSS. The caption box is on top of the
    // controls box, in a container set with the -webkit-box display property.

    // 6. Let tracks be the subset of video's list of text tracks that have as
    // their rules for updating the text track rendering these rules for
    // updating the display of WebVTT text tracks, and whose text track mode is
    // showing or showing by default.
    // 7. Let cues be an empty list of text track cues.
    // 8. For each track track in tracks, append to cues all the cues from
    // track's list of cues that have their text track cue active flag set.
    CueList activeCues = video->currentlyActiveCues();

    // 9. If reset is false, then, for each text track cue cue in cues: if cue's
    // text track cue display state has a set of CSS boxes, then add those boxes
    // to output, and remove cue from cues.

    // There is nothing explicitly to be done here, as all the caching occurs
    // within the TextTrackCue instance itself. If parameters of the cue change,
    // the display tree is cleared.

    // 10. For each text track cue cue in cues that has not yet had
    // corresponding CSS boxes added to output, in text track cue order, run the
    // following substeps:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();

        if (!cue->track() || !cue->track()->isRendered() || !cue->isActive() || cue->text().isEmpty())

        RefPtr<TextTrackCueBox> displayBox = cue->getDisplayTree(m_videoDisplaySize.size());
        if (displayBox->hasChildNodes() && !contains(displayBox.get())) {
            // Note: the display tree of a cue is removed when the active flag of the cue is unset.
            appendChild(displayBox, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION, AttachNow);
            cue->setFontSize(m_fontSize, m_videoDisplaySize.size(), m_fontSizeIsImportant);

    // 11. Return output.
    if (hasChildNodes()) {
        if (mediaElement->requiresTextTrackRepresentation()) {
            if (!m_textTrackRepresentation)
                m_textTrackRepresentation = TextTrackRepresentation::create(this);

            if (Page* page = document().page())

            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, m_videoDisplaySize.size().width(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, m_videoDisplaySize.size().height(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    } else {
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateDisplay()
    if (!mediaElement().closedCaptionsVisible()) {

    // 1. If the media element is an audio element, or is another playback
    // mechanism with no rendering area, abort these steps. There is nothing to
    // render.
    if (isHTMLAudioElement(mediaElement()))

    // 2. Let video be the media element or other playback mechanism.
    HTMLVideoElement& video = toHTMLVideoElement(mediaElement());

    // 3. Let output be an empty list of absolutely positioned CSS block boxes.

    // 4. If the user agent is exposing a user interface for video, add to
    // output one or more completely transparent positioned CSS block boxes that
    // cover the same region as the user interface.

    // 5. If the last time these rules were run, the user agent was not exposing
    // a user interface for video, but now it is, let reset be true. Otherwise,
    // let reset be false.

    // There is nothing to be done explicitly for 4th and 5th steps, as
    // everything is handled through CSS. The caption box is on top of the
    // controls box, in a container set with the -webkit-box display property.

    // 6. Let tracks be the subset of video's list of text tracks that have as
    // their rules for updating the text track rendering these rules for
    // updating the display of WebVTT text tracks, and whose text track mode is
    // showing or showing by default.
    // 7. Let cues be an empty list of text track cues.
    // 8. For each track track in tracks, append to cues all the cues from
    // track's list of cues that have their text track cue active flag set.
    CueList activeCues = video.currentlyActiveCues();

    // 9. If reset is false, then, for each text track cue cue in cues: if cue's
    // text track cue display state has a set of CSS boxes, then add those boxes
    // to output, and remove cue from cues.

    // There is nothing explicitly to be done here, as all the caching occurs
    // within the TextTrackCue instance itself. If parameters of the cue change,
    // the display tree is cleared.

    // 10. For each text track cue cue in cues that has not yet had
    // corresponding CSS boxes added to output, in text track cue order, run the
    // following substeps:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();

        if (!cue->track() || !cue->track()->isRendered() || !cue->isActive())

        cue->updateDisplay(m_videoDisplaySize.size(), *this);

    // 11. Return output.
    if (hasChildren())