Example #1
// Purpose       : Finds the closest point on the RefEdge to the input
//                 point and modifies the coordinate values of the input
//                 point to be those of the closest point.
// Special Notes :
// Creator       : Malcolm J. Panthaki
// Creation Date : 2/25/97
void RefEdge::move_to_curve( CubitVector& vector )
    // Get the Curve associated with this RefEdge
  Curve* curvePtr = this->get_curve_ptr();
    // Move the point to the Curve (the following call modifes the values
    // of the input "vector", if necessary)
  CubitVector closest_point;
  curvePtr->closest_point_trimmed(vector, closest_point);
  vector.set( closest_point.x(),
              closest_point.z() );