Example #1
void cvUpdateTracks(CvBlobs const &blobs, CvTracks &tracks, const double thDistance, const unsigned int thInactive, const unsigned int thActive)

  unsigned int nBlobs = blobs.size();
  unsigned int nTracks = tracks.size();

  // Proximity matrix:
  // Last row/column is for ID/label.
  // Last-1 "/" is for accumulation.
  CvID *close = new unsigned int[(nBlobs+2)*(nTracks+2)]; // XXX Must be same type than CvLabel.

    // Inicialization:
    unsigned int i=0;
    for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it!=blobs.end(); ++it, i++)
  AB(i) = 0;
  IB(i) = it->second->label;

    CvID maxTrackID = 0;

    unsigned int j=0;
    for (CvTracks::const_iterator jt = tracks.begin(); jt!=tracks.end(); ++jt, j++)
  AT(j) = 0;
  IT(j) = jt->second->id;
  if (jt->second->id > maxTrackID)
    maxTrackID = jt->second->id;

    // Proximity matrix calculation and "used blob" list inicialization:
    for (i=0; i<nBlobs; i++)
  for (j=0; j<nTracks; j++)
    if (C(i, j) = (distantBlobTrack(B(i), T(j)) < thDistance))

    // Detect inactive tracks
    for (j=0; j<nTracks; j++)
  unsigned int c = AT(j);

  if (c==0)
    //cout << "Inactive track: " << j << endl;

    // Inactive track.
    CvTrack *track = T(j);
    track->label = 0;

    // Detect new tracks
    for (i=0; i<nBlobs; i++)
  unsigned int c = AB(i);

  if (c==0)
    //cout << "Blob (new track): " << maxTrackID+1 << endl;
    //cout << *B(i) << endl;

    // New track.
    CvBlob *blob = B(i);
    CvTrack *track = new CvTrack;
    track->id = maxTrackID;
    track->label = blob->label;
    track->minx = blob->minx;
    track->miny = blob->miny;
    track->maxx = blob->maxx;
    track->maxy = blob->maxy;
    track->centroid = blob->centroid;
    track->lifetime = 0;
    track->active = 0;
    track->inactive = 0;
    tracks.insert(CvIDTrack(maxTrackID, track));

    // Clustering
    for (j=0; j<nTracks; j++)
  unsigned int c = AT(j);

  if (c)
    list<CvTrack*> tt; tt.push_back(T(j));
    list<CvBlob*> bb;

    getClusterForTrack(j, close, nBlobs, nTracks, blobs, tracks, bb, tt);

    // Select track
    CvTrack *track;
    unsigned int area = 0;
    for (list<CvTrack*>::const_iterator it=tt.begin(); it!=tt.end(); ++it)
      CvTrack *t = *it;

      unsigned int a = (t->maxx-t->minx)*(t->maxy-t->miny);
      if (a>area)
        area = a;
        track = t;

    // Select blob
    CvBlob *blob;
    area = 0;
    //cout << "Matching blobs: ";
    for (list<CvBlob*>::const_iterator it=bb.begin(); it!=bb.end(); ++it)
      CvBlob *b = *it;

      //cout << b->label << " ";

      if (b->area>area)
        area = b->area;
        blob = b;
    //cout << endl;

    // Update track
    //cout << "Matching: track=" << track->id << ", blob=" << blob->label << endl;
    track->label = blob->label;
    track->centroid = blob->centroid;
    track->minx = blob->minx;
    track->miny = blob->miny;
    track->maxx = blob->maxx;
    track->maxy = blob->maxy;
    if (track->inactive)
      track->active = 0;
    track->inactive = 0;

    // Others to inactive
    for (list<CvTrack*>::const_iterator it=tt.begin(); it!=tt.end(); ++it)
      CvTrack *t = *it;

      if (t!=track)
        //cout << "Inactive: track=" << t->id << endl;
        t->label = 0;

    for (CvTracks::iterator jt=tracks.begin(); jt!=tracks.end();)
  if ((jt->second->inactive>=thInactive)||((jt->second->inactive)&&(thActive)&&(jt->second->active<thActive)))
    delete jt->second;
    if (!jt->second->inactive)
  catch (...)
    delete[] close;
    throw; // TODO: OpenCV style.

  delete[] close;

Example #2
  unsigned int cvLabel (IplImage const *img, IplImage *imgOut, CvBlobs &blobs)

      unsigned int numPixels=0;


      CvLabel label=0;

      unsigned int stepIn = img->widthStep / (img->depth / 8);
      unsigned int stepOut = imgOut->widthStep / (imgOut->depth / 8);
      unsigned int imgIn_width = img->width;
      unsigned int imgIn_height = img->height;
      unsigned int imgIn_offset = 0;
      // unsigned int imgOut_width = imgOut->width; // Unused but set
      // unsigned int imgOut_height = imgOut->height; // Unused but set
      unsigned int imgOut_offset = 0;
	imgIn_width = img->roi->width;
	imgIn_height = img->roi->height;
	imgIn_offset = img->roi->xOffset + (img->roi->yOffset * stepIn);
	// imgOut_width = imgOut->roi->width;  // Unused but set
	// imgOut_height = imgOut->roi->height;  // Unused but set
	imgOut_offset = imgOut->roi->xOffset + (imgOut->roi->yOffset * stepOut);

      unsigned char *imgDataIn = (unsigned char *)img->imageData + imgIn_offset;
      CvLabel *imgDataOut = (CvLabel *)imgOut->imageData + imgOut_offset;

#define imageIn(X, Y) imgDataIn[(X) + (Y)*stepIn]
#define imageOut(X, Y) imgDataOut[(X) + (Y)*stepOut]

      CvLabel lastLabel = 0;
      CvBlob *lastBlob = NULL;

      for (unsigned int y=0; y<imgIn_height; y++)
	for (unsigned int x=0; x<imgIn_width; x++)
	  if (imageIn(x, y))
	    bool labeled = imageOut(x, y);

	    if ((!imageOut(x, y))&&((y==0)||(!imageIn(x, y-1))))
	      labeled = true;

	      // Label contour.

	      imageOut(x, y) = label;

	      // XXX This is not necessary at all. I only do this for consistency.
	      if (y>0)
		imageOut(x, y-1) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL;

	      CvBlob *blob = new CvBlob;
	      blob->label = label;
	      blob->area = 1;
	      blob->minx = x; blob->maxx = x;
	      blob->miny = y; blob->maxy = y;
	      blob->m10=x; blob->m01=y;
	      blob->m20=x*x; blob->m02=y*y;

              lastLabel = label;
	      lastBlob = blob;

	      blob->contour.startingPoint = cvPoint(x, y);

	      unsigned char direction=1;
	      unsigned int xx = x;
	      unsigned int yy = y;

	      bool contourEnd = false;

		for (unsigned int numAttempts=0; numAttempts<3; numAttempts++)
		  bool found = false;

		  for (unsigned char i=0; i<3; i++)
		    unsigned int nx = xx + movesE[direction][i][0];
		    unsigned int ny = yy + movesE[direction][i][1];
		    if ((nx < imgIn_width) && (nx >= 0) && (ny < imgIn_height) && (ny >= 0))
		      if (imageIn(nx, ny))
			found = true;


			xx = nx;
			yy = ny;

			direction = movesE[direction][i][2];
			imageOut(nx, ny) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL;

		  if (!found)
		    direction = (direction + 1) % 4;
		    if (imageOut(xx, yy) != label)
		      imageOut(xx, yy) = label;

		      if (xx < blob->minx) blob->minx = xx;
		      else if (xx > blob->maxx) blob->maxx = xx;
		      if (yy < blob->miny) blob->miny = yy;
		      else if (yy > blob->maxy) blob->maxy = yy;

		      blob->m10 += xx; blob->m01 += yy;
		      blob->m11 += xx*yy;
		      blob->m20 += xx*xx; blob->m02 += yy * yy;

		  if ( (contourEnd = ((xx == x) && (yy == y) && (direction == 1))) )
	      while (!contourEnd);


	    if ((y + 1 < imgIn_height) && (!imageIn(x, y + 1)) && (!imageOut(x, y + 1)))
	      labeled = true;

	      // Label internal contour
	      CvLabel l;
	      CvBlob *blob = NULL;

	      if (!imageOut(x, y))
		/*if (!imageOut(x-1, y))
		  cerr << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;

		l = imageOut(x - 1, y);

		imageOut(x, y) = l;

                if (l==lastLabel)
                  blob = lastBlob;
                  blob = blobs.find(l)->second;
                  lastLabel = l;
                  lastBlob = blob;
		blob->m10 += x; blob->m01 += y;
		blob->m11 += x*y;
		blob->m20 += x*x; blob->m02 += y*y;
		l = imageOut(x, y);

                if (l==lastLabel)
                  blob = lastBlob;
                  blob = blobs.find(l)->second;
                  lastLabel = l;
                  lastBlob = blob;

	      // XXX This is not necessary (I believe). I only do this for consistency.
	      imageOut(x, y + 1) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL;

	      CvContourChainCode *contour = new CvContourChainCode;
	      contour->startingPoint = cvPoint(x, y);

	      unsigned char direction = 3;
	      unsigned int xx = x;
	      unsigned int yy = y;

		for (unsigned int numAttempts=0; numAttempts<3; numAttempts++)
		  bool found = false;

		  for (unsigned char i=0; i<3; i++)
		    unsigned int nx = xx + movesI[direction][i][0];
		    unsigned int ny = yy + movesI[direction][i][1];
		    if (imageIn(nx, ny))
		      found = true;



		      imageOut(nx, ny) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL;

		  if (!found)
		    if (!imageOut(xx, yy))
		      imageOut(xx, yy) = l;

		      blob->m10 += xx; blob->m01 += yy;
		      blob->m11 += xx*yy;
		      blob->m20 += xx*xx; blob->m02 += yy*yy;

	      while (!(xx==x && yy==y));


	    //else if (!imageOut(x, y))
	    if (!labeled)
	      // Internal pixel
	      CvLabel l = imageOut(x-1, y);

	      imageOut(x, y) = l;

	      CvBlob *blob = NULL;
              if (l==lastLabel)
                blob = lastBlob;
                blob = blobs.find(l)->second;
                lastLabel = l;
                lastBlob = blob;
	      blob->m10 += x; blob->m01 += y;
	      blob->m11 += x*y;
	      blob->m20 += x*x; blob->m02 += y*y;

      for (CvBlobs::iterator it=blobs.begin(); it!=blobs.end(); ++it)

        (*it).second->u11 = (*it).second->m11 - ((*it).second->m10*(*it).second->m01)/(*it).second->m00;
        (*it).second->u20 = (*it).second->m20 - ((*it).second->m10*(*it).second->m10)/(*it).second->m00;
        (*it).second->u02 = (*it).second->m02 - ((*it).second->m01*(*it).second->m01)/(*it).second->m00;

        double m00_2 = (*it).second->m00 * (*it).second->m00;

        (*it).second->n11 = (*it).second->u11 / m00_2;
        (*it).second->n20 = (*it).second->u20 / m00_2;
        (*it).second->n02 = (*it).second->u02 / m00_2;

        (*it).second->p1 = (*it).second->n20 + (*it).second->n02;

        double nn = (*it).second->n20 - (*it).second->n02;
        (*it).second->p2 = nn*nn + 4.*((*it).second->n11*(*it).second->n11);

      return numPixels;

    return 0; // Remove return warning
void processVideo(char* videoFilename) {
    //create the capture object
    IplImage *labelImg;//foreground
    CTracker openTracker((float)0.033, (float)0.6, (double)20.0, 10, 3000);
    CvTracks tracks;
    VideoCapture capture(videoFilename);
        //error in opening the video input
        cerr << "Unable to open video file: " << videoFilename << endl;
    bool bInitialized = false;
    //read input data. ESC or 'q' for quitting
    while( (char)keyboard != 'q' && (char)keyboard != 27 ){
    //read the current frame
    if(!capture.read(frame)) {
        cerr << "Unable to read next frame." << endl;
        cerr << "Exiting..." << endl;

        cv::Size frameSize(static_cast<int>(frame.cols), static_cast<int>(frame.rows)); 					
        labelImg = cvCreateImage(frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_LABEL, 1);         
        bInitialized = true;
    //update the background model
    pMOG2.operator ()(frame,fgMaskMOG2);

    //open operator. 

    // step 2::blob analysis
    CvBlobs blobs;          
    unsigned int result = cvLabel(&(IplImage)fgMaskMOG2, labelImg, blobs);          
    cvFilterByArea(blobs, 125, 10000);
    cvRenderBlobs(labelImg, blobs, &(IplImage)frame, &(IplImage)frame, CV_BLOB_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX);
    //cvUpdateTracks(blobs, tracks, 200, 5);
    //cvRenderTracks(tracks, &(IplImage)frame, &(IplImage)frame, CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID|CV_TRACK_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX|CV_TRACK_RENDER_TO_LOG);
    //convert the blobs into detection structure;
    vector<Detection*> detections;
    for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it=blobs.begin();it!=blobs.end();++it)
      CvBlob *blob=(*it).second;
      Detection *_detection = new Detection;
      _detection->centroid.x= blob->centroid.x;
      _detection->centroid.y= blob->centroid.y;
      _detection->brect.x  = blob->minx;
      _detection->brect.y  = blob->miny;
      _detection->brect.height = blob->maxy - blob->miny;
      _detection->brect.width  = blob->maxx - blob->minx;

    //Step 3 : give the list of all centroids of all detected contours to tracker. Track return the trace of the track, whose values are Kalman-filtered
    if(blobs.size() > 0)
        int i, j;
        for(i=0; i < openTracker.tracks.size(); i++)
        //add a threshold to de-noise, if the contour just appeared, maybe noise. set a threshold
        if(openTracker.tracks[i]->trace.size() > 10)
            for(j = 0; j < (openTracker.tracks[i]->trace.size() - 2); j++)
            cv::rectangle(frame, openTracker.tracks[i]->brect, Scalar(255,0,0));
            //line(fore, openTracker.tracks[i]->trace[j], openTracker.tracks[i]->trace[j+1], Colors[openTracker.tracks[i]->track_id % 9], 1, CV_AA);							
            line(frame, openTracker.tracks[i]->trace[j], openTracker.tracks[i]->trace[j+1], Scalar(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA);

        stringstream ss;
        ss << openTracker.tracks[i]->track_id;
        string str = ss.str();
        putText(frame, str, openTracker.tracks[i]->trace[j], FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(255,0,0), 1);
    //get the frame number and write it on the current frame
    stringstream ss;
    rectangle(frame, cv::Point(10, 2), cv::Point(100,20),cv::Scalar(255,255,255), -1);
    //show the current frame and the fg masks
    imshow("Frame", frame);
    imshow("FG Mask MOG 2", fgMaskMOG2);
    //get the input from the keyboard
    keyboard = waitKey( 30 );
    //delete capture object

void MultiCursorAppCpp::setCursor(CvBlobs blobs)
#ifdef USE_KINECT_V1
	INT blobID = 0;
	for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); ++it) {
		if (userData[blobID].handInfo.isTracked)
			Mat handPoint = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.x, userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.y, userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.z, 1);
			Mat headPoint = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.x, userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.y, userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.z, 1);
			Mat handPointScreen = T_WorldToScreen * T_KinectCameraToWorld * handPoint;
			Mat headPointScreen = T_WorldToScreen * T_KinectCameraToWorld * headPoint;

			// Caliculate the intersection point of vector and screen
			float xvec = *handPointScreen.ptr<float>(0, 0) - *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(0, 0);
			float yvec = *handPointScreen.ptr<float>(1, 0) - *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(1, 0);
			float zvec = *handPointScreen.ptr<float>(2, 0) - *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(2, 0);

			float val = -*handPointScreen.ptr<float>(2, 0) / zvec;

			// Calculate cursor position in real scall
			Point3f cursorScreen3d;
			cursorScreen3d.x = val * xvec + *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(0, 0);
			cursorScreen3d.y = val * yvec + *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(1, 0);
			cursorScreen3d.z = 0.0f;

			// Calculate cursor position in pixel coordinate
			float screen3dTo2d = 246 / 0.432f;
			userData[blobID].cursorInfo.position.x = cursorScreen3d.x * screen3dTo2d;
			userData[blobID].cursorInfo.position.y = cursorScreen3d.y * screen3dTo2d;
	INT blobID = 0;
	for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); ++it) 
		userData[blobID].cursorInfo.isShownCursor = false;
		if (userData[blobID].handInfo.isTracked)
			Mat handPoint = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.x * 1000, userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.y * 1000, userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.z * 1000, 1);
			Mat headPoint = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.x * 1000, userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.y * 1000, userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.z * 1000, 1);

			for (size_t i = 0; i < TKinect2Display.size(); ++i)
				//Mat handPointScreen = TMarker2Display * TKinect2Marker * TKinectDepth2Color * handPoint;
				//Mat headPointScreen = TMarker2Display * TKinect2Marker * TKinectDepth2Color * headPoint;
				Mat handPointScreen = TKinect2Display[i] * handPoint;
				Mat headPointScreen = TKinect2Display[i] * headPoint;

				// Caliculate the intersection point of vector and screen
				float xvec = *handPointScreen.ptr<float>(0, 0) - *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(0, 0);
				float yvec = *handPointScreen.ptr<float>(1, 0) - *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(1, 0);
				float zvec = *handPointScreen.ptr<float>(2, 0) - *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(2, 0);

				float val = -*handPointScreen.ptr<float>(2, 0) / zvec;

				// Calculate cursor position in real scall
				Point3f cursorScreen3d;
				cursorScreen3d.x = val * xvec + *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(0, 0);
				cursorScreen3d.y = val * yvec + *headPointScreen.ptr<float>(1, 0);
				cursorScreen3d.z = 0.0f;

				// Calculate cursor position in pixel coordinate
				Mat cursor3d = (Mat_<float>(3, 1) << cursorScreen3d.x, cursorScreen3d.y, 1);
				Mat cursor2d = TDisplay2Pixel[i] * cursor3d;
				if (i == 1)
					cursor2d.at<float>(1, 0) = -cursor2d.at<float>(1, 0) + 40000;

				//cursor2d /= *cursor2d.ptr<float>(2, 1);
				if (0 < *cursor2d.ptr<float>(0, 0) && *cursor2d.ptr<float>(0, 0) < VEC_WIN_WIDTH[0]
					&& 0 < *cursor2d.ptr<float>(1, 0) && *cursor2d.ptr<float>(1, 0) < VEC_WIN_HEIGHT[0])
					userData[blobID].cursorInfo.isShownCursor = true;
					userData[blobID].cursorInfo.displayNum = i;
					userData[blobID].cursorInfo.position.x = *cursor2d.ptr<float>(0, 0);
					userData[blobID].cursorInfo.position.y = *cursor2d.ptr<float>(1, 0);

				if (i == 1)
					cout << cursor3d << endl;

void MultiCursorAppCpp::detectHandPosition(CvBlobs blobs)
	FLOAT offset = 0.03f;
	INT blobID = 0;
	for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); ++it) {
		int numIntersectionPoints = 0;
		Vector4 handPosition;
		handPosition.w = 1;
		handPosition.x = 0.0f;
		handPosition.y = 0.0f;
		handPosition.z = 0.0f;
		Point3f center3f = Point3_<FLOAT>(userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.x, userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.y, userData[blobID].headInfo.cameraPoint.z);

		// ユーザの領域内を探索
		for (int y = it->second->miny; y <= it->second->maxy; y++) {
			for (int x = it->second->minx; x <= it->second->maxx; x++)
				float length = sqrt(
					pow(center3f.x - point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[0], 2)
					+ pow(center3f.y - point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[1], 2)
					//+ pow(center3f.z - point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[2], 2)
				// Define the intersection point of the sphere which its center is head and the hand as the hand position 
				if (*heightMatrix.ptr<USHORT>(y, x) > userData[blobID].headInfo.height - HEAD_LENGTH - SHOULDER_LENGTH	// 肩より高い点か
					&& 0 < point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[2]*1000 && point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[2] * 1000 < KINECT_HEIGHT	// Kinectの検出できる範囲の値か
					&& it->first == labelMat.at<unsigned long>(y, x)	// 同じblob内のみ探索
					) // Don't include desk
					if (SENCIG_CIRCLE_RADIUS - offset < length ) {	// 注目点が球と交差しているかどうか
						handPosition.x += point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[0];
						handPosition.y += point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[1];
						handPosition.z += point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[2];

						circle(userAreaMat, Point(x, y), 2, Scalar(255, 255, 0), -1);
					else if (length > SENCIG_CIRCLE_RADIUS) {
						++userData[blobID].handInfo.area;	// 手の面積を点の数で表す

#ifdef USE_KINECT_V1
						LONG handPositionX2d;
						LONG handPositionY2d;
						USHORT dis;
						NuiTransformSkeletonToDepthImage(handPosition, &handPositionX2d, &handPositionY2d, &dis, KINECT_RESOLUTION);
						circle(userAreaMat, Point(handPositionX2d, handPositionY2d), 7, Scalar(0, 200, 0), 3);
						DepthSpacePoint depthPoint;
						CameraSpacePoint cameraPoint;
						cameraPoint.X = point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[0];
						cameraPoint.Y = point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[1];
						cameraPoint.Z = point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(y, x)[2];
						kinectBasics.GetMapper()->MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(cameraPoint, &depthPoint);

						int index = ((y * kinectBasics.widthDepth) + x) * 3;
						UCHAR* dataDepth = &userAreaMat.data[index];
						dataDepth[0] = 0;
						dataDepth[1] = 200;
						dataDepth[2] = 255;
						//circle(userAreaMat, Point(depthPoint.X, depthPoint.Y), 1, Scalar(0, 255, 255), 3);

		if (numIntersectionPoints > 0)
			userData[blobID].handInfo.isTracked = true;

			handPosition.x /= numIntersectionPoints;
			handPosition.y /= numIntersectionPoints;
			handPosition.z /= numIntersectionPoints;

			userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.x = handPosition.x;
			userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.y = handPosition.y;
			userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.z = handPosition.z;

			// Show the hand positions on the depth image
#ifdef USE_KINECT_V1
			LONG handPositionX2d;
			LONG handPositionY2d;
			USHORT dis;
			NuiTransformSkeletonToDepthImage(handPosition, &handPositionX2d, &handPositionY2d, &dis, KINECT_RESOLUTION);
			circle(userAreaMat, Point(handPositionX2d, handPositionY2d), 7, Scalar(0, 200, 0), 3);
			DepthSpacePoint depthPoint;
			CameraSpacePoint cameraPoint;
			cameraPoint.X = handPosition.x;
			cameraPoint.Y = handPosition.y;
			cameraPoint.Z = handPosition.z;
			kinectBasics.GetMapper()->MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(cameraPoint, &depthPoint);
			circle(userAreaMat, Point(depthPoint.X, depthPoint.Y), 7, Scalar(0, 200, 0), 3);
			userData[blobID].handInfo.isTracked = false;

			userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.x = 0.0f;
			userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.y = 0.0f;
			userData[blobID].handInfo.cameraPoint.z = 0.0f;

		// 面積で手の開閉をチェック
		if (userData[blobID].handInfo.area != 0) {
			float distance = sqrt(pow(handPosition.x, 2) + pow(handPosition.y, 2) + pow(handPosition.z, 2));
			userData[blobID].handInfo.area /= distance;
		// cout << "area: " << userData[blobID].handInfo.area << endl;


	// Replace preUserData by current userData	/ 前フレームのデータを現フレームのデータで置き換える
	preUserData = userData;
	for (vector<UserData>::iterator p = preUserData.begin(); p != preUserData.end(); p++)
		p->isDataFound = false; // 初期化
void MultiCursorAppCpp::detectHeadPosition(CvBlobs blobs)
	// Initialize userData

	// 前フレームのラベルを見て最も投票数の多かったラベルを前フレームの対応領域とする
	for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); ++it)
		if (!preLabelMat.empty())
			// 前フレームのラベルを投票
			vector<Point2i> checkLabel;
			checkLabel.push_back(Point2i(0, 0));	// init checkLabel;
			for (int y = it->second->miny; y < it->second->maxy; ++y)
				for (int x = it->second->minx; x < it->second->maxx; ++x)
					unsigned long preLabel = preLabelMat.at<unsigned long>(y, x);
					if (it->first == labelMat.at<unsigned long>(y, x) && preLabel != 0)
						bool isFoundLabel = false;
						for (int i = 0; i < checkLabel.size(); ++i)
							if (checkLabel[i].x == preLabel)
								isFoundLabel = true;
						if (!isFoundLabel)
							Point2i newPoint(preLabel, 1);		// (labelID, # of label)

			// 最も投票数の多いラベルを探す
			Point2i mainLabel(0, 0);
			for (int i = 0; i < checkLabel.size(); ++i)
				if (checkLabel[i].y > mainLabel.y)
					mainLabel.x = checkLabel[i].x;
					mainLabel.y = checkLabel[i].y;

			// 前フレームのデータと対応付けて現フレームのデータを作る
			UserData newUserData;
			newUserData.isDataFound = false;
			if (mainLabel.y > it->second->area / 2)	// 半分以上を占める領域がないときは無視
				for (vector<UserData>::iterator p = preUserData.begin(); p != preUserData.end(); ++p)
					if (p->labelID == mainLabel.x)
						p->isDataFound = true;
						newUserData.isDataFound = true;
						newUserData.headInfo.height = p->headInfo.height;
						newUserData.headInfo.depthPoint.x = p->headInfo.depthPoint.x;
						newUserData.headInfo.depthPoint.y = p->headInfo.depthPoint.y;
			newUserData.labelID = it->first;
			newUserData.centroid.x = it->second->centroid.x;
			newUserData.centroid.y = it->second->centroid.y;
			UserData newUserData;
			newUserData.isDataFound = false;
			newUserData.labelID = it->first;
			newUserData.centroid.x = it->second->centroid.x;
			newUserData.centroid.y = it->second->centroid.y;
	// Update preLabel
	preLabelMat = labelMat;

	// Find the highest point of each user area
	USHORT* headHeights = new USHORT[blobs.size()];
	Point2i* newHighestPositions = new Point2i[blobs.size()];
	int blobID = 0;
	for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); it++)
		headHeights[blobID] = 0;
		newHighestPositions[blobID].x = 0;
		newHighestPositions[blobID].y = 0;
		for (int y = it->second->miny; y <= it->second->maxy; y++)
			for (int x = it->second->minx; x <= it->second->maxx; x++)
				if (0 <= blobID && blobID < blobs.size())
					USHORT height = *heightMatrix.ptr<USHORT>(y, x);
					if (headHeights[blobID] < height && height < HEAD_HEIGHT_MAX)
						headHeights[blobID] = height;
						newHighestPositions[blobID].x = x;
						newHighestPositions[blobID].y = y;
		// Debug: Show the highest point of each users
		// circle(userAreaMat, Point(newHighestPositions[blobID].x, newHighestPositions[blobID].y), 5, Scalar(255, 0, 255), 3);

	// Define users' head positions
	Point2i* newHeadPositions = new Point2i[blobs.size()];
	INT* numHeadPoints = new INT[blobs.size()];
	blobID = 0;
	for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); ++it)
		// Set the highest position as a base point of searching
		userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x = newHighestPositions[blobID].x;
		userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y = newHighestPositions[blobID].y;
		userData[blobID].headInfo.height = headHeights[blobID];

		if (userData[blobID].isDataFound)
			// Check distance between 2d positions in current frame and in preframe
			float distance = sqrt(
				pow(userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x - preUserData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x, 2)
				+ pow(userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y - preUserData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y, 2)
			float distanceZ = abs(heightMatrix.at<float>(userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y, userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x) - preUserData[blobID].headInfo.height);
			//cout << distance << endl;
			// If the point is far from predata, just use pre-data	/ もし前回のフレームより大きく頭の位置がずれていたら前回の値を使う
			if (distance > 80.0f || distanceZ > 1000.0f)
				userData[blobID].headInfo.height = preUserData[blobID].headInfo.height;
				userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x = preUserData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x;
				userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y = preUserData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y;

		// Estimate exact head positions (Get average)
		numHeadPoints[blobID] = 0;
		newHeadPositions[blobID].x = 0;
		newHeadPositions[blobID].y = 0;
#if 1
		int offset_head = 40;	// ミーティングルーム用
		int offset_head = 100;  // 作業場用
		int minY = userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y - offset_head;  if (minY < 0) minY = 0;
		int maxY = userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.y + offset_head;  if (maxY > kinectBasics.heightDepth) maxY = kinectBasics.heightDepth;
		int minX = userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x - offset_head;  if (minX < 0) minX = 0;
		int maxX = userData[blobID].headInfo.depthPoint.x + offset_head;  if (maxX > kinectBasics.widthDepth) maxX = kinectBasics.widthDepth;
		for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++)
			for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
				USHORT height = *heightMatrix.ptr<USHORT>(y, x);
				//cout << it->first << ",  " << labelMat.at<unsigned long>(y, x) << endl;
				if ((userData[blobID].headInfo.height - HEAD_LENGTH) < height && height < HEAD_HEIGHT_MAX
					&& it->first == labelMat.at<unsigned long>(y, x)	// 同じblob内のみ探索
					newHeadPositions[blobID].x += x;
					newHeadPositions[blobID].y += y;

	// Make avarage pixel value of each head positions the head positions of users
	for (int i = 0; i < blobs.size(); i++)
		if (numHeadPoints[i] != 0)
			// Calculate head position in 2D pixel
			userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.x = newHeadPositions[i].x / numHeadPoints[i];
			userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.y = newHeadPositions[i].y / numHeadPoints[i];
			// 点が見つからなかった場合は最も高い点を頭にする
			userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.x = newHighestPositions[i].x;
			userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.y = newHighestPositions[i].y;
		// Calculate head position in 3D point
		float* headPosition = point3fMatrix.ptr<float>(userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.y, userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.x);
		userData[i].headInfo.cameraPoint.x = headPosition[0];
		userData[i].headInfo.cameraPoint.y = headPosition[1];
		userData[i].headInfo.cameraPoint.z = headPosition[2] + 0.2;

		// Debug: Show the head point
		circle(userAreaMat, Point(userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.x, userData[i].headInfo.depthPoint.y), 7, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3);
int main()
  CvTracks tracks;

  cvNamedWindow("red_object_tracking", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

  CvCapture *capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
  IplImage *img = cvRetrieveFrame(capture);

  CvSize imgSize = cvGetSize(img);

  IplImage *frame = cvCreateImage(imgSize, img->depth, img->nChannels);

  IplConvKernel* morphKernel = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 1, 1, CV_SHAPE_RECT, NULL);

  //unsigned int frameNumber = 0;
  unsigned int blobNumber = 0;

  bool quit = false;
  while (!quit&&cvGrabFrame(capture))
    IplImage *img = cvRetrieveFrame(capture);

    cvConvertScale(img, frame, 1, 0);

    IplImage *segmentated = cvCreateImage(imgSize, 8, 1);

    // Detecting red pixels:
    // (This is very slow, use direct access better...)
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<imgSize.height; j++)
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<imgSize.width; i++)
        CvScalar c = cvGet2D(frame, j, i);

        double b = ((double)c.val[0])/255.;
        double g = ((double)c.val[1])/255.;
        double r = ((double)c.val[2])/255.;
        unsigned char f = 255*((r>0.2+g)&&(r>0.2+b));

        cvSet2D(segmentated, j, i, CV_RGB(f, f, f));

    cvMorphologyEx(segmentated, segmentated, NULL, morphKernel, CV_MOP_OPEN, 1);

    //cvShowImage("segmentated", segmentated);

    IplImage *labelImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), IPL_DEPTH_LABEL, 1);

    CvBlobs blobs;
    unsigned int result = cvLabel(segmentated, labelImg, blobs);
    cvFilterByArea(blobs, 500, 1000000);
    cvRenderBlobs(labelImg, blobs, frame, frame, CV_BLOB_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX);
    cvUpdateTracks(blobs, tracks, 200., 5);
    cvRenderTracks(tracks, frame, frame, CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID|CV_TRACK_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX);

    cvShowImage("red_object_tracking", frame);

    /*std::stringstream filename;
    filename << "redobject_" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << frameNumber << ".png";
    cvSaveImage(filename.str().c_str(), frame);*/


    char k = cvWaitKey(10)&0xff;
    switch (k)
      case 27:
      case 'q':
      case 'Q':
        quit = true;
      case 's':
      case 'S':
        for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it=blobs.begin(); it!=blobs.end(); ++it)
          std::stringstream filename;
          filename << "redobject_blob_" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << blobNumber << ".png";
          cvSaveImageBlob(filename.str().c_str(), img, it->second);

          std::cout << filename.str() << " saved!" << std::endl;





  return 0;