OSG_BASE_DLLMAPPING void extend(CylinderVolume &srcVol, const CylinderVolume &vol) { Pnt3f min, max, min1, max1, min2, max2, apos; Vec2f p; Vec3f adir; Real32 r; if((!srcVol.isValid () && !srcVol.isEmpty()) || srcVol.isInfinite() || srcVol.isStatic () ) { return; } if(!vol.isValid()) return; if(srcVol.isEmpty()) { if(vol.isEmpty()) { return; } else { srcVol = vol; return; } } else if(vol.isEmpty()) { return; } srcVol.getBounds(min, max); vol .getBounds(min1, max1); min2 = Pnt3f(osgMin(min.x(), min1.x()), osgMin(min.y(), min1.y()), osgMin(min.z(), min1.z())); max2 = Pnt3f(osgMax(max.x(), max1.x()), osgMax(max.y(), max1.y()), osgMax(max.z(), max1.z())); p = Vec2f(max2.x() - min2.x(), max2.y() - min2.y()); r = (p.length()) * 0.5f; adir = Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, max2.z() - min2.z()); apos = Pnt3f(p.x(), p.y(), min2.z()); srcVol.setValue(apos, adir, r); return; }
OSG_BASE_DLLMAPPING void extend(BoxVolume &srcVol, const CylinderVolume &vol) { Pnt3f min, max; if((!srcVol.isValid () && !srcVol.isEmpty()) || srcVol.isInfinite() || srcVol.isStatic () ) { return; } if(!vol.isValid()) return; if(srcVol.isEmpty()) { if(vol.isEmpty()) { return; } else { vol .getBounds(min, max); srcVol.setBounds(min, max); return; } } else if(vol.isEmpty()) { return; } vol.getBounds(min, max); srcVol.setBounds(osgMin(min.x(), srcVol.getMin().x()), osgMin(min.y(), srcVol.getMin().y()), osgMin(min.z(), srcVol.getMin().z()), osgMax(max.x(), srcVol.getMax().x()), osgMax(max.y(), srcVol.getMax().y()), osgMax(max.z(), srcVol.getMax().z())); if(vol.isInfinite()) srcVol.setInfinite(true); return; }
OSG_BASE_DLLMAPPING bool intersect(const SphereVolume &sphere, const CylinderVolume &cylinder) { bool retCode; Pnt3f apos; Vec3f adir; cylinder.getAxis(apos, adir); if(sphere.isEmpty() || cylinder.isEmpty()) { retCode = false; } else if(sphere.isInfinite() || cylinder.isInfinite()) { retCode = true; } else { Real32 d = 0.f, s1 = 0.f, s2 = 0.f; Pnt3f c; Vec3f u, u1, u2; //get the distance between the upper and lower point of the cylinder // and the sphere center s1 = (apos - sphere.getCenter()).length(); s2 = (apos + adir - sphere.getCenter()).length(); if ((s1<=DBL_EPSILON) || (s2<=DBL_EPSILON)) return true; //check the smallest distance and set the vector coordinate if(s1 <= s2) { d = s1; c = apos; } else { d = s2; c = apos + adir; } // decompose the vector in u1 and u2 which are parallel and // perpendicular to the cylinder axis respectively u = ((d - sphere.getRadius()) / d) * (c - sphere.getCenter()); u1 = (u[0] * adir[0] + u[1] * adir[1] + u[2] * adir[2]) / (adir.length() * adir.length()) * adir; u2 = u - u1; if(u2.length() <= 10e-6) { retCode = (d <= sphere.getRadius()); } else { retCode = (u2.length() <= cylinder.getRadius()); } } return retCode; }
OSG_BASE_DLLMAPPING bool intersect(const BoxVolume &box, const CylinderVolume &cylinder) { bool retCode; Pnt3f apos; Vec3f adir; cylinder.getAxis(apos, adir); if(box.isEmpty() == true || cylinder.isEmpty() == true) { retCode = false; } else if(box.isInfinite() == true || cylinder.isInfinite() == true) { retCode = true; } else { Real32 s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0, s4 = 0, d = 0, d1 = 0, d2 = 0; Pnt3f c, p, p1, p2; Vec3f u, u1, u2; // find the distance between the min and the max of the box //with the lower point and the upper point of the cylinder respectively s1 = (apos - box.getMin()).length(); s2 = (apos - box.getMax()).length(); s3 = (apos + adir - box.getMin()).length(); s4 = (apos + adir - box.getMax()).length(); //Check the minimum of the above distances if(s1 <= s2) { d1 = s1; p1 = box.getMin(); } else { d1 = s2; p1 = box.getMax(); } if(s3 <= s4) { d2 = s3; p2 = box.getMin(); } else { d2 = s4; p2 = box.getMax(); } //set the value of the vector corresponding to the shortest distance if(d1 <= d2) { d = d1; c = apos; p = p1; } else { d = d2; c = apos + adir; p = p2; } // decompose the vector in u1 and u2 which are parallel and // perpendicular to the cylinder axis respectively u = p - c; u1 = (u[0] * adir[0] + u[1] * adir[1] + u[2] * adir[2]) / (adir.length() * adir.length()) * adir; u2 = u - u1; if(u1.length() <= 10e-6) { retCode = true; } else if(u2.length() <= 10e-6) { retCode = (d <= 10e-6); } else { retCode = (u2.length() <= cylinder.getRadius()); } } return retCode; }