Example #1
void DBGridOperationAbs(DBObjData *grdData) {
    DBInt layerID;
    DBFloat value;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBObjRecord *layerRec;
    DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);

    for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
        if ((layerRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) != DBObjectFlagIdle) break;
    if (layerID == gridIF->LayerNum()) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "No Layer to Process in %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
        if ((layerRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;

        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++) {
            if (DBPause((layerID * gridIF->RowNum() + pos.Row) * 100 / (gridIF->LayerNum() * gridIF->RowNum())))
                goto Stop;
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++)
                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, &value)) gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, fabs(value));
Example #2
    void ComputeTask(DBObjRecord *record, size_t taskId) {
        size_t i;
        DBPosition pos;
        DBCoordinate coord;

        pos.Row = taskId / GridIF->ColNum();
        pos.Col = taskId % GridIF->ColNum();

        GridIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
        for (i = 0; i < VarNum; ++i) GrdVar[i]->GetVariable(record, coord);
        for (i = 0; i < ExpNum; ++i) Expressions[i]->Evaluate(record);
        GridIF->Value(LayerRec, pos, Operand->Float(record));
Example #3
void DBGridOperation(DBObjData *grdData, DBFloat constant, DBInt oper) {
    DBInt layerID;
    DBFloat value;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBObjRecord *layerRec;
    DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);

    for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
        if ((layerRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) != DBObjectFlagIdle) break;
    if (layerID == gridIF->LayerNum()) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "No Layer to Process in %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
        if ((layerRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;

        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++) {
            if (DBPause((layerID * gridIF->RowNum() + pos.Row) * 100 / (gridIF->LayerNum() * gridIF->RowNum())))
                goto Stop;
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++) {
                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, &value))
                    switch (oper) {
                        case DBMathOperatorAdd:
                            gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, value + constant);
                        case DBMathOperatorSub:
                            gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, value - constant);
                        case DBMathOperatorMul:
                            gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, value * constant);
                        case DBMathOperatorDiv:
                            gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, value / constant);
Example #4
void DBObjData::RecalcExtent() {
    DBRegion extent;

    switch (Type()) {
        case DBTypeVectorPoint:
        case DBTypeVectorLine:
        case DBTypeVectorPolygon: {
            DBVectorIF *vectorIF = new DBVectorIF(this);
            DBInt recordID;
            for (recordID = 0; recordID < vectorIF->ItemNum(); ++recordID)
            delete vectorIF;
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
        case DBTypeGridContinuous: {
            DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(this);
            extent.LowerLeft = Extent().LowerLeft;
            extent.UpperRight.X = extent.LowerLeft.X + gridIF->ColNum() * gridIF->CellWidth();
            extent.UpperRight.Y = extent.LowerLeft.Y + gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->CellHeight();
            delete gridIF;
        case DBTypeNetwork: {
            DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(this);
            extent.LowerLeft = Extent().LowerLeft;
            extent.UpperRight.X = extent.LowerLeft.X + netIF->ColNum() * netIF->CellWidth();
            extent.UpperRight.Y = extent.LowerLeft.Y + netIF->RowNum() * netIF->CellHeight();
            delete netIF;
        case DBTypeTable:
Example #5
int _CMDnetErosion(DBObjData *netData, DBObjData *inData, DBObjData *weightData,
                   DBObjData *outData, DBFloat coeff, DBInt areaMult) {
    DBInt ret = DBSuccess, layerID, cellID, progress, maxProgress;
    DBFloat inValue, weight, outValue, *sumWeights;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(netData);
    DBGridIF *inIF = new DBGridIF(inData);
    DBGridIF *outIF = new DBGridIF(outData);
    DBGridIF *weightIF = weightData != (DBObjData *) NULL ? new DBGridIF(weightData) : (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBObjRecord *inLayerRec, *outLayerRec, *weightLayerRec, *cellRec, *toCell;

    if ((sumWeights = (DBFloat *) calloc(netIF->CellNum(), sizeof(DBFloat))) == (DBFloat *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        ret = DBFault;
        goto Stop;

    layerID = 0;
    inLayerRec = inIF->Layer(layerID);

    outLayerRec = outIF->Layer(layerID);
    outIF->RenameLayer(outLayerRec, inLayerRec->Name());
    outValue = outIF->MissingValue(outLayerRec);
    for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < outIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++)
        for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < outIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++) outIF->Value(outLayerRec, pos, outValue);

    for (layerID = 1; layerID < inIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        inLayerRec = inIF->Layer(layerID);
        if ((outLayerRec = outIF->AddLayer(inLayerRec->Name())) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) {
            ret = DBFault;
            goto Stop;
        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < outIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++)
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < outIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++) outIF->Value(outLayerRec, pos, outValue);
    maxProgress = inIF->LayerNum() * netIF->CellNum();
    for (layerID = 0; layerID < inIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        inLayerRec = inIF->Layer(layerID);
        outLayerRec = outIF->Layer(layerID);
        if (weightIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
            weightLayerRec = weightIF->Layer(layerID % weightIF->LayerNum());
        for (cellID = 0; cellID < netIF->CellNum(); cellID++) {
            sumWeights[cellID] = 0.0;
            cellRec = netIF->Cell(cellID);
            if (inIF->Value(inLayerRec, netIF->Center(cellRec), &inValue) == false)
                outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), 0.0);
            else {
                if (weightIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
                    weight = weightIF->Value(weightLayerRec, netIF->Center(cellRec), &weight) == false ?
                             0.0 : weight * coeff;
                else weight = coeff;
                if (areaMult) weight = weight * netIF->CellArea(cellRec);
                sumWeights[cellID] = weight;
                outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), inValue * weight);

        for (cellID = netIF->CellNum() - 1; cellID >= 0; --cellID) {
            progress = layerID * netIF->CellNum() + (netIF->CellNum() - cellID);
            if (DBPause(progress * 100 / maxProgress)) goto Stop;
            cellRec = netIF->Cell(cellID);
            if ((toCell = netIF->ToCell(cellRec)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
            if (outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), &inValue) == false) continue;
            if (outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(toCell), &outValue) == false) continue;

            sumWeights[toCell->RowID()] = sumWeights[toCell->RowID()] + weight;
            outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(toCell), outValue + inValue);

    delete netIF;
    delete inIF;
    delete outIF;
    if (weightIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) delete weightIF;
    return (ret);
Example #6
DBInt DBPointToGrid(DBObjData *pntData, DBObjData *grdData, DBFloat factor) {
    DBInt startID, pnt0ID, pntID, id, itemNum;
    double dist, minDist, box, box0, bWidth, bHeight;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBCoordinate gCoord, *pCoord;
    DBObjRecord *grdRec, *pntRec, *symRec;
    DBObjTable *itemTable, *symTable;
    DBObjTableField *valField, *symField;
    DBVPointIF *pntIF;
    DBGridIF *gridIF;
    DBMathDistanceFunction distFunc = DBMathGetDistanceFunction(pntData);

    if (distFunc != DBMathGetDistanceFunction(grdData)) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Incompatible projections in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return (DBFault);

    pntIF = new DBVPointIF(pntData);
    itemNum = pntIF->ItemNum();
    if ((pCoord = (DBCoordinate *) calloc(itemNum, sizeof(DBCoordinate))) == (DBCoordinate *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation Error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return (DBFault);

    gridIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);
    for (pntID = 0; pntID < itemNum; ++pntID) pCoord[pntID] = pntIF->Coordinate(pntIF->Item(pntID));

    if (grdData->Type() == DBTypeGridContinuous)
        gridIF->RenameLayer(gridIF->Layer((DBInt) 0), (char *) "Distance to Station");
    else {
        gridIF->RenameLayer(gridIF->Layer((DBInt) 0), (char *) "Station grid");
        itemTable = grdData->Table(DBrNItems);
        symTable = grdData->Table(DBrNSymbols);
        valField = itemTable->Field(DBrNGridValue);
        symField = itemTable->Field(DBrNSymbol);
        if ((symRec = symTable->Item(0)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Total Metal Gebasz in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        for (pntID = 0; pntID < itemNum; ++pntID) {
            pntRec = pntIF->Item(pntID);
            grdRec = itemTable->Add(pntRec->Name());
            valField->Int(grdRec, pntID + 1);
            symField->Record(grdRec, symRec);

    startID = 0;
    for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row) {
        DBPause(pos.Row * 100 / gridIF->RowNum());
        for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
            gridIF->Pos2Coord(pos, gCoord);
            minDist = box0 = DBHugeVal;
            pnt0ID = pntID = startID;
            id = DBFault;
            do {
                bWidth = fabs(gCoord.X - pCoord[pntID].X);
                bHeight = fabs(gCoord.Y - pCoord[pntID].Y);
                box = bWidth > bHeight ? bWidth : bHeight;
                if ((box < box0) && ((dist = DBMathCoordinateDistance(distFunc, gCoord, pCoord[pntID])) < minDist)) {
                    minDist = dist;
                    id = startID = pntID;
                    box *= factor;
                    if (box0 > box) box0 = box;
                pntID = pntID + 1 < itemNum ? pntID + 1 : 0;
            } while (pntID != pnt0ID);
            if (grdData->Type() == DBTypeGridContinuous) gridIF->Value(pos, minDist); else gridIF->Value(pos, id);
    if (grdData->Type() == DBTypeGridContinuous) gridIF->RecalcStats(); else gridIF->DiscreteStats();
    delete gridIF;
    return (DBSuccess);
Example #7
DBInt DBPointToGrid(DBObjData *pntData, DBObjData *netData, DBObjData *grdData) {
    DBInt i;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBObjTable *pntTable = pntData->Table(DBrNItems);
    DBObjTable *grdTable = grdData->Table(DBrNItems);
    DBObjTable *symTable = grdData->Table(DBrNSymbols);
    DBObjectLIST<DBObjTableField> *pntFields = pntTable->Fields();
    DBObjTableField *pntFLD;
    DBObjTableField *grdAttribFLD;
    DBObjTableField *grdFLD = grdTable->Field(DBrNGridValue);
    DBObjTableField *symFLD = grdTable->Field(DBrNSymbol);
    DBObjRecord *cellRec, *toCell, *pntRec, *itemRec;
    DBObjRecord *symRec = symTable->First();
    DBVPointIF *pntIF;
    DBNetworkIF *netIF;
    DBGridIF *grdIF;

    pntIF = new DBVPointIF(pntData);
    netIF = new DBNetworkIF(netData);
    grdIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);

    grdIF->RenameLayer(grdIF->Layer((DBInt) 0), (char *) "Subbasins");

    for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < grdIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
        for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < grdIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) grdIF->Value(pos, DBFault);

    for (pntFLD = pntFields->First(); pntFLD != (DBObjTableField *) NULL; pntFLD = pntFields->Next())
        if (DBTableFieldIsVisible(pntFLD)) grdTable->AddField(new DBObjTableField(*pntFLD));

    for (i = 0; i < pntIF->ItemNum(); ++i) {
        DBPause(i * 100 / pntIF->ItemNum());
        pntRec = pntIF->Item(i);
        if ((pntRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;
        if ((cellRec = netIF->Cell(pntIF->Coordinate(pntRec))) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;

        itemRec = grdTable->Add(pntRec->Name());
        grdFLD->Int(itemRec, pntRec->RowID() + 1);
        symFLD->Record(itemRec, symRec);

        for (pntFLD = pntFields->First(); pntFLD != (DBObjTableField *) NULL; pntFLD = pntFields->Next())
            if ((grdAttribFLD = grdTable->Field(pntFLD->Name())) != (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
                switch (pntFLD->Type()) {
                    case DBTableFieldString:
                        grdAttribFLD->String(itemRec, pntFLD->String(pntRec));
                    case DBTableFieldInt:
                        grdAttribFLD->Int(itemRec, pntFLD->Int(pntRec));
                    case DBTableFieldFloat:
                        grdAttribFLD->Float(itemRec, pntFLD->Float(pntRec));
                    case DBTableFieldDate:
                        grdAttribFLD->Date(itemRec, pntFLD->Date(pntRec));
        grdIF->Value(netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), itemRec->RowID());

    for (i = 0; i < netIF->CellNum(); ++i) {
        if ((cellRec = netIF->Cell(i)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
        if ((itemRec = grdIF->GridItem(netIF->CellPosition(cellRec))) != (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
        if ((toCell = netIF->ToCell(cellRec)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
        if ((itemRec = grdIF->GridItem(netIF->CellPosition(toCell))) != (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
            grdIF->Value(netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), itemRec->RowID());
    delete pntIF;
    delete netIF;
    delete grdIF;
    return (DBSuccess);
Example #8
DBInt RGPDrawGridContinuous (DBInt mode, DBInt *entryNum, DBObjData *grdData)

	DBInt r, g, b;
	DBInt ret, shadeNum, colorNum, scaleMode = 0;
	DBPosition pos;
	char charBuffer [RGPBufferSIZE], errorMsg [RGPBufferSIZE];
	const char *colorMaps [] = { "default", "grey", "blue", "red", "blue-red", "elevation", "custom", NULL };
	char colorMap;
	const char *scaleModes [] = { "linear", "logarithmic", "square-root", NULL };
	RGPColorMapEntry *customColors;
	DBFloat value;
	float *array, translation [6], min, max, unit = 1.0;
	DBRegion extent = grdData->Extent ();
	DBObjRecord *layerRec;
	DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF (grdData);

	do {
		RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Grid Layer:");
		if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		if ((strlen (charBuffer) > 0) && (charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] == '\n'))
			charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] = '\0';
		if ((layerRec = gridIF->Layer (charBuffer)) != NULL) break;
		sprintf (errorMsg,"Invalid grid layer [%s]",charBuffer);
		if (RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,errorMsg)) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop;}
 		} while (true);

	do	{
		RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Colormap [default|grey|blue|red-blue|elevation|custom]:");
		if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		if ((strlen (charBuffer) > 0) && (charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] == '\n'))
			charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] = '\0';
		if ((colorMap = CMoptLookup (colorMaps,charBuffer,true)) != DBFault) break;
		sprintf (errorMsg,"Invalid colormap [%s]",charBuffer);
		if (RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,errorMsg)) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		} while (true);
	switch (colorMap)
		case 0:
			switch (grdData->Flags () & DBDataFlagDispModeFlags)
				case DBDataFlagDispModeContStandard:
				case DBDataFlagDispModeContGreyScale:
					shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPGreyColors,		RGPColorNum (_RGPGreyColors));		break;
				case DBDataFlagDispModeContBlueScale:
					shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap	(_RGPBlueColors,		RGPColorNum (_RGPBlueColors));		break;
				case DBDataFlagDispModeContBlueRed:
					shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPBlueRedColors,	RGPColorNum (_RGPBlueRedColors));	break;
				case DBDataFlagDispModeContElevation:
					shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPElevationColors,	RGPColorNum (_RGPElevationColors));	break;
		case 1:	shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPGreyColors,		RGPColorNum (_RGPGreyColors));		break;
		case 2:	shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPBlueColors,		RGPColorNum (_RGPBlueColors));		break;
		case 3:	shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPRedColors,			RGPColorNum (_RGPRedColors));			break;
		case 4:	shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPBlueRedColors,	RGPColorNum (_RGPBlueRedColors));	break;
		case 5:	shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (_RGPElevationColors,	RGPColorNum (_RGPElevationColors));	break;
		case 6:
			colorNum = 0;
			if ((customColors = (RGPColorMapEntry *) calloc (1,sizeof (RGPColorMapEntry))) == (RGPColorMapEntry *) NULL)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); delete gridIF; return (DBFault); }
			do	{
				RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Background Shade [red,green,blue]:");
				if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
				if (sscanf (charBuffer,"%d,%d,%d",&r,&g,&b) == 3)
					customColors [colorNum].Red = r;
					customColors [colorNum].Green = g;
					customColors [colorNum].Blue = b;
				else	if (RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,"Background Color Entry Error")) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
				} while (true);
			do	{
				RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Color Shade [red,green,blue]:");
				if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
				if (sscanf (charBuffer,"%d,%d,%d",&r,&g,&b) == 3)
					if ((customColors = (RGPColorMapEntry *) realloc (customColors,(colorNum + 1) * sizeof (RGPColorMapEntry))) == (RGPColorMapEntry *) NULL)
						{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); delete gridIF; return (DBFault); }
					customColors [colorNum].Red = r;
					customColors [colorNum].Green = g;
					customColors [colorNum].Blue = b;
					if (colorNum < 3)
						{ if (RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,"Color Shade Entry Error")) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }}
					else	break;
				} while (true);
			shadeNum = RGPSetColorMap (customColors,colorNum);
			free (customColors);
	if (shadeNum == DBFault)	{ RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,"Colormap Initialization Error") ; ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
	do	{
		RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Scale mode [linear|logarithmic]:");
		if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		if ((strlen (charBuffer) > 0) && (charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] == '\n'))
			charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] = '\0';
		if ((scaleMode = CMoptLookup (scaleModes,charBuffer,true)) != DBFault) break;
		sprintf (errorMsg,"Invalid scale mode [%s]",charBuffer);
		if (RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,errorMsg)) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		} while (true);
	do	{
		RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Value range [minimum,maximum]:");
		if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		if (sscanf (charBuffer,"%f,%f",&min,&max) == 2)	break;
		else	if (RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,"Value range input error")) { ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
		} while (true);
	if ((array = (float *) calloc (gridIF->RowNum () * gridIF->ColNum (),sizeof (float))) == (float *) NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
	for (pos.Row = 0;pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum ();++pos.Row)
		for (pos.Col = 0;pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum ();++pos.Col)
			if (gridIF->Value (layerRec,pos,&value))
					value = value > min ? value : min;
					value = value < max ? value : max;
					switch (scaleMode)
						case 0:	array [pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum () + pos.Col] = value; break;
						case 1:	array [pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum () + pos.Col] = log10 (value); break;
						case 2:	array [pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum () + pos.Col] = sqrt (value); break;
			else 	array [pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum () + pos.Col] = min - (max - min) / (float) shadeNum;

	translation [0] = extent.LowerLeft.X - gridIF->CellWidth () / 2.0;
	translation [1] = gridIF->CellWidth ();
	translation [2] = 0.0;
	translation [3] = extent.LowerLeft.Y - gridIF->CellHeight () / 2.0;
	translation [4] = 0.0;
	translation [5] = gridIF->CellHeight ();
	RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Unit:");
	if ((fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL) || (sscanf (charBuffer,"%f",&unit) != 1))
		{ RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,"Unit input error"), ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }

	RGPPrintMessage (mode,entryNum,"Unit label:");
	if (fgets (charBuffer,sizeof (charBuffer) - 2,stdin) == (char *) NULL)
		{ RGPPrintError (mode,*entryNum,"Unit label input error"); ret = DBFault; goto Stop; }
	if ((strlen (charBuffer) > 0) && (charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] == '\n'))
			charBuffer [strlen (charBuffer) - 1] = '\0';

/*	cpgsitf (scaleMode); */
	switch (scaleMode)
		case 0:
			min = min - (max - min) / (float) shadeNum;
			max = max + (max - min) / (float) shadeNum;
			cpgwedg ("BI",0.0,5.0,min * unit,max * unit,charBuffer);
			cpgimag (array,pos.Col,pos.Row,1,pos.Col,1,pos.Row,min,max,translation);
		case 1:
			cpgwedg ("BI",0.0,5.0,log10 (min * unit),log10 (max * unit),charBuffer);
			cpgimag (array,pos.Col,pos.Row,1,pos.Col,1,pos.Row,log10 (min),log10 (max),translation);
		case 2:
			cpgwedg ("BI",0.0,5.0,sqrt (min * unit),sqrt (max * unit),charBuffer);
			cpgimag (array,pos.Col,pos.Row,1,pos.Col,1,pos.Row,sqrt (min),sqrt (max),translation);

	delete gridIF;
	return (ret);
Example #9
void DBGridOperation(DBObjData *leftGrd, DBObjData *rightGrd, DBInt oper, DBInt mergeMissingVal) {
    DBInt leftID, rightID;
    DBFloat leftVal, rightVal;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBCoordinate coord;
    DBObjRecord *leftRec, *rightRec;
    DBGridIF *leftIF = new DBGridIF(leftGrd);
    DBGridIF *rightIF = new DBGridIF(rightGrd);

    for (leftID = 0; leftID < leftIF->LayerNum(); ++leftID) {
        leftRec = leftIF->Layer(leftID);
        if ((leftRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) != DBObjectFlagIdle) break;
    if (leftID == leftIF->LayerNum()) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "No Layer to Process in %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    for (rightID = 0; rightID < rightIF->LayerNum(); ++rightID) {
        rightRec = rightIF->Layer(rightID);
        if ((rightRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) != DBObjectFlagIdle) break;
    if (rightID == rightIF->LayerNum()) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "No Layer to Process in %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    rightID = (DBInt) 0;
    for (leftID = 0; leftID < leftIF->LayerNum(); ++leftID) {
        leftRec = leftIF->Layer(leftID);
        while ((leftRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) {
            if (leftID == leftIF->LayerNum()) goto Stop;
            leftRec = leftIF->Layer(leftID);
        if ((rightRec = rightIF->Layer(rightID)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) {
            rightID = 0;
            rightRec = rightIF->Layer(rightID);
        while ((rightRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) {
            if (rightID == rightIF->LayerNum()) rightID = 0;
            rightRec = rightIF->Layer(rightID);

        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < leftIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++) {
            if (DBPause((leftID * leftIF->RowNum() + pos.Row) * 100 / (leftIF->LayerNum() * leftIF->RowNum())))
                goto Stop;
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < leftIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++) {
                leftIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                if (leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, &leftVal)) {
                    if (rightIF->Value(rightRec, coord, &rightVal))
                        switch (oper) {
                            case DBMathOperatorAdd:
                                leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, leftVal + rightVal);
                            case DBMathOperatorSub:
                                leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, leftVal - rightVal);
                            case DBMathOperatorMul:
                                leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, leftVal * rightVal);
                            case DBMathOperatorDiv:
                                if (fabs(rightVal) > 0.000001) leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, leftVal / rightVal);
                                else leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, leftIF->MissingValue());
                    else if (mergeMissingVal) leftIF->Value(leftRec, pos, leftIF->MissingValue());
Example #10
DBInt RGlibDataStream2RGIS(DBObjData *outData, DBObjData *tmplData, FILE *inFile) {
    DBInt layerID = 0, itemSize;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBFloat val;
    void *data = (void *) NULL;
    MFVarHeader_t header;
    DBObjRecord *record;

    switch (tmplData->Type()) {
        case DBTypeVectorPoint: {
            DBInt itemID;
            DBDate date;
            DBObjTable *itemTable = outData->Table(DBrNItems);
            DBObjTableField *idField = new DBObjTableField("ItemID", DBTableFieldInt, "%6d", sizeof(DBInt), false);
            DBObjTableField *dateField = new DBObjTableField("Date", DBTableFieldDate, "%s", sizeof(DBDate), false);
            DBObjTableField *valField;
            DBVPointIF *pntIF = new DBVPointIF(tmplData);


            while (MFVarReadHeader(&header, inFile)) {
                if (header.ItemNum != pntIF->ItemNum()) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Error: Datastream inconsistency %d %d!", header.ItemNum,
                    return (DBFault);
                if (data == (void *) NULL) {
                    itemSize = MFVarItemSize(header.DataType);
                    if ((data = (void *) realloc(data, header.ItemNum * itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        return (DBFault);
                    switch (header.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldInt, "%2d", sizeof(char), false);
                        case MFShort:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldInt, "%4d", sizeof(DBShort), false);
                        case MFInt:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldInt, "%8d", sizeof(DBInt), false);
                        case MFFloat:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldFloat, "%8.2f", sizeof(DBFloat4),
                        case MFDouble:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldFloat, "%8.2f", sizeof(DBFloat), false);
                if ((int) fread(data, itemSize, header.ItemNum, inFile) != header.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Data stream read in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    return (DBFault);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < header.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    record = itemTable->Add(header.Date);
                    idField->Int(record, itemID);
                    dateField->Date(record, date);
/*					decDateField->Float (record,date);
*/                    switch (header.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            valField->Int(record, ((char *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFShort:
                            valField->Int(record, ((short *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFInt:
                            valField->Int(record, ((int *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFFloat:
                            valField->Float(record, ((float *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFDouble:
                            valField->Float(record, ((double *) data)[itemID]);
            delete pntIF;
        case DBTypeGridContinuous:
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete: {
            DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(outData);

            while (MFVarReadHeader(&header, inFile)) {
                if (header.ItemNum != gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->ColNum()) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Error: Datastream inconsistency!");
                    return (DBFault);
                if (layerID == 0) {
                    itemSize = MFVarItemSize(header.DataType);
                    if ((data = (void *) realloc(data, header.ItemNum * itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        return (DBFault);
                    record = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                else record = gridIF->AddLayer(header.Date);

                switch (header.DataType) {
                    case MFByte:
                    case MFShort:
                    case MFInt:
                        gridIF->MissingValue(record, header.Missing.Int);
                    case MFFloat:
                    case MFDouble:
                        gridIF->MissingValue(record, header.Missing.Float);
                if ((int) fread(data, itemSize, header.ItemNum, inFile) != header.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Data stream read in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    return (DBFault);

                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        switch (header.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((char *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFShort:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((short *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFInt:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((int *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFFloat:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((float *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFDouble:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((double *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                        gridIF->Value(record, pos, val);
        case DBTypeNetwork: {
            DBInt cellID;
            DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(outData);
            DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(tmplData);

            while (MFVarReadHeader(&header, inFile)) {
                if (header.ItemNum != netIF->CellNum()) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Error: Datastream inconsistency!");
                    return (DBFault);
                if (layerID == 0) {
                    itemSize = MFVarItemSize(header.DataType);
                    if ((data = (void *) realloc(data, header.ItemNum * itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        return (DBFault);
                    record = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                else record = gridIF->AddLayer(header.Date);
                if ((int) fread(data, itemSize, header.ItemNum, inFile) != header.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Data stream read in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    delete netIF;
                    return (DBFault);

                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col)
                        gridIF->Value(record, pos, gridIF->MissingValue());

                for (cellID = 0; cellID < netIF->CellNum(); ++cellID) {
                    pos = netIF->CellPosition(netIF->Cell(cellID));

                    switch (header.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((char *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFShort:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((short *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFInt:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((int *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFFloat:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((float *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFDouble:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((double *) data)[cellID]);
                    gridIF->Value(record, pos, val);
    return (DBSuccess);
Example #11
DBInt RGlibRGIS2DataStream(DBObjData *grdData, DBObjData *tmplData, char *fieldName, FILE *outFile) {
    DBInt layerID, ret = DBSuccess, itemSize, itemID;
    DBInt intValue;
    DBFloat floatValue;
    void *data;
    MFVarHeader_t varHeader;
    DBObjRecord *layerRec, *gridRec;
    DBObjTableField *fieldPTR = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *gridIF;
    DBVPointIF *tmplPntIF = (DBVPointIF *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *tmplGrdIF = (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBNetworkIF *tmplNetIF = (DBNetworkIF *) NULL;

    gridIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);

    varHeader.Swap = 1;
    if (grdData->Type() == DBTypeGridDiscrete) {
        DBObjTable *itemTable = grdData->Table(DBrNItems);

        if (fieldName == (char *) NULL) fieldName = DBrNGridValue;
        if ((fieldPTR = itemTable->Field(fieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Error: Invalid field [%s] in: %s %d", fieldName, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return (DBFault);
        itemSize = fieldPTR->Length();
        switch (fieldPTR->Type()) {
            case DBTableFieldInt:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case sizeof(DBByte):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFByte;
                    case sizeof(DBShort):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFShort;
                    case sizeof(DBInt):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFInt;
                varHeader.Missing.Int = fieldPTR->IntNoData();
            case DBTableFieldFloat:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case sizeof(DBFloat4):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFFloat;
                    case sizeof(DBFloat):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFDouble;
                varHeader.Missing.Float = fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
    else {
        if (fieldName != (char *) NULL) CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Warning: Fieldname ignored for continuous grid!");
        itemSize = gridIF->ValueSize();
        switch (gridIF->ValueType()) {
            case DBVariableInt:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case 1:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFByte;
                    case 2:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFShort;
                    case 4:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFInt;
                varHeader.Missing.Int = (int) gridIF->MissingValue();
            case DBVariableFloat:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case 4:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFFloat;
                    case 8:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFDouble;
                varHeader.Missing.Float = gridIF->MissingValue();

    if (tmplData == (DBObjData *) NULL) {
        tmplGrdIF = gridIF;
        varHeader.ItemNum = gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->ColNum();
    else {
        switch (tmplData->Type()) {
            case DBTypeVectorPoint:
                tmplPntIF = new DBVPointIF(tmplData);
                varHeader.ItemNum = tmplPntIF->ItemNum();
            case DBTypeGridContinuous:
            case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
                tmplGrdIF = new DBGridIF(tmplData);
                varHeader.ItemNum = gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->ColNum();
            case DBTypeNetwork:
                tmplNetIF = new DBNetworkIF(tmplData);
                varHeader.ItemNum = tmplNetIF->CellNum();
                delete gridIF;
                return (DBFault);
    if ((data = (void *) calloc(varHeader.ItemNum, itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error! Allocating %d items of %d size in: %s %d", varHeader.ItemNum, itemSize,
                   __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return (DBFault);

*                                                             *
* Point template                                              *
*                                                             *

    if (tmplPntIF != (DBVPointIF *) NULL) {
        DBObjRecord *pntRec;

        if (fieldPTR == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    pntRec = tmplPntIF->Item(itemID);
                    if ((varHeader.DataType == MFByte) || (varHeader.DataType == MFShort) ||
                        (varHeader.DataType == MFInt)) {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplPntIF->Coordinate(pntRec), &intValue) == false)
                            intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                ((char *) data)[itemID] = (char) intValue;
                            case MFShort:
                                ((short *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                            case MFInt:
                                ((int *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                    else {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplPntIF->Coordinate(pntRec), &floatValue) == false)
                            floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFFloat:
                                ((float *) data)[itemID] = (float) floatValue;
                            case MFDouble:
                                ((double *) data)[itemID] = (double) floatValue;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        else {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    pntRec = tmplPntIF->Item(itemID);
                    gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, tmplPntIF->Coordinate(pntRec));
                    switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            ((char *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFShort:
                            ((short *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFInt:
                            ((int *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFFloat:
                            ((float *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                        case MFDouble:
                            ((double *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        delete tmplPntIF;

*                                                             *
* Grid Template (default when no template coverage is given.  *
*                                                             *
    else if (tmplGrdIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) {
        DBPosition pos;
        DBCoordinate coord;

        if (fieldPTR == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < tmplGrdIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < tmplGrdIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        itemID = pos.Row * tmplGrdIF->ColNum() + pos.Col;
                        if ((varHeader.DataType == MFByte) || (varHeader.DataType == MFShort) ||
                            (varHeader.DataType == MFInt)) {
                            if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) {
                                tmplGrdIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, coord, &intValue) == false)
                                    intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                            else {
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, &intValue) == false) intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                            switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                                case MFByte:
                                    ((char *) data)[itemID] = (char) intValue;
                                case MFShort:
                                    ((short *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                                case MFInt:
                                    ((int *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                        else {
                            if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) {
                                tmplGrdIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, coord, &floatValue) == false)
                                    floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                            else {
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, &floatValue) == false)
                                    floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                            switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                                case MFFloat:
                                    ((float *) data)[itemID] = (float) floatValue;
                                case MFDouble:
                                    ((double *) data)[itemID] = (double) floatValue;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        else {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < tmplGrdIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < tmplGrdIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        itemID = pos.Row * tmplGrdIF->ColNum() + pos.Col;
                        if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) {
                            tmplGrdIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                            gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, coord);
                        else gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, pos);
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                ((char *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                          : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                            case MFShort:
                                ((short *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                           : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                            case MFInt:
                                ((int *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                         : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                            case MFFloat:
                                ((float *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                           : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                            case MFDouble:
                                ((double *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                            : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) delete tmplGrdIF;

*                                                             *
* Network Template                                            *
*                                                             *
    else if (tmplNetIF != (DBNetworkIF *) NULL) {
        DBObjRecord *cellRec;

        if (fieldPTR == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    cellRec = tmplNetIF->Cell(itemID);
                    if ((varHeader.DataType == MFByte) || (varHeader.DataType == MFShort) ||
                        (varHeader.DataType == MFInt)) {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplNetIF->Center(cellRec), &intValue) == false)
                            intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                ((char *) data)[itemID] = (char) intValue;
                            case MFShort:
                                ((short *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                            case MFInt:
                                ((int *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                    else {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplNetIF->Center(cellRec), &floatValue) == false)
                            floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFFloat:
                                ((float *) data)[itemID] = (float) floatValue;
                            case MFDouble:
                                ((double *) data)[itemID] = (double) floatValue;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        else {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    cellRec = tmplNetIF->Cell(itemID);
                    gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, tmplNetIF->Center(cellRec));
                    switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            ((char *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFShort:
                            ((short *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFInt:
                            ((int *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFFloat:
                            ((float *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Float(gridRec)
                                                                                       : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                        case MFDouble:
                            ((double *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Float(gridRec)
                                                                                        : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        delete tmplNetIF;

    delete gridIF;
    return (ret);
Example #12
		DBInt Write (FILE *file,DBObjData *data)
			char *dmRecord;
			DBInt layerID, docLen, dbType, intVal;
			DBFloat floatVal;
			DBPosition pos;
			DBObjRecord *layerRec;
			DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF (data);
			DMLayerHeader dmLayerHeader;

			dbType = gridIF->ValueType ();
			switch (dbType)
				case DBTableFieldFloat: DataType (DMFloat);	break;
				case DBTableFieldInt:
					DataType (gridIF->ValueSize () > 1 ? DMInt : DMByte); 	break;
			CellWidth (gridIF->CellWidth ());
			CellHeight (gridIF->CellHeight ());
			Extent (data->Extent ());
			LayerNum (gridIF->LayerNum ());
			RowNum (gridIF->RowNum ());
			ColNum (gridIF->ColNum ());
			dmRecord = (char *) calloc (RowNum () * ColNum (),DataType () != DMByte ? sizeof (int) : sizeof (char));
			if (dmRecord == (char *) NULL)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }

			DMFileHeader::Write (file);
			for (layerID = 0;layerID < gridIF->LayerNum ();++layerID)
				layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
				dmLayerHeader.Description (layerRec->Name ());
				dmLayerHeader.Write (file);
			docLen = strlen (data->Document (DBDocComment));
			if (fwrite (&docLen,sizeof (int),1,file) != 1)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Writing Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			if (docLen > 0)
				if (fwrite (data->Document (DBDocComment),docLen,1,file) != 1)
					{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Writing Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			for (layerID = 0;layerID < gridIF->LayerNum ();++layerID)
				layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
				switch (data->Type ())
					case DBTypeGridContinuous:
						layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
						if (dbType == DBTableFieldFloat)
							for (pos.Row = 0;pos.Row < RowNum ();pos.Row++)
								for (pos.Col = 0;pos.Col < ColNum ();pos.Col++)
									if (gridIF->Value (layerRec,pos,&floatVal))
										((float *) dmRecord) [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = (float) floatVal;
										((float *) dmRecord) [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = MissingValue ();
							for (pos.Row = 0;pos.Row < RowNum ();pos.Row++)
								for (pos.Col = 0;pos.Col < ColNum ();pos.Col++)
									if (gridIF->Value (layerRec,pos,&intVal))
										if (DataType () == DMInt)
											((int *) dmRecord) [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = (int) intVal;
											dmRecord [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = intVal;
										if (DataType () == DMInt)
											((int *) dmRecord) [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = (int) MissingValue ();
											dmRecord [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = -99;

					case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
						for (pos.Row = 0;pos.Row < RowNum ();pos.Row++)
							for (pos.Col = 0;pos.Col < ColNum ();pos.Col++)
								intVal = gridIF->GridValue (layerRec,pos);
								if (DataType () == DMInt)
									((int *) dmRecord) [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = intVal;
									dmRecord [(RowNum () - pos.Row - 1) * ColNum () + pos.Col] = -99;

						CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Invalid Data Type in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);
						free (dmRecord);
						delete gridIF;
						return (DBFault);
				if ((DBInt) fwrite (dmRecord,DataType () == DMByte ? sizeof (char) : sizeof (int),DataPointNum (),file) != DataPointNum ())
					{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Writing Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			free (dmRecord);
			delete gridIF;
			return (DBSuccess);
Example #13
    DBObjData *Compute(char *title, CMthreadUserExecFunc userFunc) {
        DBInt i, layerID, dataLayerID;
        size_t threadId;
        DBPosition pos;
        DBCoordinate coord;
        char *layerName;
        DBObjData *data;
        DBObjRecord *record;
        size_t threadsNum = CMthreadProcessorNum();
        CMthreadTeam_t team;
        CMthreadJob_p job = (CMthreadJob_p) NULL;

        if (CMthreadTeamInitialize(&team, threadsNum) == (CMthreadTeam_p) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Team initialization error %s, %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);
            return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
        if ((data = DBGridCreate(title, Extent, CellSize)) == (DBObjData *) NULL) return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
        data->Projection(GrdVar[0]->Projection()); // Taking projection from first grid variable

        GridIF = new DBGridIF(data);

        if (team.ThreadNum > 0) {
            if ((job = CMthreadJobCreate(GridIF->RowNum() * GridIF->ColNum(), userFunc, (void *) this)) ==
                (CMthreadJob_p) NULL) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Job creation error in %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
            for (threadId = 0; threadId < team.ThreadNum; ++threadId)
                if (Table->Add("TEMPRecord") == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) {
                    return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
        else {
            if ((record = Table->Add("TEMPRecord")) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
        for (layerID = 0; layerID < LayerNum; ++layerID) {
            layerName = GrdVar[MasterVar]->CurrentLayer(layerID);
            for (i = 0; i < (DBInt) VarNum; ++i) {
                if ((dataLayerID = GrdVar[i]->FindLayer(layerName)) != DBFault)
                else {
                    if (GrdVar[i]->LayerIsDated(0)) continue;
            if (layerID > 0) GridIF->AddLayer((char *) "New Layer");
            LayerRec = GridIF->Layer(layerID);
            GridIF->RenameLayer(LayerRec, layerName);

            if (job != (CMthreadJob_p) NULL) CMthreadJobExecute(&team, job);
                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < GridIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < GridIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        GridIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                        for (i = 0; i < (DBInt) VarNum; ++i) GrdVar[i]->GetVariable(record, coord);
                        for (i = 0; i < (DBInt) ExpNum; ++i) Expressions[i]->Evaluate(record);
                        GridIF->Value(LayerRec, pos, Operand->Float(record));
        delete GridIF;
        return (data);
Example #14
DBInt DBGridCont2Network (DBObjData *gridData,DBObjData *netData, bool downhill)

	DBInt basinID, layerID, zLayerID, zLayerNum, dir, maxDir, projection = gridData->Projection (), *zones;
	DBFloat elev0, elev1, delta, maxDelta, distance;
	DBCoordinate coord0, coord1;
	DBInt row, col;
	DBPosition pos, auxPos;
	char nameSTR [DBStringLength];
	DBObjTable *basinTable = netData->Table (DBrNItems);
	DBObjTable *cellTable  = netData->Table (DBrNCells);
	DBObjTable *layerTable = netData->Table (DBrNLayers);
	DBObjRecord *layerRec, *dataRec, *cellRec, *basinRec;

	DBObjTableField *mouthPosFLD = basinTable->Field (DBrNMouthPos);
	DBObjTableField *colorFLD		= basinTable->Field (DBrNColor);

	DBObjTableField *positionFLD	= cellTable->Field (DBrNPosition);
	DBObjTableField *toCellFLD		= cellTable->Field (DBrNToCell);
	DBObjTableField *fromCellFLD	= cellTable->Field (DBrNFromCell);
	DBObjTableField *orderFLD		= cellTable->Field (DBrNOrder);
	DBObjTableField *basinFLD		= cellTable->Field (DBrNBasin);
	DBObjTableField *basinCellsFLD= cellTable->Field (DBrNBasinCells);
	DBObjTableField *travelFLD		= cellTable->Field (DBrNTravel);
	DBObjTableField *upCellPosFLD	= cellTable->Field (DBrNUpCellPos);
	DBObjTableField *cellAreaFLD	= cellTable->Field (DBrNCellArea);
	DBObjTableField *subbasinLengthFLD = cellTable->Field (DBrNSubbasinLength);
	DBObjTableField *subbasinAreaFLD = cellTable->Field (DBrNSubbasinArea);

	DBObjTableField *rowNumFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNRowNum);
	DBObjTableField *colNumFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNColNum);
	DBObjTableField *cellWidthFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNCellWidth);
	DBObjTableField *cellHeightFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNCellHeight);
	DBObjTableField *valueTypeFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNValueType);
	DBObjTableField *valueSizeFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNValueSize);
	DBObjTableField *layerFLD = layerTable->Field (DBrNLayer);
	DBObjData *zGridData = gridData->LinkedData ();
	DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF (gridData), *zGridIF;
	DBNetworkIF *netIF;

	if ((zGridData != (DBObjData *) NULL) && ((zGridData->Type () == DBTypeGridDiscrete) || (zGridData->Type () == DBTypeGridContinuous)))
		zGridIF = new DBGridIF (zGridData);
		zLayerNum = zGridIF->LayerNum () + 1;
	else { zGridIF = (DBGridIF *) NULL; zLayerNum = 1; }

	if ((zones = (DBInt *) calloc (9 * zLayerNum,sizeof (DBInt))) == (DBInt *) NULL)
		CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		if (zGridIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) delete zGridIF;
		delete gridIF;
		return (DBFault);
	layerTable->Add (DBrNLookupGrid);
	if ((layerRec = layerTable->Item (DBrNLookupGrid)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
		free (zones);
		if (zGridIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) delete zGridIF;
		delete gridIF;
		return (DBFault);

	netData->Projection (projection);
	netData->Extent (gridData->Extent ());
	cellWidthFLD->Float  (layerRec,gridIF->CellWidth ());
	cellHeightFLD->Float (layerRec,gridIF->CellHeight ());
	valueTypeFLD->Int (layerRec,DBTableFieldInt);
	valueSizeFLD->Int (layerRec,sizeof (DBInt));
	rowNumFLD->Int (layerRec,gridIF->RowNum ());
	colNumFLD->Int (layerRec,gridIF->ColNum ());

	dataRec = new DBObjRecord ("NetLookupGridRecord",((size_t) gridIF->RowNum ()) * gridIF->ColNum () * sizeof (DBInt),sizeof (DBInt));
	if (dataRec == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
		if (zGridIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) delete zGridIF;
		return (DBFault);
	layerFLD->Record (layerRec,dataRec);
	(netData->Arrays ())->Add (dataRec);
	for (pos.Row = 0;pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum ();pos.Row++)
		for (pos.Col = 0;pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum ();pos.Col++)
			((DBInt *) dataRec->Data ()) [pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum () + pos.Col] = DBFault;

	for (pos.Row = 0;pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum ();pos.Row++)
		if (DBPause (10 * pos.Row / gridIF->RowNum ())) goto PauseStop;
		for (pos.Col = 0;pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum ();pos.Col++)
			gridIF->Pos2Coord (pos,coord0);
			zLayerID = 0;
			if (zGridIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
				for ( ; zLayerID < zGridIF->LayerNum (); zLayerID++)
					layerRec = zGridIF->Layer (zLayerID);
					if ((layerRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;
					for (dir = 0;dir < 8;++dir)
						row = pos.Row;
						col = pos.Col;
						if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNW) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirN) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNE)) row++;
						if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSE) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirS) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSW)) row--;
						if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNE) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirE) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSE)) col++;
						if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNW) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirW) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSW)) col--;
						if (row < 0) continue;
						if (col < 0) continue;
						if (row >= gridIF->RowNum ()) continue;
						if (col >= gridIF->ColNum ()) continue;
						auxPos.Row = row;
						auxPos.Col = col;
						gridIF->Pos2Coord (auxPos,coord1);
						switch (zGridData->Type ())
							case DBTypeGridDiscrete:	basinID = zGridIF->GridValue (layerRec,coord1);	break;
							case DBTypeGridContinuous:	zGridIF->Value (layerRec,coord1,&basinID);		break;
						zones [zLayerID * 9 + dir] = basinID;
					switch (zGridData->Type ())
						case DBTypeGridDiscrete:	basinID = zGridIF->GridValue (layerRec,coord0);	break;
						case DBTypeGridContinuous: zGridIF->Value (layerRec,coord0,&basinID);		break;
					zones [zLayerID * 9 + 8] = basinID;
			for (dir = 0;dir < 9;++dir) zones [zLayerID * 9 + dir] = 0;

			maxDir = DBFault;
			for (layerID = 0;layerID < gridIF->LayerNum ();++layerID)
				layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
				if ((layerRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;
				if (gridIF->Value (layerRec,pos,&elev0))
					maxDelta = (DBFloat) 0.0;
					maxDir   = 0;

					for (zLayerID = 0;zLayerID < zLayerNum;++zLayerID)
						for (dir = 0;dir < 8;++dir)
							row = pos.Row;
							col = pos.Col;
							if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNW) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirN) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNE)) row++;
							if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSE) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirS) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSW)) row--;
							if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNE) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirE) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSE)) col++;
							if (((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirNW) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirW) || ((0x01 << dir) == DBNetDirSW)) col--;
							if (col < 0) continue;
							if (row < 0) continue;
							if (col >= gridIF->ColNum ()) continue;
							if (row >= gridIF->RowNum ()) continue;
							auxPos.Row = row;
							auxPos.Col = col;
							gridIF->Pos2Coord (auxPos,coord1);
							distance = DBMathCoordinateDistance (projection,coord0,coord1);
							if ((zones [zLayerID * 9 + dir] == zones [zLayerID * 9 + 8]) && (gridIF->Value (layerRec,auxPos,&elev1)))
								delta = (downhill ? (elev1 - elev0) : (elev0 - elev1)) / distance;
								if (maxDelta > delta) { maxDelta = delta; maxDir = (0x01 << dir); }
						if (maxDir != 0) goto SlopeStop;
			if (maxDir != DBFault)
				sprintf (nameSTR,"GHAASCell:%d",cellTable->ItemNum ());
				cellRec = cellTable->Add (nameSTR);
				toCellFLD->Int			(cellRec,(DBInt) maxDir);
				fromCellFLD->Int		(cellRec,(DBInt) 0);
				orderFLD->Int			(cellRec,(DBInt) 0);
				basinFLD->Int			(cellRec,(DBInt) 0);
				basinCellsFLD->Int	(cellRec,(DBInt) 0);
				travelFLD->Int			(cellRec,(DBInt) 0);
				upCellPosFLD->Position	(cellRec,pos);
				cellAreaFLD->Float	(cellRec,(DBFloat) 0.0);
				subbasinLengthFLD->Float(cellRec,(DBFloat) 0.0);
				subbasinAreaFLD->Float	(cellRec,(DBFloat) 0.0);
				((DBInt *) dataRec->Data ()) [pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum () + pos.Col] = cellRec->RowID ();
	if (pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum ())	return (DBFault);
	sprintf (nameSTR,"GHAASBasin%d",(DBInt) 0);
	basinRec = basinTable->Add (nameSTR);
	mouthPosFLD->Position	(basinRec,positionFLD->Position (cellTable->Item (0)));
	colorFLD->Int				(basinRec,0);

	free (zones);
	delete gridIF;
	if (zGridIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) delete zGridIF;

	netData->Precision (DBMathMin (gridIF->CellWidth (),gridIF->CellHeight ()) / 25.0);
	netIF = new DBNetworkIF (netData);
	netIF->Build ();
	delete netIF;
	return (DBSuccess);
Example #15
int _CMDnetTransfer(DBObjData *netData,
                    DBObjData *inData,
                    DBObjData *weightData,
                    DBObjData *outData,
                    DBFloat coeff,
                    DBObjData *coeffData,
                    DBObjData *QData,
                    DBObjData *HLData,
                    DBFloat umax,
                    DBFloat ksat,
                    DBInt areaMult) {
    DBInt ret = DBSuccess, layerID, cellID, progress, maxProgress;
    DBFloat inValue, weight, outValue, *sumWeights, kCoeff, q, hl, Conc, Uptake, Vf;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(netData);
    DBGridIF *inIF = new DBGridIF(inData);
    DBGridIF *outIF = new DBGridIF(outData);
    DBGridIF *weightIF = weightData != (DBObjData *) NULL ? new DBGridIF(weightData) : (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *coeffIF = coeffData != (DBObjData *) NULL ? new DBGridIF(coeffData) : (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *Q_IF = QData != (DBObjData *) NULL ? new DBGridIF(QData) : (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *HL_IF = HLData != (DBObjData *) NULL ? new DBGridIF(HLData) : (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBObjRecord *inLayerRec, *outLayerRec, *weightLayerRec, *coeffLayerRec, *Q_LayerRec, *HL_LayerRec, *cellRec, *toCell;
    DBCoordinate coord;

    if ((sumWeights = (DBFloat *) calloc(netIF->CellNum(), sizeof(DBFloat))) == (DBFloat *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        ret = DBFault;
        goto Stop;

    layerID = 0;
    inLayerRec = inIF->Layer(layerID);

    outLayerRec = outIF->Layer(layerID);
    outIF->RenameLayer(outLayerRec, inLayerRec->Name());
    outValue = outIF->MissingValue(outLayerRec);
    for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < outIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++)
        for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < outIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++) outIF->Value(outLayerRec, pos, outValue);

    for (layerID = 1; layerID < inIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        inLayerRec = inIF->Layer(layerID);
        if ((outLayerRec = outIF->AddLayer(inLayerRec->Name())) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) {
            ret = DBFault;
            goto Stop;
        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < outIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++)
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < outIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++) outIF->Value(outLayerRec, pos, outValue);
    maxProgress = inIF->LayerNum() * netIF->CellNum();
    for (layerID = 0; layerID < inIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
        inLayerRec = inIF->Layer(layerID);
        outLayerRec = outIF->Layer(layerID);
        if (weightIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
            weightLayerRec = weightIF->Layer(layerID % weightIF->LayerNum());
        if (coeffIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
            coeffLayerRec = coeffIF->Layer(layerID % coeffIF->LayerNum());
        if (Q_IF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
            Q_LayerRec = Q_IF->Layer(layerID % Q_IF->LayerNum());
        if (HL_IF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
            HL_LayerRec = HL_IF->Layer(layerID % HL_IF->LayerNum());

        for (cellID = 0; cellID < netIF->CellNum(); cellID++) {
            sumWeights[cellID] = 0.0;
            cellRec = netIF->Cell(cellID);
            coord = netIF->Center(cellRec);
            if (inIF->Value(inLayerRec, coord, &inValue) == false)
                outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), 0.0);
            else {
                if (weightIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL)
                    weight = weightIF->Value(weightLayerRec, coord, &weight) == false ?
                             0.0 : weight * coeff;
                else weight = coeff;

                if (areaMult) weight = weight * netIF->CellArea(cellRec);
                sumWeights[cellID] = weight;
                outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), inValue * weight);

        for (cellID = netIF->CellNum() - 1; cellID >= 0; --cellID) {
            progress = layerID * netIF->CellNum() + (netIF->CellNum() - cellID);
            if (DBPause(progress * 100 / maxProgress)) goto Stop;
            cellRec = netIF->Cell(cellID);
            coord = netIF->Center(cellRec);
            if ((toCell = netIF->ToCell(cellRec)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
            if (outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), &inValue) == false) continue;
            if (outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(toCell), &outValue) == false) continue;

            sumWeights[toCell->RowID()] = sumWeights[toCell->RowID()] + weight;

            if (coeffIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) {
                if (coeffIF->Value(coeffLayerRec, netIF->Center(cellRec), &kCoeff) == false) kCoeff = 1.0;
            else {
                if (((Q_IF == (DBGridIF *) NULL) || (Q_IF->Value(Q_LayerRec, netIF->Center(cellRec), &q) == false)) ||
                        ((HL_IF == (DBGridIF *) NULL) ||
                         (HL_IF->Value(HL_LayerRec, netIF->Center(cellRec), &hl) == false)) ||
                        (umax == 0) || (ksat == 0))
                    kCoeff = 1.0;
                else {
                    if ((q > 0) && (hl > 0)) {
                        Conc = ((inValue / (q * 86400 * 365)) * 1000 *
                                1000); /* mg/m3 - assume input = kg/yr, Q is m3/s convert to m3/yr kg to mg */
                        Uptake = (umax * 24 * 365 * Conc) /
                                 (ksat * 1000 + Conc); /* mg/m2/yr - umax and ksat/Conc are in mg/m2/hr, mg/m3 */
                        if (Uptake > 0) {
                            Vf = Uptake / Conc; /* Vf in m/yr */
                        else Vf = 0;
                        kCoeff = pow(2.71828, (-1.0 * Vf / hl)); /* HL in m/yr */
                         if ((cellID == 5390) || (cellID == 5015) || (cellID  == 4905) || (cellID == 4857))
                             printf("%i, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n", cellID, outValue, inValue, q, hl, umax, ksat, Conc, Uptake, Vf, kCoeff);
                    else kCoeff = 0;
            if ((cellID == 5390) || (cellID == 5015) || (cellID  == 4905) || (cellID == 4857))
                 printf("%i, %f \n", cellID, inValue);
            inValue = kCoeff * inValue;

            outIF->Value(outLayerRec, netIF->CellPosition(toCell), outValue + inValue);

    delete netIF;
    delete inIF;
    delete outIF;
    if (weightIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) delete weightIF;
    return (ret);

    return (DBSuccess);