Example #1
bool MailDB::CreateLabel(int characterID, Call_CreateLabel& args, uint32& newID) const
    // we need to get the next free bit index; can't avoid a SELECT
    DBQueryResult res;
    sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT bit FROM mailLabel WHERE ownerID = %u ORDER BY bit DESC LIMIT 1", characterID);

    // 6 is a guessed default; there are some hardcoded labels that we don't have the details on yet
    int bit = 6;

    if (res.GetRowCount() > 0)
        DBResultRow row;
        // we want the next one, not the current one, so +1
        bit = row.GetInt(0) + 1;

    DBerror error;
    if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(error, "INSERT INTO mailLabel (bit, name, color, ownerID) VALUES (%u, '%s', %u, %u)", bit, args.name.c_str(), args.color, characterID))
        codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Failed to insert new mail label into database");
        // since this is an out parameter, make sure we assign this even in case of an error
        newID = 0;
        return false;

    // the client wants the power of 2, not the bitset index
    newID = (uint32)pow((float)2, bit);
    return true;
Example #2
bool CharacterDB::GetRespecInfo(uint32 characterId, uint32& out_freeRespecs, uint64& out_nextRespec)
    DBQueryResult res;
    if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT freeRespecs, nextRespec FROM character_ WHERE characterID = %u", characterId))
        return false;
    if (res.GetRowCount() < 1)
        return false;
    DBResultRow row;
    out_freeRespecs = row.GetUInt(0);
    out_nextRespec = row.GetUInt64(1);

    // can't have more than two
    if (out_freeRespecs == 2)
        out_nextRespec = 0;
    else if (out_freeRespecs < 2 && out_nextRespec < Win32TimeNow())
        // you may get another
        if (out_freeRespecs == 1)
            out_nextRespec = Win32TimeNow() + Win32Time_Year;
            out_nextRespec = 0;

        // reflect this in the database, too
        DBerror err;
        sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE character_ SET freeRespecs = %u, nextRespec = %" PRIu64 " WHERE characterId = %u",
            out_freeRespecs, out_nextRespec, characterId);

    return true;
Example #3
bool AttributeMap::ResetAttribute(uint32 attrID, bool notify)
    //this isn't particularly efficient, but until I write a better solution, this will do
    DBQueryResult res;

    if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT * FROM dgmTypeAttributes WHERE typeID='%u'", mItem.typeID())) {
        sLog.Error("AttributeMap", "Error in db load query: %s", res.error.c_str());
        return false;

    DBResultRow row;
    EvilNumber attrVal;
    uint32 attributeID;

    int amount = res.GetRowCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
        attributeID = row.GetUInt(1);
        if( attributeID == attrID )
                attrVal = row.GetUInt64(2);
                attrVal = row.GetDouble(3);

            SetAttribute(attributeID, attrVal, notify);

    return true;

Example #4
PyString* MailDB::GetMailBody(int id) const
    DBQueryResult res;
    if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT body FROM mailMessage WHERE messageID = %u", id))
        return NULL;
    if (res.GetRowCount() <= 0)
        return NULL;

    DBResultRow row;
    if (!res.GetRow(row) || row.IsNull(0))
        return NULL;

    return new PyString(row.GetText(0), row.ColumnLength(0));
    // load shit from db
    DBQueryResult res;

    if( !DBcore::RunQuery( res,
        "SELECT * FROM dgmTypeAttributes ORDER BY typeID" ) )
        SysLog::Error("DgmTypeAttrMgr", "Error in db load query: %s", res.error.c_str());

    uint32 currentID = 0;
    DgmTypeAttributeSet * entry = NULL;
    DBResultRow row;

    int amount = res.GetRowCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
        uint32 typeID = row.GetUInt(0);

        if (currentID != typeID) {
            currentID = typeID;
            entry = new DgmTypeAttributeSet;
            mDgmTypeAttrInfo.insert(std::make_pair(currentID, entry));

        DgmTypeAttribute * attr_entry = new DgmTypeAttribute();
        attr_entry->attributeID = row.GetUInt(1);
        if (row.IsNull(2) == true) {
            attr_entry->number = EvilNumber(row.GetFloat(3));
        } else {
            attr_entry->number = EvilNumber(row.GetInt(2));

Example #6
PyRep *MarketDB::GetOrders( uint32 regionID, uint32 typeID )
    DBQueryResult res;

    PyList* tup = new PyList();

    /*DBColumnTypeMap colmap;
    colmap["volRemaining"] = DBTYPE_R8;
    colmap["price"] = DBTYPE_CY;
    colmap["issued"] = DBTYPE_FILETIME;

    colmap["orderID"] = DBTYPE_I4;
    colmap["volEntered"] = DBTYPE_I4;
    colmap["minVolume"] = DBTYPE_I4;
    colmap["stationID"] = DBTYPE_I4;
    colmap["regionID"] = DBTYPE_I4;
    colmap["solarSystemID"] = DBTYPE_I4;
    colmap["jumps"] = DBTYPE_I4;

    colmap["duration"] = DBTYPE_I2;
    colmap["typeID"] = DBTYPE_I2;
    colmap["range"] = DBTYPE_I2;

    colmap["bid"] = DBTYPE_BOOL;

    //ordering: (painstakingly determined from packets)
    DBColumnOrdering ordering;
    ordering.push_back("jumps");    //not working right...

    //query sell orders
    //TODO: consider the `jumps` field... is it actually used? might be a pain in the ass if we need to actually populate it based on each queryier's location
        "    price, volRemaining, typeID, `range`, orderID,"
        "   volEntered, minVolume, bid, issued as issueDate, duration,"
        "   stationID, regionID, solarSystemID, jumps"
        " FROM market_orders "
        " WHERE regionID=%u AND typeID=%u AND bid=%d", regionID, typeID, TransactionTypeSell))
        codelog( MARKET__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str() );

        PyDecRef( tup );
        return NULL;
    sLog.Debug("MarketDB::GetOrders", "Fetched %d sell orders for type %d", res.GetRowCount(), typeID);

    //this is wrong.
    tup->AddItem( DBResultToCRowset( res ) );

    //query buy orders
        "    price, volRemaining, typeID, `range`, orderID,"
        "   volEntered, minVolume, bid, issued as issueDate, duration,"
        "   stationID, regionID, solarSystemID, jumps"
        " FROM market_orders "
        " WHERE regionID=%u AND typeID=%u AND bid=%d", regionID, typeID, TransactionTypeBuy))
        codelog( MARKET__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str() );

        PyDecRef( tup );
        return NULL;
    sLog.Debug("MarketDB::GetOrders", "Fetched %d buy orders for type %d", res.GetRowCount(), typeID);

    //this is wrong.
    tup->AddItem( DBResultToCRowset( res ) );

    return tup;
void MEffect::_Populate(uint32 effectID)
    DBQueryResult *res = new DBQueryResult();
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffects(effectID, *res);

    // First, get all general info on this effectID from the dgmEffects table:
    DBResultRow row1;
    if( !res->GetRow(row1) )
        sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from the 'dgmEffects' table", effectID);
        //get all the data from the query
        m_EffectID = effectID;
        m_EffectName = row1.GetText(0);
        m_EffectCategory = row1.GetInt(1);
        m_PreExpression = row1.GetInt(2);
        m_PostExpression = row1.GetInt(3);
        if( !row1.IsNull(4) )
            m_Description = row1.GetText(4);
        if( !row1.IsNull(5) )
            m_Guid = row1.GetText(5);
        if( !row1.IsNull(6) )
            m_IconID = row1.GetInt(6);
        m_IsOffensive = row1.GetInt(7);
        m_IsAssistance = row1.GetInt(8);
        if( !row1.IsNull(9) )
            m_DurationAttributeID = row1.GetInt(9);
        if( !row1.IsNull(10) )
            m_TrackingSpeedAttributeID = row1.GetInt(10);
        if( !row1.IsNull(11) )
            m_DischargeAttributeID = row1.GetInt(11);
        if( !row1.IsNull(12) )
            m_RangeAttributeID = row1.GetInt(12);
        if( !row1.IsNull(13) )
            m_FalloffAttributeID = row1.GetInt(13);
        if( !row1.IsNull(14) )
            m_DisallowAutoRepeat = row1.GetInt(14);
        m_Published = row1.GetInt(15);
        if( !row1.IsNull(16) )
            m_DisplayName = row1.GetText(16);
        m_IsWarpSafe = row1.GetInt(17);
        m_RangeChance = row1.GetInt(18);
        m_ElectronicChance = row1.GetInt(19);
        m_PropulsionChance = row1.GetInt(20);
        if( !row1.IsNull(21) )
            m_Distribution = row1.GetInt(21);
        if( !row1.IsNull(22) )
            m_SfxName = row1.GetText(22);
        if( !row1.IsNull(23) )
            m_NpcUsageChanceAttributeID = row1.GetInt(23);
        if( !row1.IsNull(24) )
            m_NpcActivationChanceAttributeID = row1.GetInt(24);
        if( !row1.IsNull(25) )
            m_FittingUsageChanceAttributeID = row1.GetInt(25);

    // Next, get the info from the dgmEffectsInfo table:
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffectsInfo(effectID, *res);

    DBResultRow row2;

    // Initialize the new tables
    m_TargetAttributeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_SourceAttributeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_CalculationTypeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];

    int count = 0;

    while( res->GetRow(row2) )
        m_TargetAttributeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(0);
        m_SourceAttributeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(1);
        m_CalculationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(2);
        m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(3);

    if( count == 0 )
        sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from the 'dgmEffectsInfo' table as the SQL query returned ZERO rows", effectID);

    m_numOfIDs = count;

    // Finally, get the info for this effectID from the dgmEffectsActions table:
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffectsActions(effectID, *res);

    DBResultRow row3;

    if( !(res->GetRow(row3)) )
        sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from 'dgmEffectsActions table", effectID);
        m_EffectAppliedWhenID = row3.GetInt(0);
        m_EffectAppliedTargetID = row3.GetInt(1);
        m_EffectApplicationTypeID = row3.GetInt(2);
        m_StackingPenaltyAppliedID = row3.GetInt(3);
        m_NullifyOnlineEffectEnable = row3.GetInt(4);
        m_NullifiedOnlineEffectID = row3.GetInt(5);

    delete res;
    res = NULL;
Example #8
bool AttributeMap::Load()
    /* First, we load default attributes values using existing attribute system */
    DgmTypeAttributeSet *attr_set = sDgmTypeAttrMgr.GetDmgTypeAttributeSet( mItem.typeID() );
    if (attr_set == NULL)
        return false;

    DgmTypeAttributeSet::AttrSetItr itr = attr_set->attributeset.begin();

    for (; itr != attr_set->attributeset.end(); itr++)
        SetAttribute((*itr)->attributeID, (*itr)->number, false);

    /* Then we load the saved attributes from the db, if there are any yet, and overwrite the defaults */
    DBQueryResult res;

		if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT * FROM entity_default_attributes WHERE itemID='%u'", mItem.itemID())) {
			sLog.Error("AttributeMap (DEFAULT)", "Error in db load query: %s", res.error.c_str());
			return false;
		if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT * FROM entity_attributes WHERE itemID='%u'", mItem.itemID())) {
			sLog.Error("AttributeMap", "Error in db load query: %s", res.error.c_str());
			return false;

    DBResultRow row;

    int amount = res.GetRowCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
        EvilNumber attr_value;
        uint32 attributeID = row.GetUInt(1);
        if (!row.IsNull(2))
            attr_value = row.GetInt64(2);
            attr_value = row.GetDouble(3);
        SetAttribute(attributeID, attr_value, false);

    return true;

    /// EXISTING AttributeMap::Load() function
    DBQueryResult res;

    if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res,"SELECT * FROM entity_attributes WHERE itemID='%u'", mItem.itemID())) {
        sLog.Error("AttributeMap", "Error in db load query: %s", res.error.c_str());
        return false;

    DBResultRow row;

    int amount = res.GetRowCount();

    // Right now, assume that we need to load all attributes with default values from dgmTypeAttributes table
    // IF AND ONLY IF the number of attributes pulled from the entity_attributes table for this item is ZERO:
    if( amount > 0 )
        // This item was found in the 'entity_attributes' table, so load all attributes found there
        // into the Attribute Map for this item:
        for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
            EvilNumber attr_value;
            uint32 attributeID = row.GetUInt(1);
            if ( !row.IsNull(2) )
                attr_value = row.GetInt64(2);
            else if( !row.IsNull(3) )
                attr_value = row.GetDouble(3);
                sLog.Error( "AttributeMap::Load()", "Both valueInt and valueFloat fields of this (itemID,attributeID) = (%u,%u) are NULL.", row.GetInt(0), attributeID );

            SetAttribute(attributeID, attr_value, false);
            //Add(attributeID, attr_value);
        // This item was NOT found in the 'entity_attributes' table, so let's assume that
        // this item was just created.
        // 1) Get complete list of attributes with default values from dgmTypeAttributes table using the item's typeID:
        DgmTypeAttributeSet *attr_set = sDgmTypeAttrMgr.GetDmgTypeAttributeSet( mItem.typeID() );
        if (attr_set == NULL)
            return false;

        DgmTypeAttributeSet::AttrSetItr itr = attr_set->attributeset.begin();

        // Store all these attributes to the item's AttributeMap
        for (; itr != attr_set->attributeset.end(); itr++)
            SetAttribute((*itr)->attributeID, (*itr)->number, false);
            //Add((*itr)->attributeID, (*itr)->number);

        // 2) Save these newly created and loaded attributes to the 'entity_attributes' table

    return true;
void MEffect::_Populate(uint32 effectID)
    DBQueryResult *res = new DBQueryResult();
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffects(effectID, *res);

    // First, get all general info on this effectID from the dgmEffects table:
    DBResultRow row1;
    if( !res->GetRow(row1) )
        sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from the 'dgmEffects' table", effectID);
        //get all the data from the query
        m_EffectID = effectID;
        m_EffectName = row1.GetText(0);
        m_EffectCategory = row1.GetInt(1);
        m_PreExpression = row1.GetInt(2);
        m_PostExpression = row1.GetInt(3);
        if( !row1.IsNull(4) )
            m_Description = row1.GetText(4);
        if( !row1.IsNull(5) )
            m_Guid = row1.GetText(5);
        if( !row1.IsNull(6) )
            m_IconID = row1.GetInt(6);
        m_IsOffensive = row1.GetInt(7);
        m_IsAssistance = row1.GetInt(8);
        if( !row1.IsNull(9) )
            m_DurationAttributeID = row1.GetInt(9);
        if( !row1.IsNull(10) )
            m_TrackingSpeedAttributeID = row1.GetInt(10);
        if( !row1.IsNull(11) )
            m_DischargeAttributeID = row1.GetInt(11);
        if( !row1.IsNull(12) )
            m_RangeAttributeID = row1.GetInt(12);
        if( !row1.IsNull(13) )
            m_FalloffAttributeID = row1.GetInt(13);
        if( !row1.IsNull(14) )
            m_DisallowAutoRepeat = row1.GetInt(14);
        m_Published = row1.GetInt(15);
        if( !row1.IsNull(16) )
            m_DisplayName = row1.GetText(16);
        m_IsWarpSafe = row1.GetInt(17);
        m_RangeChance = row1.GetInt(18);
        m_ElectronicChance = row1.GetInt(19);
        m_PropulsionChance = row1.GetInt(20);
        if( !row1.IsNull(21) )
            m_Distribution = row1.GetInt(21);
        if( !row1.IsNull(22) )
            m_SfxName = row1.GetText(22);
        if( !row1.IsNull(23) )
            m_NpcUsageChanceAttributeID = row1.GetInt(23);
        if( !row1.IsNull(24) )
            m_NpcActivationChanceAttributeID = row1.GetInt(24);
        if( !row1.IsNull(25) )
            m_FittingUsageChanceAttributeID = row1.GetInt(25);

    // Next, get the info from the dgmEffectsInfo table:
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffectsInfo(effectID, *res);

    DBResultRow row2;

    // Initialize the new tables
    m_TargetAttributeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_SourceAttributeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_CalculationTypeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_EffectAppliedToTargetIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_EffectAppliedBehaviorIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_EffectApplicationTypeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_TargetEquipmentTypeIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
    m_StackingPenaltyAppliedIDs = new int[res->GetRowCount()];
	int count = 0;
    std::string targetGroupIDs;
    typeTargetGroupIDlist * TargetGroupIDs;

    while( res->GetRow(row2) )
        m_TargetAttributeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(0);
        m_SourceAttributeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(1);
        m_CalculationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(2);
        m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(3);
        m_EffectAppliedToTargetIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(4);
        m_EffectAppliedBehaviorIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(5);
        m_EffectApplicationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(6);
        m_TargetEquipmentTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(7);
        targetGroupIDs = row2.GetText(8);
        m_StackingPenaltyAppliedIDs[count] = row2.GetInt(9);

        TargetGroupIDs = new typeTargetGroupIDlist;
        if( !(targetGroupIDs.empty()) )
            int pos = 0;
            std::string tempString = "";
            std::vector<uint32>::iterator it;

			// WARNING!  This may be insufficient to properly detect and handle an EMPTY "" list of targetGroupIDs
            pos = targetGroupIDs.find_first_of(',');
            tempString = targetGroupIDs.substr(0,pos);

            while( (pos = targetGroupIDs.find_first_of(',')) )
                tempString = targetGroupIDs.substr(0,pos);
                TargetGroupIDs->insert( it, (atoi(tempString.c_str())) );

            m_TargetGroupIDlists.insert(std::pair<uint32, typeTargetGroupIDlist *>(count, TargetGroupIDs));


    if( count == 0 )
        ;//sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from the 'dgmEffectsInfo' table as the SQL query returned ZERO rows", effectID);
		m_EffectLoaded = false;
		m_numOfIDs = count;

		// Finally, get the info for this effectID from the dgmEffectsActions table:
		ModuleDB::GetDgmEffectsActions(effectID, *res);

		DBResultRow row3;

		if( !(res->GetRow(row3)) )
			;//sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from 'dgmEffectsActions table", effectID);
			m_EffectAppliedWhenID = row3.GetInt(0);
			m_NullifyOnlineEffectEnable = row3.GetInt(1);
			m_NullifiedOnlineEffectID = row3.GetInt(2);

		m_EffectLoaded = true;

    delete res;
    res = NULL;
Example #10
void MEffect::_Populate(uint32 effectID)
    DBQueryResult *res = new DBQueryResult();
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffects(effectID, *res);

    // First, get all general info on this effectID from the dgmEffects table:
    DBResultRow row1;
    if( !res->GetRow(row1) )
        sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from the 'dgmEffects' table", effectID);
        //get all the data from the query
        m_EffectID = effectID;
        m_EffectName = row1.GetText(0);
		m_EffectCategory = row1.GetUInt(1);
        m_PreExpression = row1.GetUInt(2);
        m_PostExpression = row1.GetUInt(3);
        if( !row1.IsNull(4) )
            m_Description = row1.GetText(4);
        if( !row1.IsNull(5) )
            m_Guid = row1.GetText(5);
        if( !row1.IsNull(6) )
            m_IconID = row1.GetUInt(6);
        m_IsOffensive = row1.GetUInt(7);
        m_IsAssistance = row1.GetUInt(8);
        if( !row1.IsNull(9) )
            m_DurationAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(9);
        if( !row1.IsNull(10) )
            m_TrackingSpeedAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(10);
        if( !row1.IsNull(11) )
            m_DischargeAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(11);
        if( !row1.IsNull(12) )
            m_RangeAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(12);
        if( !row1.IsNull(13) )
            m_FalloffAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(13);
        if( !row1.IsNull(14) )
            m_DisallowAutoRepeat = row1.GetUInt(14);
        m_Published = row1.GetUInt(15);
        if( !row1.IsNull(16) )
            m_DisplayName = row1.GetText(16);
        m_IsWarpSafe = row1.GetUInt(17);
        m_RangeChance = row1.GetUInt(18);
        m_ElectronicChance = row1.GetUInt(19);
        m_PropulsionChance = row1.GetUInt(20);
        if( !row1.IsNull(21) )
            m_Distribution = row1.GetUInt(21);
        if( !row1.IsNull(22) )
            m_SfxName = row1.GetText(22);
        if( !row1.IsNull(23) )
            m_NpcUsageChanceAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(23);
        if( !row1.IsNull(24) )
            m_NpcActivationChanceAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(24);
        if( !row1.IsNull(25) )
            m_FittingUsageChanceAttributeID = row1.GetUInt(25);

    // Next, get the info from the dgmEffectsInfo table:
    ModuleDB::GetDgmEffectsInfo(effectID, *res);

    DBResultRow row2;

    // Initialize the new tables
	if( res->GetRowCount() > 0 )
		m_SourceAttributeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_TargetAttributeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_CalculationTypeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_StackingPenaltyAppliedIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_EffectAppliedInStateIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AffectingIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AffectingTypes = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AffectedTypes = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];

		int count = 0;
		std::string targetGroupIDs;
		typeTargetGroupIDlist * TargetGroupIDs;

		while( res->GetRow(row2) )
			m_SourceAttributeIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(0);
			m_TargetAttributeIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(1);
			m_CalculationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(2);
			m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(4);
			targetGroupIDs = row2.GetText(5);
			m_StackingPenaltyAppliedIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(6);
			m_EffectAppliedInStateIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(7);
			m_AffectingIDs[count] = row2.GetUInt(8);
			m_AffectingTypes[count] = row2.GetUInt(9);
			m_AffectedTypes[count] = row2.GetUInt(10);

			TargetGroupIDs = new typeTargetGroupIDlist;
			if( !(targetGroupIDs.empty()) )
				// targetGroupIDs string is not empty, so extract one number at a time until it is empty
				int pos = 0;
				std::string tempString = "";

				pos = targetGroupIDs.find_first_of(';');
				if( pos < 0 )
					pos = targetGroupIDs.length()-1;	// we did not find any ';' characters, so targetGroupIDs contains only one number
				tempString = targetGroupIDs.substr(0,pos);

				while( (pos = targetGroupIDs.find_first_of(';')) > 0 )
					tempString = targetGroupIDs.substr(0,pos);
					TargetGroupIDs->insert(TargetGroupIDs->begin(), (atoi(tempString.c_str())));
					targetGroupIDs = targetGroupIDs.substr(pos+1,targetGroupIDs.length()-1);

				// Get final number now that there are no more separators to find:
				if( !(targetGroupIDs.empty()) )
					TargetGroupIDs->insert(TargetGroupIDs->begin(), (atoi(targetGroupIDs.c_str())));

				m_TargetGroupIDlists.insert(std::pair<uint32, typeTargetGroupIDlist *>(count, TargetGroupIDs));


		if( count == 0 )
			;//sLog.Error("MEffect","Could not populate effect information for effectID: %u from the 'dgmEffectsInfo' table as the SQL query returned ZERO rows", effectID);
			m_EffectsInfoLoaded = false;
			m_numOfIDs = count;
			m_EffectsInfoLoaded = true;
		m_EffectsInfoLoaded = false;

	m_EffectLoaded = true;
    delete res;
    res = NULL;
Example #11
void ShipBonusModifier::_Populate(uint32 shipID)
    DBQueryResult *res = new DBQueryResult();
    ModuleDB::GetDgmShipBonusModifiers(shipID, *res);

    DBResultRow row1;
	if( res->GetRowCount() == 0 )
        sLog.Error("ShipBonusModifier","Could not populate ship bonus modifier information for shipID: %u from the 'dgmShipBonusModifiers' table", shipID);
		m_ModifierLoaded = false;
		m_EffectIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AttributeSkillIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_SourceAttributeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_TargetAttributeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_CalculationTypeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AppliedPerLevelList = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AffectingTypes = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];
		m_AffectedTypes = new uint32[res->GetRowCount()];

		int count = 0;
		std::string targetGroupIDs;
		typeTargetGroupIDlist * TargetGroupIDs;

		while( res->GetRow(row1) )
			m_EffectIDs[count] = row1.GetUInt(0);
			m_AttributeSkillIDs[count] = row1.GetUInt(1);
			m_SourceAttributeIDs[count] = row1.GetUInt(2);
			m_TargetAttributeIDs[count] = row1.GetUInt(3);
			m_CalculationTypeIDs[count] = row1.GetUInt(4);
			m_ReverseCalculationTypeIDs[count] = row1.GetUInt(6);
			targetGroupIDs = row1.GetText(7);
			m_AppliedPerLevelList[count] = row1.GetUInt(8);
			m_AffectingTypes[count] = row1.GetUInt(9);
			m_AffectedTypes[count] = row1.GetUInt(10);

			TargetGroupIDs = new typeTargetGroupIDlist;
			if( !(targetGroupIDs.empty()) )
				// targetGroupIDs string is not empty, so extract one number at a time until it is empty
				int pos = 0;
				std::string tempString = "";

				pos = targetGroupIDs.find_first_of(';');
				if( pos < 0 )
					pos = targetGroupIDs.length()-1;	// we did not find any ';' characters, so targetGroupIDs contains only one number
				tempString = targetGroupIDs.substr(0,pos);

				while( (pos = targetGroupIDs.find_first_of(';')) > 0 )
					tempString = targetGroupIDs.substr(0,pos);
					TargetGroupIDs->insert(TargetGroupIDs->begin(), (atoi(tempString.c_str())));
					targetGroupIDs = targetGroupIDs.substr(pos+1,targetGroupIDs.length()-1);

				// Get final number now that there are no more separators to find:
				if( !(targetGroupIDs.empty()) )
					TargetGroupIDs->insert(TargetGroupIDs->begin(), (atoi(targetGroupIDs.c_str())));

				m_TargetGroupIDlists.insert(std::pair<uint32, typeTargetGroupIDlist *>(count, TargetGroupIDs));


		if( count == 0 )
			;//sLog.Error("ShipBonusModifier","Could not populate bonus modifier information for shipID: %u from the 'dgmShipBonusModifiers' table as the SQL query returned ZERO rows", shipID);
			m_ModifierLoaded = false;
			m_numOfIDs = count;
			m_ModifierLoaded = true;

    delete res;
    res = NULL;