Example #1
bool DBcore::DoQuery_locked(DBerror &err, const char *query, int32 querylen, bool retry)
    if (pStatus != Connected)

    if (mysql_real_query(&mysql, query, querylen)) {
        int num = mysql_errno(&mysql);

        if (num == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR)
            pStatus = Error;

        if (retry && (num == CR_SERVER_LOST || num == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR))
            sLog.Error("DBCore", "Lost connection, attempting to recover....");
            return DoQuery_locked(err, query, querylen, false);

        pStatus = Error;
        err.SetError(num, mysql_error(&mysql));
        sLog.Error("DBCore Query", "#%d in '%s': %s", err.GetErrNo(), query, err.c_str());
        return false;

    return true;
Example #2
bool DBcore::RunQuery(const char* query, int32 querylen, char* errbuf, MYSQL_RES** result, int32* affected_rows, int32* last_insert_id, int32* errnum, bool retry) {
    if (errnum)
        *errnum = 0;
    if (errbuf)
        errbuf[0] = 0;
    MutexLock lock(MDatabase);

    DBerror err;
    if(!DoQuery_locked(err, query, querylen, retry))
        sLog.Error("DBCore Query", "Query: %s failed", query);
        if(errnum != NULL)
            *errnum = err.GetErrNo();

        /* @note possible buffer overflow because the size of 'errbuf' is unknown.
         * @todo check if this function is actualy used and of so... change the strcpy to strncpy.
        if(errbuf != NULL)
            strcpy(errbuf, err.c_str());
        return false;

    if (result) {
        if(mysql_field_count(&mysql)) {
            *result = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
        } else {
            *result = NULL;
            if (errnum)
                *errnum = UINT_MAX;

            /* @note possible buffer overflow because the size of 'errbuf' is unknown.
             * @todo check if this function is actualy used and of so... change the strcpy to strncpy.
            if (errbuf)
                strcpy(errbuf, "DBcore::RunQuery: No Result");
            sLog.Error("DBCore Query", "Query: %s failed because it should return a result", query);
            return false;
    if (affected_rows)
        *affected_rows = (uint32)mysql_affected_rows(&mysql);
    if (last_insert_id)
        *last_insert_id = (uint32)mysql_insert_id(&mysql);
    return true;