int process() { int i; int j; DCBuffer * work = get_init_filter_broadcast(); std::string packet_size_and_num_packets; work->Extract(& packet_size_and_num_packets); std::vector<std::string> toks = dcmpi_string_tokenize(packet_size_and_num_packets); int num_packets = dcmpi_csnum(toks[1]); for (i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { DCBuffer * b = readany(); char * p = b->getPtr(); for (j = 0; j < b->getUsedSize(); j++) { char expected = (char)(j%256); if (p[j] != expected) { sleep(2); std::cerr << "ERROR: expecting " << (int)expected << ", got " << (int)p[j] << ", j=" << j << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; std::cerr << *b; // b->extended_print(cerr); assert(0); } } b->consume(); printf("."); fflush(stdout); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { appname = argv[0]; if (((argc-1) != 3)) { usage(); } DCLayout layout; layout.use_filter_library(""); DCFilterInstance console("<console>", "console"); layout.add(console); int lines = dcmpi_file_lines(argv[1]); int i, j; std::vector<DCFilterInstance*> filters; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { DCFilterInstance * f = new DCFilterInstance( "all2all", "all2all_" + dcmpi_to_string(i)); filters.push_back(f); layout.add(f); f->set_param("myid", dcmpi_to_string(i)); } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { for (j = 0; j < lines; j++) { if (i != j) { layout.add_port(filters[i], dcmpi_to_string(j), filters[j], "incoming"); } } layout.add_port(filters[i], "ready", &console, "ready"); layout.add_port(&console, "ready", filters[i], "ready"); } layout.set_param_all("packet_size", argv[2]); layout.set_param_all("num_packets", argv[3]); layout.set_param_all("filter_count", dcmpi_to_string(lines)); layout.set_exec_host_pool_file(argv[1]); DCFilter * c = layout.execute_start(); // wait till all are ready cout << "waiting for all filters to be ready..." << flush; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { DCBuffer * b = c->read("ready"); b->consume(); } DCBuffer goBuf; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { c->write(&goBuf, "ready"); } cout << "done\nall filters are ready, test is commencing\n"; double tstart = dcmpi_doubletime(); int rc = layout.execute_finish(); double tstop = dcmpi_doubletime(); double elapsed = tstop - tstart; double MB = ((dcmpi_csnum(argv[2]) * (dcmpi_csnum(argv[3])) * (lines-1) * lines) / (1024.0*1024.0)); double MB_per_sec = MB / elapsed; cout << "MB/sec " << MB_per_sec << " MB " << MB << " elapsed time " << elapsed << endl; return rc; }
int ocvm_dim_writer::process() { std::string output_directory; int x1, y1, x2, y2, z; int i, j; DCBuffer * in; const char * mode; //while (1) { //in = read_until_upstream_exit("0"); in = read("0"); //if (!in) { // break; //} in->unpack("siiiii", &output_directory, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &z); in->consume(); // cout << "dimwriter on " << dcmpi_get_hostname() // << ": writing to " // << output_filename << endl; std::string containing_dir = dcmpi_file_dirname(output_directory); if (!dcmpi_file_exists(containing_dir)) { if (dcmpi_mkdir_recursive(containing_dir)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: making directories on " << dcmpi_get_hostname() << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; } } assert(dcmpi_file_exists(containing_dir)); FILE * f; mode = "w"; for (i = y1; i <= y2; i++) { for (j = x1; j <= x2; j++) { std::string output_filename = output_directory + tostr(j) + "_" + tostr(i) + "_0"; if ((f = fopen(output_filename.c_str(), mode)) == NULL) { std::cerr << "ERROR: opening " << output_filename << " for mode " << mode << " on host " << dcmpi_get_hostname() << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; exit(1); } in = read("0"); if (compress) { in->decompress(); } if (fwrite(in->getPtr(), in->getUsedSize(), 1, f) < 1) { std::cerr << "ERROR: calling fwrite()" << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; exit(1); } in->consume(); if (fclose(f) != 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: calling fclose()" << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; exit(1); } } } //} return 0; }
int ocvm_maximum_spanning_tree2::process(void) { std::cout << "ocvm_maximum_spanning_tree2: running on " << dcmpi_get_hostname() << "\n"; int subimage_width = get_param_as_int("subimage_width"); int subimage_height = get_param_as_int("subimage_height"); double subimage_overlap = Atof(get_param("subimage_overlap")); int i; int4 nXChunks, nYChunks; nXChunks = get_param_as_int("nXChunks"); nYChunks = get_param_as_int("nYChunks"); int4 score, x_displacement, y_displacement, x_ref, y_ref, x_subject, y_subject, left_to_right, diffX, diffY; std::cout << "ocvm_maximum_spanning_tree2: " << nXChunks << "x" << nYChunks << " image coming at me\n"; // GlobalAligner ga = GlobalAligner(nXChunks, nYChunks, subimage_width, subimage_height, subimage_overlap/100.0); GlobalAligner ga = GlobalAligner(nXChunks, nYChunks); int num_incoming_packets = ((nXChunks-1) * nYChunks) + ((nYChunks-1) * nXChunks); std::cout << "ocvm_maximum_spanning_tree2: num_incoming_packets is " << num_incoming_packets << endl; for (i = 0; i < num_incoming_packets; i++) { DCBuffer * in = read("from_aligners"); in->Extract(&score); in->Extract(&x_displacement); in->Extract(&y_displacement); in->Extract(&x_ref); in->Extract(&y_ref); in->Extract(&x_subject); in->Extract(&y_subject); in->Extract(&left_to_right); in->Extract(&diffX); in->Extract(&diffY); // std::cout << "maximum_spanning_tree2: next packet: " // << score << " " << x_displacement << " " << y_displacement // << " (" << x_ref << "," << y_ref // << ") (" << x_subject << "," << y_subject // << ") " << left_to_right // << " " << diffX << " " << diffY << "\n"; int edge_index; if (left_to_right) { // edge_index = (nYChunks - y_ref - 1)*(2*nXChunks - 1); edge_index = y_subject*(2*nXChunks - 1); if (y_subject == nYChunks-1) edge_index = edge_index + x_ref; else edge_index = edge_index + 2*x_ref + 1; ga.init_edge(edge_index, x_displacement, y_displacement, score); } else { edge_index = y_ref*(2*nXChunks - 1) + 2*x_subject; ga.init_edge(edge_index, -1*x_displacement, -1*y_displacement, score); } // std::cout << "edge index= " << edge_index << std::endl; in->consume(); } double before = dcmpi_doubletime(); std::cout << "w: " << subimage_width << endl; std::cout << "h: " << subimage_height << endl; std::cout << "o: " << subimage_overlap << endl; ga.init_tiles((int8)(subimage_width * (1.0 - (subimage_overlap / 100.0))), (int8)(subimage_height * (1.0 - (subimage_overlap / 100.0)))); // ga.displayEdges(); // std::cout << std::endl; // ga.displayOffsets(); // std::cout << std::endl; ga.calculateDisplacements(); std::cout << std::endl; ga.normalizeOffsets(); // ga.displayOffsets(); ga.finalizeOffsets(); // ga.displayOffsets(); std::cout << std::endl; double elapsed = dcmpi_doubletime() - before; DCBuffer *outb = new DCBuffer(8 + (((nXChunks * nYChunks * 2) + 2) * sizeof(int8))); std::cout << "spanning tree took this many seconds: " << elapsed <<endl; outb->Append(ga.maxX+subimage_width); outb->Append(ga.maxY+subimage_height); for (i = 0; i < nXChunks*nYChunks; i++) { outb->Append(ga.tiles[i]->offsetX); outb->Append(ga.tiles[i]->offsetY); } write_nocopy(outb, "to_console"); std::cout << "f-mst.cpp: exiting\n"; return 0; }