void dvd_remove_empty_part(DCR *dcr) { DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; /* Remove the last part file if it is empty */ if (dev->is_dvd() && dev->num_dvd_parts > 0) { struct stat statp; uint32_t part_save = dev->part; POOL_MEM archive_name(PM_FNAME); int status; dev->part = dev->num_dvd_parts; make_spooled_dvd_filename(dev, archive_name); /* Check that the part file is empty */ status = stat(archive_name.c_str(), &statp); if (status == 0 && statp.st_size == 0) { Dmsg3(100, "Unlink empty part in close call make_dvd_filename. part=%d num=%d vol=%s\n", part_save, dev->num_dvd_parts, dev->getVolCatName()); Dmsg1(100, "unlink(%s)\n", archive_name.c_str()); unlink(archive_name.c_str()); if (part_save == dev->part) { dev->set_part_spooled(false); /* no spooled part left */ } } else if (status < 0) { if (part_save == dev->part) { dev->set_part_spooled(false); /* spool doesn't exit */ } } dev->part = part_save; /* restore part number */ } }
/* * Wait for a specific device to be released * We wait a maximum of 1 minute then * retry just in case a broadcast was lost. * * Returns: true if the device has changed state * false if the total wait time has expired. */ bool wait_for_device(DCR *dcr, int &retries) { struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; struct timespec timeout; JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr; DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; int stat = 0; bool ok = true; const int max_wait_time = 1 * 60; /* wait 1 minute */ char ed1[50]; Dmsg3(40, "Enter wait_for_device. busy=%d dcrvol=%s devvol=%s\n", dev->is_busy(), dcr->VolumeName, dev->getVolCatName()); P(device_release_mutex); if (++retries % 5 == 0) { /* Print message every 5 minutes */ Jmsg(jcr, M_MOUNT, 0, _("JobId=%s, Job %s waiting device %s.\n"), edit_uint64(jcr->JobId, ed1), jcr->Job, dcr->dev->print_name()); } gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); timeout.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; timeout.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + max_wait_time; Dmsg0(dbglvl, "Going to wait for a device.\n"); /* Wait required time */ stat = pthread_cond_timedwait(&wait_device_release, &device_release_mutex, &timeout); Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Wokeup from sleep on device stat=%d\n", stat); V(device_release_mutex); Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Return from wait_device ok=%d\n", ok); return ok; }
/* * Open the first part file. * - Close the fd * - Reopen the device */ static bool dvd_open_first_part(DCR *dcr, int mode) { DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; Dmsg5(29, "Enter: ==== open_first_part dev=%s Vol=%s mode=%d num_dvd_parts=%d append=%d\n", dev->print_name(), dev->getVolCatName(), dev->openmode, dev->num_dvd_parts, dev->can_append()); dev->close_part(dcr); Dmsg2(400, "Call dev->open(vol=%s, mode=%d)\n", dcr->getVolCatName(), mode); Dmsg0(100, "Set part=1\n"); dev->part = 1; dev->part_start = 0; if (dev->open(dcr, mode) < 0) { Dmsg0(400, "open dev() failed\n"); return false; } Dmsg2(400, "Leave open_first_part state=%s append=%d\n", dev->is_open()?"open":"not open", dev->can_append()); return true; }
/* * This job is done, so release the device. From a Unix standpoint, * the device remains open. * * Note, if we were spooling, we may enter with the device blocked. * We unblock at the end, only if it was us who blocked the * device. * */ bool release_device(DCR *dcr) { utime_t now; JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr; DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; bool ok = true; char tbuf[100]; int was_blocked = BST_NOT_BLOCKED; /* * Capture job statistics now that we are done using this device. */ now = (utime_t)time(NULL); update_job_statistics(jcr, now); dev->Lock(); if (!dev->is_blocked()) { block_device(dev, BST_RELEASING); } else { was_blocked = dev->blocked(); dev->set_blocked(BST_RELEASING); } lock_volumes(); Dmsg2(100, "release_device device %s is %s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->is_tape() ? "tape" : "disk"); /* * If device is reserved, job never started, so release the reserve here */ dcr->clear_reserved(); if (dev->can_read()) { VOLUME_CAT_INFO *vol = &dev->VolCatInfo; dev->clear_read(); /* clear read bit */ Dmsg2(150, "dir_update_vol_info. label=%d Vol=%s\n", dev->is_labeled(), vol->VolCatName); if (dev->is_labeled() && vol->VolCatName[0] != 0) { dcr->dir_update_volume_info(false, false); /* send Volume info to Director */ remove_read_volume(jcr, dcr->VolumeName); volume_unused(dcr); } } else if (dev->num_writers > 0) { /* * Note if WEOT is set, we are at the end of the tape and may not be positioned correctly, * so the job_media_record and update_vol_info have already been done, * which means we skip them here. */ dev->num_writers--; Dmsg1(100, "There are %d writers in release_device\n", dev->num_writers); if (dev->is_labeled()) { Dmsg2(200, "dir_create_jobmedia. Release vol=%s dev=%s\n", dev->getVolCatName(), dev->print_name()); if (!dev->at_weot() && !dcr->dir_create_jobmedia_record(false)) { Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Could not create JobMedia record for Volume=\"%s\" Job=%s\n"), dcr->getVolCatName(), jcr->Job); } /* * If no more writers, and no errors, and wrote something, write an EOF */ if (!dev->num_writers && dev->can_write() && dev->block_num > 0) { dev->weof(1); write_ansi_ibm_labels(dcr, ANSI_EOF_LABEL, dev->VolHdr.VolumeName); } if (!dev->at_weot()) { dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatFiles = dev->file; /* set number of files */ /* * Note! do volume update before close, which zaps VolCatInfo */ dcr->dir_update_volume_info(false, false); /* send Volume info to Director */ Dmsg2(200, "dir_update_vol_info. Release vol=%s dev=%s\n", dev->getVolCatName(), dev->print_name()); } if (dev->num_writers == 0) { /* if not being used */ volume_unused(dcr); /* we obviously are not using the volume */ } } } else { /* * If we reach here, it is most likely because the job has failed, * since the device is not in read mode and there are no writers. * It was probably reserved. */ volume_unused(dcr); } Dmsg3(100, "%d writers, %d reserve, dev=%s\n", dev->num_writers, dev->num_reserved(), dev->print_name()); /* * If no writers, close if file or !CAP_ALWAYS_OPEN */ if (dev->num_writers == 0 && (!dev->is_tape() || !dev->has_cap(CAP_ALWAYSOPEN))) { dev->close(dcr); free_volume(dev); } unlock_volumes(); /* * Fire off Alert command and include any output */ if (!job_canceled(jcr)) { if (!dcr->device->drive_tapealert_enabled && dcr->device->alert_command) { int status = 1; POOLMEM *alert, *line; BPIPE *bpipe; alert = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME); line = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME); alert = edit_device_codes(dcr, alert, dcr->device->alert_command, ""); /* * Wait maximum 5 minutes */ bpipe = open_bpipe(alert, 60 * 5, "r"); if (bpipe) { while (bfgets(line, bpipe->rfd)) { Jmsg(jcr, M_ALERT, 0, _("Alert: %s"), line); } status = close_bpipe(bpipe); } else { status = errno; } if (status != 0) { berrno be; Jmsg(jcr, M_ALERT, 0, _("3997 Bad alert command: %s: ERR=%s.\n"), alert, be.bstrerror(status)); } Dmsg1(400, "alert status=%d\n", status); free_pool_memory(alert); free_pool_memory(line); } else { /* * If all reservations are cleared for this device raise an event that SD plugins can register to. */ if (dev->num_reserved() == 0) { generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceReleased, dcr); } } } pthread_cond_broadcast(&dev->wait_next_vol); Dmsg2(100, "JobId=%u broadcast wait_device_release at %s\n", (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, bstrftimes(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), (utime_t)time(NULL))); release_device_cond(); /* * If we are the thread that blocked the device, then unblock it */ if (pthread_equal(dev->no_wait_id, pthread_self())) { dev->dunblock(true); } else { /* * Otherwise, reset the prior block status and unlock */ dev->set_blocked(was_blocked); dev->Unlock(); } if (dcr->keep_dcr) { detach_dcr_from_dev(dcr); } else { free_dcr(dcr); } Dmsg2(100, "Device %s released by JobId=%u\n", dev->print_name(), (uint32_t)jcr->JobId); return ok; }
/* * Checks if we can write on a non-blank DVD: meaning that it just have been * truncated (there is only one zero-sized file on the DVD). * * Note! Normally if we can mount the device, which should be the case * when we get here, it is not a blank DVD. Hence we check if * if all files are of zero length (i.e. no data), in which case we allow it. * */ bool check_can_write_on_non_blank_dvd(DCR *dcr) { DEVICE* dev = dcr->dev; DIR* dp; struct dirent *entry, *result; int name_max; struct stat filestat; bool ok = true; name_max = pathconf(".", _PC_NAME_MAX); if (name_max < 1024) { name_max = 1024; } if (!(dp = opendir(dev->device->mount_point))) { berrno be; dev->dev_errno = errno; Dmsg3(29, "check_can_write_on_non_blank_dvd: failed to open dir %s (dev=%s), ERR=%s\n", dev->device->mount_point, dev->print_name(), be.bstrerror()); return false; } entry = (struct dirent *)malloc(sizeof(struct dirent) + name_max + 1000); for ( ;; ) { if ((readdir_r(dp, entry, &result) != 0) || (result == NULL)) { dev->dev_errno = EIO; Dmsg2(129, "check_can_write_on_non_blank_dvd: no more files in dir %s (dev=%s)\n", dev->device->mount_point, dev->print_name()); break; } else { Dmsg2(99, "check_can_write_on_non_blank_dvd: found %s (versus %s)\n", result->d_name, dev->getVolCatName()); if (strcmp(result->d_name, ".") && strcmp(result->d_name, "..") && strcmp(result->d_name, ".keep")) { /* Found a file, checking it is empty */ POOL_MEM filename(PM_FNAME); pm_strcpy(filename, dev->device->mount_point); if (!IsPathSeparator(filename.c_str()[strlen(filename.c_str())-1])) { pm_strcat(filename, "/"); } pm_strcat(filename, result->d_name); if (stat(filename.c_str(), &filestat) < 0) { berrno be; dev->dev_errno = errno; Dmsg2(29, "check_can_write_on_non_blank_dvd: cannot stat file (file=%s), ERR=%s\n", filename.c_str(), be.bstrerror()); ok = false; break; } Dmsg2(99, "check_can_write_on_non_blank_dvd: size of %s is %lld\n", filename.c_str(), filestat.st_size); if (filestat.st_size != 0) { ok = false; break; } } } } free(entry); closedir(dp); Dmsg1(29, "OK can_write_on_non_blank_dvd: OK=%d\n", ok); return ok; }
/* * Open the next part file. * - Close the fd * - Increment part number * - Reopen the device */ int dvd_open_next_part(DCR *dcr) { DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; Dmsg6(29, "Enter: == open_next_part part=%d npart=%d dev=%s vol=%s mode=%d file_addr=%d\n", dev->part, dev->num_dvd_parts, dev->print_name(), dev->getVolCatName(), dev->openmode, dev->file_addr); if (!dev->is_dvd()) { Dmsg1(100, "Device %s is not dvd!!!!\n", dev->print_name()); return -1; } /* When appending, do not open a new part if the current is empty */ if (dev->can_append() && (dev->part > dev->num_dvd_parts) && (dev->part_size == 0)) { Dmsg0(29, "open_next_part exited immediately (dev->part_size == 0).\n"); return dev->fd(); } dev->close_part(dcr); /* close current part */ /* * If we have a spooled part open, write it to the * DVD before opening the next part. */ if (dev->is_part_spooled()) { Dmsg2(100, "Before open next write previous. part=%d num_parts=%d\n", dev->part, dev->num_dvd_parts); if (!dvd_write_part(dcr)) { Dmsg0(29, "Error in dvd_write part.\n"); return -1; } } dev->part_start += dev->part_size; dev->part++; Dmsg2(29, "Inc part=%d num_dvd_parts=%d\n", dev->part, dev->num_dvd_parts); /* Are we working on a part past what is written in the DVD? */ if (dev->num_dvd_parts < dev->part) { POOL_MEM archive_name(PM_FNAME); struct stat buf; /* * First check what is on DVD. If our part is there, we * are in trouble, so bail out. * NB: This is however not a problem if we are writing the first part. * It simply means that we are over writing an existing volume... */ if (dev->num_dvd_parts > 0) { make_mounted_dvd_filename(dev, archive_name); /* makes dvd name */ Dmsg1(100, "Check if part on DVD: %s\n", archive_name.c_str()); if (stat(archive_name.c_str(), &buf) == 0) { /* bad news bail out */ dev->set_part_spooled(false); Mmsg1(&dev->errmsg, _("Next Volume part already exists on DVD. Cannot continue: %s\n"), archive_name.c_str()); return -1; } } #ifdef neeeded Dmsg2(400, "num_dvd_parts=%d part=%d\n", dev->num_dvd_parts, dev->part); make_spooled_dvd_filename(dev, archive_name); /* makes spool name */ /* Check if the next part exists in spool directory . */ Dmsg1(100, "Check if part on spool: %s\n", archive_name.c_str()); if ((stat(archive_name.c_str(), &buf) == 0) || (errno != ENOENT)) { Dmsg1(29, "======= Part %s is in the way, deleting it...\n", archive_name.c_str()); /* Then try to unlink it */ if (unlink(archive_name.c_str()) < 0) { berrno be; dev->set_part_spooled(false); dev->dev_errno = errno; Mmsg2(dev->errmsg, _("open_next_part can't unlink existing part %s, ERR=%s\n"), archive_name.c_str(), be.bstrerror()); return -1; } } #endif } Dmsg2(400, "Call dev->open(vol=%s, mode=%d)\n", dcr->getVolCatName(), dev->openmode); /* Open next part. Note, this sets part_size for part opened. */ if (dev->open(dcr, OPEN_READ_ONLY) < 0) { return -1; } dev->set_labeled(); /* all next parts are "labeled" */ return dev->fd(); }