::LoadMitkImageForImageBlockDescriptor(DICOMImageBlockDescriptor& block) const
  const DICOMImageFrameList& frames = block.GetImageFrameList();
  const GantryTiltInformation tiltInfo = block.GetTiltInformation();
  const bool hasTilt = tiltInfo.IsRegularGantryTilt();

  const int numberOfTimesteps = block.GetNumberOfTimeSteps();

  if (numberOfTimesteps == 1)
    return DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader::LoadMitkImageForImageBlockDescriptor(block);

  const int numberOfFramesPerTimestep = block.GetNumberOfFramesPerTimeStep();

  ITKDICOMSeriesReaderHelper::StringContainerList filenamesPerTimestep;
  for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep<numberOfTimesteps; ++timeStep)
    // use numberOfFramesPerTimestep frames for a new item in filenamesPerTimestep
    ITKDICOMSeriesReaderHelper::StringContainer filenamesOfThisTimeStep;
    auto timeStepStart = frames.cbegin() + timeStep * numberOfFramesPerTimestep;
    auto timeStepEnd   = frames.cbegin() + (timeStep+1) * numberOfFramesPerTimestep;
    for (auto frameIter = timeStepStart;
        frameIter != timeStepEnd;
      filenamesOfThisTimeStep.push_back( (*frameIter)->Filename );
    filenamesPerTimestep.push_back( filenamesOfThisTimeStep );

  mitk::ITKDICOMSeriesReaderHelper helper;
  mitk::Image::Pointer mitkImage = helper.Load3DnT( filenamesPerTimestep, m_FixTiltByShearing && hasTilt, tiltInfo );

  block.SetMitkImage( mitkImage );


  return true;
Example #2
::DecorateVerifyCachedImage( const StringList& files, mitk::DICOMTagCache* tagCache, mitk::Image::Pointer cachedImage )
  DICOMImageBlockDescriptor block;

  DICOMImageFrameList framelist;
  for (auto iter = files.begin();
       iter != files.end();
    framelist.push_back( DICOMImageFrameInfo::New(*iter) );

  block.SetImageFrameList( framelist );

  block.SetTagCache( tagCache );
  block.SetMitkImage( cachedImage ); // this should/will create a propertylist describing the image slices
  return block.GetMitkImage();
Example #3
::DecorateVerifyCachedImage( const StringList& files, mitk::Image::Pointer cachedImage )
  ClassicDICOMSeriesReader::Pointer reader = this->BuildDICOMReader();
  reader->SetInputFiles( files );
  reader->AnalyzeInputFiles(); // This just creates a "tag cache and a nice DICOMImageBlockDescriptor.
                               // Both of these could also be produced in a different way. The only
                               // important thing is, that the DICOMImageBlockDescriptor knows a
                               // tag-cache object when PropertyDecorateCachedMitkImageForImageBlockDescriptor
                               // is called.

  if  ( reader->GetNumberOfOutputs() != 1 )
    MITK_ERROR << "Reader produce " << reader->GetNumberOfOutputs() << " images instead of 1 expected..";
    return nullptr;

  DICOMImageBlockDescriptor block = reader->GetOutput(0); // creates a block copy
  block.SetMitkImage( cachedImage ); // this should/will create a propertylist describing the image slices
  return block.GetMitkImage();
bool mitk::DiffusionDICOMFileReader
::LoadSingleOutputImage( DiffusionHeaderDICOMFileReader::DICOMHeaderListType retrievedHeader,
                         DICOMImageBlockDescriptor& block, bool is_mosaic)
  // prepare data reading
  DiffusionDICOMFileReaderHelper helper;
  DiffusionDICOMFileReaderHelper::VolumeFileNamesContainer filenames;

  const DICOMImageFrameList& frames = block.GetImageFrameList();
  int numberOfDWImages = block.GetIntProperty("timesteps", 1);

  int numberOfFramesPerDWImage = frames.size() / numberOfDWImages;

  assert( int( double((double) frames.size() / (double) numberOfDWImages)) == numberOfFramesPerDWImage );
  for( int idx = 0; idx < numberOfDWImages; idx++ )
    std::vector< std::string > FileNamesPerVolume;

    auto timeStepStart = frames.begin() + idx * numberOfFramesPerDWImage;
    auto timeStepEnd   = frames.begin() + (idx+1) * numberOfFramesPerDWImage;
    for (auto frameIter = timeStepStart;
         frameIter != timeStepEnd;
      FileNamesPerVolume.push_back( (*frameIter)->Filename );

    filenames.push_back( FileNamesPerVolume );

  // TODO : only prototyping to test loading of diffusion images
  // we need some solution for the different types
  mitk::Image::Pointer output_image = mitk::Image::New();

  mitk::DiffusionPropertyHelper::GradientDirectionsContainerType::Pointer directions =

  double max_bvalue = 0;
  for( int idx = 0; idx < numberOfDWImages; idx++ )
    DiffusionImageDICOMHeaderInformation header =;

    if( max_bvalue < header.b_value )
      max_bvalue = header.b_value;

  // normalize the retrieved gradient directions according to the set b-value (maximal one)
  for( int idx = 0; idx < numberOfDWImages; idx++ )
    DiffusionImageDICOMHeaderInformation header =;
    mitk::DiffusionPropertyHelper::GradientDirectionType grad = header.g_vector;

    grad *= sqrt( header.b_value / max_bvalue );

    directions->push_back( grad );

  // initialize the output image
  output_image->SetProperty( mitk::DiffusionPropertyHelper::GRADIENTCONTAINERPROPERTYNAME.c_str(), mitk::GradientDirectionsProperty::New( directions ) );
  output_image->SetProperty( mitk::DiffusionPropertyHelper::REFERENCEBVALUEPROPERTYNAME.c_str(), mitk::FloatProperty::New( max_bvalue ) );

  if( is_mosaic && this->m_ResolveMosaic )
    mitk::DiffusionHeaderSiemensMosaicDICOMFileReader::Pointer mosaic_reader =

    // retrieve the remaining meta-information needed for mosaic reconstruction
    // it suffices to get it exemplatory from the first file in the file list
    mosaic_reader->RetrieveMosaicInformation( );

    mitk::MosaicDescriptor mdesc = mosaic_reader->GetMosaicDescriptor();
    mitk::CastToMitkImage( helper.LoadMosaicToVector<short, 3>( filenames, mdesc ), output_image );

    mitk::CastToMitkImage( helper.LoadToVector<short, 3>( filenames ), output_image );

  mitk::DiffusionPropertyHelper propertyHelper( output_image );

  output_image->SetProperty("diffusion.dicom.importname", mitk::StringProperty::New( helper.GetOutputName(filenames) ) );
  block.SetMitkImage( (mitk::Image::Pointer) output_image );

  return block.GetMitkImage().IsNotNull();

::Condense3DBlocks(SortingBlockList& resultOf3DGrouping)
  if (!m_Group3DandT)
    return resultOf3DGrouping; // don't work if nobody asks us to

  SortingBlockList remainingBlocks = resultOf3DGrouping;

  SortingBlockList non3DnTBlocks;
  SortingBlockList true3DnTBlocks;
  std::vector<unsigned int> true3DnTBlocksTimeStepCount;

  // we should describe our need for this tag as needed via a function
  // (however, we currently know that the superclass will always need this tag)
  const DICOMTag tagImagePositionPatient(0x0020, 0x0032);

  while (!remainingBlocks.empty())
    // new block to fill up
    const DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList& firstBlock = remainingBlocks.front();
    DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList current3DnTBlock = firstBlock;
    int current3DnTBlockNumberOfTimeSteps = 1;

    // get block characteristics of first block
    const unsigned int currentBlockNumberOfSlices = firstBlock.size();
    const std::string currentBlockFirstOrigin = firstBlock.front()->GetTagValueAsString( tagImagePositionPatient ).value;
    const std::string currentBlockLastOrigin  =  firstBlock.back()->GetTagValueAsString( tagImagePositionPatient ).value;

    remainingBlocks.erase( remainingBlocks.begin() );

    // compare all other blocks against the first one
    for (auto otherBlockIter = remainingBlocks.begin();
         otherBlockIter != remainingBlocks.cend();
         /*++otherBlockIter*/) // <-- inside loop
      // get block characteristics from first block
      const DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList otherBlock = *otherBlockIter;

      const unsigned int otherBlockNumberOfSlices = otherBlock.size();
      const std::string otherBlockFirstOrigin = otherBlock.front()->GetTagValueAsString( tagImagePositionPatient ).value;
      const std::string otherBlockLastOrigin  =  otherBlock.back()->GetTagValueAsString( tagImagePositionPatient ).value;

      // add matching blocks to current3DnTBlock
      // keep other blocks for later
      if (   otherBlockNumberOfSlices == currentBlockNumberOfSlices
          && otherBlockFirstOrigin == currentBlockFirstOrigin
          && otherBlockLastOrigin == currentBlockLastOrigin
      { // matching block
        current3DnTBlock.insert( current3DnTBlock.end(), otherBlock.begin(), otherBlock.end() ); // append
        // remove this block from remainingBlocks
        otherBlockIter = remainingBlocks.erase(otherBlockIter); // make sure iterator otherBlockIter is valid afterwards

    // in any case, we now now all about the first block of our list ...
    // ... and we wither call it 3D o 3D+t
    if (current3DnTBlockNumberOfTimeSteps > 1)

  // create output for real 3D+t blocks (other outputs will be created by superclass)
  // set 3D+t flag on output block
  this->SetNumberOfOutputs( true3DnTBlocks.size() );
  unsigned int o = 0;
  for (auto blockIter = true3DnTBlocks.cbegin();
       blockIter != true3DnTBlocks.cend();
       ++o, ++blockIter)
    // bad copy&paste code from DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader, should be handled in a better way
    DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList gdcmFrameInfoList = *blockIter;

    // reverse frames if necessary
    // update tilt information from absolute last sorting
    const DICOMDatasetList datasetList = ConvertToDICOMDatasetList( gdcmFrameInfoList );
    m_NormalDirectionConsistencySorter->SetInput( datasetList );
    const DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList sortedGdcmInfoFrameList = ConvertToDICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList( m_NormalDirectionConsistencySorter->GetOutput(0) );
    const GantryTiltInformation& tiltInfo = m_NormalDirectionConsistencySorter->GetTiltInformation();

    // set frame list for current block
    const DICOMImageFrameList frameList = ConvertToDICOMImageFrameList( sortedGdcmInfoFrameList );

    DICOMImageBlockDescriptor block;
    block.SetTagCache( this->GetTagCache() ); // important: this must be before SetImageFrameList(), because SetImageFrameList will trigger reading of lots of interesting tags!
    block.SetImageFrameList( frameList );
    block.SetTiltInformation( tiltInfo );

    block.SetFlag("3D+t", true);
    block.SetIntProperty("timesteps", true3DnTBlocksTimeStepCount[o]);
    MITK_DEBUG << "Found " << true3DnTBlocksTimeStepCount[o] << " timesteps";

    this->SetOutput( o, block );

  return non3DnTBlocks;