/** Takes profiles of numStrips vertical strips (plus numStrips-1
    overlapping strips) and uses them to estimate the avg textline
    height **/
void DTextlineSeparator::getTextlineRects(DImage &img, int *numTextlines,
					  DRect **rgTextlineRects,
					  int *spacingEst,
					  char *stDebugBaseName){
  int w, h;
  D_uint8 *pu8;
  DProfile prof;
  DProfile profSmear;// profile of smeared image
  char stTmp[1024];
  w = img.width();
  h = img.height();
  pu8 = img.dataPointer_u8();
  for(int y=0, idx=0; y < h; ++y){
    for(int x=0; x < w; ++x, ++idx){
      if((pu8[idx] > 0) && (pu8[idx] < 255)){
  	fprintf(stderr, "DTextlineSeparator::getTextlineRects() requires "
  		"BINARY image with values of 0 or 255!\n");

  DProfile profWeightedStrokeDist;
  int *rgBlackSpacingHist;

  rgBlackSpacingHist=new int[200];
  int *rgPeakYs;
  int numPeaks;
  int *rgValleyYs;
  int numValleys;

  rgPeakYs = new int[h];
  rgValleyYs = new int[h];

  numPeaks = 0;
  numValleys = 0;


    double *pdbl;
    pdbl = prof.dataPointer();
    for(int j=0; j < h; ++j)
      pdbl[j] /= 255; // now the profile is number of white pixels (was GS prof)

    unsigned int profMax;
    profMax = (unsigned int)prof.max();

    //use original image to create histogram of horizontal foreground spacing
    //(distance from black pixel to next black pixel) weighted by profile value
    //inverse (number of black pixels instead of white pixels)
    for(int y=2; y < (h-2); ++y){//ignore 2 on each end (smoothing boundaries)
      int lastBlackX;
      int runlength;
      int x;
      int weight;

      lastBlackX = -1;
      runlength = 0;
      for(x=0 ; x < w; ++x){
	if(pu8[y*w+x] == 0){//black
	  runlength = x - lastBlackX;
	  if((runlength >= 2) && (runlength < 200)){
	    weight = (int)profMax - (int)pdbl[y];//inverse of profile value at y
	    rgBlackSpacingHist[runlength] += weight;

  //to get the spacing estimate, get the max, then find the next position
  //that is less than 1/3 of the max.  Use that as the estimate to determine
  int spacingMax;
  int spacingEstimate;
  spacingMax = 2;
  for(int j=3; j<200; ++j){
    if(rgBlackSpacingHist[j] > rgBlackSpacingHist[spacingMax])
      spacingMax = j;
  spacingEstimate = spacingMax;
  for(int j=spacingMax+1; j < 200; ++j){
    if(rgBlackSpacingHist[j] < (rgBlackSpacingHist[spacingMax] / 3)){
      spacingEstimate = j;
  printf(" spacing estimate =        *** %d pixels\n",spacingEstimate);
  if(NULL != spacingEst){
    (*spacingEst) = spacingEstimate;

  // now smear the image based on the spacing estimate, then take new profiles
  DImage imgSmear;
  D_uint8 *psmear;
  imgSmear = img;
  psmear = imgSmear.dataPointer_u8();
  for(int y=0; y < h; ++y){
    int lastBlackX;
    int runlength;
    lastBlackX = w;
    for(int x=0; x < w; ++x){
      if(pu8[y*w+x] == 0){//black
	runlength = x - lastBlackX;
	if((runlength < 2*spacingEstimate) && (runlength >0)){
	  // fill in the white since last black pixel with black
	  for(int xp=lastBlackX+1; xp < x; ++xp){
	    psmear[(y*w+xp)] = 128;
	lastBlackX = x;

  // now recalculate all of the profiles
  int rgSmearThresh;

    double *pdbl;
    unsigned int profMax;
    // imgSmear.copy_(imgStrip, stripLeft, 0, stripW, h);

    // invert the profile so black is 255 and white is zero before smoothing
    pdbl = profSmear.dataPointer();
    profMax = (unsigned int)profSmear.max();
    for(int y=0; y < h; ++y)
      pdbl[y] = profMax - pdbl[y];

    profMax = (unsigned int)profSmear.max();//new max after smoothing

    // decide where peak/valleys in profile are
      int prevSign = 0;
      double deriv;
      double *pdbl;
      int numZeros = 0;

      pdbl = profSmear.dataPointer();
      //use profile derivative and dist from last peak/valley
      //to decide where peaks and valleys are
      for(int y=1; y < (h-1); ++y){

	int left, right;
	right = y + spacingEstimate/2;
	if(right > h)
	  right = h;
	left = y - spacingEstimate/2;
	if(left < 0)
	  left = 0;
	// deriv = pdbl[y+1] - pdbl[y-1];
	deriv = pdbl[right] - pdbl[left];
	if(deriv > 0.){//rising
	  if(prevSign <= 0){//valley
	    rgValleyYs[numValleys] = y-numZeros/2;//(middle of plateaus)
	  prevSign = 1;
	  numZeros = 0;
	else if(deriv < 0.){//falling
	  if(prevSign >= 0){//peak
	    rgPeakYs[numPeaks] = y-numZeros/2;//(middle of plateaus)
	  prevSign = -1;
	  numZeros = 0;
	else{ // zero slope
      }//end for(y=...

#if 0
    // refine valleys so they are at true minima
    for(int v=0; v < numValleys; ++v){
      bool fRefined = false;
      int origY;
      origY = rgValleyYs[v];
      for(int offs=1; offs < spacingEstimate/2; ++offs){
	int checkY;
	checkY = rgValleyYs[v]-offs;
	  if(pdbl[checkY] < pdbl[rgValleyYs[v]]){
	    rgValleyYs[v] = checkY;
	    fRefined = true;
	checkY = rgValleyYs[v]+offs;
	  if(pdbl[checkY] < pdbl[rgValleyYs[v]]){
	    rgValleyYs[v] = checkY;
	    fRefined = true;
	printf("    >>refined valley%d from y=%d to y=%d\n",

// #if 0
//     // get rid of false peaks (those that have very low prominence)
//     {
//       // figure out weighted avg prominence (weight by prominence of each peak)
//       double sumProm = 0.;
//       int numProm = 0;
//       for(int p=0; p < numPeaks; ++p){
// 	int numSides; // will be 1, 2, or 0
// 	//	double prom = pdbl[rgPeakYs[p]
//       }
//     }

//     // combine peaks that are too close to each other
//     {
//       int numPeaksRemoved = 0;
//       bool fRemoved;
//       fRemoved = true;
//       while(fRemoved && (numPeaks>1)){
// 	fRemoved = false;
// 	int deletePeak=0;
// 	int deleteValley=0;
// 	for(int j=1; j < numPeaks; ++j){
// 	  if(abs(rgPeakYs[j-1]-rgPeakYs[j])<spacingEstimate*2/3){//too close
// 	    if(pdbl[rgPeakYs[j]] > pdbl[rgPeakYs[j-1]]){
// 	      printf("  A remove peak %d at y=%d\n",j-1,(int)pdbl[rgPeakYs[j-1]]);
// 	      deletePeak = j-1;
// 	    }
// 	    else{
// 	      printf("  B remove peak %d at y=%d\n",j,(int)pdbl[rgPeakYs[j]]);
// 	      deletePeak = j;
// 	    }
// 	    deleteValley = -1;

// 	    if(numValleys > 0){
// 	      if(rgPeakYs[0] < rgValleyYs[0]){//peak was first
// 		deleteValley = deletePeak;
// 	      }
// 	      else{//valley was first
// 		deleteValley = deletePeak+1;
// 	      }
// 	    }

// 	    //delete the peak
// 	    for(int k=deletePeak+1; k < numPeaks; ++k){
// 	      rgPeakYs[k-1] = rgPeakYs[k];
// 	    }
// 	    --numPeaks;
// 	    //delete the valley (if in range)
// 	    if((deleteValley>=0) && (deleteValley < numValleys)){
// 	      for(int k=deleteValley+1; k < numValleys; ++k){
// 		rgValleyYs[k-1] = rgValleyYs[k];
// 	      }
// 	    }
// 	    fRemoved = true;
// 	    ++numPeaksRemoved;
// 	    break;
// 	  }//if(abs(...
// 	}//for(int j=...
//       }//while(fRemoved)
//     }

//     {//figure out peak-to-valley topographic prominence threshold
//     }
// #endif


  printf("fPeakFirst = %d\n",(int)(rgPeakYs[0] < rgValleyYs[0]));
  printf("numPeaks=%d numValleys=%d\n", numPeaks, numValleys);
  for(int p=0; (p < numPeaks) || (p<numValleys); ++p){
    if(p< numPeaks)
    if(p< numValleys)

  (*numTextlines) = numPeaks;
  (*rgTextlineRects) = new DRect[numPeaks];
  bool fPeakFirst;
  fPeakFirst = rgPeakYs[0] < rgValleyYs[0];
  for(int p = 0; p < numPeaks; ++p){
    int topIdx, botIdx;
      topIdx = p-1;
      botIdx = p;
      topIdx = p;
      botIdx = p+1;
    (*rgTextlineRects)[p].x = 0;
    (*rgTextlineRects)[p].w = w-1;
    if(topIdx < 0)
      (*rgTextlineRects)[p].y = 0;
    else if(topIdx >= numValleys){
      fprintf(stderr, "This shouldn't happen!(%s:%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      (*rgTextlineRects)[p].y = 0;
      (*rgTextlineRects)[p].y = rgValleyYs[topIdx];
    if(botIdx < 0){
      fprintf(stderr, "This shouldn't happen!(%s:%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      (*rgTextlineRects)[p].h = h-((*rgTextlineRects)[p].y)-1;
    else if(botIdx >= numValleys){
      (*rgTextlineRects)[p].h = h-((*rgTextlineRects)[p].y)-1;
      (*rgTextlineRects)[p].h = rgValleyYs[botIdx]-((*rgTextlineRects)[p].y)-1;

  // now remove any textlines that seem empty
    //avg # of pixels within a textline (weighted by # pxls in that textline)
    double sumPxls;
    double sumWeights;
    sumPxls = 0;
    sumWeights = 0;
    long *rgNumPixels;
    long pxlThresh;

    rgNumPixels = (long*)calloc(*numTextlines, sizeof(long));
    sumPxls = 0;
    sumWeights = 0;
    for(int p=0; p < (*numTextlines); ++p){
      long numPxls;
      numPxls = 0;
      for(int y=(*rgTextlineRects)[p].y; y <
	    ((*rgTextlineRects)[p].y+(*rgTextlineRects)[p].h); ++y){
	for(int x=(*rgTextlineRects)[p].x; x <
	      ((*rgTextlineRects)[p].x+(*rgTextlineRects)[p].w); ++x){
	  if(pu8[y*w+x]==0){//black pixel
      printf("    line%d numPxls=%ld\n",p,numPxls);
      sumPxls += numPxls * numPxls;
      sumWeights += numPxls;
    printf("    sumPxls=%f sumWeights=%f\n",sumPxls, sumWeights);
    if(sumWeights > 0)
      sumPxls /= sumWeights;
      sumPxls = 0;

    printf("    weighted avg number of pixels per line:%f\n",sumPxls);
    pxlThresh = sumPxls/10;
    printf("    pixel threshold=%ld\n",pxlThresh);
    //now get rid of lines with few pixels
    for(int p=(*numTextlines)-1; p >=0; --p){
      if(rgNumPixels[p] < pxlThresh){// one-twentieth of weighted avg
	printf("    remove textline %d (y=%d to y=%d) with %ld pixels\n",p,
	       (*rgTextlineRects)[p].h, rgNumPixels[p]);
	for(int r=p; r < ((*numTextlines)-1); ++r){
	  (*rgTextlineRects)[r] = (*rgTextlineRects)[r+1];


  printf("   There are now %d textlines\n", (*numTextlines));

  //debug: save an image with the textline rectangles drawn
    DImage imgTextlines;
    imgTextlines = img.convertedImgType(DImage::DImage_RGB);
    for(int p = 0; p < (*numTextlines); ++p){
      int colorR, colorG, colorB;
      printf("\trect%d: x,y wxh=%d,%d %dx%d\n",p,(*rgTextlineRects)[p].x,
      colorR = ((p+1)*127) % 255;
      colorG = (p*127) % 255;
      colorB = (p) % 255;
			    colorR, colorG, colorB);
			    colorR, colorG, colorB);
			    colorR, colorG, colorB);


//   // now get x-height estimate using profiles (or black runlengths of smears)
// #if 0

//   //debug: save an image with all of the profiles
//   {
//     DImage imgProfsAll;
//     imgProfsAll = prof.toDImage(500,true);
//     imgProfsAll = imgProfsAll.convertedImgType(DImage::DImage_RGB);

//     sprintf(stTmp,"%s_allprofs.pgm",stDebugBaseName);
//     imgProfsAll.save(stTmp);
//   }

//   //debug: save an image with all of the smeared profiles
//   {
//     DImage imgProfsAll;
//     imgProfsAll = profSmear.toDImage(500,true);
//     imgProfsAll = imgProfsAll.convertedImgType(DImage::DImage_RGB);
//     for(int j=0; j < numPeaks; ++j){
//       int ypos;
//       ypos = rgPeakYs[j];
//       imgProfsAll.drawLine(0,ypos,499,ypos,255,0,0);
//     }
//     for(int j=0; j < numValleys; ++j){
//       int ypos;
//       ypos = rgValleyYs[j];
//       imgProfsAll.drawLine(0,ypos,499,ypos,0,255,0);
//     }
//     sprintf(stTmp,"%s_allsmearprofs.pgm",stDebugBaseName);
//     imgProfsAll.save(stTmp);
//   }

//   //debug: save a gnuplot of the histograms of black spacing weighted by profile
//   // the image has the histogram for each strip followed by the sum histogram
//   // a value of -10 is placed at positions 0,1 of each histogram as a separator
//   {
//     DImage imgSpacingHists;
//     FILE *fout;

//     sprintf(stTmp,"%s_spacing_profs.dat",stDebugBaseName);
//     fout = fopen(stTmp,"wb");
//     if(!fout){
//       fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open debug file '%s' for output\n",stTmp);
//       exit(1);
//     }
//     for(int j=0; j < 200; ++j){
//       int val;
//       val = rgBlackSpacingHist[j];
//       if(j<2)
// 	val = -10;
//       fprintf(fout,"%d\t%d\n",j, val);
//     }
//     fclose(fout);
//   }
// #endif

  // now at the otsu x-position in the profile, get avg black runlength to
  // guess at peak (textline) height.
  // Do the same for white to guess at valley (spacing) height.
  // After getting it for each strip's profile, take the avg for the whole
  // page.  Use that to determine a smoothing value and a window size for the
  // transition count map (TCM). (maybe use median instead of avg?)

  delete [] rgPeakYs;
  delete [] rgValleyYs;
  delete [] rgBlackSpacingHist;
