Example #1
 * Canonicalize XML node using one of the supported methods in XML-DSIG
 * Using Xerces for parsing XML to preserve the white spaces "as is" and get
 * the same digest value on XML node each time.
 * @param calc digest calculator implementation.
 * @param ns signature tag namespace.
 * @param tagName signature tag name.
vector<unsigned char> SignatureBES::calcDigestOnNode(Digest* calc, const string& ns,
        const string& tagName, const string &id) const
        // Parse Xerces DOM from file, to preserve the white spaces "as is"
        // and get the same digest value on XML node.
        // Canonical XML 1.0 specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315)
        // needs all the white spaces from XML file "as is", otherwise the digests won't match.
        // Therefore we have to use Xerces to parse the XML file each time a digest needs to be
        // calculated on a XML node. If you are parsing XML files with a parser that doesn't
        // preserve the white spaces you are DOOMED!

        // Initialize Xerces parser.
        auto_ptr<XercesDOMParser> parser(new XercesDOMParser());
        //ErrorHandler* errorHandler = /*(ErrorHandler*)*/ new HandlerBase();

        // Parse and return a copy of the Xerces DOM tree.
        // Save to file an parse it again, to make XML Canonicalization work
        // correctly as expected by the Canonical XML 1.0 specification.
        // Hope, the next Canonical XMl specification fixes the white spaces preserving "bug".
        stringstream ofs;
        string data = ofs.str();
        MemBufInputSource source((XMLByte*)data.c_str(), data.size(), "temp");
        DOMDocument *dom = parser->getDocument();

        DOMNode *node = 0;
        // Select node, on which the digest is calculated.
            XMLCh *tagNs = XMLString::transcode(ns.c_str());
            XMLCh *tag = XMLString::transcode(tagName.c_str());
            DOMNodeList* nodeList = dom->getElementsByTagNameNS(tagNs, tag);
            if(nodeList->getLength() == 1)
                node = nodeList->item(0);
            XMLCh *tagId = XMLString::transcode(id.c_str());
            node = dom->getElementById(tagId);

        // Make sure that exactly one node was found.
            THROW_SIGNATUREEXCEPTION("Could not find '%s' node which is in '%s' namespace in signature XML.", tagName.c_str(), ns.c_str());

        // Canocalize XML using one of the three methods supported by XML-DSIG
        XSECC14n20010315 canonicalizer(dom, node);

        // Find the method identifier
        SignedInfoType& signedInfo = signature->signedInfo();
        CanonicalizationMethodType& canonMethod = signedInfo.canonicalizationMethod();
        CanonicalizationMethodType::AlgorithmType& algorithmType = canonMethod.algorithm();

        DEBUG("C14N ns(%s) tagName(%s) algorithmType(%s)", ns.c_str(), tagName.c_str(), algorithmType.c_str());

        // Set processing flags according to algorithm type.
        if(algorithmType == URI_ID_C14N_NOC) {
            // Default behaviour, nothing needs to be changed
        } else if(algorithmType == URI_ID_C14N_COM) {
        } else if(algorithmType == URI_ID_EXC_C14N_NOC) {
            // Exclusive mode needs to include xml-dsig in root element
            // in order to maintain compatibility with existing implementations
        } else if(algorithmType == URI_ID_EXC_C14N_COM) {
#ifdef URI_ID_C14N11_NOC
        } else if(algorithmType == URI_ID_C14N11_NOC) {
        } else if(algorithmType == URI_ID_C14N11_COM) {
        } else {
            // Unknown algorithm.
            THROW_SIGNATUREEXCEPTION("Unsupported SignedInfo canonicalization method '%s'", algorithmType.c_str());

        string c14n;
        unsigned char buffer[1024];
        xsecsize_t bytes = 0;
        while((bytes = canonicalizer.outputBuffer(buffer, 1024)) > 0)
            calc->update(buffer, (unsigned int)bytes);
            c14n.append( (char*)&buffer[0], size_t(bytes));
        //DEBUG("c14n = \n%s", c14n.c_str());

        return calc->digest();
    catch(const Exception& e)
        THROW_SIGNATUREEXCEPTION_CAUSE(e, "Failed to create Xerces DOM from signature XML.");
    catch(const XMLException& e)
        ArrayJanitor<char> msg(XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage()));
        THROW_SIGNATUREEXCEPTION( "Failed to parse signature XML: %s", msg.get() );
    catch(const DOMException& e)
        ArrayJanitor<char> msg(XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage()));
        THROW_SIGNATUREEXCEPTION( "Failed to parse signature XML: %s", msg.get() );
        THROW_SIGNATUREEXCEPTION("Failed to parse signature XML.");
    return vector<unsigned char>();
bool XercesCatalogResolver::ReadCatalog()
	bool isOk = true;

	gLog.log(eTypLogDebug, "Deb > CatalogResolver read catalog file");

	try {
		// no need to free this pointer - owned by the parent parser object
		DOMDocument *xmlDoc = mParser->getDocument();
		if (!xmlDoc)
			return false;

		// Get the top-level root element
		DOMElement *elementRoot = xmlDoc->getDocumentElement();
		if (!elementRoot) {
			gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Empty XML document");
			return false;

		// Look one level nested within root (child of root)
		DOMNodeList *children = elementRoot->getChildNodes();
		const XMLSize_t nodeCount = children->getLength();

		XMLCh *elemPublic = XMLString::transcode("public");
		//XMLCh *elemSystem = XMLString::transcode("system");
		XMLCh *attrPublicId = XMLString::transcode("publicId");
		XMLCh *attrUri = XMLString::transcode("uri");

		// Iterate nodes, children of "root" in the XML tree.
		short nodeType;
		std::string publicId, uri;
		for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
			DOMNode *currentNode = children->item(i);
			// If node is an element
			nodeType = currentNode->getNodeType();
			if (nodeType == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { // is element
				// Re-cast node as element
				DOMElement *currentElement = static_cast<xercesc::DOMElement*>(currentNode); // dynamic_cast returns null under linux
				if (!currentElement) {
					gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Null catalog node element");
					isOk = false;
				// Use public element
				if (XMLString::equals(currentElement->getTagName(), elemPublic)) {
					// Read attributes of element
					publicId = XMLString::transcode(currentElement->getAttribute(attrPublicId));
					uri = XMLString::transcode(currentElement->getAttribute(attrUri));
					mCatalogMap[publicId] = uri;
				// Other elements: system rewriteURI rewriteSystem delegatePublic delegateSystem
				//else if (!XMLString::equals(currentElement->getTagName(), elemSystem)) {
				//	gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Incorrect catalog node element");
				//	isOk = false;

	catch (const AppException &e) {
		gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Application exception during catalog reading - %s", e.what());
		isOk = false;
	catch (const OutOfMemoryException &) {
		gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Out of memory exception during catalog reading");
		isOk = false;
	catch (const XMLException &e) {
		XercesString message(e.getMessage());
		gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Xerces exception during catalog reading: %s", message.localForm());
		isOk = false;
	catch (std::exception &e) {
		gLog.log(eTypLogError, "Err > Unknown exception during catalog reading - %s", e.what());
		isOk = false;

	return isOk;
Example #3
	void *NclStructureParser::parseHead(
		    DOMElement *parentElement, void *objGrandParent) {

		void *parentObject = NULL;
		DOMNodeList *elementNodeList;
		int i, size;
		DOMNode *node;
		void *elementObject = NULL;

		parentObject = createHead(parentElement, objGrandParent);
		if (parentObject == NULL) {
			return NULL;

		elementNodeList = parentElement->getChildNodes();
		size = elementNodeList->getLength();

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		node = elementNodeList->item(i);
		if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
			    	    	    == 0) {

				elementObject = getImportParser()->
					    	    (DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
						    parentObject, elementObject);


		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("regionBase") )==0) {

				elementObject = getLayoutParser()->
					    parseRegionBase((DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addRegionBaseToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("ruleBase") )==0){

				elementObject = getPresentationControlParser()->
					    parseRuleBase((DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addRuleBaseToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("transitionBase") )==0) {

				wclog << "NclStructureParser::parseHead ";
				wclog << "transitionBase i = '" << i << "'" << endl;
				elementObject = getTransitionParser()->
					    parseTransitionBase((DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addTransitionBaseToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("descriptorBase") )==0) {

				elementObject = getPresentationSpecificationParser()->
					    parseDescriptorBase((DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addDescriptorBaseToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("connectorBase") )==0) {

				elementObject = getConnectorsParser()->parseConnectorBase(
					    (DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addConnectorBaseToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("meta") )==0) {

				elementObject = getMetainformationParser()->
					    parseMeta((DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addMetaToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("metadata") )==0) {

				elementObject = getMetainformationParser()->
					    parseMetadata((DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addMetadataToHead(parentObject, elementObject);

		return parentObject;
Example #4
	void *NclStructureParser::parseBody(
		    DOMElement *parentElement, void *objGrandParent) {

		void *parentObject;
		DOMNodeList *elementNodeList;
		int i, size;
		DOMNode *node;
		DOMElement *element;
		string elementTagName;
		void *elementObject;

		parentObject = createBody(parentElement, objGrandParent);
		if (parentObject == NULL) {
			return NULL;

		elementNodeList = parentElement->getChildNodes();
		size = elementNodeList->getLength();

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
				element = (DOMElement*)node;
				elementTagName = XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName());
				if (XMLString::compareIString(
					    elementTagName.c_str(), "media")==0) {

					elementObject = getComponentsParser()->parseMedia(
						    element, parentObject);

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addMediaToBody(parentObject, elementObject);
				else if (XMLString::compareIString(
					    elementTagName.c_str(), "context")==0) {

					elementObject = getComponentsParser()->parseContext(
						    element, parentObject);

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addContextToBody(parentObject, elementObject);
				else if (XMLString::compareIString(
					    elementTagName.c_str(), "switch")==0) {

					elementObject = getPresentationControlParser()->
						    parseSwitch(element, parentObject);

					if (elementObject != NULL) {
						addSwitchToBody(parentObject, elementObject);

		for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			node = elementNodeList->item(i);
			if (node->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
				    	    XMLString::transcode("property"))==0) {

				elementObject = getInterfacesParser()->parseProperty(
					    (DOMElement*)node, parentObject);

				if (elementObject != NULL) {
					addPropertyToBody(parentObject, elementObject);

		return parentObject;
EppSecDnsKeyData * EppSecDnsKeyData::fromXML( const DOMNode &root )
	EppSecDnsKeyData	* data = new EppSecDnsKeyData();
	if( data == null )
		return data;

	char *p = null;
	DOMString	value;
	DOMNodeList* list = root.getChildNodes();

	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < list->getLength(); i++ )
		DOMNode* node = list->item(i);
		DOMString name = node->getLocalName();
		if( name.isNull() )
			name = node->getNodeName();
		if( name.isNull() )
		if( name.substringData(0, 7).equals("secDNS:") )
			name = name.substringData(7, name.length() - 7);
		if( name.equals("flags") )
			value = EppUtil::getText(*node);
			p = value.transcode();
			if( p != null )
				uint16_t f = (uint16_t) ::atoi(p);
				data->setFlags( f );
		else if( name.equals("protocol") )
			value = EppUtil::getText(*node);
			p = value.transcode();
			if( p != null )
				uint8_t proto = (uint8_t) ::atoi(p);
				data->setProtocol( proto );
		else if( name.equals("alg") )
			value = EppUtil::getText(*node);
			p = value.transcode();
			if( p != null )
				uint8_t a = (uint8_t) ::atoi(p);
		else if( name.equals("pubKey") )
			value = EppUtil::getText(*node);
			if( value.length() > 0 )

	return data;
Example #6
void mergeParts( DOMElement *part1, DOMElement *part2 ){

  DOMElement *partDef1 = m_doc->getElementById(part1->getAttribute(XS("id")));
  DOMElement *partDef2 = m_doc->getElementById(part2->getAttribute(XS("id")));

  DOMNodeList *measures1 = part1->getElementsByTagName(XS("measure"));
  DOMNodeList *measures2 = part2->getElementsByTagName(XS("measure"));
  if(measures1->getLength() != measures2->getLength())
    cerr << "parts are of different length!\n";

  //Set part to have two staffs
  DOMElement *printEl = getSingleElement( (DOMElement*)measures1->item(0), "print" );
  DOMElement *staffLayoutEl;
  DOMElement *numberEl;
  DOMElement *staffDistanceEl;
  if( printEl == NULL ){
    cout << "Creating print element\n";
    printEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("print"));
    staffLayoutEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("staff-layout"));
    numberEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("number"));
    staffDistanceEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("staff-distance"));

      ( printEl, ((DOMElement*)measures1->item(0))->getFirstChild());

    staffLayoutEl = getSingleElement( printEl, "staff-layout" );
    numberEl = getSingleElement( staffLayoutEl, "number" );
    staffDistanceEl = getSingleElement( staffLayoutEl, "staff-distance" );

  setText( numberEl, "2" );
  setText( staffDistanceEl, "70");


  DOMElement *attributes1 = getSingleElement( (DOMElement*)measures1->item(0), "attributes" );
  DOMElement *attributes2 = getSingleElement( (DOMElement*)measures2->item(0), "attributes" );

  // get lcd of divisions, and set in part1
  int div1 = atoi( getText( getSingleElement( attributes1, "divisions" )).c_str());
  int div2 = atoi( getText( getSingleElement( attributes2, "divisions" )).c_str());
  int divlcm = lcm( div1, div2);
  cout << "Divs: " << div1 << " & " << div2 << " lcm " << divlcm << endl;
  setText(getSingleElement( attributes1, "divisions" ), itoa(divlcm) );

  //get clefs, number tham and move clef2 into part1
  DOMElement *clef1 = getSingleElement(attributes1,"clef");
  DOMElement *clef2 = getSingleElement(attributes2,"clef");


  //First, insert staves element
  DOMElement *stavesEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("staves"));
  setText(stavesEl, "2");

  //get timesig & critchetsperbar

  DOMElement *tsEl = getSingleElement(attributes1,"time");

  int tsn = atoi(getText(getSingleElement(tsEl,"beats")).c_str());
  int tsd = atoi(getText(getSingleElement(tsEl,"beat-type")).c_str());
  cout << "Time sig: " << tsn << "/" << tsd << endl;

  //calculate no of divisions per bar
  int divsperbar = divlcm * tsn / (tsd/4.0);
  cout << "Divs per bar: " << divsperbar << endl;

  //iterate through measures

  for(int i=0; i<measures1->getLength(); i++ ){

    cout << "Altering bars " << i << endl;

    DOMElement *m1 = (DOMElement*)measures1->item(i);
    DOMElement *m2 = (DOMElement*)measures2->item(i);

    //change divisions and staff numbers
    alterDivisions( m1, divlcm/div1, 1 );
    alterDivisions( m2, divlcm/div2, 2 );

    cout << "Adding last backup\n";

    //add backup element
    DOMElement *backupEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("backup"));
    DOMElement *durEl = m_doc->createElement(XS("duration"));
    backupEl->appendChild( durEl );
    setText(durEl, itoa(divsperbar));

    cout << "Copying children over\n";

    //copy children from measure2 into measure1
    DOMNodeList *children = m2->getChildNodes();
    cout << "No children " << children->getLength() << endl;
    for( int c=0; c<children->getLength(); c++ ){
      cout << c << endl;
      cout << "No children " << children->getLength() << endl;
      if( children->item(c)->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ){

	DOMElement *e = (DOMElement*)children->item(c);

	string tagName = XS(e->getTagName());

	//if( tagName == "note" || tagName == "backup" || tagName == "forward" )
	if( tagName != "attributes" )

	  m1->appendChild( ((DOMElement*)children->item(c))->cloneNode(true) );

Example #7
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

    // Initialize the Xerces-c environment

    catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error during initialization of xerces-c: %s\n",
         return 1;

    // Parse the command line, which should specify exactly one file, which is an
    //   xml file containing the list of test files to be processed.
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("usage: %s file_name \n"
               "   where file name is the xml file specifying the list of test files.", argv[0]);
        return 1;
    DOMDocument* fileListDoc = parseFile(argv[1]);
    if (fileListDoc == 0) return 1;

    // Iterate over the list of files, running each as a test.
    XMLCh tempStr[4000];
    XMLString::transcode("testFile", tempStr, 3999);
    DOMNodeList* list = fileListDoc->getElementsByTagName(tempStr);
    int i;
    int numFiles = list->getLength();
    for (i=0; i<numFiles; i++)
        DOMNode* tmpNode3 = list->item(i);
        XMLString::transcode("name", tempStr, 3999);
        const XMLCh* fileName = ((DOMElement*) tmpNode3)->getAttribute(tempStr);
        if (processTestFile(fileName) == false)

    // We are done.  Print out a summary of the results
    printf("Encoding Tests Results Summary: \n"
           "   %d encoding tests run.\n"
           "   %d tests passed,\n"
           "   %d tests failed\n", gTestsRun, gTestsRun-gTestsFailed, gTestsFailed);

    delete parser;
    parser = 0;
   return 0;
Example #8
//  processTestFile   Given the file name of an encoding test xml file,
//                    run it.
static bool  processTestFile(const XMLCh* fileName)
    //  Send the input file through the parse, create a DOM document for it.
    char cFileName[4000];
    XMLString::transcode(fileName, cFileName, 3999);
    DOMDocument* testDoc = parseFile(cFileName);
    if (testDoc == 0)
        return false;    // parse errors in the source xml.

    //  Pull the "data" element out of the document.
    XMLCh tempStr[4000];
    XMLString::transcode("data", tempStr, 3999);
    DOMNodeList* nl = testDoc->getElementsByTagName(tempStr);
    if (nl->getLength() != 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\" must have exactly one \"data\" element.\n", cFileName);
        return false;
    DOMNode* tmpNode = nl->item(0);
    DOMElement* data = (DOMElement*) tmpNode;

    //  Build up a string containing the character data contents of the data element.
    DOMNode* child;
    XMLBuffer elData;
    for (child=data->getFirstChild(); child != 0; child= child->getNextSibling())
		if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE)
        if (! (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE ||
               child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE ||
               child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE))
               fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\": data element contains unexpected children.",
               return false;
        elData.append(((DOMCharacterData *)child)->getData());

    //  Pull the "udata" element out of the document
    XMLString::transcode("udata", tempStr, 3999);
    nl = testDoc->getElementsByTagName(tempStr);
    if (nl->getLength() != 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\" must have exactly one \"udata\" element.\n", cFileName);
        return false;
    DOMNode* tmpNode1 = nl->item(0);
    DOMElement* udata = (DOMElement*) tmpNode1;

    //  Build up a string containing the character data contents of the udata element.
    //  This will consist of a whole bunch hex numbers, still in string from

    XMLBuffer rawUData;
    for (child=udata->getFirstChild(); child != 0; child= child->getNextSibling())
        if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE)
        if (! (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE ||
            child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE ||
            child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE))
            fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\": udata element contains unexpected children.",
            return false;
        rawUData.append(((DOMCharacterData *)child)->getData());

    // Convert the raw (hex numbers)  form of the udata to the corresponding string.
    XMLBuffer uData;
    unsigned int rawIndex = 0;

    while (rawIndex < rawUData.getLen())
        eatWhiteSpace(rawUData.getRawBuffer(), rawIndex);
        XMLCh c = convertHexValue(rawUData.getRawBuffer(), rawIndex);
        if (c > 0)
            if (rawIndex < rawUData.getLen())
                fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\": Bad hex number in udata element.  "
                    "Data character number %d\n", cFileName, uData.getLen());
                return false;

    // Compare the two strings.
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i< elData.getLen(); i++)
        XMLCh* elDataRaw = elData.getRawBuffer();
        XMLCh* uDataRaw = uData.getRawBuffer();
        if (i >= uData.getLen())
            fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\": udata element shorter than data at char number %d\n",
                cFileName, i);
            return false;
        if (uDataRaw[i] != elDataRaw[i])
            fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\": comparison failure at character number %d\n",
                cFileName, i);
            return false;

    if (elData.getLen() != uData.getLen())
        fprintf(stderr, "Test file \"%s\": udata element longer than data at char number %d\n",
            cFileName, i);
        return false;

    return true;
Example #9
void GeomAttributesBuilder::getParameters()
	// First set default parameters.
	// The parameters are dependent on the type of geom
	//	box:			length, width, height (all doubles)
	//	ccylinder:	radius, length (all doubles)
	//	sphere:		radius (all doubles)
	//	plane:		normal_x, normal_y, normal_z, d (all doubles)
	//	mesh:		filname (std::string)	
	std::string type = attrib_->getValAsStr("type");
	if (!type.compare("box")) {
		attrib_->add("length", "1");
		attrib_->add("width", "1");
		attrib_->add("height", "1");
	} else if (!type.compare("ccylinder")) {
		attrib_->add("radius", "1");
		attrib_->add("length", "3");
	} else if (!type.compare("cylinder")) {
		attrib_->add("radius", "1");
		attrib_->add("length", "3");
	} else if (!type.compare("sphere")) {
		attrib_->add("radius", "1");
	} else if (!type.compare("plane")) {
		attrib_->add("normal_x", "0");
		attrib_->add("normal_y", "0");
		attrib_->add("normal_z", "1");
		attrib_->add("d", "0");
	} else if (!type.compare("mesh")) {
		attrib_->add("filename", "_NODATA_");
	} else {
	DOMNodeList* allChildNodes = node_->getChildNodes();

	// Loop over all of the parameters
	for (unsigned int c = 0; c < allChildNodes->getLength(); ++c) {
		DOMNode* thisChildItem = allChildNodes->item(c);
		if (thisChildItem->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
			char* pChildTagName = XMLString::transcode(thisChildItem->getNodeName());
			if ( strcmp(pChildTagName, "parameter") == 0 ) {
				if ( thisChildItem->hasAttributes() ) 
					DOMNamedNodeMap* theAttributes = thisChildItem->getAttributes();
					int numAttributes = theAttributes->getLength();
					if (numAttributes == 2) { // Parameters can only 1 Name/Value pair
						DOMNode* nodeName = theAttributes->item(0);
						DOMNode* nodeValue = theAttributes->item(1);

						const XMLCh* xmlch_Name = nodeName->getNodeValue();
						char* attrName = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_Name);

						const XMLCh* xmlch_Value = nodeValue->getNodeValue();
						char* attrValue = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_Value);
						try {
							attrib_->update(attrName, attrValue);
						} catch (std::runtime_error &ex) {
							std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl
									<< builderType_ << "::getParameters() - "
									<< "In geom \"" << attrib_->getValAsStr("name")
									<< "\", parameter \"" << attrName << "=" << attrValue
									<< "\" is illegal for this geom type ("
									<< attrib_->getValAsStr("type")
									<< "). Ignoring it." << std::endl;
						XMLString::release( &attrName );
						XMLString::release( &attrValue );		
			delete [] pChildTagName;
Example #10
void SpaceAttributesBuilder::getParameters()
	// First set default parameters.
	// The parameters are dependent on the type of space
	//	simple:	No parameters
	//	hash:	center,	dVector3
	//			extents,	dVector3
	//			depth,	int
	//	quatree:	minlevel,	int
	//			maxlevel,	int
	std::string type = attrib_->getValAsStr("type");
	if (!type.compare("simple")) return; // No parameters for simple space
	else if (!type.compare("hash")) {
		attrib_->add("center", "0 0 0");
		attrib_->add("extents", "0 0 0");
		attrib_->add("depth", "4");
	} else if (!type.compare("quadtree")) {
		attrib_->add("minlevel", "-1");
		attrib_->add("maxlevel", "8");
	} else {
	DOMNodeList* allChildNodes = node_->getChildNodes();

	// Loop over all of the spaces
	for (unsigned int c = 0; c < allChildNodes->getLength(); ++c) {
		DOMNode* thisChildItem = allChildNodes->item(c);
		if (thisChildItem->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
			char* pChildTagName = XMLString::transcode(thisChildItem->getNodeName());
			if ( strcmp(pChildTagName, "parameter") == 0 ) {
				if ( thisChildItem->hasAttributes() ) {
					DOMNamedNodeMap* theAttributes = thisChildItem->getAttributes();
					int numAttributes = theAttributes->getLength();
					if (numAttributes == 2) {
						DOMNode* nodeName = theAttributes->item(0);
						DOMNode* nodeValue = theAttributes->item(1);

						const XMLCh* xmlch_Name = nodeName->getNodeValue();
						char* attrName = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_Name);

						const XMLCh* xmlch_Value = nodeValue->getNodeValue();
						char* attrValue = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_Value);

						try {
							attrib_->update(attrName, attrValue);
						} catch (std::runtime_error &ex) {
							std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl
									<< builderType_ << "::getParameters() - "
									<< "In space \"" << attrib_->getValAsStr("name")
									<< "\", parameter \"" << attrName << "=" << attrValue
									<< "\" is illegal for this space type ("
									<< attrib_->getValAsStr("type")
									<< "). Ignoring it." << std::endl;

						XMLString::release( &attrName );
						XMLString::release( &attrValue );
			delete [] pChildTagName;
Example #11
void FDPLoader::loadFDPItem(DOMNode* pFDPItem)
	DOMNamedNodeMap* attrList = pFDPItem->getAttributes();
	FDPItem* pItem = 0;
	// get the name (id)
	DOMNode* attr = attrList->getNamedItem(XercesString("name"));
		char* name = XMLString::transcode(attr->getNodeValue());
		// create a new item (will be deleted in dtor of FDP class)
		pItem = new FDPItem(name);
	// get the control vertex index
	attr = attrList->getNamedItem(XercesString("index"));
		char* index = XMLString::transcode(attr->getNodeValue());
		pItem->setControlPoint((unsigned short)atoi(index));

	// get the affecting mesh name
	attr = attrList->getNamedItem(XercesString("affects"));
		char* affects = XMLString::transcode(attr->getNodeValue());
	DOMNodeIterator* iterator = m_pDoc->createNodeIterator(pFDPItem,
	// use the tree walker to print out the text nodes.
	for ( DOMNode* current = iterator->nextNode(); current != 0; current = iterator->nextNode() )
		if(XercesString(current->getNodeName()) == "indices")
			DOMNodeList* children = current->getChildNodes(); 
			// we should have only one child, text node, just a safety net here
			if ( (children->getLength() == 1) && (children->item(0)->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) )//(XercesString(children->item(0)->getNodeName()) == "#text") )
				char* pStr = XMLString::transcode(children->item(0)->getNodeValue());
				std::string str(pStr);
				processIndices(str, pItem);
		else if (XercesString(current->getNodeName()) == "influence")	// can have multiple of those
			// sample: <influence weight="0.25" fap="3" type="RaisedCosInfluenceWaveY" />
			DOMNamedNodeMap* influenceAttr = current->getAttributes();
			// get the weight
			float w = toFloat(influenceAttr->getNamedItem(XercesString("weight"))->getNodeValue());
			unsigned short fap = (unsigned short)toFloat(influenceAttr->getNamedItem(XercesString("fap"))->getNodeValue());
			char* typeTmp = XMLString::transcode(influenceAttr->getNamedItem(XercesString("type"))->getNodeValue());
			std::string type;
			IInfluenceCalculator* pInfluence = InfluenceCalculatorMaker::newInfluenceCalculator(type, w, fap);
