void MatrixSymDiagStd::Vp_StMtV(
  DVectorSlice* vs_lhs, value_type alpha, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_rhs1
  , const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs2, value_type beta) const
  const DVectorSlice diag = this->diag();
  size_type n = diag.size();

  // y = b*y + a * op(A) * x
    vs_lhs->size(), n, n, trans_rhs1, vs_rhs2.size() );
  // A is symmetric and diagonal A = diag(diag) so:
  // y(j) += a * diag(j) * x(j), for j = 1...n
  if( vs_rhs2.stride() == 1 && vs_lhs->stride() == 1 ) {
    // Optimized implementation
    const value_type
      *d_itr      = diag.raw_ptr(),
      *x_itr      = vs_rhs2.raw_ptr();
      *y_itr      = vs_lhs->raw_ptr(),
      *y_end      = y_itr + vs_lhs->size();

    if( beta == 0.0 ) {
      while( y_itr != y_end )
        *y_itr++ = alpha * (*d_itr++) * (*x_itr++);
    else if( beta == 1.0 ) {
      while( y_itr != y_end )
        *y_itr++ += alpha * (*d_itr++) * (*x_itr++);
    else {
      for( ; y_itr != y_end; ++y_itr )
        *y_itr = beta * (*y_itr) + alpha * (*d_itr++) * (*x_itr++);
  else {
    // Generic implementation
      d_itr = diag.begin(),
      x_itr = vs_rhs2.begin();
      y_itr = vs_lhs->begin(),
      y_end = vs_lhs->end();
    for( ; y_itr != y_end; ++y_itr, ++d_itr, ++x_itr ) {
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !(  d_itr < diag.end()  ) );
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !(  x_itr < vs_rhs2.end()  ) );
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !(  y_itr < vs_lhs->end()  ) );
      *y_itr = beta * (*y_itr) + alpha * (*d_itr) * (*x_itr);
void DenseLinAlgPack::syr2(value_type alpha, const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs1, const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs2
  , DMatrixSliceSym* sym_lhs)
  VopV_assert_sizes( vs_rhs1.dim(), vs_rhs2.dim() );
  MtV_assert_sizes( sym_lhs->gms().rows(), sym_lhs->gms().cols()
    , BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, vs_rhs1.dim() );
  BLAS_Cpp::syr2( sym_lhs->uplo(), vs_rhs1.dim(), alpha, vs_rhs1.raw_ptr()
    , vs_rhs1.stride(), vs_rhs2.raw_ptr(), vs_rhs2.stride()
    , sym_lhs->gms().col_ptr(1), sym_lhs->gms().max_rows() );
void DenseLinAlgPack::ger(
  value_type alpha, const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs1, const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs2
  , DMatrixSlice* gms_lhs )
  Vp_MtV_assert_sizes( vs_rhs2.dim(),  gms_lhs->rows(), gms_lhs->cols()
    , BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, vs_rhs1.dim() );
    gms_lhs->rows(), gms_lhs->cols(), alpha
    ,vs_rhs1.raw_ptr(), vs_rhs1.stride()
    ,vs_rhs2.raw_ptr(), vs_rhs2.stride()
    ,gms_lhs->col_ptr(1), gms_lhs->max_rows() );
void DenseLinAlgPack::Vp_StMtV(DVectorSlice* vs_lhs, value_type alpha, const DMatrixSlice& gms_rhs1
  , BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_rhs1, const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs2, value_type beta)
  Vp_MtV_assert_sizes(vs_lhs->dim(), gms_rhs1.rows()	, gms_rhs1.cols(), trans_rhs1
    , vs_rhs2.dim());
    ,gms_rhs1.max_rows(), vs_rhs2.raw_ptr(),vs_rhs2.stride(),beta,vs_lhs->raw_ptr()
void MatrixSymDiagStd::V_InvMtV(
  DVectorSlice* vs_lhs, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_rhs1
  , const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs2) const
  const DVectorSlice diag = this->diag();
  size_type n = diag.size();

  // y = inv(op(A)) * x
  // A is symmetric and diagonal (A = diag(diag)) so:
  // y(j) = x(j) / diag(j), for j = 1...n

  DenseLinAlgPack::Vp_MtV_assert_sizes( vs_lhs->size()
    , n, n, trans_rhs1, vs_rhs2.size() );
  if( vs_rhs2.stride() == 1 && vs_lhs->stride() == 1 ) {
    // Optimized implementation
    const value_type
      *d_itr      = diag.raw_ptr(),
      *x_itr      = vs_rhs2.raw_ptr();
      *y_itr      = vs_lhs->raw_ptr(),
      *y_end      = y_itr + vs_lhs->size();
    while( y_itr != y_end )
      *y_itr++ = (*x_itr++) / (*d_itr++);
  else {
    // Generic implementation
      d_itr = diag.begin(),
      x_itr = vs_rhs2.begin();
      y_itr = vs_lhs->begin(),
      y_end = vs_lhs->end();
    for( ; y_itr != y_end; ++y_itr, ++d_itr, ++x_itr ) {
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !(  d_itr < diag.end()  ) );
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !(  x_itr < vs_rhs2.end()  ) );
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !(  y_itr < vs_lhs->end()  ) );
      *y_itr = (*x_itr)/(*d_itr);
void DenseLinAlgPack::Vp_StMtV(DVectorSlice* vs_lhs, value_type alpha, const DMatrixSliceSym& sym_rhs1
  , BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_rhs1, const DVectorSlice& vs_rhs2, value_type beta)
  Vp_MtV_assert_sizes(vs_lhs->dim(), sym_rhs1.gms().rows(), sym_rhs1.gms().cols(), trans_rhs1
    , vs_rhs2.dim());