Example #1
    std::shared_ptr<DependencyValidation> Store::MakeDependencyValidation(const ResChar intermediateFileName[]) const
            //  When we process a file, we write a little text file to the
            //  ".deps" directory. This contains a list of dependency files, and
            //  the state of those files when this file was compiled.
            //  If the current files don't match the state that's recorded in
            //  the .deps file, then we can assume that it is out of date and
            //  must be recompiled.

        ResChar buffer[MaxPath];
        MakeDepFileName(buffer, _baseDirectory.c_str(), intermediateFileName);
        if (!DoesFileExist(buffer)) return nullptr;

        Data data;

        auto* basePath = data.StrAttribute("BasePath");
        auto validation = std::make_shared<DependencyValidation>();
        auto* dependenciesBlock = data.ChildWithValue("Dependencies");
        if (dependenciesBlock) {
            for (auto* dependency = dependenciesBlock->child; dependency; dependency = dependency->next) {
                auto* depName = dependency->value;
                if (!depName || !depName[0]) continue;

                auto dateLow = (unsigned)dependency->IntAttribute("ModTimeL");
                auto dateHigh = (unsigned)dependency->IntAttribute("ModTimeH");
                std::shared_ptr<RetainedFileRecord> record;
                if (basePath && basePath[0]) {
                    XlConcatPath(buffer, dimof(buffer), basePath, depName, XlStringEnd(depName));
                    record = GetRetainedFileRecord(buffer);
                } else
                    record = GetRetainedFileRecord(depName);

                RegisterAssetDependency(validation, record);

                if (record->_state._status == DependentFileState::Status::Shadowed) {
                    LogInfo << "Asset (" << intermediateFileName << ") is invalidated because dependency (" << depName << ") is marked shadowed";
                    return nullptr;

                if (!record->_state._timeMarker) {
                        << "Asset (" << intermediateFileName 
                        << ") is invalidated because of missing dependency (" << depName << ")";
                    return nullptr;
                } else if (record->_state._timeMarker != ((uint64(dateHigh) << 32ull) | uint64(dateLow))) {
                        << "Asset (" << intermediateFileName 
                        << ") is invalidated because of file data on dependency (" << depName << ")";
                    return nullptr;

        return validation;