InternalSchemaFmodMatchExpression::InternalSchemaFmodMatchExpression(StringData path, Decimal128 divisor, Decimal128 remainder) : LeafMatchExpression(MatchType::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_FMOD, path), _divisor(divisor), _remainder(remainder) { uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "divisor cannot be 0", !divisor.isZero()); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "divisor cannot be NaN", !divisor.isNaN()); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "divisor cannot be infinite", !divisor.isInfinite()); }
void BSONComparatorInterfaceBase<T>::hashCombineBSONElement( size_t& hash, BSONElement elemToHash, bool considerFieldName, const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) { boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.canonicalType()); const StringData fieldName = elemToHash.fieldNameStringData(); if (considerFieldName && !fieldName.empty()) { SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, fieldName); } switch (elemToHash.type()) { // Order of types is the same as in compareElementValues(). case mongo::EOO: case mongo::Undefined: case mongo::jstNULL: case mongo::MaxKey: case mongo::MinKey: // These are valueless types break; case mongo::Bool: boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.boolean()); break; case mongo::bsonTimestamp: boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.timestamp().asULL()); break; case mongo::Date: boost::hash_combine(hash,; break; case mongo::NumberDecimal: { const Decimal128 dcml = elemToHash.numberDecimal(); if (dcml.toAbs().isGreater(Decimal128(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), Decimal128::kRoundTo34Digits, Decimal128::kRoundTowardZero)) && !dcml.isInfinite() && !dcml.isNaN()) { // Normalize our decimal to force equivalent decimals // in the same cohort to hash to the same value Decimal128 dcmlNorm(dcml.normalize()); boost::hash_combine(hash, dcmlNorm.getValue().low64); boost::hash_combine(hash, dcmlNorm.getValue().high64); break; } // Else, fall through and convert the decimal to a double and hash. // At this point the decimal fits into the range of doubles, is infinity, or is NaN, // which doubles have a cheaper representation for. } case mongo::NumberDouble: case mongo::NumberLong: case mongo::NumberInt: { // This converts all numbers to doubles, which ignores the low-order bits of // NumberLongs > 2**53 and precise decimal numbers without double representations, // but that is ok since the hash will still be the same for equal numbers and is // still likely to be different for different numbers. (Note: this issue only // applies for decimals when they are outside of the valid double range. See // the above case.) // SERVER-16851 const double dbl = elemToHash.numberDouble(); if (std::isnan(dbl)) { boost::hash_combine(hash, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); } else { boost::hash_combine(hash, dbl); } break; } case mongo::jstOID: elemToHash.__oid().hash_combine(hash); break; case mongo::String: { if (stringComparator) { stringComparator->hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.valueStringData()); } else { SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.valueStringData()); } break; } case mongo::Code: case mongo::Symbol: SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.valueStringData()); break; case mongo::Object: case mongo::Array: hashCombineBSONObj(hash, elemToHash.embeddedObject(), true, // considerFieldName stringComparator); break; case mongo::DBRef: case mongo::BinData: // All bytes of the value are required to be identical. SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine( hash, StringData(elemToHash.value(), elemToHash.valuesize())); break; case mongo::RegEx: SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.regex()); SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.regexFlags()); break; case mongo::CodeWScope: { SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine( hash, StringData(elemToHash.codeWScopeCode(), elemToHash.codeWScopeCodeLen())); hashCombineBSONObj(hash, elemToHash.codeWScopeObject(), true, // considerFieldName &SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance); break; } } }