void createDecisionTree() { myTree.CreateTree(generatedPoints); }
void specialKeyboard(int key, int x, int y) { if (key == GLUT_KEY_F1) { fullscreen = !fullscreen; if (fullscreen) glutFullScreen(); else { glutReshapeWindow(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); glutPositionWindow(50, 50); } } if (key == GLUT_KEY_F2) { //createDecisionTree(); clock_t start = clock(); PixelList* p = createPixelList(); cout << "Time to create pixel list: " << ((clock() - start) / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << endl; cout << "PixelList size: " << p->size() << endl; if(!p->isEmpty()) { time_t start,end; time (&start); //FeatureDefinition myBestFit = myTree.MaximizeInfoGain(*p); myTree.CreateTree(p); time (&end); double dif = difftime (end,start); //cout << "Time to MaximizeInfoGain: " << dif << " seconds" << endl; //cout << "Defined feature > "; //cout << "Radius = " << myBestFit.radius << ", angle = " << myBestFit.angle << ", ratio = " << myBestFit.ratio << endl; } else { cout << "Error creating PixelList!"; } } if (key == GLUT_KEY_F12) { cout << "Opening Image" << endl; png::image<png::rgb_pixel> img("/home/igormacedo/Blender/images/color0.png"); rgb_pixel pixel = img[119][159]; cout << "RED:" << (int)pixel.red << " GREEN:" << (int)pixel.green << " BLUE:" << (int) pixel.blue << endl; img.read("/home/igormacedo/Blender/images/color12.png"); pixel = img[60][60]; cout << "RED:" << (int)pixel.red << " GREEN:" << (int)pixel.green << " BLUE:" << (int) pixel.blue << endl; } if(key == GLUT_KEY_F3) { } if(key == GLUT_KEY_F4) { evaluateImage(); } }