Example #1
    bool GetFields( RecordDecl * rd, Obj * entries) {
        //check the fields of this struct, if any one of them is not understandable, then this struct becomes 'opaque'
        //that is, we insert the type, and link it to its llvm type, so it can be used in terra code
        //but none of its fields are exposed (since we don't understand the layout)
        bool opaque = false;
        for(RecordDecl::field_iterator it = rd->field_begin(), end = rd->field_end(); it != end; ++it) {
            if(it->isBitField() || it->isAnonymousStructOrUnion() || !it->getDeclName()) {
                opaque = true;
            DeclarationName declname = it->getDeclName();
            std::string declstr = declname.getAsString();
            QualType FT = it->getType();
            Obj fobj;
            if(!GetType(FT,&fobj)) {
                opaque = true;
        return !opaque;

Example #2
    bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *f) {
        // Only function definitions (with bodies), not declarations.
        if (f->hasBody()) {
            Stmt *FuncBody = f->getBody();

            // Type name as string
            QualType QT = f->getResultType();
            string TypeStr = QT.getAsString();

            // Function name
            DeclarationName DeclName = f->getNameInfo().getName();
            string FuncName = DeclName.getAsString();

            // Add comment before
            stringstream SSBefore;
            SSBefore << "// Begin function " << FuncName << " returning "
                     << TypeStr << "\n";
            SourceLocation ST = f->getSourceRange().getBegin();
            TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, SSBefore.str(), true, true);

            // And after
            stringstream SSAfter;
            SSAfter << "\n// End function " << FuncName << "\n";
            ST = FuncBody->getLocEnd().getLocWithOffset(1);
            TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, SSAfter.str(), true, true);

        return true;
Example #3
/// \brief Retrieve the name that should be used to order a result.
/// If the name needs to be constructed as a string, that string will be
/// saved into Saved and the returned StringRef will refer to it.
static StringRef getOrderedName(const CodeCompletionResult &R,
                                    std::string &Saved) {
  switch (R.Kind) {
    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Keyword:
      return R.Keyword;
    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Pattern:
      return R.Pattern->getTypedText();
    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Macro:
      return R.Macro->getName();
    case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration:
      // Handle declarations below.
  DeclarationName Name = R.Declaration->getDeclName();
  // If the name is a simple identifier (by far the common case), or a
  // zero-argument selector, just return a reference to that identifier.
  if (IdentifierInfo *Id = Name.getAsIdentifierInfo())
    return Id->getName();
  if (Name.isObjCZeroArgSelector())
    if (IdentifierInfo *Id
        = Name.getObjCSelector().getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0))
      return Id->getName();
  Saved = Name.getAsString();
  return Saved;
Example #4
    bool TraverseFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *f) {
        // Function name
        DeclarationName DeclName = f->getNameInfo().getName();
        std::string FuncName = DeclName.getAsString();
        const FunctionType * fntyp = f->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>();

            return true;

        if(f->getStorageClass() == clang::SC_Static) {
            ImportError("cannot import static functions.");
            return true;

        Obj typ;
        if(!GetFuncType(fntyp,&typ)) {
            return true;
        std::string InternalName = FuncName;
        AsmLabelAttr * asmlabel = f->getAttr<AsmLabelAttr>();
        if(asmlabel) {
            InternalName = asmlabel->getLabel();
#ifndef __linux__
            //In OSX and Windows LLVM mangles assembler labels by adding a '\01' prefix
            InternalName.insert(InternalName.begin(), '\01');

        KeepFunctionLive(f);//make sure this function is live in codegen by creating a dummy reference to it (void) is to suppress unused warnings

        return true;
    ///\brief This is the most important function of the class ASTImportSource
    /// since from here initiates the lookup and import part of the missing
    /// Decl(s) (Contexts).
    bool ASTImportSource::FindExternalVisibleDeclsByName(
      const DeclContext *childCurrentDeclContext, DeclarationName childDeclName) {

      assert(childCurrentDeclContext->hasExternalVisibleStorage() &&
             "DeclContext has no visible decls in storage");

      //Check if we have already found this declaration Name before
      DeclarationName parentDeclName;
        clang::DeclarationName>::iterator II = m_DeclName_map.find(childDeclName);
      if (II != m_DeclName_map.end()) {
        parentDeclName = II->second;
      } else {
        // Get the identifier info from the parent interpreter
        // for this Name.
        llvm::StringRef name(childDeclName.getAsString());
        IdentifierTable &parentIdentifierTable =
        IdentifierInfo &parentIdentifierInfo = parentIdentifierTable.get(name);
        DeclarationName parentDeclNameTemp(&parentIdentifierInfo);
        parentDeclName = parentDeclNameTemp;

      // Search in the map of the stored Decl Contexts for this
      // Decl Context.
      std::map<const clang::DeclContext *, clang::DeclContext *>::iterator I;
      if ((I = m_DeclContexts_map.find(childCurrentDeclContext))
           != m_DeclContexts_map.end()) {
        // If childCurrentDeclContext was found before and is already in the map,
        // then do the lookup using the stored pointer.
        DeclContext *parentDeclContext = I->second;

        Decl *fromDeclContext = Decl::castFromDeclContext(parentDeclContext);
        ASTContext &from_ASTContext = fromDeclContext->getASTContext();

        Decl *toDeclContext = Decl::castFromDeclContext(childCurrentDeclContext);
        ASTContext &to_ASTContext = toDeclContext->getASTContext();

        DeclContext::lookup_result lookup_result =

        // Check if we found this Name in the parent interpreter
        if (!lookup_result.empty()) {
          // Do the import
          if (Import(lookup_result, from_ASTContext, to_ASTContext,
                     childCurrentDeclContext, childDeclName, parentDeclName))
            return true;
      return false;
Example #6
    bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *f) {
        // Only function definitions (with bodies), not declarations.
            Stmt *FuncBody = f->getBody();
            // Type name as string
            QualType QT = f->getResultType();
            string TypeStr = QT.getAsString();
            // Function name
            DeclarationName DeclName = f->getNameInfo().getName();
            string FuncName = DeclName.getAsString();
            func_info fi;
            fi.name = FuncName;
            fi.return_type = TypeStr;
            unsigned nbp = f->getNumParams();
            for (int i = 0; i < nbp; ++i) {
                //getTypeSourceInfo()->getType() and getOriginalType() is the final type. e.g. for size_t, the result may be unsigned int, but we need only size_t
                TypeLoc tl = f->getParamDecl(i)->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc();
                SourceLocation sl0 = tl.getBeginLoc();
                SourceLocation sl1 = tl.getEndLoc();
                const char* ptr0 = TheRewriter.getSourceMgr().getCharacterData(sl0);
                const char* ptr1 = TheRewriter.getSourceMgr().getCharacterData(sl1);
                fi.argv.push_back(trim(decl2str_without_var(f->getParamDecl(i), &TheRewriter.getSourceMgr())));
#if 0
            if (f->hasBody()) {
                // Add comment before
                stringstream SSBefore;
                SSBefore << "// Begin function " << FuncName << " returning "
                         << TypeStr << "\n";
                SourceLocation ST = f->getSourceRange().getBegin();
                TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, SSBefore.str(), true, true);

                // And after
                stringstream SSAfter;
                SSAfter << "\n// End function " << FuncName << "\n";
                ST = FuncBody->getLocEnd().getLocWithOffset(1);
                TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, SSAfter.str(), true, true);
        return true;
Example #7
// The core lookup interface.
DeclContext::lookup_result ClangASTSource::FindExternalVisibleDeclsByName(const DeclContext *DC, DeclarationName Name) {
    switch (Name.getNameKind()) {
    // Normal identifiers.
    case DeclarationName::Identifier:
    // Operator names.  Not important for now.
    case DeclarationName::CXXOperatorName:
    case DeclarationName::CXXLiteralOperatorName:
      return DeclContext::lookup_result();
    // Using directives found in this context.
    // Tell Sema we didn't find any or we'll end up getting asked a *lot*.
    case DeclarationName::CXXUsingDirective:
      return SetNoExternalVisibleDeclsForName(DC, Name);
    // These aren't looked up like this.
    case DeclarationName::ObjCZeroArgSelector:
    case DeclarationName::ObjCOneArgSelector:
    case DeclarationName::ObjCMultiArgSelector:
      return DeclContext::lookup_result();

    // These aren't possible in the global context.
    case DeclarationName::CXXConstructorName:
    case DeclarationName::CXXDestructorName:
    case DeclarationName::CXXConversionFunctionName:
      return DeclContext::lookup_result();
	llvm::SmallVector<NamedDecl*, 4> Decls;
    NameSearchContext NSC(*this, Decls, Name, DC);
    DeclMap.GetDecls(NSC, Name.getAsString().c_str());
    return SetExternalVisibleDeclsForName(DC, Name, Decls);
Example #8
/// Build a new nested-name-specifier for "identifier::", as described
/// by ActOnCXXNestedNameSpecifier.
/// \param S Scope in which the nested-name-specifier occurs.
/// \param IdInfo Parser information about an identifier in the
///        nested-name-spec.
/// \param EnteringContext If true, enter the context specified by the
///        nested-name-specifier.
/// \param SS Optional nested name specifier preceding the identifier.
/// \param ScopeLookupResult Provides the result of name lookup within the
///        scope of the nested-name-specifier that was computed at template
///        definition time.
/// \param ErrorRecoveryLookup Specifies if the method is called to improve
///        error recovery and what kind of recovery is performed.
/// \param IsCorrectedToColon If not null, suggestion of replace '::' -> ':'
///        are allowed.  The bool value pointed by this parameter is set to
///       'true' if the identifier is treated as if it was followed by ':',
///        not '::'.
/// \param OnlyNamespace If true, only considers namespaces in lookup.
/// This routine differs only slightly from ActOnCXXNestedNameSpecifier, in
/// that it contains an extra parameter \p ScopeLookupResult, which provides
/// the result of name lookup within the scope of the nested-name-specifier
/// that was computed at template definition time.
/// If ErrorRecoveryLookup is true, then this call is used to improve error
/// recovery.  This means that it should not emit diagnostics, it should
/// just return true on failure.  It also means it should only return a valid
/// scope if it *knows* that the result is correct.  It should not return in a
/// dependent context, for example. Nor will it extend \p SS with the scope
/// specifier.
bool Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S, NestedNameSpecInfo &IdInfo,
                                       bool EnteringContext, CXXScopeSpec &SS,
                                       NamedDecl *ScopeLookupResult,
                                       bool ErrorRecoveryLookup,
                                       bool *IsCorrectedToColon,
                                       bool OnlyNamespace) {
  if (IdInfo.Identifier->isEditorPlaceholder())
    return true;
  LookupResult Found(*this, IdInfo.Identifier, IdInfo.IdentifierLoc,
                     OnlyNamespace ? LookupNamespaceName
                                   : LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
  QualType ObjectType = GetTypeFromParser(IdInfo.ObjectType);

  // Determine where to perform name lookup
  DeclContext *LookupCtx = nullptr;
  bool isDependent = false;
  if (IsCorrectedToColon)
    *IsCorrectedToColon = false;
  if (!ObjectType.isNull()) {
    // This nested-name-specifier occurs in a member access expression, e.g.,
    // x->B::f, and we are looking into the type of the object.
    assert(!SS.isSet() && "ObjectType and scope specifier cannot coexist");
    LookupCtx = computeDeclContext(ObjectType);
    isDependent = ObjectType->isDependentType();
  } else if (SS.isSet()) {
    // This nested-name-specifier occurs after another nested-name-specifier,
    // so look into the context associated with the prior nested-name-specifier.
    LookupCtx = computeDeclContext(SS, EnteringContext);
    isDependent = isDependentScopeSpecifier(SS);

  bool ObjectTypeSearchedInScope = false;
  if (LookupCtx) {
    // Perform "qualified" name lookup into the declaration context we
    // computed, which is either the type of the base of a member access
    // expression or the declaration context associated with a prior
    // nested-name-specifier.

    // The declaration context must be complete.
    if (!LookupCtx->isDependentContext() &&
        RequireCompleteDeclContext(SS, LookupCtx))
      return true;

    LookupQualifiedName(Found, LookupCtx);

    if (!ObjectType.isNull() && Found.empty()) {
      // C++ [basic.lookup.classref]p4:
      //   If the id-expression in a class member access is a qualified-id of
      //   the form
      //        class-name-or-namespace-name::...
      //   the class-name-or-namespace-name following the . or -> operator is
      //   looked up both in the context of the entire postfix-expression and in
      //   the scope of the class of the object expression. If the name is found
      //   only in the scope of the class of the object expression, the name
      //   shall refer to a class-name. If the name is found only in the
      //   context of the entire postfix-expression, the name shall refer to a
      //   class-name or namespace-name. [...]
      // Qualified name lookup into a class will not find a namespace-name,
      // so we do not need to diagnose that case specifically. However,
      // this qualified name lookup may find nothing. In that case, perform
      // unqualified name lookup in the given scope (if available) or
      // reconstruct the result from when name lookup was performed at template
      // definition time.
      if (S)
        LookupName(Found, S);
      else if (ScopeLookupResult)

      ObjectTypeSearchedInScope = true;
  } else if (!isDependent) {
    // Perform unqualified name lookup in the current scope.
    LookupName(Found, S);

  if (Found.isAmbiguous())
    return true;

  // If we performed lookup into a dependent context and did not find anything,
  // that's fine: just build a dependent nested-name-specifier.
  if (Found.empty() && isDependent &&
      !(LookupCtx && LookupCtx->isRecord() &&
        (!cast<CXXRecordDecl>(LookupCtx)->hasDefinition() ||
         !cast<CXXRecordDecl>(LookupCtx)->hasAnyDependentBases()))) {
    // Don't speculate if we're just trying to improve error recovery.
    if (ErrorRecoveryLookup)
      return true;

    // We were not able to compute the declaration context for a dependent
    // base object type or prior nested-name-specifier, so this
    // nested-name-specifier refers to an unknown specialization. Just build
    // a dependent nested-name-specifier.
    SS.Extend(Context, IdInfo.Identifier, IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, IdInfo.CCLoc);
    return false;

  if (Found.empty() && !ErrorRecoveryLookup) {
    // If identifier is not found as class-name-or-namespace-name, but is found
    // as other entity, don't look for typos.
    LookupResult R(*this, Found.getLookupNameInfo(), LookupOrdinaryName);
    if (LookupCtx)
      LookupQualifiedName(R, LookupCtx);
    else if (S && !isDependent)
      LookupName(R, S);
    if (!R.empty()) {
      // Don't diagnose problems with this speculative lookup.
      // The identifier is found in ordinary lookup. If correction to colon is
      // allowed, suggest replacement to ':'.
      if (IsCorrectedToColon) {
        *IsCorrectedToColon = true;
        Diag(IdInfo.CCLoc, diag::err_nested_name_spec_is_not_class)
            << IdInfo.Identifier << getLangOpts().CPlusPlus
            << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(IdInfo.CCLoc, ":");
        if (NamedDecl *ND = R.getAsSingle<NamedDecl>())
          Diag(ND->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
        return true;
      // Replacement '::' -> ':' is not allowed, just issue respective error.
      Diag(R.getNameLoc(), OnlyNamespace
                               ? unsigned(diag::err_expected_namespace_name)
                               : unsigned(diag::err_expected_class_or_namespace))
          << IdInfo.Identifier << getLangOpts().CPlusPlus;
      if (NamedDecl *ND = R.getAsSingle<NamedDecl>())
        Diag(ND->getLocation(), diag::note_entity_declared_at)
            << IdInfo.Identifier;
      return true;

  if (Found.empty() && !ErrorRecoveryLookup && !getLangOpts().MSVCCompat) {
    // We haven't found anything, and we're not recovering from a
    // different kind of error, so look for typos.
    DeclarationName Name = Found.getLookupName();
    NestedNameSpecifierValidatorCCC CCC(*this);
    if (TypoCorrection Corrected = CorrectTypo(
            Found.getLookupNameInfo(), Found.getLookupKind(), S, &SS, CCC,
            CTK_ErrorRecovery, LookupCtx, EnteringContext)) {
      if (LookupCtx) {
        bool DroppedSpecifier =
            Corrected.WillReplaceSpecifier() &&
            Name.getAsString() == Corrected.getAsString(getLangOpts());
        if (DroppedSpecifier)
        diagnoseTypo(Corrected, PDiag(diag::err_no_member_suggest)
                                  << Name << LookupCtx << DroppedSpecifier
                                  << SS.getRange());
      } else
        diagnoseTypo(Corrected, PDiag(diag::err_undeclared_var_use_suggest)
                                  << Name);

      if (Corrected.getCorrectionSpecifier())
        SS.MakeTrivial(Context, Corrected.getCorrectionSpecifier(),

      if (NamedDecl *ND = Corrected.getFoundDecl())
    } else {

  NamedDecl *SD =
      Found.isSingleResult() ? Found.getRepresentativeDecl() : nullptr;
  bool IsExtension = false;
  bool AcceptSpec = isAcceptableNestedNameSpecifier(SD, &IsExtension);
  if (!AcceptSpec && IsExtension) {
    AcceptSpec = true;
    Diag(IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, diag::ext_nested_name_spec_is_enum);
  if (AcceptSpec) {
    if (!ObjectType.isNull() && !ObjectTypeSearchedInScope &&
        !getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11) {
      // C++03 [basic.lookup.classref]p4:
      //   [...] If the name is found in both contexts, the
      //   class-name-or-namespace-name shall refer to the same entity.
      // We already found the name in the scope of the object. Now, look
      // into the current scope (the scope of the postfix-expression) to
      // see if we can find the same name there. As above, if there is no
      // scope, reconstruct the result from the template instantiation itself.
      // Note that C++11 does *not* perform this redundant lookup.
      NamedDecl *OuterDecl;
      if (S) {
        LookupResult FoundOuter(*this, IdInfo.Identifier, IdInfo.IdentifierLoc,
        LookupName(FoundOuter, S);
        OuterDecl = FoundOuter.getAsSingle<NamedDecl>();
      } else
        OuterDecl = ScopeLookupResult;

      if (isAcceptableNestedNameSpecifier(OuterDecl) &&
          OuterDecl->getCanonicalDecl() != SD->getCanonicalDecl() &&
          (!isa<TypeDecl>(OuterDecl) || !isa<TypeDecl>(SD) ||
                               Context.getTypeDeclType(cast<TypeDecl>(SD))))) {
        if (ErrorRecoveryLookup)
          return true;

           << IdInfo.Identifier;
         Diag(SD->getLocation(), diag::note_ambig_member_ref_object_type)
           << ObjectType;
         Diag(OuterDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_ambig_member_ref_scope);

         // Fall through so that we'll pick the name we found in the object
         // type, since that's probably what the user wanted anyway.

    if (auto *TD = dyn_cast_or_null<TypedefNameDecl>(SD))
      MarkAnyDeclReferenced(TD->getLocation(), TD, /*OdrUse=*/false);

    // If we're just performing this lookup for error-recovery purposes,
    // don't extend the nested-name-specifier. Just return now.
    if (ErrorRecoveryLookup)
      return false;

    // The use of a nested name specifier may trigger deprecation warnings.
    DiagnoseUseOfDecl(SD, IdInfo.CCLoc);

    if (NamespaceDecl *Namespace = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(SD)) {
      SS.Extend(Context, Namespace, IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, IdInfo.CCLoc);
      return false;

    if (NamespaceAliasDecl *Alias = dyn_cast<NamespaceAliasDecl>(SD)) {
      SS.Extend(Context, Alias, IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, IdInfo.CCLoc);
      return false;

    QualType T =
    TypeLocBuilder TLB;
    if (isa<InjectedClassNameType>(T)) {
      InjectedClassNameTypeLoc InjectedTL
        = TLB.push<InjectedClassNameTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<RecordType>(T)) {
      RecordTypeLoc RecordTL = TLB.push<RecordTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<TypedefType>(T)) {
      TypedefTypeLoc TypedefTL = TLB.push<TypedefTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<EnumType>(T)) {
      EnumTypeLoc EnumTL = TLB.push<EnumTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<TemplateTypeParmType>(T)) {
      TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TemplateTypeTL
        = TLB.push<TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<UnresolvedUsingType>(T)) {
      UnresolvedUsingTypeLoc UnresolvedTL
        = TLB.push<UnresolvedUsingTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<SubstTemplateTypeParmType>(T)) {
      SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL
        = TLB.push<SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc>(T);
    } else if (isa<SubstTemplateTypeParmPackType>(T)) {
      SubstTemplateTypeParmPackTypeLoc TL
        = TLB.push<SubstTemplateTypeParmPackTypeLoc>(T);
    } else {
      llvm_unreachable("Unhandled TypeDecl node in nested-name-specifier");

    if (T->isEnumeralType())
      Diag(IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, diag::warn_cxx98_compat_enum_nested_name_spec);

    SS.Extend(Context, SourceLocation(), TLB.getTypeLocInContext(Context, T),
    return false;

  // Otherwise, we have an error case.  If we don't want diagnostics, just
  // return an error now.
  if (ErrorRecoveryLookup)
    return true;

  // If we didn't find anything during our lookup, try again with
  // ordinary name lookup, which can help us produce better error
  // messages.
  if (Found.empty()) {
    LookupName(Found, S);

  // In Microsoft mode, if we are within a templated function and we can't
  // resolve Identifier, then extend the SS with Identifier. This will have
  // the effect of resolving Identifier during template instantiation.
  // The goal is to be able to resolve a function call whose
  // nested-name-specifier is located inside a dependent base class.
  // Example:
  // class C {
  // public:
  //    static void foo2() {  }
  // };
  // template <class T> class A { public: typedef C D; };
  // template <class T> class B : public A<T> {
  // public:
  //   void foo() { D::foo2(); }
  // };
  if (getLangOpts().MSVCCompat) {
    DeclContext *DC = LookupCtx ? LookupCtx : CurContext;
    if (DC->isDependentContext() && DC->isFunctionOrMethod()) {
      CXXRecordDecl *ContainingClass = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(DC->getParent());
      if (ContainingClass && ContainingClass->hasAnyDependentBases()) {
            << IdInfo.Identifier << ContainingClass;
        SS.Extend(Context, IdInfo.Identifier, IdInfo.IdentifierLoc,
        return false;

  if (!Found.empty()) {
    if (TypeDecl *TD = Found.getAsSingle<TypeDecl>())
      Diag(IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, diag::err_expected_class_or_namespace)
          << Context.getTypeDeclType(TD) << getLangOpts().CPlusPlus;
    else {
      Diag(IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, diag::err_expected_class_or_namespace)
          << IdInfo.Identifier << getLangOpts().CPlusPlus;
      if (NamedDecl *ND = Found.getAsSingle<NamedDecl>())
        Diag(ND->getLocation(), diag::note_entity_declared_at)
            << IdInfo.Identifier;
  } else if (SS.isSet())
    Diag(IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, diag::err_no_member) << IdInfo.Identifier
        << LookupCtx << SS.getRange();
    Diag(IdInfo.IdentifierLoc, diag::err_undeclared_var_use)
        << IdInfo.Identifier;

  return true;
Example #9
void clang::FormatASTNodeDiagnosticArgument(Diagnostic::ArgumentKind Kind, 
                                            intptr_t Val,
                                            const char *Modifier, 
                                            unsigned ModLen,
                                            const char *Argument, 
                                            unsigned ArgLen,
                                    const Diagnostic::ArgumentValue *PrevArgs,
                                            unsigned NumPrevArgs,
                                            llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output,
                                            void *Cookie) {
  ASTContext &Context = *static_cast<ASTContext*>(Cookie);
  std::string S;
  bool NeedQuotes = true;
  switch (Kind) {
    default: assert(0 && "unknown ArgumentKind");
    case Diagnostic::ak_qualtype: {
      assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
             "Invalid modifier for QualType argument");
      QualType Ty(QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Val)));
      S = ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(Context, Ty, PrevArgs, NumPrevArgs);
      NeedQuotes = false;
    case Diagnostic::ak_declarationname: {
      DeclarationName N = DeclarationName::getFromOpaqueInteger(Val);
      S = N.getAsString();
      if (ModLen == 9 && !memcmp(Modifier, "objcclass", 9) && ArgLen == 0)
        S = '+' + S;
      else if (ModLen == 12 && !memcmp(Modifier, "objcinstance", 12)
                && ArgLen==0)
        S = '-' + S;
        assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
               "Invalid modifier for DeclarationName argument");
    case Diagnostic::ak_nameddecl: {
      bool Qualified;
      if (ModLen == 1 && Modifier[0] == 'q' && ArgLen == 0)
        Qualified = true;
      else {
        assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
               "Invalid modifier for NamedDecl* argument");
        Qualified = false;
      getNameForDiagnostic(S, Context.PrintingPolicy, Qualified);
    case Diagnostic::ak_nestednamespec: {
      llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(S);
      NeedQuotes = false;
    case Diagnostic::ak_declcontext: {
      DeclContext *DC = reinterpret_cast<DeclContext *> (Val);
      assert(DC && "Should never have a null declaration context");
      if (DC->isTranslationUnit()) {
        // FIXME: Get these strings from some localized place
        if (Context.getLangOptions().CPlusPlus)
          S = "the global namespace";
          S = "the global scope";
      } else if (TypeDecl *Type = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(DC)) {
        S = ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(Context, 
                                          PrevArgs, NumPrevArgs);
      } else {
        // FIXME: Get these strings from some localized place
        NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(DC);
        if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND))
          S += "namespace ";
        else if (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(ND))
          S += "method ";
        else if (isa<FunctionDecl>(ND))
          S += "function ";
        S += "'";
        ND->getNameForDiagnostic(S, Context.PrintingPolicy, true);
        S += "'";
      NeedQuotes = false;
  if (NeedQuotes)
  Output.append(S.begin(), S.end());
  if (NeedQuotes)
  bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *f) {
    // Only function definitions (with bodies), not declarations.
    if (f->hasBody()) {
      Stmt *FuncBody = f->getBody();

      // Type name as string
      QualType QT = f->getReturnType();
      std::string TypeStr = QT.getAsString();

      // Function name
      DeclarationName DeclName = f->getNameInfo().getName();
      std::string FuncName = DeclName.getAsString();

      // Add comment before
      std::stringstream SSBefore;
      SSBefore << "// Begin function " << FuncName << " returning " << TypeStr
               << "\n";
      SourceLocation ST = f->getSourceRange().getBegin();
      TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, SSBefore.str(), true, true);

      // And after
      std::stringstream SSAfter;
      SSAfter << "\n// End function " << FuncName;
      ST = FuncBody->getLocEnd().getLocWithOffset(1);
      TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, SSAfter.str(), true, true);
      int forCounter=0;
    Stmt::child_iterator CI, CE = FuncBody->child_end();
    for (CI = FuncBody->child_begin(); CI != CE; ++CI) {
      if (*CI != 0) {
        if (isa<ForStmt>(*CI)) 
            std::stringstream MarkerBefore;
            std::stringstream MarkerAfter;
            MarkerBefore<<"\nMCPROF_ZONE_ENTER(" << forCounter << ");\n";
            MarkerAfter<<"\nMCPROF_ZONE_EXIT(" << forCounter << ");\n";
            ForStmt *For = cast<ForStmt>(*CI);
            SourceLocation ST = For->getLocStart();
            TheRewriter.InsertText(ST, MarkerBefore.str(), true, false);
            Stmt *ForBody = For->getBody();
            SourceLocation END = ForBody->getLocEnd();
            int offset = Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(END,
                                        TheRewriter.getLangOpts()) + 1;

            SourceLocation END1 = END.getLocWithOffset(offset);
            TheRewriter.InsertText(END1, MarkerAfter.str(), true, false);

//          llvm::errs() << " Detected for loop number " << forCounter 
//                       << " in function " << FuncName << "\n";

//             InstrumentStmt(ForBody);

//             Stmt *ForBody = CI->getBody();
//             SourceLocation ST = CI->getLocStart();
//             char *b = sourceManager->getCharacterData(_b)
//             llvm::errs()  << ST << " is location \n";


    return true;
Example #11
/// HandleExprPropertyRefExpr - Handle foo.bar where foo is a pointer to an
/// objective C interface.  This is a property reference expression.
ExprResult Sema::
HandleExprPropertyRefExpr(const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT,
                          Expr *BaseExpr, DeclarationName MemberName,
                          SourceLocation MemberLoc,
                          SourceLocation SuperLoc, QualType SuperType,
                          bool Super) {
  const ObjCInterfaceType *IFaceT = OPT->getInterfaceType();
  ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace = IFaceT->getDecl();
  IdentifierInfo *Member = MemberName.getAsIdentifierInfo();

  if (IFace->isForwardDecl()) {
    Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_property_not_found_forward_class)
         << MemberName << QualType(OPT, 0);
    Diag(IFace->getLocation(), diag::note_forward_class);
    return ExprError();
  // Search for a declared property first.
  if (ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = IFace->FindPropertyDeclaration(Member)) {
    // Check whether we can reference this property.
    if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(PD, MemberLoc))
      return ExprError();
    QualType ResTy = PD->getType();
    Selector Sel = PP.getSelectorTable().getNullarySelector(Member);
    ObjCMethodDecl *Getter = IFace->lookupInstanceMethod(Sel);
    if (DiagnosePropertyAccessorMismatch(PD, Getter, MemberLoc))
      ResTy = Getter->getResultType();

    if (Super)
      return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, ResTy,
                                                     VK_LValue, OK_ObjCProperty,
                                                     SuperLoc, SuperType));
      return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, ResTy,
                                                     VK_LValue, OK_ObjCProperty,
                                                     MemberLoc, BaseExpr));
  // Check protocols on qualified interfaces.
  for (ObjCObjectPointerType::qual_iterator I = OPT->qual_begin(),
       E = OPT->qual_end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = (*I)->FindPropertyDeclaration(Member)) {
      // Check whether we can reference this property.
      if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(PD, MemberLoc))
        return ExprError();
      if (Super)
        return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, PD->getType(),
                                                       SuperLoc, SuperType));
        return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, PD->getType(),
  // If that failed, look for an "implicit" property by seeing if the nullary
  // selector is implemented.

  // FIXME: The logic for looking up nullary and unary selectors should be
  // shared with the code in ActOnInstanceMessage.

  Selector Sel = PP.getSelectorTable().getNullarySelector(Member);
  ObjCMethodDecl *Getter = IFace->lookupInstanceMethod(Sel);
  // May be founf in property's qualified list.
  if (!Getter)
    Getter = LookupMethodInQualifiedType(Sel, OPT, true);

  // If this reference is in an @implementation, check for 'private' methods.
  if (!Getter)
    Getter = IFace->lookupPrivateMethod(Sel);

  // Look through local category implementations associated with the class.
  if (!Getter)
    Getter = IFace->getCategoryInstanceMethod(Sel);
  if (Getter) {
    // Check if we can reference this property.
    if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Getter, MemberLoc))
      return ExprError();
  // If we found a getter then this may be a valid dot-reference, we
  // will look for the matching setter, in case it is needed.
  Selector SetterSel =
                                       PP.getSelectorTable(), Member);
  ObjCMethodDecl *Setter = IFace->lookupInstanceMethod(SetterSel);
  // May be founf in property's qualified list.
  if (!Setter)
    Setter = LookupMethodInQualifiedType(SetterSel, OPT, true);
  if (!Setter) {
    // If this reference is in an @implementation, also check for 'private'
    // methods.
    Setter = IFace->lookupPrivateMethod(SetterSel);
  // Look through local category implementations associated with the class.
  if (!Setter)
    Setter = IFace->getCategoryInstanceMethod(SetterSel);
  if (Setter && DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Setter, MemberLoc))
    return ExprError();

  if (Getter || Setter) {
    QualType PType;
    if (Getter)
      PType = Getter->getSendResultType();
    else {
      ParmVarDecl *ArgDecl = *Setter->param_begin();
      PType = ArgDecl->getType();
    ExprValueKind VK = VK_LValue;
    ExprObjectKind OK = OK_ObjCProperty;
    if (!getLangOptions().CPlusPlus && !PType.hasQualifiers() &&
      VK = VK_RValue, OK = OK_Ordinary;

    if (Super)
      return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(Getter, Setter,
                                                     PType, VK, OK,
                                                     SuperLoc, SuperType));
      return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(Getter, Setter,
                                                     PType, VK, OK,
                                                     MemberLoc, BaseExpr));


  // Attempt to correct for typos in property names.
  LookupResult Res(*this, MemberName, MemberLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
  if (CorrectTypo(Res, 0, 0, IFace, false, CTC_NoKeywords, OPT) &&
      Res.getAsSingle<ObjCPropertyDecl>()) {
    DeclarationName TypoResult = Res.getLookupName();
    Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_property_not_found_suggest)
      << MemberName << QualType(OPT, 0) << TypoResult
      << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(MemberLoc, TypoResult.getAsString());
    ObjCPropertyDecl *Property = Res.getAsSingle<ObjCPropertyDecl>();
    Diag(Property->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_decl)
      << Property->getDeclName();
    return HandleExprPropertyRefExpr(OPT, BaseExpr, TypoResult, MemberLoc,
                                     SuperLoc, SuperType, Super);
  ObjCInterfaceDecl *ClassDeclared;
  if (ObjCIvarDecl *Ivar = 
      IFace->lookupInstanceVariable(Member, ClassDeclared)) {
    QualType T = Ivar->getType();
    if (const ObjCObjectPointerType * OBJPT = 
        T->getAsObjCInterfacePointerType()) {
      const ObjCInterfaceType *IFaceT = OBJPT->getInterfaceType();
      if (ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace = IFaceT->getDecl())
        if (IFace->isForwardDecl()) {
          Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_property_not_as_forward_class)
          << MemberName << IFace;
          Diag(IFace->getLocation(), diag::note_forward_class);
          return ExprError();
  Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_property_not_found)
    << MemberName << QualType(OPT, 0);
  if (Setter)
    Diag(Setter->getLocation(), diag::note_getter_unavailable)
          << MemberName << BaseExpr->getSourceRange();
  return ExprError();
Example #12
static std::string getPrintableNameForEntity(DeclarationName Entity) {
  if (Entity)
    return Entity.getAsString();
  return "type name";
Example #13
/// HandleExprPropertyRefExpr - Handle foo.bar where foo is a pointer to an
/// objective C interface.  This is a property reference expression.
Action::OwningExprResult Sema::
HandleExprPropertyRefExpr(const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT,
                          Expr *BaseExpr, DeclarationName MemberName,
                          SourceLocation MemberLoc) {
  const ObjCInterfaceType *IFaceT = OPT->getInterfaceType();
  ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace = IFaceT->getDecl();
  IdentifierInfo *Member = MemberName.getAsIdentifierInfo();

  // Search for a declared property first.
  if (ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = IFace->FindPropertyDeclaration(Member)) {
    // Check whether we can reference this property.
    if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(PD, MemberLoc))
      return ExprError();
    QualType ResTy = PD->getType();
    Selector Sel = PP.getSelectorTable().getNullarySelector(Member);
    ObjCMethodDecl *Getter = IFace->lookupInstanceMethod(Sel);
    if (DiagnosePropertyAccessorMismatch(PD, Getter, MemberLoc))
      ResTy = Getter->getSendResultType();
    return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, ResTy,
                                                   MemberLoc, BaseExpr));
  // Check protocols on qualified interfaces.
  for (ObjCObjectPointerType::qual_iterator I = OPT->qual_begin(),
       E = OPT->qual_end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = (*I)->FindPropertyDeclaration(Member)) {
      // Check whether we can reference this property.
      if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(PD, MemberLoc))
        return ExprError();

      return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, PD->getType(),
                                                     MemberLoc, BaseExpr));
  // If that failed, look for an "implicit" property by seeing if the nullary
  // selector is implemented.

  // FIXME: The logic for looking up nullary and unary selectors should be
  // shared with the code in ActOnInstanceMessage.

  Selector Sel = PP.getSelectorTable().getNullarySelector(Member);
  ObjCMethodDecl *Getter = IFace->lookupInstanceMethod(Sel);

  // If this reference is in an @implementation, check for 'private' methods.
  if (!Getter)
    Getter = IFace->lookupPrivateInstanceMethod(Sel);

  // Look through local category implementations associated with the class.
  if (!Getter)
    Getter = IFace->getCategoryInstanceMethod(Sel);
  if (Getter) {
    // Check if we can reference this property.
    if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Getter, MemberLoc))
      return ExprError();
  // If we found a getter then this may be a valid dot-reference, we
  // will look for the matching setter, in case it is needed.
  Selector SetterSel =
                                       PP.getSelectorTable(), Member);
  ObjCMethodDecl *Setter = IFace->lookupInstanceMethod(SetterSel);
  if (!Setter) {
    // If this reference is in an @implementation, also check for 'private'
    // methods.
    Setter = IFace->lookupPrivateInstanceMethod(SetterSel);
  // Look through local category implementations associated with the class.
  if (!Setter)
    Setter = IFace->getCategoryInstanceMethod(SetterSel);

  if (Setter && DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Setter, MemberLoc))
    return ExprError();

  if (Getter) {
    QualType PType;
    PType = Getter->getSendResultType();
    return Owned(new (Context) ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr(Getter, PType,
                                    Setter, MemberLoc, BaseExpr));

  // Attempt to correct for typos in property names.
  LookupResult Res(*this, MemberName, MemberLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
  if (CorrectTypo(Res, 0, 0, IFace, false, CTC_NoKeywords, OPT) &&
      Res.getAsSingle<ObjCPropertyDecl>()) {
    DeclarationName TypoResult = Res.getLookupName();
    Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_property_not_found_suggest)
      << MemberName << QualType(OPT, 0) << TypoResult
      << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(MemberLoc, TypoResult.getAsString());
    ObjCPropertyDecl *Property = Res.getAsSingle<ObjCPropertyDecl>();
    Diag(Property->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_decl)
      << Property->getDeclName();
    return HandleExprPropertyRefExpr(OPT, BaseExpr, TypoResult, MemberLoc);
  Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_property_not_found)
    << MemberName << QualType(OPT, 0);
  if (Setter && !Getter)
    Diag(Setter->getLocation(), diag::note_getter_unavailable)
      << MemberName << BaseExpr->getSourceRange();
  return ExprError();
Example #14
void clang::FormatASTNodeDiagnosticArgument(
    DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind Kind,
    intptr_t Val,
    const char *Modifier,
    unsigned ModLen,
    const char *Argument,
    unsigned ArgLen,
    const DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentValue *PrevArgs,
    unsigned NumPrevArgs,
    SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output,
    void *Cookie,
    ArrayRef<intptr_t> QualTypeVals) {
  ASTContext &Context = *static_cast<ASTContext*>(Cookie);
  std::string S;
  bool NeedQuotes = true;
  switch (Kind) {
    default: llvm_unreachable("unknown ArgumentKind");
    case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair: {
      TemplateDiffTypes &TDT = *reinterpret_cast<TemplateDiffTypes*>(Val);
      QualType FromType =
      QualType ToType =

      if (FormatTemplateTypeDiff(Context, FromType, ToType, TDT.PrintTree,
                                 TDT.PrintFromType, TDT.ElideType,
                                 TDT.ShowColors, S)) {
        NeedQuotes = !TDT.PrintTree;
        TDT.TemplateDiffUsed = true;

      // Don't fall-back during tree printing.  The caller will handle
      // this case.
      if (TDT.PrintTree)

      // Attempting to do a templete diff on non-templates.  Set the variables
      // and continue with regular type printing of the appropriate type.
      Val = TDT.PrintFromType ? TDT.FromType : TDT.ToType;
      ModLen = 0;
      ArgLen = 0;
      // Fall through
    case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype: {
      assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
             "Invalid modifier for QualType argument");
      QualType Ty(QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Val)));
      S = ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(Context, Ty, PrevArgs, NumPrevArgs,
      NeedQuotes = false;
    case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_declarationname: {
      DeclarationName N = DeclarationName::getFromOpaqueInteger(Val);
      S = N.getAsString();
      if (ModLen == 9 && !memcmp(Modifier, "objcclass", 9) && ArgLen == 0)
        S = '+' + S;
      else if (ModLen == 12 && !memcmp(Modifier, "objcinstance", 12)
                && ArgLen==0)
        S = '-' + S;
        assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
               "Invalid modifier for DeclarationName argument");
    case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_nameddecl: {
      bool Qualified;
      if (ModLen == 1 && Modifier[0] == 'q' && ArgLen == 0)
        Qualified = true;
      else {
        assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
               "Invalid modifier for NamedDecl* argument");
        Qualified = false;
      const NamedDecl *ND = reinterpret_cast<const NamedDecl*>(Val);
      ND->getNameForDiagnostic(S, Context.getPrintingPolicy(), Qualified);
    case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_nestednamespec: {
      llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(S);
      NeedQuotes = false;
    case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_declcontext: {
      DeclContext *DC = reinterpret_cast<DeclContext *> (Val);
      assert(DC && "Should never have a null declaration context");
      if (DC->isTranslationUnit()) {
        // FIXME: Get these strings from some localized place
        if (Context.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
          S = "the global namespace";
          S = "the global scope";
      } else if (TypeDecl *Type = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(DC)) {
        S = ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(Context, 
                                          PrevArgs, NumPrevArgs, QualTypeVals);
      } else {
        // FIXME: Get these strings from some localized place
        NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(DC);
        if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND))
          S += "namespace ";
        else if (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(ND))
          S += "method ";
        else if (isa<FunctionDecl>(ND))
          S += "function ";
        S += "'";
        ND->getNameForDiagnostic(S, Context.getPrintingPolicy(), true);
        S += "'";
      NeedQuotes = false;
  if (NeedQuotes)
  Output.append(S.begin(), S.end());
  if (NeedQuotes)