Example #1
bool SymbolTable::add(const DefinedAtom &atom) {
  if (!atom.name().empty() &&
      atom.scope() != DefinedAtom::scopeTranslationUnit) {
    // Named atoms cannot be merged by content.
    assert(atom.merge() != DefinedAtom::mergeByContent);
    // Track named atoms that are not scoped to file (static).
    return addByName(atom);
  if (atom.merge() == DefinedAtom::mergeByContent) {
    // Named atoms cannot be merged by content.
    // Currently only read-only constants can be merged.
    if (atom.permissions() == DefinedAtom::permR__)
      return addByContent(atom);
    // TODO: support mergeByContent of data atoms by comparing content & fixups.
  return false;