// Calculate the largest possible vregsPassed sets. These are the registers that
// can pass through an MBB live, but may not be live every time. It is assumed
// that all vregsPassed sets are empty before the call.
void MachineVerifier::calcRegsPassed() {
  // First push live-out regs to successors' vregsPassed. Remember the MBBs that
  // have any vregsPassed.
  DenseSet<const MachineBasicBlock*> todo;
  for (MachineFunction::const_iterator MFI = MF->begin(), MFE = MF->end();
       MFI != MFE; ++MFI) {
    const MachineBasicBlock &MBB(*MFI);
    BBInfo &MInfo = MBBInfoMap[&MBB];
    if (!MInfo.reachable)
    for (MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator SuI = MBB.succ_begin(),
           SuE = MBB.succ_end(); SuI != SuE; ++SuI) {
      BBInfo &SInfo = MBBInfoMap[*SuI];
      if (SInfo.addPassed(MInfo.regsLiveOut))

  // Iteratively push vregsPassed to successors. This will converge to the same
  // final state regardless of DenseSet iteration order.
  while (!todo.empty()) {
    const MachineBasicBlock *MBB = *todo.begin();
    BBInfo &MInfo = MBBInfoMap[MBB];
    for (MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator SuI = MBB->succ_begin(),
           SuE = MBB->succ_end(); SuI != SuE; ++SuI) {
      if (*SuI == MBB)
      BBInfo &SInfo = MBBInfoMap[*SuI];
      if (SInfo.addPassed(MInfo.vregsPassed))
// Calculate the set of virtual registers that must be passed through each basic
// block in order to satisfy the requirements of successor blocks. This is very
// similar to calcRegsPassed, only backwards.
void MachineVerifier::calcRegsRequired() {
  // First push live-in regs to predecessors' vregsRequired.
  DenseSet<const MachineBasicBlock*> todo;
  for (MachineFunction::const_iterator MFI = MF->begin(), MFE = MF->end();
       MFI != MFE; ++MFI) {
    const MachineBasicBlock &MBB(*MFI);
    BBInfo &MInfo = MBBInfoMap[&MBB];
    for (MachineBasicBlock::const_pred_iterator PrI = MBB.pred_begin(),
           PrE = MBB.pred_end(); PrI != PrE; ++PrI) {
      BBInfo &PInfo = MBBInfoMap[*PrI];
      if (PInfo.addRequired(MInfo.vregsLiveIn))

  // Iteratively push vregsRequired to predecessors. This will converge to the
  // same final state regardless of DenseSet iteration order.
  while (!todo.empty()) {
    const MachineBasicBlock *MBB = *todo.begin();
    BBInfo &MInfo = MBBInfoMap[MBB];
    for (MachineBasicBlock::const_pred_iterator PrI = MBB->pred_begin(),
           PrE = MBB->pred_end(); PrI != PrE; ++PrI) {
      if (*PrI == MBB)
      BBInfo &SInfo = MBBInfoMap[*PrI];
      if (SInfo.addRequired(MInfo.vregsRequired))
Example #3
static void MarkNodesWhichMustBePassedIn(DenseSet<const DSNode*> &MarkedNodes,
                                         Function &F, DSGraph* G,
                                         EntryPointAnalysis* EPA) {
  // All DSNodes reachable from arguments must be passed in...
  // Unless this is an entry point to the program
  if (!EPA->isEntryPoint(&F)) {
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin(), E = F.arg_end();
            I != E; ++I) {
      DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::iterator AI = G->getScalarMap().find(I);
      if (AI != G->getScalarMap().end())
        if (DSNode * N = AI->second.getNode())

  // Marked the returned node as needing to be passed in.
  if (DSNode * RetNode = G->getReturnNodeFor(F).getNode())

  // Calculate which DSNodes are reachable from globals.  If a node is reachable
  // from a global, we will create a global pool for it, so no argument passage
  // is required.
  DenseSet<const DSNode*> NodesFromGlobals;
  GetNodesReachableFromGlobals(G, NodesFromGlobals);

  // Remove any nodes reachable from a global.  These nodes will be put into
  // global pools, which do not require arguments to be passed in.

  for (DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator I = NodesFromGlobals.begin(),
          E = NodesFromGlobals.end(); I != E; ++I)
// Find the number of arguments we need to add to the functions.
void CSDataRando::findFunctionArgNodes(const std::vector<const Function *> &Functions) {
  std::vector<DSNodeHandle> RootNodes;
  for (const Function *F : Functions) {
    DSGraph *G = DSA->getDSGraph(*F);
    G->getFunctionArgumentsForCall(F, RootNodes);

  // No additional args to pass.
  if (RootNodes.size() == 0) {

  DenseSet<const DSNode*> MarkedNodes;
  for (DSNodeHandle &NH : RootNodes) {
    if (DSNode *N = NH.getNode()) {

  // Remove global nodes from the arg nodes. If we are using the bottom-up
  // analysis then if a node is a global node all contexts will use the global map.
  for (auto i : GlobalNodes) {

  // Remove any nodes that are marked do not encrypt.
  SmallVector<const DSNode*, 8> MarkedNodeWorkList;
  for (auto i : MarkedNodes) {
    if (i->isDoNotEncryptNode()) {
  for (auto i : MarkedNodeWorkList) {

  if (MarkedNodes.empty()) {

  // Create a FuncInfo entry for each of the functions with the arg nodes that
  // need to be passed
  for (const Function *F : Functions) {
    FuncInfo &FI = FunctionInfo[F];
    FI.ArgNodes.insert(FI.ArgNodes.end(), MarkedNodes.begin(), MarkedNodes.end());
Example #5
void RTAssociate::SetupGlobalPools(Module* M, DSGraph* GG) {
  // Get the globals graph for the program.
  // DSGraph* GG = Graphs->getGlobalsGraph();

  // Get all of the nodes reachable from globals.
  DenseSet<const DSNode*> GlobalHeapNodes;
  GetNodesReachableFromGlobals(GG, GlobalHeapNodes);

  errs() << "Pool allocating " << GlobalHeapNodes.size()
          << " global nodes!\n";

  FuncInfo& FI = makeFuncInfo(0, GG);

  while (GlobalHeapNodes.size()) {
    const DSNode* D = *GlobalHeapNodes.begin();
    FI.PoolDescriptors[D] = CreateGlobalPool(D, M);
// Function: GetNodesReachableFromGlobals()
// Description:
//  This function finds all DSNodes which are reachable from globals.  It finds
//  DSNodes both within the local DSGraph as well as in the Globals graph that
//  are reachable from globals.  It does, however, filter out those DSNodes
//  which are of no interest to automatic pool allocation.
// Inputs:
//  G - The DSGraph for which to find DSNodes which are reachable by globals.
//      This DSGraph can either by a DSGraph associated with a function *or*
//      it can be the globals graph itself.
// Outputs:
//  NodesFromGlobals - A reference to a container object in which to record
//                     DSNodes reachable from globals.  DSNodes are *added* to
//                     this container; it is not cleared by this function.
//                     DSNodes from both the local and globals graph are added.
AllHeapNodesHeuristic::GetNodesReachableFromGlobals (DSGraph* G,
                              DenseSet<const DSNode*> &NodesFromGlobals) {
  // Get the globals graph associated with this DSGraph.  If the globals graph
  // is NULL, then the graph that was passed in *is* the globals graph.
  DSGraph * GlobalsGraph = G->getGlobalsGraph();
  if (!GlobalsGraph)
    GlobalsGraph = G;

  // Find all DSNodes which are reachable in the globals graph.
  for (DSGraph::node_iterator NI = GlobalsGraph->node_begin();
       NI != GlobalsGraph->node_end();
       ++NI) {

  // Remove those global nodes which we know will never be pool allocated.
  std::vector<const DSNode *> toRemove;
  for (DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator I = NodesFromGlobals.begin(),
         E = NodesFromGlobals.end(); I != E; ) {
    DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator Last = I; ++I;

    const DSNode *tmp = *Last;
    if (!(tmp->isHeapNode())) 
      toRemove.push_back (tmp);
    // Do not poolallocate nodes that are cast to Int.
    // As we do not track through ints, these could be escaping
    if (tmp->isPtrToIntNode())
  // Remove all globally reachable DSNodes which do not require pools.
  for (unsigned index = 0; index < toRemove.size(); ++index) {

  // Now the fun part.  Find DSNodes in the local graph that correspond to
  // those nodes reachable in the globals graph.  Add them to the set of
  // reachable nodes, too.
  if (G->getGlobalsGraph()) {
    // Compute a mapping between local DSNodes and DSNodes in the globals
    // graph.
    DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMap;
    G->computeGToGGMapping (NodeMap);

    // Scan through all DSNodes in the local graph.  If a local DSNode has a
    // corresponding DSNode in the globals graph that is reachable from a 
    // global, then add the local DSNode to the set of DSNodes reachable from a
    // global.
    // FIXME: A node's existance within the global DSGraph is probably
    //        sufficient evidence that it is reachable from a global.

    DSGraph::node_iterator ni = G->node_begin();
    for (; ni != G->node_end(); ++ni) {
      DSNode * N = ni;
      if (NodesFromGlobals.count (NodeMap[N].getNode()))
        NodesFromGlobals.insert (N);
Example #7
Error AnalysisStyle::dump() {
  auto Tpi = File.getPDBTpiStream();
  if (!Tpi)
    return Tpi.takeError();

  TypeDatabase TypeDB(Tpi->getNumTypeRecords());
  TypeDatabaseVisitor DBV(TypeDB);
  TypeVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline;
  HashLookupVisitor Hasher(*Tpi);
  // Add them to the database
  // Store their hash values

  if (auto EC = codeview::visitTypeStream(Tpi->typeArray(), Pipeline))
    return EC;

  auto &Adjusters = Tpi->getHashAdjusters();
  DenseSet<uint32_t> AdjusterSet;
  for (const auto &Adj : Adjusters) {
    assert(AdjusterSet.find(Adj.second) == AdjusterSet.end());

  uint32_t Count = 0;
  outs() << "Searching for hash collisions\n";
  for (const auto &H : Hasher.Lookup) {
    if (H.second.size() <= 1)
    outs() << formatv("Hash: {0}, Count: {1} records\n", H.first,
    for (const auto &R : H.second) {
      auto Iter = AdjusterSet.find(R.TI.getIndex());
      StringRef Prefix;
      if (Iter != AdjusterSet.end()) {
        Prefix = "[HEAD]";
      StringRef LeafName = getLeafTypeName(R.Record.Type);
      uint32_t TI = R.TI.getIndex();
      StringRef TypeName = TypeDB.getTypeName(R.TI);
      outs() << formatv("{0,-6} {1} ({2:x}) {3}\n", Prefix, LeafName, TI,

  outs() << "\n";
  outs() << "Dumping hash adjustment chains\n";
  for (const auto &A : Tpi->getHashAdjusters()) {
    TypeIndex TI(A.second);
    StringRef TypeName = TypeDB.getTypeName(TI);
    const CVType &HeadRecord = TypeDB.getTypeRecord(TI);

    auto CollisionsIter = Hasher.Lookup.find(*HeadRecord.Hash);
    if (CollisionsIter == Hasher.Lookup.end())

    const auto &Collisions = CollisionsIter->second;
    outs() << TypeName << "\n";
    outs() << formatv("    [HEAD] {0:x} {1} {2}\n", A.second,
                      getLeafTypeName(HeadRecord.Type), TypeName);
    for (const auto &Chain : Collisions) {
      if (Chain.TI == TI)
      const CVType &TailRecord = TypeDB.getTypeRecord(Chain.TI);
      outs() << formatv("           {0:x} {1} {2}\n", Chain.TI.getIndex(),
  outs() << formatv("There are {0} orphaned hash adjusters\n",
  for (const auto &Adj : AdjusterSet) {
    outs() << formatv("    {0}\n", Adj);

  uint32_t DistinctHashValues = Hasher.Lookup.size();
  outs() << formatv("{0}/{1} hash collisions", Count, DistinctHashValues);
  return Error::success();