Example #1
shared_ptr<PlanExecutor> PipelineD::addCursorSource(const intrusive_ptr<Pipeline>& pipeline,
                                                    const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
                                                    shared_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec,
                                                    DepsTracker deps,
                                                    const BSONObj& queryObj,
                                                    const BSONObj& sortObj,
                                                    const BSONObj& projectionObj) {
    // Get the full "namespace" name.
    const string& fullName = expCtx->ns.ns();

    // Put the PlanExecutor into a DocumentSourceCursor and add it to the front of the pipeline.
    intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceCursor> pSource =
        DocumentSourceCursor::create(fullName, exec, expCtx);

    // Note the query, sort, and projection for explain.

    if (deps.hasNoRequirements()) {

    if (!projectionObj.isEmpty()) {
        pSource->setProjection(projectionObj, boost::none);
    } else {
        // There may be fewer dependencies now if the sort was covered.
        if (!sortObj.isEmpty()) {
            deps = pipeline->getDependencies(queryObj);

        pSource->setProjection(deps.toProjection(), deps.toParsedDeps());

    // Add the initial DocumentSourceCursor to the front of the pipeline. Then optimize again in
    // case the new stage can be absorbed with the first stages of the pipeline.

    // DocumentSourceCursor expects a yielding PlanExecutor that has had its state saved. We
    // deregister the PlanExecutor so that it can be registered with ClientCursor.

    return exec;
Example #2
std::shared_ptr<PlanExecutor> PipelineD::prepareExecutor(
    OperationContext* txn,
    Collection* collection,
    const NamespaceString& nss,
    const intrusive_ptr<Pipeline>& pipeline,
    const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
    const intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceSort>& sortStage,
    const DepsTracker& deps,
    const BSONObj& queryObj,
    BSONObj* sortObj,
    BSONObj* projectionObj) {
    // The query system has the potential to use an index to provide a non-blocking sort and/or to
    // use the projection to generate a covered plan. If this is possible, it is more efficient to
    // let the query system handle those parts of the pipeline. If not, it is more efficient to use
    // a $sort and/or a ParsedDeps object. Thus, we will determine whether the query system can
    // provide a non-blocking sort or a covered projection before we commit to a PlanExecutor.
    // To determine if the query system can provide a non-blocking sort, we pass the
    // NO_BLOCKING_SORT planning option, meaning 'getExecutor' will not produce a PlanExecutor if
    // the query system would use a blocking sort stage.
    // To determine if the query system can provide a covered projection, we pass the
    // NO_UNCOVERED_PROJECTS planning option, meaning 'getExecutor' will not produce a PlanExecutor
    // if the query system would need to fetch the document to do the projection. The following
    // logic uses the above strategies, with multiple calls to 'attemptToGetExecutor' to determine
    // the most efficient way to handle the $sort and $project stages.
    // LATER - We should attempt to determine if the results from the query are returned in some
    // order so we can then apply other optimizations there are tickets for, such as SERVER-4507.
    size_t plannerOpts = QueryPlannerParams::DEFAULT | QueryPlannerParams::NO_BLOCKING_SORT;

    // If we are connecting directly to the shard rather than through a mongos, don't filter out
    // orphaned documents.
    if (ShardingState::get(txn)->needCollectionMetadata(txn, nss.ns())) {
        plannerOpts |= QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER;

    if (deps.hasNoRequirements()) {
        // If we don't need any fields from the input document, performing a count is faster, and
        // will output empty documents, which is okay.
        plannerOpts |= QueryPlannerParams::IS_COUNT;

    // The only way to get a text score is to let the query system handle the projection. In all
    // other cases, unless the query system can do an index-covered projection and avoid going to
    // the raw record at all, it is faster to have ParsedDeps filter the fields we need.
    if (!deps.needTextScore) {
        plannerOpts |= QueryPlannerParams::NO_UNCOVERED_PROJECTIONS;

    std::shared_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec;

    BSONObj emptyProjection;
    if (sortStage) {
        // See if the query system can provide a non-blocking sort.
        auto swExecutorSort = attemptToGetExecutor(
            txn, collection, expCtx, queryObj, emptyProjection, *sortObj, plannerOpts);

        if (swExecutorSort.isOK()) {
            // Success! Now see if the query system can also cover the projection.
            auto swExecutorSortAndProj = attemptToGetExecutor(
                txn, collection, expCtx, queryObj, *projectionObj, *sortObj, plannerOpts);

            if (swExecutorSortAndProj.isOK()) {
                // Success! We have a non-blocking sort and a covered projection.
                exec = std::move(swExecutorSortAndProj.getValue());
            } else {
                // The query system couldn't cover the projection.
                *projectionObj = BSONObj();
                exec = std::move(swExecutorSort.getValue());

            // We know the sort is being handled by the query system, so remove the $sort stage.

            if (sortStage->getLimitSrc()) {
                // We need to reinsert the coalesced $limit after removing the $sort.
            return exec;
        // The query system can't provide a non-blocking sort.
        *sortObj = BSONObj();

    // Either there was no $sort stage, or the query system could not provide a non-blocking
    // sort.

    // See if the query system can cover the projection.
    auto swExecutorProj = attemptToGetExecutor(
        txn, collection, expCtx, queryObj, *projectionObj, *sortObj, plannerOpts);
    if (swExecutorProj.isOK()) {
        // Success! We have a covered projection.
        return std::move(swExecutorProj.getValue());

    // The query system couldn't provide a covered projection.
    *projectionObj = BSONObj();
    // If this doesn't work, nothing will.
    return uassertStatusOK(attemptToGetExecutor(
        txn, collection, expCtx, queryObj, *projectionObj, *sortObj, plannerOpts));