Example #1
/// Compute the survey to-world transformation from the detector element placement with respect to the survey constants
void DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentTools::computeSurvey(Alignment alignment)
    Alignment::Object* a = alignment.ptr();
    DetElement parent = a->detector.parent();
    MaskManipulator mask(a->flag);

    if ( parent.isValid() )  {
        DetectorTools::PlacementPath path;
        DetectorTools::placementPath(parent, a->detector, path);

        // TODO: need to take survey corrections into account!

        for (size_t i = 0, n=path.size(); n>0 && i < n-1; ++i)  {
            const PlacedVolume& p = path[i];
        a->worldTrafo = parent.survey()->worldTrafo;
        a->trToWorld  = Geometry::_transform(&a->worldTrafo);
        a->placement = a->detector.placement();
Example #2
// helper method to get the closest daughter DetElement to the position starting from the given DetElement
DetElement IDDecoder::getClosestDaughter(const DetElement& det, const Position& position) {
	DetElement result;

	// check if we have a shape and see if we are inside
	if (det.volume().isValid() and det.volume().solid().isValid()) {
		double globalPosition[3] = { position.x(), position.y(), position.z() };
		double localPosition[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
		det.worldTransformation().MasterToLocal(globalPosition, localPosition);
		if (det.volume().solid()->Contains(localPosition)) {
			result = det;
		} else {
			// assuming that any daughter shape would be inside this shape
			return DetElement();

	const DetElement::Children& children = det.children();
	DetElement::Children::const_iterator it = children.begin();
	while (it != children.end()) {
		DetElement daughterDet = getClosestDaughter(it->second, position);
		if (daughterDet.isValid()) {
			result = daughterDet;
	return result;
Example #3
 * Returns the closest detector element in the hierarchy for a given global position
DetElement IDDecoder::detectorElement(const Position& pos) const {
	DetElement world = Geometry::LCDD::getInstance().world();
	DetElement det = getClosestDaughter(world, pos);
	if (not det.isValid()) {
		throw invalid_position("DD4hep::DDRec::IDDecoder::detectorElement", pos);
	std::cout << det.name() << std::endl;
	return det;
Example #4
/// Access mother volume by detector element
Volume LCDDImp::pickMotherVolume(const DetElement& de) const {
  if ( de.isValid() )   {
    string de_name = de.name();
    HandleMap::const_iterator i = m_motherVolumes.find(de_name);
    if (i == m_motherVolumes.end())   {
      return m_worldVol;
    return (*i).second;
  throw runtime_error("LCDD: Attempt access mother volume of invalid detector [Invalid-handle]");
/// Access optical surface data by its identifier
OpticalSurface OpticalSurfaceManager::opticalSurface(DetElement de, const string& nam)  const   {
  if ( de.isValid() )  {
    Object* o = access();
    string  n = de.path() + '#' + nam;
    TGeoOpticalSurface* surf = o->detector.manager().GetOpticalSurface(n.c_str());
    if ( surf ) return surf;
    auto i = o->opticalSurfaces.find(n);
    if ( i != o->opticalSurfaces.end() ) return (*i).second;
    return 0;
         "++ Cannot access OpticalSurface %s without valid detector element!",nam.c_str());
  return OpticalSurface();
Example #6
int DeltaCollector<T>::operator()(DetElement de, int level)  const  {
  if ( de.isValid() )  {
    int count = 0;
    vector<Condition> conditions;
    for( auto cond : conditions )   {
      if ( cond->testFlag(Condition::ALIGNMENT_DELTA) )  {
        insert_item(deltas, de, cond.get<Delta>());
    return count;
  except("Alignments","Cannot process alignments of an invalid detector element");
  return 0;  
Example #7
/// Given a detector element, access it's sensitive detector (if the sub-detector is sensitive!)
SensitiveDetector LCDDHelper::sensitiveDetector(DetElement detector) const    {
  for(DetElement par = detector; par.isValid(); par = par.parent())  {
    if ( par.ptr() != ptr()->world().ptr() )  {
      PlacedVolume pv = par.placement();
      if ( pv.isValid() )   {
        const PlacedVolume::VolIDs& ids = pv.volIDs();
        for(PlacedVolume::VolIDs::const_iterator i=ids.begin(); i!=ids.end();++i)  {
          if ( (*i).first == "system" )   {
            return sensitiveDetector(par.name());
  return SensitiveDetector(0);
Example #8
/// Compute the ideal/nominal to-world transformation from the detector element placement
void DD4hep::Alignments::AlignmentTools::computeIdeal(Alignment alignment)   {
    Alignment::Object* a = alignment.ptr();
    MaskManipulator mask(a->flag);
    DetElement parent = a->detector.parent();
    if ( parent.isValid() )  {
        DetectorTools::PlacementPath path;
        DetectorTools::placementPath(parent, a->detector, path);
        for (size_t i = 0, n=path.size(); n>0 && i < n-1; ++i)  {
            const PlacedVolume& p = path[i];
        a->worldTrafo = parent.nominal()->worldTrafo;
        a->trToWorld  = Geometry::_transform(&a->worldTrafo);
        a->placement  = a->detector.placement();