Example #1
// ######################################################################
void NeoBrain::init(Dims imageDims, int nPoints, int wz )
  win_size = wz;

  MAX_COUNT = nPoints;
  count = 0;
  points[0] = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(points[0][0]));
  points[1] = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(points[0][0]));

  prev_grey = Image<byte>(imageDims, ZEROS);
  pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvSize(imageDims.w(), imageDims.h()), 8, 1 );
  prev_pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvSize(imageDims.w(), imageDims.h()), 8, 1 );
  status = (char*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT);

  flags = 0;
  itsState = CHECK_TARGET;
  itsImageDims = imageDims;
  itsTracking = false;

  if (itsSpeakSaliency.getVal())
    itsSpeechSynth->sendCommand("(lex.add.entry '(\"bigpause\" n (((pau) 1) ((pau) 1) ((pau) 1) ((pau) 1))))\n", -10, true);

    itsSpeechSynth->sendCommand("(set! daisy (wave.load \"daisy.wav\"))",
        -10, true);
    itsSpeechSynth->sendCommand("(set! headinfo (wave.load \"headInfo.wav\"))",
        -10, true);
Example #2
void BitObject::drawOutline(Image<T_or_RGB>& img, 
                            const T_or_RGB& color,
                            float opacity)
  float op2 = 1.0F - opacity;

  Dims d = img.getDims();
  Image<byte> mask = getObjectMask();

  // rescale if needed
  if (d != itsImageDims)
    mask = rescaleNI(mask, d.w(), d.h());

  // object-shaped drawing
  int thick = 1;
  Image<byte> om(mask);
  om = contour2D(om);       // compute binary contour image
  const int w = img.getWidth();
  const int h = img.getHeight();
  Point2D<int> ppp;
  for (ppp.j = 0; ppp.j < h; ppp.j ++)
    for (ppp.i = 0; ppp.i < w; ppp.i ++)
      if (om.getVal(ppp.i, ppp.j))  // got a contour point -> draw here
        drawDisk(img, ppp, thick, T_or_RGB(img.getVal(ppp) * op2 + color * opacity));  // small disk for each point

} // end drawOutline
Example #3
// ######################################################################
Image<float> downSizeClean(const Image<float>& src, const Dims& new_dims,
                           const int filterWidth)

  if (src.getDims() == new_dims) return src;

  ASSERT(filterWidth >= 1);

  Image<float> result = src;

  while (result.getWidth() > new_dims.w() * 2 &&
         result.getHeight() > new_dims.h() * 2)
      if (filterWidth == 1)
          result = decX(result);
          result = decY(result);
      else if (filterWidth == 2)
          result = quickLocalAvg2x2(result);
          result = decX(lowPassX(filterWidth, result));
          result = decY(lowPassY(filterWidth, result));

  return rescaleBilinear(result, new_dims);
Example #4
VideoFileInfo getVideoFileInfoFromFilename(const std::string& fname)
    VideoFileInfo result;

    std::string base;
    std::string ext = nodotExtension(fname, &base);

    LDEBUG("ext is %s", ext.c_str());

    if (ext.compare("gz") == 0)
        ext = nodotExtension(base, &base);
        LDEBUG("new ext is %s", ext.c_str());
        result.ctype = COMP_GZIP;
    else if (ext.compare("bz2") == 0)
        ext = nodotExtension(base, &base);
        LDEBUG("new ext is %s", ext.c_str());
        result.ctype = COMP_BZIP2;
        result.ctype = COMP_NONE;

    const std::string dimsstr = nodotExtension(base);

    LDEBUG("dimsstr is '%s'", dimsstr.c_str());

    if (dimsstr.size() == 0)
        LERROR("no <width>x<height> specification found in '%s'; "
               "assuming default dims of %dx%d instead",
               fname.c_str(), defaultDims.w(), defaultDims.h());
        result.dims = defaultDims;

        // we didn't get explicit dims, so let's be picky about the
        // file size matching the defaultDims (--yuv-dims), unless the
        // user also requests loose matching (--yuv-dims-loose)
        result.beStrict = strictLength;
        result.dims = fromStr<Dims>(dimsstr);
        LDEBUG("parsed dims as %dx%d",
               result.dims.w(), result.dims.h());

        // OK, the user gave us some explicit dims, so let's not be
        // picky about whether the file size matches the
        // dims+pixformat
        result.beStrict = false;

    result.format = fromStr<VideoFormat>(ext);

    return result;
Example #5
void Logger::saveSingleEventFrame(MbariImage< PixRGB<byte> >& img,
        int frameNum,
        MbariVisualEvent::VisualEvent *event) {

    // create the file stem
    string evnum;
    if (itsSaveEventFeatures.getVal().length() > 0)
        evnum = sformat("%s_evt%04d_", itsSaveEventFeatures.getVal().c_str(), event->getEventNum() );
        evnum = sformat("evt%04d_", event->getEventNum());

    Dims maxDims = event->getMaxObjectDims();
    Dims d((float)maxDims.w()*itsScaleW, (float)maxDims.h()*itsScaleH);

    // compute the correct bounding box and cut it out
    Rectangle bbox1 = event->getToken(frameNum).bitObject.getBoundingBox();
    Rectangle bbox = Rectangle::tlbrI(bbox1.top()*itsScaleH, bbox1.left()*itsScaleW,
                                    bbox1.bottomI()*itsScaleH, bbox1.rightI()*itsScaleW);
    //Point2D cen = event.getToken(frameNum).bitObject.getCentroid();

    // first the horizontal direction
    int wpad = (d.w() - bbox.width()) / 2;
    int ll = bbox.left() - wpad;
    //int ll = cen.i - d.w() / 2;
    int rr = ll + d.w();
    if (ll < 0) {
        rr -= ll;
        ll = 0;
    if (rr >= img.getWidth()) {
        rr = img.getWidth() - 1;
        ll = rr - d.w();

    // now the same thing with the vertical direction
    int hpad = (d.h() - bbox.height()) / 2;
    int tt = bbox.top() - hpad;
    //int tt = cen.j - d.h() / 2;
    int bb = tt + d.h();
    if (tt < 0) {
        bb -= tt;
        tt = 0;
    if (bb >= img.getHeight()) {
        bb = img.getHeight() - 1;
        tt = bb - d.h();

    Rectangle bboxFinal = Rectangle::tlbrI(tt, ll, bb, rr);
    bboxFinal = bboxFinal.getOverlap(Rectangle(Point2D<int>(0, 0), img.getDims() - 1));

    // scale if needed and cut out the rectangle and save it
    Image< PixRGB<byte> > cut = crop(img, bboxFinal);
    itsOfs->writeFrame(GenericFrame(cut), evnum, FrameInfo(evnum, SRC_POS));
Example #6
// ######################################################################
void TaskRelevanceMapSocial::inputFrame(const InputFrame& f)
  const Dims mapdims = f.getDims();
  const int sml = itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel();
  const float EyeVal = 128.0F, MouthVal = 64.0F, FaceVal = 32.0F, BodyVal = 16.0F, PersonVal = 4.0F, BkgdVal = 1.0F;

  Image<float> BigMap;
  BigMap.resize(mapdims, true); 
  Scene sceneData =

  // loop through all the regions on a given frame and assign z-stack order
  std::vector<float> weights(itsNumObjects, 1.0F);
  for (std::vector<Object>::iterator itrObject = sceneData.objects.begin(); itrObject != sceneData.objects.end(); itrObject++) {

    uint idx = (*itrObject).id;
    std::string ObjName = toLowerCase(itsObjectsNames[idx]);
    if (ObjName.find("eye") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = EyeVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("mouth") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = MouthVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("head") != std::string::npos || 
             ObjName.find("face") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = FaceVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("body") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = BodyVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("person") != std::string::npos ||
             ObjName.find("people") != std::string::npos ||
             ObjName.find("man") != std::string::npos ||
             ObjName.find("woman") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = PersonVal;}
    else {weights[idx] = BkgdVal;}
  uint i,j,tmp;
  // sort z-stack weights

  const uint numInScene = sceneData.objects.size();
  std::vector<uint> zorder(numInScene);
  for (i = 0; i < numInScene; i++) zorder[i] = i;
  for (i = 0; i < numInScene; i++)  
    for (j = 0; j < numInScene-i-1; j++) 
      if(weights[sceneData.objects[zorder[j]].id] > 
         weights[sceneData.objects[zorder[j+1]].id]) {
        tmp = zorder[j];
        zorder[j] = zorder[j+1];
        zorder[j+1] = tmp;
  // fill BigMap from bottom of z-stack to top
  // todo: enforce C0/C1 continuity by some poisson problem?
  for (i = 0; i < numInScene; i++) {
    Object iObj = sceneData.objects[zorder[i]]; 
    drawFilledPolygon(BigMap, iObj.polygon, weights[iObj.id]);
  itsMap = rescale(BigMap, mapdims.w() >> sml, mapdims.h() >> sml);
// ######################################################################
Dims ForegroundDetectionChannel::getMapDims() const
  if (!this->hasInput())
    LFATAL("Oops! I haven't received any input yet");

  const Dims indims = this->getInputDims();

  return Dims(indims.w() >> itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel(),
              indims.h() >> itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel());

Example #8
// ######################################################################
Dims ResizeSpec::transformDims(const Dims& in)
  switch (itsMethod)
    case NOOP:
      return in;

    case FIXED:
      return itsNewDims;

    case SCALE_UP:
      // if a scale factor is 0, then that dimension just passes
      // through untouched
      return Dims(itsFactorW > 0.0
                  ? int(0.5 + in.w() * itsFactorW)
                  : in.w(),
                  itsFactorH > 0.0
                  ? int(0.5 + in.h() * itsFactorH)
                  : in.h());

    case SCALE_DOWN:
      // if a scale factor is 0, then that dimension just passes
      // through untouched
      return Dims(itsFactorW > 0.0
                  ? int(0.5 + in.w() / itsFactorW)
                  : in.w(),
                  itsFactorH > 0.0
                  ? int(0.5 + in.h() / itsFactorH)
                  : in.h());

  // we should never get here, because even if the user gave bogus
  // input, we should have caught that in convertFromString() or
  // wherever, so that once we have a ResizeSpec object, it should be
  // guaranteed to have a valid itsMethod value:
  ASSERT(0); /* can't happen */ return Dims();
Example #9
// ######################################################################
Button::Button(Point2D<int> topLeft,Dims dims ) 
	itsTopLeftPoint = topLeft;
	itsCenterPoint = Point2D<int>(topLeft.i+dims.w()/2,topLeft.j+dims.h()/2);
	itsDims = dims;
	itsRectangle = Rectangle(topLeft,dims);
	itsBgColor = PixRGB<byte>(0,255,0);
	itsBorderColor = PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255);
	itsLabelColor		 = PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255);
	itsFontSize = 20;
	itsBorderThickness = 0;
Example #10
void BitObject::drawShape(Image<T_or_RGB>& img, 
                          const T_or_RGB& color,
                          float opacity)
  Dims d = img.getDims();
  Image<byte> mask = itsObjectMask;
  Rectangle bbox = itsBoundingBox;

  // rescale if needed
  if (d != itsImageDims) {
    float scaleW = (float) d.w() / (float) itsImageDims.w();
    float scaleH = (float) d.h() / (float) itsImageDims.h();
    int i = (int) ((float) bbox.left() * scaleW);
    int j = (int) ((float) bbox.top() * scaleH);
    int w = (int) ((float) bbox.width() * scaleW);
    int h = (int) ((float) bbox.height() *scaleH);
    const Point2D<int> topleft(i,j);
    bbox = Rectangle(topleft, Dims(w,h));
    mask = rescaleNI(mask, d.w(), d.h());

  int w = img.getWidth();
  float op2 = 1.0F - opacity;

  typename Image<T_or_RGB>::iterator iptr, iptr2;
  Image<byte>::const_iterator mptr = mask.begin();
  iptr2 = img.beginw() + bbox.top() * w + bbox.left();
  for (int y = bbox.top(); y <= bbox.bottomI(); ++y)
      iptr = iptr2;
      for (int x = bbox.left(); x <= bbox.rightI(); ++x)
          if (*mptr > 0) *iptr = T_or_RGB(*iptr * op2 + color * opacity);
          ++iptr; ++mptr;
      iptr2 += w;
Example #11
void NeuralSimModule<T>::setModel(const std::string& model_name, const Dims& dims, const SimTime& starttime)
  //set our border policy based on wether we are using space variant boundaries or not
  BorderPolicy bp = (itsUseSpaceVariantBoundary.getVal()) ? CROSS_HEMI : NONE;
  //change any factory parameters
  uint w = dims.w(); uint h = dims.h();
  nsu::setParameter(nsu::SimStructure::Factory::instance(), bp, itsSCtimestep.getVal(), w, h);
  //reset the module
  LINFO("model type: %s", model_name.c_str());
  //setup plotting range
  nsu::NormalizeType ntype;
  Range<double> itsRange = itsDisplayRange.getVal();
  if ((itsRange.min() < 0) && (itsRange.max() < 0))//if both are less than 0 scale
      ntype = nsu::SCALE;
      itsRange = Range<double>(0.0,0.0);
  else if ((itsRange.min() == 0) && (itsRange.max() == 0))//set to min/max of data
    ntype = nsu::RANGE;
  else //set to auto scale at each time
    ntype = nsu::SET_RANGE;
  //set a decode if desired and initialize plotting
  if (itsDecoderType.getVal().compare("None") != 0)
      nsu::NeuralDecoder* nd = nsu::NeuralDecoder::Factory::instance().create(itsDecoderType.getVal());
      itsPlot.reset(new nsu::StructurePlot(*itsStructure, *nd, its2DPlotDepth.getVal(), ntype, 
                                           itsRange.min(), itsRange.max()));
      delete nd;
    itsPlot.reset(new nsu::StructurePlot(*itsStructure, its2DPlotDepth.getVal(), ntype, 
                                         itsRange.min(), itsRange.max()));

  //update our probe position and set sampling rate for display text
  nsu::Location location(itsProbe.getVal()); 

  //setup image set to hold input
  const uint depth = (itsStructure->numSubs() < 1) ? 2 : itsStructure->numSubs()+1;
  itsInput = ImageSet<double>(depth);
  itsInputGain = std::vector<double>(depth, 1.0);
Example #12
// ######################################################################
void TaskRelevanceMapAdapter::
onSimEventRetinaImage(SimEventQueue& q, rutz::shared_ptr<SimEventRetinaImage>& e)
  const Dims d = e->frame().colorByte().getDims();
  const int sml = itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel();

  const Dims mapdims(d.w() >> sml, d.h() >> sml);

  // great, here is a new input image. Initialize our map if needed:
  if (itsMap.getDims() != mapdims)
      itsMap.clear(1.0F); // neutral relevance

  // now do any implementation-specific processing:
Example #13
void BitObject::drawBoundingBox(Image<T_or_RGB>& img, 
                                const T_or_RGB& color,
                                float opacity)
  Rectangle bbox = itsBoundingBox;

  // rescale if needed
  if (img.getDims() != itsImageDims) {
    Dims d = img.getDims();
    float scaleW = (float) d.w() / (float) itsImageDims.w();
    float scaleH = (float) d.h() / (float) itsImageDims.h();
    int i = (int) ((float) bbox.left() * scaleW);
    int j = (int) ((float) bbox.top() * scaleH);
    int w = (int) ((float) bbox.width() * scaleW);
    int h = (int) ((float) bbox.height() *scaleH);
    const Point2D<int> topleft(i,j);
    bbox = Rectangle(topleft, Dims(w,h));

  float op2 = 1.0F - opacity;
  int t = bbox.top();
  int b = bbox.bottomI();
  int l = bbox.left();
  int r = bbox.rightI();
  for (int x = l; x <= r; ++x)
      Point2D<int> p1(x,t), p2(x,b);
      img.setVal(p1,img.getVal(p1) * op2 + color * opacity);
      img.setVal(p2,img.getVal(p2) * op2 + color * opacity);
  for (int y = t+1; y < b; ++y)
      Point2D<int> p1(l,y), p2(r,y);
      img.setVal(p1,img.getVal(p1) * op2 + color * opacity);
      img.setVal(p2,img.getVal(p2) * op2 + color * opacity);
Example #14
void DetectionParametersSingleton::initialize(DetectionParameters &p, const Dims &dims, const int foaRadius) {
    DetectionParametersSingleton *dp = instance();

    // calculate cost parameter from other derived values
    // initialize parameters
    const int maxDist = dims.w() / MAX_DIST_RATIO;
    float maxAreaDiff = maxDist * maxDist / 4.0F;
    float maxDistFloat = (float) maxDist;

    if (p.itsTrackingMode == TMKalmanFilter || p.itsTrackingMode == TMKalmanHough ||  p.itsTrackingMode == TMHough )
        p.itsMaxCost = pow(maxDistFloat,2.0F);
	    p.itsMaxCost = maxDist;
    p.itsMaxDist = maxDist;

    if (p.itsMinEventArea == 0) 
    	p.itsMinEventArea = foaRadius;
    if (p.itsMaxEventArea == 0) 
    	p.itsMaxEventArea = foaRadius * MAX_SIZE_FACTOR;

    dp->itsParameters = p;
Example #15
void VisualTracker::initTracker(Dims imageDims)

  itsMaxNumPoints = 1;
  itsCurrentNumPoints = 0;
  itsCurrentPoints = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(itsMaxNumPoints*sizeof(itsCurrentPoints));
  itsPreviousPoints = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(itsMaxNumPoints*sizeof(itsPreviousPoints));

  itsPreviousGreyImg = Image<byte>(imageDims, ZEROS);
  itsCurrentPyramid = cvCreateImage( cvSize(imageDims.w(), imageDims.h()), 8, 1 );
  itsPreviousPyramid = cvCreateImage( cvSize(imageDims.w(), imageDims.h()), 8, 1 );

  itsTrackStatus = (char*)cvAlloc(itsMaxNumPoints);
  itsTrackError = (float*)cvAlloc(itsMaxNumPoints);

  if (itsUseKalman)
    itsKalman = cvCreateKalman(4, //Dim of state vector x,y,dx,dy
                               2); //dim of mesurment vector x,y

    //State transition matrix
                    //x  y dx dy
    const float A[] = { 1, 0, 1, 0,
                      0, 1, 0, 1,
                      0, 0, 1, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 1};

    //Observation matrix
    const float H[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 1, 0, 0};

    //set the transition and mesurment matrix
    memcpy( itsKalman->transition_matrix->data.fl, A, sizeof(A));
    memcpy( itsKalman->measurement_matrix->data.fl, H, sizeof(H));

    //Set the process and measurment noise
    cvSetIdentity( itsKalman->process_noise_cov, cvRealScalar(1e-5) );
    cvSetIdentity( itsKalman->measurement_noise_cov, cvRealScalar(1e-1) );

    /*posteriori error estimate covariance matrix (P(k)): P(k)=(I-K(k)*H)*P'(k) */
    cvSetIdentity( itsKalman->error_cov_post, cvRealScalar(1));

    cvZero(itsKalman->state_post); /* corrected state (x(k)): x(k)=x'(k)+K(k)*(z(k)-H*x'(k)) */
    cvZero(itsKalman->state_pre); /* predicted state (x'(k)): x(k)=A*x(k-1)+B*u(k) */


//  //camshift
//  int hdims = 16;
//  float hranges_arr[] = {0,180};
//  float* hranges = hranges_arr;
//  itsObjectHist = cvCreateHist( 1, &hdims, CV_HIST_ARRAY, &hranges, 1 );
//  itsBackproject = cvCreateImage( cvSize(imageDims.w(), imageDims.h()), 8, 1 );

  itsTrackFlags = 0;
  itsInitTracker = false;

Example #16
// ######################################################################
LogPolarTransform::LogPolarTransform(const Dims& indims, const Dims& outdims,
                                     const double deg_per_pixel,
                                     const double step)
  const int w = indims.w();
  const int h = indims.h();

  Range<double> xrng;
  Range<double> yrng;

  const double A = 3.0;
  const double B_x = 1.4;
  const double B_y = 1.8;

  for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
    for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
        if (j > 0 && j < h-1 && i > 0 && i < w-1)
        const double x = (i - w / 2.0) * deg_per_pixel;
        const double y = (j - h / 2.0) * deg_per_pixel;

        const double sx = (x < 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

        const double r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
        const double th = atan2(y, fabs(x));

        const double X = sx * B_x * log(sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A) / A);
        const double Y = -B_y * atan(r*sin(th) / (r*cos(th) + A));

        // (s * X / B_x) = log(sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A) / A)
        // exp(s* X / B_x) = sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A) / A
        // A * exp(s* X / B_x) = sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A)


  const double scale = std::min((outdims.w() - 1) / xrng.range(),
                                (outdims.h() - 1) / yrng.range());

  const int dw = outdims.w();

  for (double j = 0; j < h; j += step)
    for (double i = 0; i < w; i += step)
        const double x = (i - w / 2.0) * deg_per_pixel;
        const double y = (j - h / 2.0) * deg_per_pixel;

        const double sx = (x < 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

        const double r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
        const double th = atan2(y, fabs(x));

        const double X = sx * B_x * log(sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A) / A);
        const double Y = -B_y * atan(r*sin(th) / (r*cos(th) + A));

        //if (!isFinite(X))
        //LINFO("i,j = %f,%f", i, j);

        // (s * X / B_x) = log(sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A) / A)
        // exp(s* X / B_x) = sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A) / A
        // A * exp(s* X / B_x) = sqrt(r*r + 2*A*r*cos(th) + A*A)
        if (isFinite(X))
          const int NX = int((X - xrng.min()) * scale);
          const int NY = int((Y - yrng.min()) * scale);
          std::pair<int, int> p(int(j)*w + int(i), NY*dw + NX);
          if ((p.second > 0) && (p.second < itsOutDims.sz()))
Example #17
// ######################################################################
void DescriptorVec::buildRawDV()

  bool salientLocationWithinSubmaps = true;
  Point2D<int> objSalientLoc(-1,-1);  //the feature location

  const LevelSpec lspec = itsComplexChannel->getModelParamVal<LevelSpec>("LevelSpec");
  const int smlevel = lspec.mapLevel();

  int x=int(itsFoveaLoc.i / double(1 << smlevel) + 0.49);
  int y=int(itsFoveaLoc.j / double(1 << smlevel) + 0.49);

  int foveaW = int(itsFoveaSize.getVal().w() / double(1 << smlevel) + 0.49);
  int foveaH = int(itsFoveaSize.getVal().h() / double(1 << smlevel) + 0.49);

  int tl_x = x - (foveaW/2);
  int tl_y = y - (foveaH/2);

  Dims mapDims = itsComplexChannel->getSubmap(0).getDims();

  //Shift the fovea location so we dont go outside the image
  //Sift the fovea position if nessesary
  if (tl_x < 0) tl_x = 0; if (tl_y < 0) tl_y = 0;
  if (tl_x+foveaW > mapDims.w()) tl_x = mapDims.w() - foveaW;
  if (tl_y+foveaH > mapDims.h()) tl_y = mapDims.h() - foveaH;

  if (!salientLocationWithinSubmaps)
    //Find the most salient location within the fovea
    Image<float> SMap = itsComplexChannel->getOutput();

    Image<float> tmp = SMap; //TODO need to resize to fovea
    //Find the max location within the fovea

    float maxVal; Point2D<int> maxLoc;
    findMax(tmp, maxLoc, maxVal);
    //convert back to original SMap cordinates
   // objSalientLoc.i=tl_x+maxLoc.i;
   // objSalientLoc.j=tl_y+maxLoc.j;
    itsAttentionLoc = objSalientLoc;

  //Go through all the submaps building the DV
  itsFV.clear(); //clear the FV
  uint numSubmaps = itsComplexChannel->numSubmaps();
  for (uint i = 0; i < numSubmaps; i++)
    //Image<float> submap = itsComplexChannel->getSubmap(i);
    Image<float> submap = itsComplexChannel->getRawCSmap(i);

    // resize submap to fixed scale if necessary:
    if (submap.getWidth() > mapDims.w())
      submap = downSize(submap, mapDims);
    else if (submap.getWidth() < mapDims.w())
      submap = rescale(submap, mapDims); //TODO convert to  quickInterpolate

    if (salientLocationWithinSubmaps) //get the location from the salient location within each submap
      Image<float> tmp = submap;
      //get only the fovea region

      if (foveaW < tmp.getWidth()) //crop if our fovea is smaller
        tmp = crop(tmp, Point2D<int>(tl_x, tl_y), Dims(foveaW, foveaH));
     // tmp = maxNormalize(tmp, 0.0F, 10.0F, VCXNORM_MAXNORM);  //find salient locations

      //Find the max location within the fovea
      float maxVal; Point2D<int> maxLoc; findMax(tmp, maxLoc, maxVal);
      //LINFO("%i: Max val %f, loc(%i,%i)", i, maxVal, maxLoc.i, maxLoc.j);



    if (objSalientLoc.i < 0) objSalientLoc.i = 0;
    if (objSalientLoc.j < 0) objSalientLoc.j = 0;

    if (objSalientLoc.i > submap.getWidth()-1) objSalientLoc.i = submap.getWidth()-1;
    if (objSalientLoc.j > submap.getHeight()-1) objSalientLoc.j = submap.getHeight()-1;

   // LINFO("Location from %i,%i: (%i,%i)", objSalientLoc.i, objSalientLoc.j,
    //    submap.getWidth(), submap.getHeight());
    float featureVal = submap.getVal(objSalientLoc.i,objSalientLoc.j);
 //   SHOWIMG(rescale(submap, 255, 255));

Example #18
Image<T> downSize(const Image<T>& src, const Dims& dims,
                  const int filterWidth)
  return downSize(src, dims.w(), dims.h(), filterWidth);
Example #19
// ######################################################################
void Logger::run(nub::soft_ref<MbariResultViewer> rv, MbariImage<PixRGB <byte> >& img,
                                        MbariVisualEvent::VisualEventSet& eventSet, const Dims scaledDims)
    // adjust scaling if needed
    Dims d = img.getDims();
    itsScaleW = (float)d.w()/(float)scaledDims.w();
    itsScaleH = (float)d.h()/(float)scaledDims.h();

    // initialize property vector and FOE estimator
    MbariVisualEvent::PropertyVectorSet pvs;

    // this is a list of all the events that have a token in this frame
    std::list<MbariVisualEvent::VisualEvent *> eventFrameList;

    // this is a complete list of all those events that are ready to be written
    std::list<MbariVisualEvent::VisualEvent *> eventListToSave;

    // get event frame list for this frame and those events that are ready to be saved
    // this is a list of all the events that have a token in this frame
    eventFrameList = eventSet.getEventsForFrame(img.getFrameNum());

    // this is a complete list of all those events that are ready to be written
    eventListToSave = eventSet.getEventsReadyToSave(img.getFrameNum());

    // write out eventSet?
    if (itsSaveEventsName.getVal().length() > 0 ) saveVisualEvent(eventSet, eventFrameList);

    // write out summary ?
    if (itsSaveSummaryEventsName.getVal().length() > 0) saveVisualEventSummary(Version::versionString(), eventListToSave);

    // flag events that have been saved for delete
    std::list<MbariVisualEvent::VisualEvent *>::iterator i;
    for (i = eventListToSave.begin(); i != eventListToSave.end(); ++i)

    // write out positions?
    if (itsSavePositionsName.getVal().length() > 0) savePositions(eventFrameList);

    MbariVisualEvent::PropertyVectorSet pvsToSave = eventSet.getPropertyVectorSetToSave();

    // write out property vector set?
    if (itsSavePropertiesName.getVal().length() > 0) saveProperties(pvsToSave);

    // TODO: this is currently not used...look back in history to where this got cut-out
    // need to obtain the property vector set?
    if (itsLoadPropertiesName.getVal().length() > 0) pvs = eventSet.getPropertyVectorSet();

    // get a list of events for this frame
    eventFrameList = eventSet.getEventsForFrame(img.getFrameNum());

    // write out eventSet to XML?
    if (itsSaveXMLEventSetName.getVal().length() > 0) {

    const int circleRadiusRatio = 40;
    const int circleRadius = img.getDims().w() / circleRadiusRatio;

    Image< PixRGB<byte> > output = rv->createOutput(img,
            itsScaleW, itsScaleH);

    // write  ?
    if (itsSaveOutput.getVal())
        itsOfs->writeFrame(GenericFrame(output), "results", FrameInfo("results", SRC_POS));

    // display output ?
    rv->display(output, img.getFrameNum(), "Results");

    // need to save any event clips?
    if (itsSaveEventNumsAll) {
        //save all events
        std::list<MbariVisualEvent::VisualEvent *>::iterator i;
        for (i = eventFrameList.begin(); i != eventFrameList.end(); ++i)
            saveSingleEventFrame(img, img.getFrameNum(), *i);
    } else {
        // need to save any particular event clips?
        uint csavenum = numSaveEventClips();
        for (uint idx = 0; idx < csavenum; ++idx) {
            uint evnum = getSaveEventClipNum(idx);
            if (!eventSet.doesEventExist(evnum)) continue;

            MbariVisualEvent::VisualEvent *event = eventSet.getEventByNumber(evnum);
            if (event->frameInRange(img.getFrameNum()))
                saveSingleEventFrame(img, img.getFrameNum(), event);

    //flag events that have been saved for delete otherwise takes too much memory
    for (i = eventListToSave.begin(); i != eventListToSave.end(); ++i)
    while (!eventFrameList.empty()) eventFrameList.pop_front();
    while (!eventListToSave.empty()) eventListToSave.pop_front();

Example #20
// ######################################################################
std::list<BitObject> ObjectDetection::run(nub::soft_ref<MbariResultViewer> rv,
    const std::list<Winner> &winlist,
    const Image< PixRGB<byte> > &segmentInImg)
    DetectionParameters p = DetectionParametersSingleton::instance()->itsParameters;
    std::list<BitObject> bosFiltered;
    std::list<BitObject> bosUnfiltered;
    std::list<Winner>::const_iterator iter = winlist.begin();

    //go through each winner and extract salient objects
    while (iter != winlist.end()) {

        // get the foa mask
        BitObject boFOA = (*iter).getBitObject();
        WTAwinner winner = (*iter).getWTAwinner();

        // if the foa mask area is too small, we aren't going to find any large enough objects so bail out
        if (boFOA.getArea() <  p.itsMinEventArea) {

        // if only using the foamask region and not the foamask to guide the detection
        if (p.itsUseFoaMaskRegion) {
            LINFO("----------------->Using FOA mask region");
            Rectangle foaregion = boFOA.getBoundingBox();
            Point2D<int> center = boFOA.getCentroid();
            Dims d = segmentInImg.getDims();
            Dims segmentDims = Dims((float)foaregion.width()*2.0,(float)foaregion.height()*2.0);
            Dims searchDims = Dims((float)foaregion.width(),(float)foaregion.height());
            Rectangle searchRegion = Rectangle::centerDims(center, searchDims);
            searchRegion = searchRegion.getOverlap(Rectangle(Point2D<int>(0, 0), segmentInImg.getDims() - 1));
            Rectangle segmentRegion = Rectangle::centerDims(center, segmentDims);
            segmentRegion = segmentRegion.getOverlap(Rectangle(Point2D<int>(0, 0), segmentInImg.getDims() - 1));

            // get the region used for searching for a match based on the foa region
            LINFO("Extracting bit objects from frame %d winning point %d %d/region %s minSize %d maxSize %d %d %d", \
                   (*iter).getFrameNum(), winner.p.i, winner.p.j, convertToString(searchRegion).c_str(), p.itsMinEventArea,
                    p.itsMaxEventArea, d.w(), d.h());

            std::list<BitObject> sobjs = extractBitObjects(segmentInImg, center, searchRegion, segmentRegion, (float)p.itsMinEventArea/2.F, p.itsMaxEventArea);
            std::list<BitObject> sobjsKeep;

            // need at least two objects to find a match, otherwise just background
            if (sobjs.size() > 1 ) {

                // set the winning voltage for each winning bit object
                std::list<BitObject>::iterator iter;
                for (iter = sobjs.begin(); iter != sobjs.end(); ++iter) {
                    if ( (*iter).getArea() >= p.itsMaxEventArea && (*iter).getArea() <= p.itsMaxEventArea) {

                // add to the list
                bosUnfiltered.splice(bosUnfiltered.begin(), sobjsKeep);
            else {
                LINFO("Can't find bit object, checking FOA mask");
                if (boFOA.getArea() >= p.itsMinEventArea && boFOA.getArea() <= p.itsMaxEventArea) {
                    bosUnfiltered.splice(bosUnfiltered.begin(), sobjsKeep);
                    LINFO("FOA mask ok %d < %d < %d", p.itsMinEventArea, boFOA.getArea(), p.itsMaxEventArea);
                    LINFO("FOA mask too large %d > %d or %d > %d",boFOA.getArea(), p.itsMinEventArea,
                    boFOA.getArea(), p.itsMaxEventArea);
        else {

            LINFO("----------------->Using FOA mask only");
            if (boFOA.getArea() >= p.itsMinEventArea && boFOA.getArea() <= p.itsMaxEventArea) {
                LINFO("FOA mask ok %d < %d < %d", p.itsMinEventArea, boFOA.getArea(), p.itsMaxEventArea);
                LINFO("FOA mask too large %d > %d or %d > %d",boFOA.getArea(), p.itsMinEventArea,
                boFOA.getArea(), p.itsMaxEventArea);

    }// end while iter != winners.end()

    LINFO("Found %i bitobject(s)", bosUnfiltered.size());

    bool found;
    int minSize = p.itsMaxEventArea;

    // loop until we find all non-overlapping objects starting with the smallest
    while (!bosUnfiltered.empty()) {

        std::list<BitObject>::iterator biter, siter, smallest;
        // find the smallest object
        smallest = bosUnfiltered.begin();
        for (siter = bosUnfiltered.begin(); siter != bosUnfiltered.end(); ++siter)
            if (siter->getArea() < minSize) {
                minSize = siter->getArea();
                smallest = siter;

        // does the smallest object intersect with any of the already stored ones
        found = true;
        for (biter = bosFiltered.begin(); biter != bosFiltered.end(); ++biter) {
            if (smallest->isValid() && biter->isValid() && biter->doesIntersect(*smallest)) {
                // no need to store intersecting objects -> get rid of smallest
                // and look for the next smallest
                found = false;

        if (found && smallest->isValid())

    LINFO("Found total %d non intersecting objects", bosFiltered.size());
    return bosFiltered;
Example #21
Image<T> rescaleBilinear(const Image<T>& src, const Dims& dims)
  return rescaleBilinear(src, dims.w(), dims.h());
Example #22
Image<T> rescaleNI(const Image<T>& src, const Dims& dims)
  return rescaleNI(src, dims.w(), dims.h());
Example #23
// ######################################################################
FfmpegEncoder::FfmpegEncoder(const std::string& fname,
                             const std::string& codecname,
                             const int bitrate,
                             const int framerate,
                             const int frameratebase,
                             const Dims& dims,
                             const int bufsz,
                             const bool useFormatContext)

  // no need to guard these functions for being called multiple times;
  // they all have internal guards

  AVOutputFormat* oformat = NULL;


	if (codecname.compare("List") == 0) { // list available codecs
      LINFO("##### Available output codecs (not all may work for video):");
      AVOutputFormat* f = av_oformat_next(NULL);
      while(f) {
        LINFO("%s: %s %d", f->name, f->long_name, f->flags);
        f = av_oformat_next(f);
      LFATAL("Please select a codec from this list");
	} else { // format is given
      // no av_find_output_format()?? let's do it by hand...
      AVOutputFormat* f = av_oformat_next(NULL);
      while(f) {
        if (codecname.compare(f->name) == 0) { oformat = f; break; }
        f = av_oformat_next(f);

  if (codecname.compare("List") == 0) { // list available codecs
    LINFO("##### Available output codecs (not all may work for video):");
    for(AVOutputFormat* f = first_oformat; f != NULL; f = f->next)
      LINFO("%s: %s %d", f->name, f->long_name, f->flags);
    LFATAL("Please select a codec from this list");
  } else { // format is given
    // no av_find_output_format()?? let's do it by hand...
    for(AVOutputFormat* f = first_oformat; f != NULL; f = f->next)
      if (codecname.compare(f->name) == 0)
        { oformat = f; break; }

  if (oformat == 0)
    LFATAL("No such video codec '%s';\n"
           "try re-running with --output-codec=List to see a list\n"
           "of available codecs", codecname.c_str());

  char ext[100]; ext[0] = '.'; uint i;
  for (i = 0; i < strlen(oformat->extensions); i ++)
    if (oformat->extensions[i] == ',') break;
    else ext[i+1] = oformat->extensions[i];
  ext[i+1] = '\0';
  LINFO("Using output format '%s' (%s), extension %s", oformat->name,
        oformat->long_name, ext);

  std::string oname(fname);
  std::string::size_type idx1 = oname.rfind('/', oname.npos);
  std::string::size_type idx2 = oname.rfind('.', oname.npos);
  // must check that idx2 is valid; otherwise if we do
  // oname.erase(idx2) with e.g. idx2==npos then we will get a
  // std::out_of_range exception
  if (idx2 < oname.size() && idx2 > idx1)
    oname.erase(idx2, oname.npos);
  LINFO("Output file: %s", oname.c_str());

        if (itsUseFormatContext)
                LINFO("Using FormatContext to output data");
		itsFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context();
                itsFormatContext = av_alloc_format_context();

                if (!itsFormatContext)
                        LFATAL("Cannot allocate format context");
                itsFormatContext->oformat = oformat;

                itsAVStream = av_new_stream(itsFormatContext, 0);
                if (!itsAVStream)
                        LFATAL("Can not allocate AVStream");
    LFATAL("Need a new version of ffmpeg libs for this option");
    itsFormatContext = NULL;

  AVCodec* const codec = avcodec_find_encoder(oformat->video_codec);
  if (codec == NULL)  LFATAL("codec not found");

    AVCodecContext* const tmp = avcodec_alloc_context();
    memcpy(&itsContext, tmp, sizeof(AVCodecContext));

  itsContext.bit_rate = bitrate;

  // Be sure to set itsContext.pix_fmt -- it may occasionally
  // appear to work to leave pix_fmt unset, because the value we want,
  // PIX_FMT_YUV420P, has the enum value of 0, so if the uninitialized
  // memory for pix_fmt happens to have the value 0, then we'll slip
  // through without setting it explicitly.
  itsContext.pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P;

  /* resolution must be a multiple of two */
  itsContext.width = dims.w();
  itsContext.height = dims.h();
  AVRational time_base = { frameratebase, framerate };
  itsContext.time_base = time_base;
  const int frb = frameratebase;
  itsContext.frame_rate = framerate;
  const int frb = frameratebase;
  itsContext.frame_rate_base = frb;
  itsContext.frame_rate = framerate;
  const int frb = FRAME_RATE_BASE;
  itsContext.gop_size = 10; /* emit one intra frame every ten frames */

  if(codec->id != CODEC_ID_MPEG4 &&
     codec->id != CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO &&
     codec->id != CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO)
    itsContext.max_b_frames = 0;
    itsContext.max_b_frames = 1;

  itsFrameNumber = 0;

  LINFO("using max_b_frames=%i bitrate=%u width=%u height=%u framerate=%u frameratebase=%u",
        itsContext.max_b_frames, itsContext.bit_rate, itsContext.width, itsContext.height, framerate, frb);

  if (avcodec_open(&itsContext, codec) < 0)
    LFATAL("could not open codec\n");

        if (itsUseFormatContext)
                AVCodecContext *c = itsAVStream->codec;
                c->codec_id = itsContext.codec_id;
                c->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO;
                c->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;

                /* put sample parameters */
                c->bit_rate = itsContext.bit_rate;
                /* resolution must be a multiple of two */
                c->width = itsContext.width;
                c->height = itsContext.height;
                /* time base: this is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms
                         of which frame timestamps are represented. for fixed-fps content,
                         timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be
                         identically 1. */
                c->time_base.den = itsContext.time_base.den;
                c->time_base.num = itsContext.time_base.num;
                c->gop_size = 12; /* emit one intra frame every twelve frames at most */
                c->pix_fmt = itsContext.pix_fmt;

                /* set the output parameters (must be done even if no
                         parameters). */
                if (av_set_parameters(itsFormatContext, NULL) < 0)
                        LFATAL("Invalid output format parameters");


                if (url_fopen(itsFormatContext->pb, oname.c_str(), URL_WRONLY) < 0)
                        LFATAL("Could not open '%s'", oname.c_str());
                if (url_fopen(&itsFormatContext->pb, oname.c_str(), URL_WRONLY) < 0)
                        LFATAL("Could not open '%s'", oname.c_str());


                if (url_fopen(&itsFormatContext->pb, oname.c_str(), URL_WRONLY) < 0)
                        LFATAL("Could not open '%s'", oname.c_str());
                        LFATAL("Could not open '%s' ffmpeg version mismatch", oname.c_str());


                /* write the stream header, if any */
    LFATAL("Need a new version of FFMPEG for this option");
        } else {
                itsFile = fopen(oname.c_str(), "w");
                if (itsFile==NULL)
                  LFATAL("could not open file! %s", oname.c_str());

  LINFO("EnCoder Inited");
Example #24
// ######################################################################
QuickTimeGrabber::Impl::Impl(const Dims& dims)
  itsSeqGrab(0, &CloseComponent),
  OSErr err;


  // open the default sequence grabber
  itsSeqGrab.it = OpenDefaultComponent(SeqGrabComponentType, 0);
  if (itsSeqGrab.it == NULL)
    LFATAL("OpenDefaultComponent() failed");

  // initialize the default sequence grabber component
  if (noErr != (err = SGInitialize(itsSeqGrab.it)))
    LFATAL("SGInitialize() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  Rect scaleRect;
  MacSetRect(&scaleRect, 0, 0, dims.w(), dims.h());
  ASSERT(itsGWorld == 0);
              k32ARGBPixelFormat, &scaleRect,
              NULL, NULL,

  // set its graphics world
  if (noErr != (err = SGSetGWorld(itsSeqGrab.it, itsGWorld, NULL)))
    LFATAL("SGSetGWorld() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // specify the destination data reference for a record operation
  // tell it we're not making a movie if the flag seqGrabDontMakeMovie
  // is used, the sequence grabber still calls your data function, but
  // does not write any data to the movie file writeType will always
  // be set to seqGrabWriteAppend
  if (noErr !=
      (err = SGSetDataRef(itsSeqGrab.it, 0, 0,
                          seqGrabDontMakeMovie | seqGrabDataProcIsInterruptSafe)))
    LFATAL("SGSetDataRef() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  Impl::SGChannelHolder sgchanSound(&itsSeqGrab.it);

  if (noErr != (err = SGNewChannel(itsSeqGrab.it,
                                   VideoMediaType, &itsSGChanVideo.it)))
    LFATAL("SGNewChannel(video) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  if (noErr != (err = SGNewChannel(itsSeqGrab.it,
                                   SoundMediaType, &sgchanSound.it)))
      // don't care if we couldn't get a sound channel
      sgchanSound.it = NULL;
      LERROR("SGNewChannel(audio) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // get the active rectangle
  Rect srcBounds;
  if (noErr != (err = SGGetSrcVideoBounds(itsSGChanVideo.it, &srcBounds)))
    LFATAL("SGGetSrcVideoBounds() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // we always want all the source
  setVideoChannelBounds(itsSGChanVideo.it, &srcBounds, &srcBounds);

  // set usage for new video channel to avoid playthrough
  // note we don't set seqGrabPlayDuringRecord
  if (noErr != (err = SGSetChannelUsage(itsSGChanVideo.it,
                                        seqGrabRecord |
                                        seqGrabLowLatencyCapture |
    LFATAL("SGSetChannelUsage(video) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  if (noErr != (err = SGSetChannelUsage(sgchanSound.it, seqGrabRecord |
                                        //seqGrabPlayDuringRecord |
                                        seqGrabLowLatencyCapture |
    LERROR("SGSetChannelUsage(audio) failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  // specify a sequence grabber data function
  if (noErr != (err = SGSetDataProc(itsSeqGrab.it,
    LFATAL("SGSetDataProc() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  SGSetChannelRefCon(itsSGChanVideo.it, (long)(this));

  // set up the video bottlenecks so we can get our queued frame count
  VideoBottles vb = { 0 };
  if (noErr != (err = SGGetVideoBottlenecks(itsSGChanVideo.it, &vb)))
    LFATAL("SGGetVideoBottlenecks() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  vb.procCount = 9; // there are 9 bottleneck procs; this must be filled in
  vb.grabCompressCompleteProc =

  if (noErr != (err = SGSetVideoBottlenecks(itsSGChanVideo.it, &vb)))
    LFATAL("SGSetVideoBottlenecks() failed (err=%ld)", (long) err);

  SGSetFrameRate(itsSGChanVideo.it, FixRatio(30, 1));