Example #1
/*!	\brief Searches an entry in a directory.

	\note Must not be called with \a entryName "." or ".."!

	\param dir The directory.
	\param entryName Name of the entry.
	\param foundNode pointer to a pre-allocated VNode to be initialized to
		   the found entry.
	\param failIfHidden The method shall fail, if the entry is hidden.
	\return \c B_OK, if everything went fine.
Volume::FindDirEntry(VNode *dir, const char *entryName, VNode *foundNode,
					 bool failIfHidden)
	status_t error = (dir && foundNode ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	// find the DirEntry
	DirItem item;
	int32 entryIndex = 0;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = fTree->FindDirEntry(dir->GetDirID(), dir->GetObjectID(),
									entryName, &item, &entryIndex);
	// find the child node
	if (error == B_OK) {
		DirEntry *entry = item.EntryAt(entryIndex);
		error = FindVNode(entry->GetDirID(), entry->GetObjectID(), foundNode);
		if (error == B_OK && failIfHidden && entry->IsHidden())
			error = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
	return error;
Example #2
// reiserfs_read_dir
static status_t
reiserfs_read_dir(fs_volume *fs, fs_vnode *_node, void *cookie,
	struct dirent *buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32 *count)
	Volume *volume = (Volume*)fs->private_volume;
	VNode *node = (VNode*)_node->private_node;
FUNCTION(("node: (%Ld: %lu, %lu)\n", node->GetID(), node->GetDirID(),
	DirectoryCookie *iterator = (DirectoryCookie*)cookie;
	status_t error = iterator->Resume();
	if (error == B_OK) {
		// read one entry
		DirItem item;
		int32 index = 0;
		DirEntry *entry = NULL;
		bool done = false;
		while (error == B_OK && !done
			   && (error = iterator->GetNext(&item, &index, &entry)) == B_OK) {
			uint32 dirID = entry->GetDirID();
			uint32 objectID = entry->GetObjectID();
			// skip hidden entries and entries the user specified to be hidden
			if (entry->IsHidden() || volume->IsNegativeEntry(dirID, objectID))
			// skip entry, if we can't get the stat data, or it is neither a
			// file, a dir nor a symlink and the user desired to hide those.
			StatData statData;
			StatItem statItem;
			if (volume->GetTree()->FindStatItem(dirID, objectID, &statItem)
					!= B_OK
				|| statItem.GetStatData(&statData) != B_OK
				|| (statData.IsEsoteric() && volume->GetHideEsoteric())) {
			if (error == B_OK) {
				// get the name
				size_t nameLen = 0;
				const char *name = item.EntryNameAt(index, &nameLen);
				if (!name || nameLen == 0)	// bad data: skip it gracefully
				// fill in the entry name -- checks whether the
				// entry fits into the buffer
				error = set_dirent_name(buffer, bufferSize, name,
				if (error == B_OK) {
					// fill in the other data
					buffer->d_dev = volume->GetID();
					buffer->d_ino = VNode::GetIDFor(dirID, objectID);
					*count = 1;
PRINT(("Successfully read entry: dir: (%Ld: %ld, %ld), name: `%s', "
	   "id: (%Ld, %ld, %ld), reclen: %hu\n", node->GetID(), node->GetDirID(),
	   node->GetObjectID(), buffer->d_name, buffer->d_ino, dirID, objectID,
					if (!strcmp("..", buffer->d_name))
					done = true;
 		if (error == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) {
 			if (iterator->EncounteredDotDot()) {
	 			error = B_OK;
				*count = 0;
			} else {
				// this is necessary for the root directory
				// it usually has no ".." entry, so we simulate one
				// get the name
				const char *name = "..";
				size_t nameLen = strlen(name);
				// fill in the entry name -- checks whether the
				// entry fits into the buffer
				error = set_dirent_name(buffer, bufferSize, name,
				if (error == B_OK) {
					// fill in the other data
					buffer->d_dev = volume->GetID();
					buffer->d_ino = node->GetID();
	// < That's not correct!
					*count = 1;
PRINT(("faking `..' entry: dir: (%Ld: %ld, %ld), name: `%s', "
	   "id: (%Ld, %ld, %ld), reclen: %hu\n", node->GetID(), node->GetDirID(),
	   node->GetObjectID(), buffer->d_name, buffer->d_ino, node->GetDirID(),
	   node->GetObjectID(), buffer->d_reclen));
PRINT(("returning %ld entries\n", *count));