Example #1
// join_dirs                                                 PRIVATE
void QBtCompareDirsDialog::join_dirs( AllItems& out_set, const DirMap& in_map  ) const
   if( in_map.empty() ) return;
   DirMap::const_iterator it = in_map.begin();
   const DirMap::const_iterator end = in_map.end();
   while( continue_ && ( it != end ) ) {
      out_set.insert( it.key(), QString() );
Example #2
// read_dir                                                  PRIVATE
// Rekursywne odczytywanie calej zawartosci wskazanego katalogu.
// Odczytana zawrtosc katalogu jest zapamietywania w hash-tablicy.
void QBtCompareDirsDialog::read_dir( const QString& in_parent,
                                     const QString& in_dir,
                                     DirMap& out_data ) const
   static const int sflag = QDir::AllDirs
                          | QDir::Files
                          | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot
                          | QDir::Readable
                          | QDir::Writable
                          | QDir::Hidden;
   const QDir dir( in_dir, "*", QDir::Unsorted, QFlags<QDir::Filter>( sflag ) );
   const QFileInfoList items = dir.entryInfoList();

   FileMap files_map = FileMap();
   QFileInfoList::const_iterator it = items.begin();
   const QFileInfoList::const_iterator end = items.end();
   while( continue_ && ( it != end ) ) {
      if( it->isDir() ) read_dir( in_parent, it->absoluteFilePath(), out_data );
      else              files_map.insert( it->fileName(), *it );
   QString path = in_dir;
   out_data.insert( path.remove( in_parent ), files_map );
Example #3
void DirInstaller::sortAddDel(HashDir &add, HashDir &del, DirMap &upgrade)

  // 'post' lists files we are creating
  for(DirMap::const_iterator it = post.begin(); it != post.end(); it++)
      const std::string &file = it->first;
      const std::string &full = prefix + file;
      const Hash &hash = it->second;
      assert(file != "");

      // Is there a matching file in the 'pre' directory?
      if(pre.find(file) != pre.end())
          const Hash &pHash = pre[file];

          // Do the hashes match?
          if(hash == pHash)
            /* Then this file is not to be upgraded. Ignore it
               completely (since it may contain user modifications
               that we are not going to overwrite.)

          // The hashes do not match, this is an upgrade. Store the
          // old hash.
          upgrade[full] = pHash;

      // Add the file
      add.insert(HDValue(hash, full));

  // 'pre' list are files already expected to be in the install
  // directory
  for(DirMap::const_iterator it = pre.begin(); it != pre.end(); it++)
      const std::string &file = it->first;
      const Hash &hash = it->second;
      assert(file != "");

      // If post contains the same file, assume we have already
      // handled it above
      if(post.find(file) != post.end())

      // A file only listed in the 'pre' dir means the file should be
      // deleted.
      const std::string &full = prefix + file;
      del.insert(HDValue(hash, full));

Example #4
void DirInstaller::resolveConflicts(HashDir &add, HashDir &del, const DirMap &upgrade,
                                    bool _doAsk)
  HashDir backups;

  // Create a list of all the file locations we want to check
  DirMap lookup;
  HashDir::iterator it, it2;
  for(it = add.begin(); it != add.end(); it++)
    lookup[it->second] = Hash();
  for(it = del.begin(); it != del.end(); it++)
    lookup[it->second] = Hash();

  // Check all the files in one run

  // Go through the list of created elements
  for(it = add.begin(); it != add.end();)
      // Keep two iterators so we can remove elements from the list
      // while iterating
      HashDir::iterator it2 = it++;

      const Hash &hash = it2->first;
      const std::string &file = it2->second;
      assert(file != "");

      const Hash &fHash = lookup[file];

      // Always overwrite missing files
      if(fHash.isNull()) continue;

      // Also overwrite if the file matches what we expected it to be
      bool upg = false;
        DirMap::const_iterator res = upgrade.find(file);
        upg = (res != upgrade.end());
        if(upg && res->second == fHash)

      /* If a unexpected file was found, and it's not the file we are
         writing, then ask the user what to do.
      if(fHash != hash)
          int i = 1;
              std::string text;
              if(upg) text = "File '" + file + "' contains modifications. Overwrite anyway?";
              else text = "File '" + file + "' already exists. Overwrite it?";
              i = ask(text, "Overwrite with backup (recommended)", "Overwrite without backup", "Keep file");

          if(i == 0 || i == 1)
              if(i == 0)
                backups.insert(HDValue(fHash, file + ".___backup___"));
          assert(i == 2);

      // Remove the file addition entry

  // Add backups back into the addition list
  for(it = backups.begin(); it != backups.end(); it++)

  // Do the same for the delete list
  for(it = del.begin(); it != del.end();)
      it2 = it++;

      const Hash &hash = it2->first;
      const std::string &file = it2->second;
      assert(file != "");

      const Hash &fHash = lookup[file];

      // Delete file if it matches the expected hash
      if(fHash == hash)

          // There is a file, and it doesn't match what we want
          int i = 0;
          if(_doAsk) i = ask("Deleted file '" + file + "' has changes. Delete anyway?", "Delete file", "Keep file");
          if(i == 0)
          assert(i == 1);

      // Don't delete this file
Example #5
void Spread::Dir::add(DirMap &dir, const DirMap &d, const std::string &prefix)
  for(DirMap::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++)
    dir[prefix+it->first] = it->second;