Example #1
//must add segID
void DistanceMatrix::printCompareInfo(DistanceMatrix &_distMat, pair<vector<int>, double> _result, int choice){
    //retrieve values from the pair
    vector<int> mwIndex(2, 0.0);
    mwIndex= _result.first;
    double minLikeness = _result.second;

    //retrieve the winning Matrix Windows
    vector<MatrixWindow*> listMW2 = _distMat.getMatrixWindows();
    MatrixWindow *minWindow1 = listMW[mwIndex[0]];
    MatrixWindow *minWindow2 = listMW2[mwIndex[1]];

    //print information
    int i1 = (*minWindow1).getLeftR();
    int j1 = (*minWindow1).getLeftC();
    int i2 = (*minWindow2).getLeftR();
    int j2 = (*minWindow2).getLeftC();
    string i1ID = atomVec[i1]->getSegID().c_str();
    string j1ID = atomVec[j1]->getSegID().c_str();
    string i2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[i2]->getSegID().c_str();
    string j2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[j2]->getSegID().c_str();
    if(i1ID=="" || j1ID=="" || i2ID=="" ||j2ID==""){
	i1ID = atomVec[i1]->getChainId().c_str();
	j1ID = atomVec[j1]->getChainId().c_str();
	i2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[i2]->getChainId().c_str();
	j2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[j2]->getChainId().c_str();

    int i1res = atomVec[i1]->getResidueNumber();
    int j1res = atomVec[j1]->getResidueNumber();
    int i2res = _distMat.getAtomVector()[i2]->getResidueNumber();
    int j2res = _distMat.getAtomVector()[j2]->getResidueNumber();

    string PDBname= getFileName(PDBid);
    string PDBnameShort = PDBname.substr(0,17);

    string PDBname2 = getFileName(_distMat.getPDBid());
    string PDBnameShort2 = PDBname2.substr(0,17);

    cout<<"Comparing PDBs "<<PDBnameShort<<", "<<PDBnameShort2<<endl;

	    case standard:
		fprintf(stdout, "Standard compare:\t\tWindow1 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\tWindow2 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\t%8.3f\n", i1, j1, i1ID.c_str(), i1res, j1ID.c_str(), j1res, i2, j2, i2ID.c_str(), i2res, j2ID.c_str(), j2res, minLikeness);
	    case diag:
		fprintf(stdout, "Diagonal compare: \t\tWindow1 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\tWindow2 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\t%8.3f\n", i1, j1, i1ID.c_str(), i1res, j1ID.c_str(), j1res, i2, j2, i2ID.c_str(), i2res, j2ID.c_str(), j2res, minLikeness);
	    case doubleDiag:
		fprintf(stdout, "Double Diagonal compare: \tWindow1 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\tWindow2 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\t%8.3f\n", i1, j1, i1ID.c_str(), i1res, j1ID.c_str(), j1res, i2, j2, i2ID.c_str(), i2res, j2ID.c_str(), j2res, minLikeness);
	    case minDist:
		fprintf(stdout, "Minimum Distance compare: \tWindow1 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\tWindow2 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\t%8.3f\n", i1, j1, i1ID.c_str(), i1res, j1ID.c_str(), j1res, i2, j2, i2ID.c_str(), i2res, j2ID.c_str(), j2res, minLikeness);
	    case minDistRow:
		fprintf(stdout, "Minimum Distance Row compare: \tWindow1 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\tWindow2 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\t%8.3f\n", i1, j1, i1ID.c_str(), i1res, j1ID.c_str(), j1res, i2, j2, i2ID.c_str(), i2res, j2ID.c_str(), j2res, minLikeness);
	    case minDistCol:
		fprintf(stdout, "Minimum Distance Column compare: \tWindow1 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\tWindow2 %3d,%3d (Residues: %1s%3d, %1s%3d)\t%8.3f\n", i1, j1, i1ID.c_str(), i1res, j1ID.c_str(), j1res, i2, j2, i2ID.c_str(), i2res, j2ID.c_str(), j2res, minLikeness);
		cout<<"Error. Incorrect int value (choice) in DistanceMatrix::printCompareInfo(...)"<<endl;
    }//end switch
Example #2
vector<DistanceMatrixResult> DistanceMatrix::multiCompareAllWindows(DistanceMatrix &_distMat, int choice, int _numCompare){
    //which chains to skip:
    map<string, bool> forbiddenIDMat1;
    map<string, bool> forbiddenIDMat2;

    // Maintain the proper spacing between residues of different matrix window pairs. 
    map<string,int> properRegisterRow;
    map<string,int> properRegisterCol;
    map<string,int>::iterator findRegistry;
    //get list of MWs to compare
    vector<MatrixWindow*> listOther = _distMat.getMatrixWindows();
    int length = listMW.size();
    int lengthOther = listOther.size();

    //vector of objects to return
    vector<DistanceMatrixResult> returnVec;

    //loop over number of times to compare all
    for(int k=0; k<_numCompare; k++){

	//minimum windows and indices
	MatrixWindow *minWindow1 = NULL;
	MatrixWindow *minWindow2 = NULL;
	double minLikeness = 1000000;
	int minIndex1=0;
	int minIndex2=0;

	//IDs to skip in the future
	string i1IDWin;
	string j1IDWin;
	string i2IDWin;
	string j2IDWin;

    //which chains to skip:
    map<string, bool> forbiddenIDMat1;
    map<string, bool> forbiddenIDMat2;

    // Maintain the proper spacing between residues of different matrix window pairs. 
    map<string,int> properRegisterRow;
    map<string,int> properRegisterCol;
    map<string,int>::iterator findRegistry;

	for (int i =0; i<length; i++){//loops through listMW to get compare

	    MatrixWindow *win1 = listMW[i];
	    for (int j=0; j<lengthOther; j++){//loops through listOther to get comparor
		MatrixWindow *win2 = listOther[j];

		//get the ID (seg or chain) so we can filter ones we want to skip
		int i1 = win1->getLeftR();
		int j1 = win1->getLeftC();
		int i2 = win2->getLeftR();
		int j2 = win2->getLeftC();
		string i1ID = atomVec[i1]->getSegID();
		string j1ID = atomVec[j1]->getSegID();
		string i2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[i2]->getSegID();
		string j2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[j2]->getSegID();
		if(i1ID=="" || j1ID=="" || i2ID=="" ||j2ID==""){
		    i1ID = atomVec[i1]->getChainId();
		    j1ID = atomVec[j1]->getChainId();
		    i2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[i2]->getChainId();
		    j2ID = _distMat.getAtomVector()[j2]->getChainId();
		}//end if
		// Skip if both chains are forbidden within a matrix
		if (forbiddenIDMat1.find(i1ID+":"+j1ID)!=forbiddenIDMat1.end() || forbiddenIDMat2.find(i2ID+":"+j2ID)!=forbiddenIDMat2.end()) continue;

		// Skip if both inter-matrix segids found and if difference in residue number is not the same.
		findRegistry = properRegisterRow.find(i1ID+":"+i2ID);
		double diffInResidueNumber = atomVec[i1]->getResidueNumber() - _distMat.getAtomVector()[i2]->getResidueNumber();
		if (findRegistry != properRegisterRow.end() && findRegistry->second != diffInResidueNumber) continue;

		findRegistry        = properRegisterCol.find(j1ID+":"+j2ID);
		diffInResidueNumber = atomVec[j1]->getResidueNumber() - _distMat.getAtomVector()[j2]->getResidueNumber();
		if (findRegistry != properRegisterCol.end() && findRegistry->second != diffInResidueNumber) continue;

		double likeness;
		//decides which compare method from MatrixWindow to call
		    case standard:
			likeness = (*win1).compare((*win2));
		    case diag:
			likeness = (*win1).compareDiagonal((*win2));
		    case doubleDiag:
			likeness = (*win1).compareDoubleDiagonal((*win2));
		    case minDist:
			likeness = (*win1).compareMinDist((*win2));
		    case minDistRow:
		    case minDistCol:
			cout<<"Invalid argument in function DistanceMatrix::compareAll()."<<endl;
		}//end switch

		if (likeness<minLikeness && abs(likeness - minLikeness) > 0.001){
		    minLikeness = likeness;
		    minWindow1 = win1;
		    minWindow2 = win2;
		    minIndex1 = i;
		    minIndex2 = j;
		    //set the ID to avoid in the future
		    i1IDWin = i1ID;
		    j1IDWin = j1ID;
		    i2IDWin = i2ID;
		    j2IDWin = j2ID;
	    }//end for on j
	    win1= NULL;
	}//end for on i

	// Allowed   inter matrix identifier[SEGID] difference in residue numbers
	vector<int> residueNumbers1 = minWindow1->getUpLeftResidueNumbers();
	vector<int> residueNumbers2 = minWindow2->getUpLeftResidueNumbers();

	properRegisterRow[i1IDWin+":"+i2IDWin] =   (residueNumbers1[0] - residueNumbers2[0]);
	properRegisterRow[i2IDWin+":"+i1IDWin] = - (residueNumbers1[0] - residueNumbers2[0]);
	properRegisterCol[j1IDWin+":"+j2IDWin] =   (residueNumbers1[1] - residueNumbers2[1]);
	properRegisterCol[j2IDWin+":"+j1IDWin] = - (residueNumbers1[1] - residueNumbers2[1]);

	// Forbidden intra matrix identifier[SEGID] pairs
	forbiddenIDMat1[i1IDWin+":"+j1IDWin] = false;
	forbiddenIDMat1[j1IDWin+":"+i1IDWin] = false;	
	forbiddenIDMat2[i2IDWin+":"+j2IDWin] = false;	
	forbiddenIDMat2[j2IDWin+":"+i2IDWin] = false;	

	DistanceMatrixResult currentResult(*this, *minWindow1, _distMat, *minWindow2, minLikeness);



    }//end for on k

    return returnVec;
