Example #1
 * Loads the thumbnail from the metadata.
 * If no thumbnail is embedded, the whole image
 * is loaded and downsampled in a fast manner.
 * @param file the file to be loaded
 * @return QImage the loaded image. Null if no image
 * could be loaded at all.
QImage DkThumbNail::computeIntern(const QFileInfo file, const QSharedPointer<QByteArray> ba, 
								  int forceLoad, int maxThumbSize, int minThumbSize, 
								  bool rescale) {
	DkTimer dt;
	//qDebug() << "[thumb] file: " << file.absoluteFilePath();

	// see if we can read the thumbnail from the exif data
	QImage thumb;
	DkMetaDataT metaData;

	try {
		if (!ba || ba->isEmpty())
			metaData.readMetaData(file, ba);

		// read the full image if we want to create new thumbnails
		if (forceLoad != force_save_thumb)
			thumb = metaData.getThumbnail();
	catch(...) {
		// do nothing - we'll load the full file

	if (thumb.isNull() && forceLoad == force_exif_thumb)
		return QImage();

	bool exifThumb = !thumb.isNull();

	int orientation = metaData.getOrientation();
	int imgW = thumb.width();
	int imgH = thumb.height();
	int tS = minThumbSize;

	// as found at: http://olliwang.com/2010/01/30/creating-thumbnail-images-in-qt/
	QString filePath = (file.isSymLink()) ? file.symLinkTarget() : file.absoluteFilePath();
	QImageReader* imageReader;
	if (!ba || ba->isEmpty())
		imageReader = new QImageReader(filePath);
	else {
		QBuffer buffer;
		imageReader = new QImageReader(&buffer, QFileInfo(filePath).suffix().toStdString().c_str());

	if (thumb.isNull() || thumb.width() < tS && thumb.height() < tS) {

		imgW = imageReader->size().width();
		imgH = imageReader->size().height();	// locks the file!
	//else if (!thumb.isNull())
	//	qDebug() << "EXIV thumb loaded: " << thumb.width() << " x " << thumb.height();
	if (rescale && (imgW > maxThumbSize || imgH > maxThumbSize)) {
		if (imgW > imgH) {
			imgH = (float)maxThumbSize / imgW * imgH;
			imgW = maxThumbSize;
		else if (imgW < imgH) {
			imgW = (float)maxThumbSize / imgH * imgW;
			imgH = maxThumbSize;
		else {
			imgW = maxThumbSize;
			imgH = maxThumbSize;

	if (thumb.isNull() || thumb.width() < tS && thumb.height() < tS || forceLoad == force_full_thumb || forceLoad == force_save_thumb) {
		// flip size if the image is rotated by 90°
		if (metaData.isTiff() && abs(orientation) == 90) {
			int tmpW = imgW;
			imgW = imgH;
			imgH = tmpW;
			qDebug() << "EXIV size is flipped...";

		QSize initialSize = imageReader->size();

		imageReader->setScaledSize(QSize(imgW, imgH));
		thumb = imageReader->read();

		// try to read the image
		if (thumb.isNull()) {
			DkBasicLoader loader;
			if (loader.loadGeneral(file, ba, true, true))
				thumb = loader.image();

		// the image is not scaled correctly yet
		if (rescale && !thumb.isNull() && (imgW == -1 || imgH == -1)) {
			imgW = thumb.width();
			imgH = thumb.height();

			if (imgW > maxThumbSize || imgH > maxThumbSize) {
				if (imgW > imgH) {
					imgH = (float)maxThumbSize / imgW * imgH;
					imgW = maxThumbSize;
				else if (imgW < imgH) {
					imgW = (float)maxThumbSize / imgH * imgW;
					imgH = maxThumbSize;
				else {
					imgW = maxThumbSize;
					imgH = maxThumbSize;

			thumb = thumb.scaled(QSize(imgW*2, imgH*2), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
			thumb = thumb.scaled(QSize(imgW, imgH), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

		// is there a nice solution to do so??
		imageReader->setFileName("josef");	// image reader locks the file -> but there should not be one so we just set it to another file...
		delete imageReader;

	else if (rescale) {
		thumb = thumb.scaled(QSize(imgW, imgH), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
		//qDebug() << "thumb loaded from exif...";

	if (orientation != -1 && orientation != 0 && (metaData.isJpg() || metaData.isRaw())) {
		QTransform rotationMatrix;
		thumb = thumb.transformed(rotationMatrix);

	// save the thumbnail if the caller either forces it, or the save thumb is requested and the image did not have any before
	if (forceLoad == force_save_thumb || (forceLoad == save_thumb && !exifThumb)) {
		try {

			QImage sThumb = thumb.copy();
			if (orientation != -1 && orientation != 0) {
				QTransform rotationMatrix;
				sThumb = sThumb.transformed(rotationMatrix);


			if (!ba || ba->isEmpty())
				metaData.saveMetaData(file, ba);

			qDebug() << "[thumb] saved to exif data";
		catch(...) {
			qDebug() << "Sorry, I could not save the metadata";

	if (!thumb.isNull())
		qDebug() << "[thumb] " << file.fileName() << " loaded in: " << dt.getTotal() << ((exifThumb) ? " from EXIV" : " from File");

	//if (!thumb.isNull())
	//	qDebug() << "thumb: " << thumb.width() << " x " << thumb.height();

	return thumb;
Example #2
 * Loads the thumbnail from the metadata.
 * If no thumbnail is embedded, the whole image
 * is loaded and downsampled in a fast manner.
 * @param file the file to be loaded
 * @param ba the file buffer (can be empty)
 * @param forceLoad the loading flag (e.g. exiv only)
 * @param maxThumbSize the maximal thumbnail size to be loaded
 * @param minThumbSize the minimal thumbnail size to be loaded
 * @return QImage the loaded image. Null if no image
 * could be loaded at all.
QImage DkThumbNail::computeIntern(const QString& filePath, const QSharedPointer<QByteArray> ba, 
								  int forceLoad, int maxThumbSize, int minThumbSize) {
	DkTimer dt;
	//qDebug() << "[thumb] file: " << file.absoluteFilePath();

	// see if we can read the thumbnail from the exif data
	QImage thumb;
	DkMetaDataT metaData;

	QSharedPointer<QByteArray> baZip = QSharedPointer<QByteArray>();
	if (QFileInfo(mFile).dir().path().contains(DkZipContainer::zipMarker())) 
		baZip = DkZipContainer::extractImage(DkZipContainer::decodeZipFile(filePath), DkZipContainer::decodeImageFile(filePath));
	try {
		if (baZip && !baZip->isEmpty())	
			metaData.readMetaData(filePath, baZip);
		else if (!ba || ba->isEmpty())
			metaData.readMetaData(filePath, ba);

		// read the full image if we want to create new thumbnails
		if (forceLoad != force_save_thumb)
			thumb = metaData.getThumbnail();
	catch(...) {
		// do nothing - we'll load the full file

	if (thumb.isNull() && forceLoad == force_exif_thumb)
		return QImage();

	bool exifThumb = !thumb.isNull();

	int orientation = metaData.getOrientation();
	int imgW = thumb.width();
	int imgH = thumb.height();
	int tS = minThumbSize;

	// as found at: http://olliwang.com/2010/01/30/creating-thumbnail-images-in-qt/
	QFileInfo fInfo(filePath);
	QString lFilePath = fInfo.isSymLink() ? fInfo.symLinkTarget() : filePath;
	fInfo = lFilePath;

	QImageReader* imageReader = 0;
	if (!ba || ba->isEmpty())
		imageReader = new QImageReader(lFilePath);
	else {
		QBuffer buffer;
		imageReader = new QImageReader(&buffer, fInfo.suffix().toStdString().c_str());

	if (thumb.isNull() || (thumb.width() < tS && thumb.height() < tS)) {

		imgW = imageReader->size().width();		// crash detected: unhandled exception at 0x66850E9A (msvcr110d.dll) in nomacs.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000C788.
		imgH = imageReader->size().height();	// locks the file!
	if (forceLoad != DkThumbNailT::force_exif_thumb && (imgW > maxThumbSize || imgH > maxThumbSize)) {
		if (imgW > imgH) {
			imgH = qRound((float)maxThumbSize / imgW * imgH);
			imgW = maxThumbSize;
		else if (imgW < imgH) {
			imgW = qRound((float)maxThumbSize / imgH * imgW);
			imgH = maxThumbSize;
		else {
			imgW = maxThumbSize;
			imgH = maxThumbSize;

	bool rescale = forceLoad == force_save_thumb;

	if (forceLoad != force_exif_thumb && (thumb.isNull() || thumb.width() < tS && thumb.height() < tS || forceLoad == force_full_thumb || forceLoad == force_save_thumb)) { // braces
		// flip size if the image is rotated by 90°
		if (metaData.isTiff() && abs(orientation) == 90) {
			int tmpW = imgW;
			imgW = imgH;
			imgH = tmpW;
			qDebug() << "EXIF size is flipped...";

		QSize initialSize = imageReader->size();

		imageReader->setScaledSize(QSize(imgW, imgH));
		thumb = imageReader->read();

		// try to read the image
		if (thumb.isNull()) {
			DkBasicLoader loader;
			if (baZip && !baZip->isEmpty())	{
				if (loader.loadGeneral(lFilePath, baZip, true, true))
				thumb = loader.image();
			else {
				if (loader.loadGeneral(lFilePath, ba, true, true))
					thumb = loader.image();

		// the image is not scaled correctly yet
		if (rescale && !thumb.isNull() && (imgW == -1 || imgH == -1)) {
			imgW = thumb.width();
			imgH = thumb.height();

			if (imgW > maxThumbSize || imgH > maxThumbSize) {
				if (imgW > imgH) {
					imgH = qRound((float)maxThumbSize / imgW * imgH);
					imgW = maxThumbSize;
				else if (imgW < imgH) {
					imgW = qRound((float)maxThumbSize / imgH * imgW);
					imgH = maxThumbSize;
				else {
					imgW = maxThumbSize;
					imgH = maxThumbSize;

			thumb = thumb.scaled(QSize(imgW*2, imgH*2), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
			thumb = thumb.scaled(QSize(imgW, imgH), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

		// is there a nice solution to do so??
		imageReader->setFileName("josef");	// image reader locks the file -> but there should not be one so we just set it to another file...
	else if (rescale) {
		thumb = thumb.scaled(QSize(imgW, imgH), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

	if (imageReader)
		delete imageReader;

	if (orientation != -1 && orientation != 0 && (metaData.isJpg() || metaData.isRaw())) {
		QTransform rotationMatrix;
		thumb = thumb.transformed(rotationMatrix);

	// save the thumbnail if the caller either forces it, or the save thumb is requested and the image did not have any before
	if (rescale || (forceLoad == save_thumb && !exifThumb)) {
		try {

			QImage sThumb = thumb.copy();
			if (orientation != -1 && orientation != 0) {
				QTransform rotationMatrix;
				sThumb = sThumb.transformed(rotationMatrix);


			if (!ba || ba->isEmpty())
				metaData.saveMetaData(lFilePath, ba);

			qDebug() << "[thumb] saved to exif data";
		catch(...) {
			qDebug() << "Sorry, I could not save the metadata";

	if (!thumb.isNull())
		qDebug() << "[thumb] " << fInfo.fileName() << "(" << thumb.width() << " x " << thumb.height() << ") loaded in: " << dt.getTotal() << ((exifThumb) ? " from EXIV" : " from File");

	return thumb;