Example #1
DrMain* ApsHandler::loadDriver(KMPrinter *prt, PrintcapEntry *entry, bool config)
	DrMain	*driver = loadApsDriver(config);
	if (driver /* && config */ )    // Load resources in all case, to get the correct page size
		TQMap<TQString,TQString>	opts = loadResources(entry);
		if ( !config && opts.contains( "PAPERSIZE" ) )
			// this is needed to keep applications informed
			// about the current selected page size
			opts[ "PageSize" ] = opts[ "PAPERSIZE" ];

			// default page size needs to be set to the actual
			// value of the printer driver, otherwise it's blocked
			// to A4
			DrBase *opt = driver->findOption( "PageSize" );
			if ( opt )
				opt->set( "default", opts[ "PageSize" ] );
		driver->set("gsdriver", opts["PRINTER"]);
	return driver;
Example #2
void KPrinterImpl::preparePrinting(KPrinter *printer)
	// page size -> try to find page size and margins from driver file
	// use "PageSize" as option name to find the wanted page size. It's
	// up to the driver loader to use that option name.
	KMManager	*mgr = KMFactory::self()->manager();
	DrMain	*driver = mgr->loadPrinterDriver(mgr->findPrinter(printer->printerName()), false);
	if (driver)
		// Find the page size:
		// 1) print option
		// 2) default driver option
		QString	psname = printer->option("PageSize");
		if (psname.isEmpty())
			DrListOption	*opt = (DrListOption*)driver->findOption("PageSize");
			if (opt) psname = opt->get("default");
		if (!psname.isEmpty())
			DrPageSize	*ps = driver->findPageSize(psname);
			if (ps)
				printer->setRealPageSize( ps );

		// Find the numerical resolution
		// 1) print option (Resolution)
		// 2) default driver option (Resolution)
		// 3) default printer resolution
		// The resolution must have the format: XXXdpi or XXXxYYYdpi. In the second
		// case the YYY value is used as resolution.
		TQString res = printer->option( "Resolution" );
		if ( res.isEmpty() )
			DrBase *opt = driver->findOption( "Resolution" );
			if ( opt )
				res = opt->get( "default" );
			if ( res.isEmpty() )
				res = driver->get( "resolution" );
		if ( !res.isEmpty() )
			TQRegExp re( "(\\d+)(?:x(\\d+))?dpi" );
			if ( re.search( res ) != -1 )
				if ( !re.cap( 2 ).isEmpty() )
					printer->setOption( "kde-resolution", re.cap( 2 ) );
					printer->setOption( "kde-resolution", re.cap( 1 ) );

		// Find the supported fonts
		TQString fonts = driver->get( "fonts" );
		if ( !fonts.isEmpty() )
			printer->setOption( "kde-fonts", fonts );

		delete driver;
