Example #1
// Blurs a small surface and creates the mask.
static already_AddRefed<SourceSurface>
CreateBlurMask(const IntSize& aRectSize,
               RectCornerRadii* aCornerRadii,
               gfxIntSize aBlurRadius,
               IntMargin& aExtendDestBy,
               IntMargin& aSliceBorder,
               DrawTarget& aDestDrawTarget)
  IntMargin slice;
  gfxAlphaBoxBlur blur;
  IntSize minSize =
    ComputeMinSizeForShadowShape(aCornerRadii, aBlurRadius, slice, aRectSize);
  IntRect minRect(IntPoint(), minSize);

  gfxContext* blurCtx = blur.Init(ThebesRect(Rect(minRect)), gfxIntSize(),
                                  aBlurRadius, nullptr, nullptr);

  if (!blurCtx) {
    return nullptr;

  DrawTarget* blurDT = blurCtx->GetDrawTarget();
  ColorPattern black(Color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f));

  if (aCornerRadii) {
    RefPtr<Path> roundedRect =
      MakePathForRoundedRect(*blurDT, Rect(minRect), *aCornerRadii);
    blurDT->Fill(roundedRect, black);
  } else {
    blurDT->FillRect(Rect(minRect), black);

  IntPoint topLeft;
  RefPtr<SourceSurface> result = blur.DoBlur(&aDestDrawTarget, &topLeft);
  if (!result) {
    return nullptr;

  IntRect expandedMinRect(topLeft, result->GetSize());
  aExtendDestBy = expandedMinRect - minRect;
  aSliceBorder = slice + aExtendDestBy;

  MOZ_ASSERT(aSliceBorder.LeftRight() <= expandedMinRect.width);
  MOZ_ASSERT(aSliceBorder.TopBottom() <= expandedMinRect.height);

  return result.forget();
static void
PaintCheckMark(nsIFrame* aFrame,
               nsRenderingContext* aCtx,
               const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
               nsPoint aPt)
  nsRect rect(aPt, aFrame->GetSize());

  // Points come from the coordinates on a 7X7 unit box centered at 0,0
  const int32_t checkPolygonX[] = { -3, -1,  3,  3, -1, -3 };
  const int32_t checkPolygonY[] = { -1,  1, -3, -1,  3,  1 };
  const int32_t checkNumPoints = sizeof(checkPolygonX) / sizeof(int32_t);
  const int32_t checkSize      = 9; // 2 units of padding on either side
                                    // of the 7x7 unit checkmark

  // Scale the checkmark based on the smallest dimension
  nscoord paintScale = std::min(rect.width, rect.height) / checkSize;
  nsPoint paintCenter(rect.x + rect.width  / 2,
                      rect.y + rect.height / 2);

  DrawTarget* drawTarget = aCtx->GetDrawTarget();
  RefPtr<PathBuilder> builder = drawTarget->CreatePathBuilder();
  nsPoint p = paintCenter + nsPoint(checkPolygonX[0] * paintScale,
                                    checkPolygonY[0] * paintScale);

  int32_t appUnitsPerDevPixel = aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
  builder->MoveTo(NSPointToPoint(p, appUnitsPerDevPixel));
  for (int32_t polyIndex = 1; polyIndex < checkNumPoints; polyIndex++) {
    p = paintCenter + nsPoint(checkPolygonX[polyIndex] * paintScale,
                              checkPolygonY[polyIndex] * paintScale);
    builder->LineTo(NSPointToPoint(p, appUnitsPerDevPixel));
  RefPtr<Path> path = builder->Finish();