 * Show a drop down list.
 * @param w        Parent window for the list.
 * @param list     Prepopulated DropDownList. Will be deleted when the list is
 *                 closed.
 * @param selected The initially selected list item.
 * @param button   The widget which is passed to Window::OnDropdownSelect and OnDropdownClose.
 *                 Unless you override those functions, this should be then widget index of the dropdown button.
 * @param wi_rect  Coord of the parent drop down button, used to position the dropdown menu.
 * @param auto_width The width is determined by the widest item in the list,
 *                   in this case only one of \a left or \a right is used (depending on text direction).
 * @param instant_close Set to true if releasing mouse button should close the
 *                      list regardless of where the cursor is.
void ShowDropDownListAt(Window *w, DropDownList *list, int selected, int button, Rect wi_rect, Colours wi_colour, bool auto_width, bool instant_close)
	DeleteWindowById(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, 0);

	/* The preferred position is just below the dropdown calling widget */
	int top = w->top + wi_rect.bottom + 1;

	/* The preferred width equals the calling widget */
	uint width = wi_rect.right - wi_rect.left + 1;

	uint max_item_width = 0;

	if (auto_width) {
		/* Find the longest item in the list */
		for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
			const DropDownListItem *item = *it;
			max_item_width = max(max_item_width, item->Width() + 5);

	/* Total length of list */
	int list_height = 0;

	for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
		DropDownListItem *item = *it;
		list_height += item->Height(width);

	/* Height of window visible */
	int height = list_height;

	/* Check if the status bar is visible, as we don't want to draw over it */
	int screen_bottom = GetMainViewBottom();
	bool scroll = false;

	/* Check if the dropdown will fully fit below the widget */
	if (top + height + 4 >= screen_bottom) {
		/* If not, check if it will fit above the widget */
		if (w->top + wi_rect.top - height > GetMainViewTop()) {
			top = w->top + wi_rect.top - height - 4;
		} else {
			/* ... and lastly if it won't, enable the scroll bar and fit the
			 * list in below the widget */
			int avg_height = list_height / (int)list->size();
			int rows = (screen_bottom - 4 - top) / avg_height;
			height = rows * avg_height;
			scroll = true;
			/* Add space for the scroll bar if we automatically determined
			 * the width of the list. */
			max_item_width += NWidgetScrollbar::GetVerticalDimension().width;

	if (auto_width) width = max(width, max_item_width);

	Point dw_pos = { w->left + (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL ? wi_rect.right + 1 - width : wi_rect.left), top};
	Dimension dw_size = {width, height};
	new DropdownWindow(w, list, selected, button, instant_close, dw_pos, dw_size, wi_colour, scroll);
Example #2
	 * Create a dropdown menu.
	 * @param parent        Parent window.
	 * @param list          Dropdown item list.
	 * @param selected      Index of the selected item in the list.
	 * @param button        Widget of the parent window doing the dropdown.
	 * @param instant_close Close the window when the mouse button is raised.
	 * @param position      Topleft position of the dropdown menu window.
	 * @param size          Size of the dropdown menu window.
	 * @param wi_colour     Colour of the parent widget.
	 * @param scroll        Dropdown menu has a scrollbar.
	 * @param widget        Widgets of the dropdown menu window.
	DropdownWindow(Window *parent, DropDownList *list, int selected, int button, bool instant_close, const Point &position, const Dimension &size, Colours wi_colour, bool scroll) : Window()
		this->position = position;


		this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(DDM_SCROLL);

		uint items_width = size.width - (scroll ? WD_VSCROLLBAR_WIDTH : 0);
		NWidgetCore *nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(DDM_ITEMS);
		nwi->SetMinimalSize(items_width, size.height + 4);
		nwi->colour = wi_colour;

		nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(DDM_SCROLL);
		nwi->colour = wi_colour;

		this->GetWidget<NWidgetStacked>(DDM_SHOW_SCROLL)->SetDisplayedPlane(scroll ? 0 : SZSP_NONE);

		this->FinishInitNested(&_dropdown_desc, 0);
		this->flags4 &= ~WF_WHITE_BORDER_MASK;

		/* Total length of list */
		int list_height = 0;
		for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
			DropDownListItem *item = *it;
			list_height += item->Height(items_width);

		/* Capacity is the average number of items visible */
		this->vscroll->SetCapacity(size.height * (uint16)list->size() / list_height);

		this->parent_wnd_class = parent->window_class;
		this->parent_wnd_num   = parent->window_number;
		this->parent_button    = button;
		this->list             = list;
		this->selected_index   = selected;
		this->click_delay      = 0;
		this->drag_mode        = true;
		this->instant_close    = instant_close;
Example #3
void ShowDropDownList(Window *w, DropDownList *list, int selected, int button, uint width, bool auto_width, bool instant_close)
	DeleteWindowById(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, 0);

	/* Our parent's button widget is used to determine where to place the drop
	 * down list window. */
	Rect wi_rect;
	Colours wi_colour;
	NWidgetCore *nwi = w->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(button);
	wi_rect.left   = nwi->pos_x;
	wi_rect.right  = nwi->pos_x + nwi->current_x - 1;
	wi_rect.top    = nwi->pos_y;
	wi_rect.bottom = nwi->pos_y + nwi->current_y - 1;
	wi_colour = nwi->colour;

	if (nwi->type == NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN) {
		nwi->disp_flags |= ND_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE;
	} else {

	/* The preferred position is just below the dropdown calling widget */
	int top = w->top + wi_rect.bottom + 1;

	if (width == 0) width = wi_rect.right - wi_rect.left + 1;

	uint max_item_width = 0;

	if (auto_width) {
		/* Find the longest item in the list */
		for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
			const DropDownListItem *item = *it;
			max_item_width = max(max_item_width, item->Width() + 5);

	/* Total length of list */
	int list_height = 0;

	for (DropDownList::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
		DropDownListItem *item = *it;
		list_height += item->Height(width);

	/* Height of window visible */
	int height = list_height;

	/* Check if the status bar is visible, as we don't want to draw over it */
	int screen_bottom = GetMainViewBottom();
	bool scroll = false;

	/* Check if the dropdown will fully fit below the widget */
	if (top + height + 4 >= screen_bottom) {
		/* If not, check if it will fit above the widget */
		if (w->top + wi_rect.top - height > GetMainViewTop()) {
			top = w->top + wi_rect.top - height - 4;
		} else {
			/* ... and lastly if it won't, enable the scroll bar and fit the
			 * list in below the widget */
			int avg_height = list_height / (int)list->size();
			int rows = (screen_bottom - 4 - top) / avg_height;
			height = rows * avg_height;
			scroll = true;
			/* Add space for the scroll bar if we automatically determined
			 * the width of the list. */
			max_item_width += WD_VSCROLLBAR_WIDTH;

	if (auto_width) width = max(width, max_item_width);

	Point dw_pos = { w->left + (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL ? wi_rect.right + 1 - width : wi_rect.left), top};
	Dimension dw_size = {width, height};
	new DropdownWindow(w, list, selected, button, instant_close, dw_pos, dw_size, wi_colour, scroll);