/** store all the states of the graph in a matrix
 * \param indx row index in the matrix
 * \param startColumn the starting column
 * \param DSG0 the graph of DynamicalSystem
 * \param IG0 the graph of Interaction
 * \param data the matrix where to save the data
 * \return the last written column
static inline unsigned storeAllStates(unsigned indx, unsigned startColumn, DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0, InteractionsGraph& IG0, SimpleMatrix& data)
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsvi, dsvdend;
  unsigned column = startColumn;
  for (std11::tie(dsvi, dsvdend) = DSG0.vertices(); dsvi != dsvdend; ++dsvi)
    unsigned i = column;
    SiconosVector& x = *DSG0.bundle(*dsvi)->x();
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < x.size(); ++i, ++j)
      data(indx, i) = x(j);
    column += x.size();

    if (DSG0.u.hasKey(*dsvi))
      SiconosVector& u = *DSG0.u[*dsvi];
      for (unsigned j = 0; j < u.size(); ++i, ++j)
        data(indx, i) = u(j);
      column += u.size();

    if (DSG0.e.hasKey(*dsvi))
      SiconosVector& e = *DSG0.e[*dsvi];
      for (unsigned j = 0; j < e.size(); ++i, ++j)
        data(indx, i) = e(j);
      column += e.size();


  InteractionsGraph::VIterator ivi, ivdend;
  for (std11::tie(ivi, ivdend) = IG0.vertices(); ivi != ivdend; ++ivi)
    unsigned i = column;
    SiconosVector& y = *IG0.bundle(*ivi)->y(0);
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < y.size(); ++i, ++j)
      data(indx, i) = y(j);
    column += y.size();

    SiconosVector& lambda = *IG0.bundle(*ivi)->lambda(0);
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < lambda.size(); ++i, ++j)
      data(indx, i) = lambda(j);
    column += lambda.size();

  return column;
void ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED::addSmoothTerms(DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0, const DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor& dsgVD, const double t, SiconosVector& xdot)
    // check whether we have a system with a control input
    if (DSG0.u.hasKey(dsgVD))
        if (DSG0.B.hasKey(dsgVD))
            prod(DSG0.B.getRef(dsgVD), DSG0.u.getRef(dsgVD), xdot, false); // xdot += B*u
        else if (DSG0.pluginU.hasKey(dsgVD))
            DynamicalSystem& ds = *DSG0.bundle(dsgVD);
            SiconosVector& u = DSG0.u.getRef(dsgVD);
            SiconosVector& tmpXdot = DSG0.tmpXdot.getRef(dsgVD);
            ((AdditionalTermsEDfctU)DSG0.pluginU.getRef(dsgVD).fPtr)(t, xdot.size(), ds.getx().getArray(), u.size(), u.getArray(), tmpXdot.getArray(), ds.getz().size(), ds.getz().getArray());
            xdot += tmpXdot; // xdot += g(x, u)
            RuntimeException::selfThrow("ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED :: input u but no B nor pluginU");
    // check whether the DynamicalSystem is an Observer
    if (DSG0.e.hasKey(dsgVD))
        prod(*DSG0.L[dsgVD], *DSG0.e[dsgVD], xdot, false); // xdot += -L*e
void ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED::init(DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0, const Model& model)

    DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsvi, dsvdend;
    for (std11::tie(dsvi, dsvdend) = DSG0.vertices(); dsvi != dsvdend; ++dsvi)
        DynamicalSystem& ds = *DSG0.bundle(*dsvi);
        if (DSG0.pluginU.hasKey(*dsvi))
            DSG0.tmpXdot[*dsvi].reset(new SiconosVector(ds.getx().size()));
        if (DSG0.pluginJacgx.hasKey(*dsvi))
            DSG0.jacgx[*dsvi].reset(new SimpleMatrix(ds.getx().size(), ds.getx().size()));

Example #4
void LsodarOSI::computeJacobianRhs(double t, DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0)
  for (DSIterator it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    SP::DynamicalSystem& ds = *it;
    if (_extraAdditionalTerms)
      DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor dsgVD = DSG0.descriptor(ds);
      _extraAdditionalTerms->addJacobianRhsContribution(DSG0, dsgVD, t, ds->getJacobianRhsx());
void ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED::addJacobianRhsContribution(DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0, const DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor& dsgVD, const double t, SiconosMatrix& jacRhs)
    // check whether we have a system with a control input
    if (DSG0.pluginJacgx.hasKey(dsgVD))
        DynamicalSystem& ds = *DSG0.bundle(dsgVD);
        SiconosVector& u = DSG0.u.getRef(dsgVD);
        SimpleMatrix& tmpJacgx = DSG0.jacgx.getRef(dsgVD);
        ((AdditionalTermsEDfctU)DSG0.pluginJacgx.getRef(dsgVD).fPtr)(t, ds.getx().size(), ds.getx().getArray(), u.size(), u.getArray(), tmpJacgx.getArray(), ds.getz().size(), ds.getz().getArray());
        jacRhs += tmpJacgx; // JacRhs += \nabla_x g(x, u)
        RuntimeException::selfThrow("ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED :: input u but no B nor pluginU");
Example #6
void D1MinusLinearOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction(Interaction &inter,
				     InteractionProperties& interProp,
				     DynamicalSystemsGraph & DSG)

  DEBUG_BEGIN("D1MinusLinearOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction(Interaction &inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, DynamicalSystemsGraph & DSG)\n");
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds1= interProp.source;
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds2= interProp.target;
  DEBUG_PRINTF("interaction number %i\n", inter.number());
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = inter.linkToDSVariables();

  if (!interProp.workVectors)
    interProp.workVectors.reset(new VectorOfVectors);
  if (!interProp.workBlockVectors)
    interProp.workBlockVectors.reset(new VectorOfBlockVectors);

  VectorOfVectors& inter_work = *interProp.workVectors;
  VectorOfBlockVectors& inter_work_block = *interProp.workBlockVectors;

  Relation &relation =  *inter.relation();
  RELATION::TYPES relationType = relation.getType();

  inter_work[D1MinusLinearOSI::OSNSP_RHS].reset(new SiconosVector(inter.dimension()));

  // Check if interations levels (i.e. y and lambda sizes) are compliant with the current osi.
  // Initialize/allocate memory buffers in interaction.

  if (!(checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds1)) && checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds2))))
    std::cout << "checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds1)): "
              << std::boolalpha
              << checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds1)) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds2)): "
              << std::boolalpha
              << checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds2)) << std::endl;

    RuntimeException::selfThrow("D1MinusLinearOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction. The implementation is not correct for two different OSI for one interaction");

  /* allocate and set work vectors for the osi */
  unsigned int xfree = D1MinusLinearOSI::xfree;
  DEBUG_PRINTF("ds1->number() %i\n",ds1->number());
  DEBUG_PRINTF("ds2->number() %i\n",ds2->number());

  if (ds1 != ds2)
    DEBUG_PRINT("ds1 != ds2\n");
    if ((!inter_work_block[xfree]) || (inter_work_block[xfree]->numberOfBlocks() !=2 ))
      inter_work_block[xfree].reset(new BlockVector(2));
    if ((!inter_work_block[xfree]) || (inter_work_block[xfree]->numberOfBlocks() !=1 ))
      inter_work_block[xfree].reset(new BlockVector(1));

    DEBUG_PRINTF("ds1->number() %i is taken into account\n", ds1->number());
    VectorOfVectors &workVds1 = *DSG.properties(DSG.descriptor(ds1)).workVectors;
  if (ds1 != ds2)
    DEBUG_PRINT("ds1 != ds2\n");
      DEBUG_PRINTF("ds2->number() %i is taken into account\n",ds2->number());
      VectorOfVectors &workVds2 = *DSG.properties(DSG.descriptor(ds2)).workVectors;

static inline std::pair<unsigned, std::string> getNumberOfStates(DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0, InteractionsGraph& IG0)
  std::string legend;
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsvi, dsvdend;
  unsigned nb = 0;
  unsigned counter = 0;
  for (std11::tie(dsvi, dsvdend) = DSG0.vertices(); dsvi != dsvdend; ++dsvi)
    SiconosVector& x = *DSG0.bundle(*dsvi)->x();
    nb += x.size();
    std::string nameDS;
    if (DSG0.name.hasKey(*dsvi))
      nameDS = DSG0.name[*dsvi];
      nameDS = "unknownDS" + TO_STR(counter);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
      legend.append(" " + nameDS + "_" + TO_STR(i));

    if (DSG0.u.hasKey(*dsvi))
      unsigned sizeU = DSG0.u[*dsvi]->size();
      nb += sizeU;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeU; ++i)
        legend.append(" " + nameDS + "_u_" + TO_STR(i));

    if (DSG0.e.hasKey(*dsvi))
      unsigned sizeE = DSG0.e[*dsvi]->size();
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeE; ++i)
        legend.append(" " + nameDS + "_e_" + TO_STR(i));
      nb += DSG0.e[*dsvi]->size();

  InteractionsGraph::VIterator ivi, ivdend;
  counter = 0;
  for (std11::tie(ivi, ivdend) = IG0.vertices(); ivi != ivdend; ++ivi)
    std::string nameInter;
    if (IG0.name.hasKey(*ivi))
      nameInter = IG0.name[*ivi];
      nameInter = "unknownInteraction" + TO_STR(counter);
    SiconosVector& y = *IG0.bundle(*ivi)->y(0);
    nb += y.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < y.size(); ++i)
      legend.append(" " + nameInter + "_y_" + TO_STR(i));

    SiconosVector& lambda = *IG0.bundle(*ivi)->lambda(0);
    nb += lambda.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < lambda.size(); ++i)
      legend.append(" " + nameInter + "_lambda_" + TO_STR(i));

  return std::make_pair(nb, legend);
Example #8
void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction(Interaction &inter,
				      InteractionProperties& interProp,
				      DynamicalSystemsGraph & DSG)
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds1= interProp.source;
  SP::DynamicalSystem ds2= interProp.target;

  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = inter.linkToDSVariables();

  if (!interProp.workVectors)
    interProp.workVectors.reset(new VectorOfVectors);

  if (!interProp.workBlockVectors)
    interProp.workBlockVectors.reset(new VectorOfBlockVectors);

  VectorOfVectors& inter_work = *interProp.workVectors;
  VectorOfBlockVectors& inter_work_block = *interProp.workBlockVectors;

  Relation &relation =  *inter.relation();

  inter_work[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::OSNSP_RHS].reset(new SiconosVector(inter.dimension()));

  RELATION::TYPES relationType = relation.getType();

  // Check if interations levels (i.e. y and lambda sizes) are compliant with the current osi.
  // Initialize/allocate memory buffers in interaction.

  if (!(checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds1)) && checkOSI(DSG.descriptor(ds2))))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction. The implementation is not correct for two different OSI for one interaction");

  /* allocate and set work vectors for the osi */
  VectorOfVectors &workVds1 = *DSG.properties(DSG.descriptor(ds1)).workVectors;
  if (relationType == Lagrangian)
    LagrangianDS& lds = *std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds1);
    DSlink[LagrangianR::p0].reset(new BlockVector());

    inter_work_block[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::xfree].reset(new BlockVector());

  else if (relationType == NewtonEuler)
    inter_work_block[SchatzmanPaoliOSI::xfree].reset(new BlockVector());

  if (ds1 != ds2)
    VectorOfVectors &workVds2 = *DSG.properties(DSG.descriptor(ds2)).workVectors;
    if (relationType == Lagrangian)
      LagrangianDS& lds = *std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds2);
    else if (relationType == NewtonEuler)