 * Function DrawGraphicText
 * Draw a graphic text (like module texts)
 *  @param aClipBox = the clipping rect, or NULL if no clipping
 *  @param aDC = the current Device Context. NULL if draw within a 3D GL Canvas
 *  @param aPos = text position (according to h_justify, v_justify)
 *  @param aColor (COLOR4D) = text color
 *  @param aText = text to draw
 *  @param aOrient = angle in 0.1 degree
 *  @param aSize = text size (size.x or size.y can be < 0 for mirrored texts)
 *  @param aH_justify = horizontal justification (Left, center, right)
 *  @param aV_justify = vertical justification (bottom, center, top)
 *  @param aWidth = line width (pen width) (use default width if aWidth = 0)
 *      if width < 0 : draw segments in sketch mode, width = abs(width)
 *      Use a value min(aSize.x, aSize.y) / 5 for a bold text
 *  @param aItalic = true to simulate an italic font
 *  @param aBold = true to use a bold font. Useful only with default width value (aWidth = 0)
 *  @param aCallback() = function called (if non null) to draw each segment.
 *                  used to draw 3D texts or for plotting, NULL for normal drawings
 *  @param aPlotter = a pointer to a PLOTTER instance, when this function is used to plot
 *                  the text. NULL to draw this text.
void DrawGraphicText( EDA_RECT* aClipBox,
                      wxDC* aDC,
                      const wxPoint& aPos,
                      COLOR4D aColor,
                      const wxString& aText,
                      double aOrient,
                      const wxSize& aSize,
                      enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T aH_justify,
                      enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T aV_justify,
                      int aWidth,
                      bool aItalic,
                      bool aBold,
                      void (* aCallback)( int x0, int y0, int xf, int yf ),
                      PLOTTER* aPlotter )
    bool    fill_mode = true;

    if( aWidth == 0 && aBold ) // Use default values if aWidth == 0
        aWidth = GetPenSizeForBold( std::min( aSize.x, aSize.y ) );

    if( aWidth < 0 )
        aWidth = -aWidth;
        fill_mode = false;

    basic_gal.SetIsFill( fill_mode );
    basic_gal.SetLineWidth( aWidth );

    EDA_TEXT dummy;
    dummy.SetItalic( aItalic );
    dummy.SetBold( aBold );
    dummy.SetHorizJustify( aH_justify );
    dummy.SetVertJustify( aV_justify );

    wxSize size = aSize;
    dummy.SetMirrored( size.x < 0 );

    if( size.x < 0 )
        size.x = - size.x;

    dummy.SetTextSize( size );

    basic_gal.SetTextAttributes( &dummy );
    basic_gal.SetPlotter( aPlotter );
    basic_gal.SetCallback( aCallback );
    basic_gal.m_DC = aDC;
    basic_gal.m_Color = aColor;
    basic_gal.SetClipBox( aClipBox );

    basic_gal.StrokeText( aText, VECTOR2D( aPos ), aOrient * M_PI/1800 );
Example #2
int EDIT_TOOL::CreateArray( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    // first, check if we have a selection, or try to get one
    SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>();
    const SELECTION& selection = selTool->GetSelection();

    // Be sure that there is at least one item that we can modify
    if( !hoverSelection( selection ) )
        return 0;

    bool originalItemsModified = false;

    // we have a selection to work on now, so start the tool process

    PCB_BASE_FRAME* editFrame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>();

    if( m_editModules )
        // Module editors do their undo point upfront for the whole module
        editFrame->SaveCopyInUndoList( editFrame->GetBoard()->m_Modules, UR_MODEDIT );
        // We may also change the original item
        editFrame->SaveCopyInUndoList( selection.items, UR_CHANGED );


    VECTOR2I rp = selection.GetCenter();
    const wxPoint rotPoint( rp.x, rp.y );

    DIALOG_CREATE_ARRAY dialog( editFrame, rotPoint, &array_opts );
    int ret = dialog.ShowModal();

    if( ret == wxID_OK && array_opts != NULL )
        PICKED_ITEMS_LIST newItemList;

        for( int i = 0; i < selection.Size(); ++i )
            BOARD_ITEM* item = selection.Item<BOARD_ITEM>( i );

            if( !item )

            wxString cachedString;

            if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T )
                cachedString = static_cast<MODULE*>( item )->GetReferencePrefix();
            else if( EDA_TEXT* text = dynamic_cast<EDA_TEXT*>( item ) )
                // Copy the text (not just take a reference
                cachedString = text->GetText();

            // iterate across the array, laying out the item at the
            // correct position
            const unsigned nPoints = array_opts->GetArraySize();

            for( unsigned ptN = 0; ptN < nPoints; ++ptN )
                BOARD_ITEM* newItem = NULL;

                if( ptN == 0 )
                    newItem = item;
                    // if renumbering, no need to increment
                    const bool increment = !array_opts->ShouldRenumberItems();

                    // Some items cannot be duplicated
                    // i.e. the ref and value fields of a footprint or zones
                    // therefore newItem can be null

                    if( m_editModules )
                        newItem = editFrame->GetBoard()->m_Modules->DuplicateAndAddItem( item, increment );
#if 0
                        // @TODO: see if we allow zone duplication here
                        // Duplicate zones is especially tricky (overlaping zones must be merged)
                        // so zones are not duplicated
                        if( item->Type() == PCB_ZONE_AREA_T )
                            newItem = NULL;
                            newItem = editFrame->GetBoard()->DuplicateAndAddItem( item, increment );

                    if( newItem )
                        array_opts->TransformItem( ptN, newItem, rotPoint );

                        m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::unselectItem, true, newItem );

                        newItemList.PushItem( newItem );

                        if( newItem->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T)
                            static_cast<MODULE*>( newItem )->RunOnChildren( boost::bind( &KIGFX::VIEW::Add,
                                    getView(), _1 ) );

                        editFrame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView()->Add( newItem );
                        getModel<BOARD>()->GetRatsnest()->Update( newItem );

                // set the number if needed:
                if( newItem && array_opts->ShouldRenumberItems() )
                    switch( newItem->Type() )
                    case PCB_PAD_T:
                        const wxString padName = array_opts->GetItemNumber( ptN );
                        static_cast<D_PAD*>( newItem )->SetPadName( padName );

                        originalItemsModified = true;
                    case PCB_MODULE_T:
                        const wxString moduleName = array_opts->GetItemNumber( ptN );
                        MODULE* module = static_cast<MODULE*>( newItem );
                        module->SetReference( cachedString + moduleName );

                        originalItemsModified = true;
                    case PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T:
                    case PCB_TEXT_T:
                        EDA_TEXT* text = dynamic_cast<EDA_TEXT*>( newItem );
                        if( text )
                            text->SetText( array_opts->InterpolateNumberIntoString( ptN, cachedString ) );

                        originalItemsModified = true;
                        // no renumbering of other items

        if( !m_editModules )
            if( originalItemsModified )
                // Update the appearance of the original items
                selection.group->ItemsViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

            // Add all items as a single undo point for PCB editors
            // TODO: Can this be merged into the previous undo point (where
            //       we saved the original items)
            editFrame->SaveCopyInUndoList( newItemList, UR_NEW );


    return 0;
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addMText( const DRW_MText& aData )
    wxString    text = toNativeString( wxString::FromUTF8( aData.text.c_str() ) );
    wxString    attrib, tmp;

    /* Some texts start by '\' and have formating chars (font name, font option...)
     *  ending with ';'
     *  Here are some mtext formatting codes:
     *  Format code        Purpose
     * \0...\o            Turns overline on and off
     *  \L...\l            Turns underline on and off
     * \~                 Inserts a nonbreaking space
     \\                 Inserts a backslash
     \\\{...\}            Inserts an opening and closing brace
     \\ \File name;        Changes to the specified font file
     \\ \Hvalue;           Changes to the text height specified in drawing units
     \\ \Hvaluex;          Changes the text height to a multiple of the current text height
     \\ \S...^...;         Stacks the subsequent text at the \, #, or ^ symbol
     \\ \Tvalue;           Adjusts the space between characters, from.75 to 4 times
     \\ \Qangle;           Changes obliquing angle
     \\ \Wvalue;           Changes width factor to produce wide text
     \\ \A                 Sets the alignment value; valid values: 0, 1, 2 (bottom, center, top)    while( text.StartsWith( wxT("\\") ) )
    while( text.StartsWith( wxT( "\\" ) ) )
        attrib << text.BeforeFirst( ';' );
        tmp     = text.AfterFirst( ';' );
        text    = tmp;

    BOARD_ITEM* brdItem;
    EDA_TEXT* textItem;

    if( m_useModuleItems )
        TEXTE_MODULE* modText = new TEXTE_MODULE( NULL );
        brdItem = static_cast< BOARD_ITEM* >( modText );
        textItem = static_cast< EDA_TEXT* >( modText );
        TEXTE_PCB* pcbText = new TEXTE_PCB( NULL );
        brdItem = static_cast< BOARD_ITEM* >( pcbText );
        textItem = static_cast< EDA_TEXT* >( pcbText );

    brdItem->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    wxPoint     textpos( mapX( aData.basePoint.x ), mapY( aData.basePoint.y ) );

    textItem->SetTextPos( textpos );
    textItem->SetTextAngle( aData.angle * 10 );

    // The 0.8 factor gives a better height/width ratio with our font
    textItem->SetTextWidth( mapDim( aData.height * 0.8 ) );
    textItem->SetTextHeight( mapDim( aData.height ) );
    textItem->SetThickness( mapDim( aData.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness : aData.thickness ) );
    textItem->SetText( text );

    // Initialize text justifications:
    if( aData.textgen <= 3 )
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
    else if( aData.textgen <= 6 )
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER );
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );

    if( aData.textgen % 3 == 1 )
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
    else if( aData.textgen % 3 == 2 )
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );

#if 0   // These setting have no mening in Pcbnew
    if( data.alignH == 1 )
        // Text is left to right;
    else if( data.alignH == 3 )
        // Text is top to bottom;
        // use ByStyle;

    if( aData.alignV == 1 )
        // use AtLeast;
        // useExact;

    m_newItemsList.push_back( static_cast< BOARD_ITEM* >( brdItem ) );
Example #4
 * Function PlotGraphicText
 *  same as DrawGraphicText, but plot graphic text insteed of draw it
 *  @param aPos = text position (according to aH_justify, aV_justify)
 *  @param aColor (enum EDA_COLOR_T) = text color
 *  @param aText = text to draw
 *  @param aOrient = angle in 0.1 degree
 *  @param aSize = text size (size.x or size.y can be < 0 for mirrored texts)
 *  @param aH_justify = horizontal justification (Left, center, right)
 *  @param aV_justify = vertical justification (bottom, center, top)
 *  @param aWidth = line width (pen width) (default = 0)
 *      if width < 0 : draw segments in sketch mode, width = abs(width)
 *      Use a value min(aSize.x, aSize.y) / 5 for a bold text
 *  @param aItalic = true to simulate an italic font
 *  @param aBold = true to use a bold font Useful only with default width value (aWidth = 0)
 *  @param aMultilineAllowed = true to plot text as multiline, otherwise single line
void PLOTTER::Text( const wxPoint&              aPos,
                    enum EDA_COLOR_T            aColor,
                    const wxString&             aText,
                    double                      aOrient,
                    const wxSize&               aSize,
                    enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T    aH_justify,
                    enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T    aV_justify,
                    int                         aWidth,
                    bool                        aItalic,
                    bool                        aBold,
                    bool                        aMultilineAllowed )
    int textPensize = aWidth;

    if( textPensize == 0 && aBold ) // Use default values if aWidth == 0
        textPensize = GetPenSizeForBold( std::min( aSize.x, aSize.y ) );

    if( textPensize >= 0 )
        textPensize = Clamp_Text_PenSize( aWidth, aSize, aBold );
        textPensize = -Clamp_Text_PenSize( -aWidth, aSize, aBold );

    SetCurrentLineWidth( textPensize );

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        SetColor( aColor );

    if( aMultilineAllowed )
        // EDA_TEXT needs for calculations of the position of every
        // line according to orientation and justifications
        wxArrayString strings;
        EDA_TEXT* multilineText = new EDA_TEXT( aText );
        multilineText->SetSize( aSize );
        multilineText->SetTextPosition( aPos );
        multilineText->SetOrientation( aOrient );
        multilineText->SetHorizJustify( aH_justify );
        multilineText->SetVertJustify( aV_justify );
        multilineText->SetThickness( aWidth );
        multilineText->SetMultilineAllowed( aMultilineAllowed );

        std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
        wxStringSplit( aText, strings, '\n' );
        positions.reserve( strings.Count() );

                positions, strings.Count() );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings.Count(); ii++ )
            wxString& txt = strings.Item( ii );
            DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, positions[ii], aColor, txt,
                             aOrient, aSize,
                             aH_justify, aV_justify,
                             textPensize, aItalic, aBold, NULL, this );

        delete multilineText;
        DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, aPos, aColor, aText,
                         aOrient, aSize,
                         aH_justify, aV_justify,
                         textPensize, aItalic, aBold, NULL, this );

    if( aWidth != textPensize )
        SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addText( const DRW_Text& aData )
    BOARD_ITEM* brdItem;
    EDA_TEXT* textItem;

    if( m_useModuleItems )
        TEXTE_MODULE* modText = new TEXTE_MODULE( NULL );
        brdItem = static_cast< BOARD_ITEM* >( modText );
        textItem = static_cast< EDA_TEXT* >( modText );
        TEXTE_PCB* pcbText = new TEXTE_PCB( NULL );
        brdItem = static_cast< BOARD_ITEM* >( pcbText );
        textItem = static_cast< EDA_TEXT* >( pcbText );

    brdItem->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );

    wxPoint refPoint( mapX( aData.basePoint.x ), mapY( aData.basePoint.y ) );
    wxPoint secPoint( mapX( aData.secPoint.x ), mapY( aData.secPoint.y ) );

    if( aData.alignV != 0 || aData.alignH != 0 || aData.alignH == DRW_Text::HMiddle )
        if( aData.alignH != DRW_Text::HAligned && aData.alignH != DRW_Text::HFit )
            wxPoint tmp = secPoint;
            secPoint = refPoint;
            refPoint = tmp;

    switch( aData.alignV )
    case DRW_Text::VBaseLine:
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );

    case DRW_Text::VBottom:
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );

    case DRW_Text::VMiddle:
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER );

    case DRW_Text::VTop:
        textItem->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );

    switch( aData.alignH )
    case DRW_Text::HLeft:
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );

    case DRW_Text::HCenter:
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );

    case DRW_Text::HRight:
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );

    case DRW_Text::HAligned:
        // no equivalent options in text pcb.
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );

    case DRW_Text::HMiddle:
        // no equivalent options in text pcb.
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER );

    case DRW_Text::HFit:
        // no equivalent options in text pcb.
        textItem->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );

#if 0
    wxString sty = wxString::FromUTF8( aData.style.c_str() );
    sty = sty.ToLower();

    if( aData.textgen == 2 )
        // Text dir = left to right;
    } else if( aData.textgen == 4 )
        // Text dir = top to bottom;
    } else

    wxString text = toNativeString( wxString::FromUTF8( aData.text.c_str() ) );

    textItem->SetTextPos( refPoint );
    textItem->SetTextAngle( aData.angle * 10 );

    // The 0.8 factor gives a better height/width ratio with our font
    textItem->SetTextWidth( mapDim( aData.height * 0.8 ) );
    textItem->SetTextHeight( mapDim( aData.height ) );
    textItem->SetThickness( mapDim( aData.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness : aData.thickness ) );
    textItem->SetText( text );

    m_newItemsList.push_back( static_cast< BOARD_ITEM* >( brdItem ) );