Example #1
// handle a new packet on the stream
void EQPacketStream::handlePacket(EQUDPIPPacketFormat& packet)
  emit numPacket(++m_packetCount, (int)m_streamid);

  // Only accept packets if we've been initialized unless they are
  // initialization packets!
  if (packet.getNetOpCode() != OP_SessionRequest &&
      packet.getNetOpCode() != OP_SessionResponse &&
      ! m_sessionKey)
    seqDebug("discarding packet %s:%d ==>%s:%d netopcode=%04x size=%d. Session not initialized. Need to zone to start picking up packets. Session tracking %s.",
      (const char*)packet.getIPv4SourceA(), packet.getSourcePort(),
      (const char*)packet.getIPv4DestA(), packet.getDestPort(),
      packet.getNetOpCode(), packet.payloadLength(),
        (m_session_tracking_enabled == 2 ? "locked on" : 
          (m_session_tracking_enabled == 1 ? "enabled" : "disabled")));

  emit rawPacket(packet.payload(), packet.payloadLength(), m_dir,

  processPacket(packet, false); // false = isn't subpacket

  // if the cache isn't empty, then process it.
  if (!m_cache.empty()) 
Example #2
// handle a new packet on the stream
void EQPacketStream::handlePacket(EQUDPIPPacketFormat& packet)
  emit numPacket(++m_packetCount, (int)m_streamid);

  if (!packet.isARQ()) // process packets that don't have an arq sequence
    // we only handle packets with opcodes
    if (packet.payloadLength() < 2)
    // process the packets payload immediately
    processPayload(packet.payload(), packet.payloadLength());
  else if (packet.isARQ()) // process ARQ sequences
     uint16_t arqSeq = packet.arq();
     emit seqReceive(arqSeq, (int)m_streamid);
     /* this conditions should only be met once per zone/world, New Sequence */
     if (packet.isSEQStart() && !packet.isClosingLo() && 
	 (m_session_tracking_enabled < 2))
       seqDebug("EQPacket: SEQStart found, setting arq seq, %04x  stream %s",
	      arqSeq, EQStreamStr[m_streamid]);

       // hey, a SEQStart, use it's packet to set ARQ
       m_arqSeqExp = arqSeq;
       m_arqSeqFound = true;
       emit seqExpect(m_arqSeqExp, (int)m_streamid);
       if ((m_streamid == zone2client) && m_session_tracking_enabled)
	 m_session_tracking_enabled = 2;
	 emit lockOnClient(packet.getSourcePort(),
	 // notify that the client port has been latched
	 emit sessionTrackingChanged(m_session_tracking_enabled);
     else if (!m_arqSeqFound && m_session_tracking_enabled == 0 &&
              !packet.isClosingHi() && !packet.isClosingLo() && 
	      (m_streamid == zone2client))
       seqDebug("SEQ: new sequence found, setting arq seq, %04x  stream %s",
	      arqSeq, EQStreamStr[m_streamid]);
       m_arqSeqExp = arqSeq;
       m_arqSeqFound = true;
       emit seqExpect(m_arqSeqExp, (int)m_streamid);
     // is this the currently expected sequence, if so, do something with it.
     if (m_arqSeqExp == arqSeq)
       m_arqSeqExp = arqSeq + 1;
       emit seqExpect(m_arqSeqExp, (int)m_streamid);
       seqDebug("SEQ: Found next arq in data stream %s, incrementing arq seq, %04x", 
	      EQStreamStr[m_streamid], arqSeq);

       if (!packet.isASQ() && !packet.isFragment() && !packet.isClosingHi())
	 // seems to be a sort of ping from client to server, has ARQ
	 // but no ASQ, Flags look like 0x0201 (network byte order)
	 seqDebug("SEQ: ARQ without ASQ from stream %s arq 0x%04x",
		EQStreamStr[m_streamid], arqSeq);
       // since the servers do not care about client closing sequences, we won't either
       // Hey clients have rights too, or not! 
       else if (packet.isClosingHi() && packet.isClosingLo() && 
		(m_streamid == zone2client))
	 if (m_session_tracking_enabled)
	   m_session_tracking_enabled = 1; 
	 emit closing();
       } // if the packet is a fragment do appropriate processing
       else if (packet.isFragment())
       else if (packet.payloadLength() >= 2) // has to have an opcode
	 processPayload(packet.payload(), packet.payloadLength());
     } // it's a packet from the future, add it to the cache
     else if ( ( (arqSeq > m_arqSeqExp) && 
                 (arqSeq < (uint32_t(m_arqSeqExp + arqSeqWrapCutoff))) ) || 
               (arqSeq < (int32_t(m_arqSeqExp) - arqSeqWrapCutoff)) ) 
       seqDebug("SEQ: out of order arq %04x stream %s, sending to cache, %04d",
	      arqSeq, EQStreamStr[m_streamid], m_cache.size());
       setCache(arqSeq, packet);
     // if the cache isn't empty, then check for the expected ARQ sequence
     if (!m_cache.empty()) 
  } /* end ARQ processing */