Example #1
// protected
void EntitySimulation::sortEntitiesThatMoved() {
    // NOTE: this is only for entities that have been moved by THIS EntitySimulation.
    // External changes to entity position/shape are expected to be sorted outside of the EntitySimulation.
    MovingEntitiesOperator moveOperator(_entityTree);
    AACube domainBounds(glm::vec3((float)-HALF_TREE_SCALE), (float)TREE_SCALE);
    SetOfEntities::iterator itemItr = _entitiesToSort.begin();
    while (itemItr != _entitiesToSort.end()) {
        EntityItemPointer entity = *itemItr;
        // check to see if this movement has sent the entity outside of the domain.
        bool success;
        AACube newCube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
        if (success && !domainBounds.touches(newCube)) {
            qCDebug(entities) << "Entity " << entity->getEntityItemID() << " moved out of domain bounds.";
            itemItr = _entitiesToSort.erase(itemItr);
        } else {
            moveOperator.addEntityToMoveList(entity, newCube);
    if (moveOperator.hasMovingEntities()) {
        PerformanceTimer perfTimer("recurseTreeWithOperator");

QUuid EntityScriptingInterface::addEntity(const EntityItemProperties& properties) {
    EntityItemProperties propertiesWithSimID = convertLocationFromScriptSemantics(properties);

    auto dimensions = propertiesWithSimID.getDimensions();
    float volume = dimensions.x * dimensions.y * dimensions.z;
    auto density = propertiesWithSimID.getDensity();
    auto newVelocity = propertiesWithSimID.getVelocity().length();
    float cost = calculateCost(density * volume, 0, newVelocity);
    cost *= costMultiplier;

    if (cost > _currentAvatarEnergy) {
        return QUuid();

    EntityItemID id = EntityItemID(QUuid::createUuid());

    // If we have a local entity tree set, then also update it.
    bool success = true;
    if (_entityTree) {
        _entityTree->withWriteLock([&] {
            EntityItemPointer entity = _entityTree->addEntity(id, propertiesWithSimID);
            if (entity) {
                if (propertiesWithSimID.parentRelatedPropertyChanged()) {
                    // due to parenting, the server may not know where something is in world-space, so include the bounding cube.
                    bool success;
                    AACube queryAACube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
                    if (success) {

                if (_bidOnSimulationOwnership) {
                    // This Node is creating a new object.  If it's in motion, set this Node as the simulator.
                    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
                    const QUuid myNodeID = nodeList->getSessionUUID();

                    // and make note of it now, so we can act on it right away.
                    propertiesWithSimID.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
                    entity->setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);

            } else {
                qCDebug(entities) << "script failed to add new Entity to local Octree";
                success = false;

    // queue the packet
    if (success) {
        emit debitEnergySource(cost);
        queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityAdd, id, propertiesWithSimID);

    return id;
Example #3
void addAvatarEntities(const QVariantList& avatarEntities) {
    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    const QUuid myNodeID = nodeList->getSessionUUID();
    EntityTreePointer entityTree = DependencyManager::get<EntityTreeRenderer>()->getTree();
    if (!entityTree) {
    EntitySimulationPointer entitySimulation = entityTree->getSimulation();
    PhysicalEntitySimulationPointer physicalEntitySimulation = std::static_pointer_cast<PhysicalEntitySimulation>(entitySimulation);
    EntityEditPacketSender* entityPacketSender = physicalEntitySimulation->getPacketSender();
    QScriptEngine scriptEngine;
    for (int index = 0; index < avatarEntities.count(); index++) {
        const QVariantMap& avatarEntityProperties = avatarEntities.at(index).toMap();
        QVariant variantProperties = avatarEntityProperties["properties"];
        QVariantMap asMap = variantProperties.toMap();
        QScriptValue scriptProperties = variantMapToScriptValue(asMap, scriptEngine);
        EntityItemProperties entityProperties;
        EntityItemPropertiesFromScriptValueHonorReadOnly(scriptProperties, entityProperties);

        entityProperties.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, AVATAR_ENTITY_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);

        EntityItemID id = EntityItemID(QUuid::createUuid());
        bool success = true;
        entityTree->withWriteLock([&] {
            EntityItemPointer entity = entityTree->addEntity(id, entityProperties);
            if (entity) {
                if (entityProperties.queryAACubeRelatedPropertyChanged()) {
                    // due to parenting, the server may not know where something is in world-space, so include the bounding cube.
                    bool success;
                    AACube queryAACube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
                    if (success) {

                // since we're creating this object we will immediately volunteer to own its simulation
            } else {
                qCDebug(entities) << "AvatarEntitiesBookmark failed to add new Entity to local Octree";
                success = false;

        if (success) {
            entityPacketSender->queueEditEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityAdd, entityTree, id, entityProperties);
Example #4
void EntitySimulation::changeEntity(EntityItemPointer entity) {
    QMutexLocker lock(&_mutex);
    if (!entity->isSimulated()) {
        // This entity was either never added to the simulation or has been removed
        // (probably for pending delete), so we don't want to keep a pointer to it
        // on any internal lists.

    // Although it is not the responsibility of the EntitySimulation to sort the tree for EXTERNAL changes
    // it IS responsibile for triggering deletes for entities that leave the bounds of the domain, hence
    // we must check for that case here, however we rely on the change event to have set DIRTY_POSITION flag.
    bool wasRemoved = false;
    uint32_t dirtyFlags = entity->getDirtyFlags();
    if (dirtyFlags & Simulation::DIRTY_POSITION) {
        AACube domainBounds(glm::vec3((float)-HALF_TREE_SCALE), (float)TREE_SCALE);
        bool success;
        AACube newCube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
        if (success && !domainBounds.touches(newCube)) {
            qCDebug(entities) << "Entity " << entity->getEntityItemID() << " moved out of domain bounds.";
            wasRemoved = true;
    if (!wasRemoved) {
        if (dirtyFlags & Simulation::DIRTY_LIFETIME) {
            if (entity->isMortal()) {
                quint64 expiry = entity->getExpiry();
                if (expiry < _nextExpiry) {
                    _nextExpiry = expiry;
            } else {
        if (entity->needsToCallUpdate()) {
        } else {
Example #5
float DiffTraversal::View::computePriority(const EntityItemPointer& entity) const {
    if (!entity) {
        return PrioritizedEntity::DO_NOT_SEND;

    if (!usesViewFrustums()) {
        return PrioritizedEntity::WHEN_IN_DOUBT_PRIORITY;

    bool success = false;
    auto cube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
    if (!success) {
        return PrioritizedEntity::WHEN_IN_DOUBT_PRIORITY;

    auto center = cube.calcCenter(); // center of bounding sphere
    auto radius = 0.5f * SQRT_THREE * cube.getScale(); // radius of bounding sphere

    auto priority = PrioritizedEntity::DO_NOT_SEND;

    for (const auto& frustum : viewFrustums) {
        auto position = center - frustum.getPosition(); // position of bounding sphere in view-frame
        float distance = glm::length(position); // distance to center of bounding sphere

        // Check the size of the entity, it's possible that a "too small to see" entity is included in a
        // larger octree cell because of its position (for example if it crosses the boundary of a cell it
        // pops to the next higher cell. So we want to check to see that the entity is large enough to be seen
        // before we consider including it.
        float angularSize = frustum.getAngularSize(distance, radius);
        if (angularSize > lodScaleFactor * MIN_ENTITY_ANGULAR_DIAMETER &&
            frustum.intersects(position, distance, radius)) {

            // use the angular size as priority
            // we compute the max priority for all frustums
            priority = std::max(priority, angularSize);

    return priority;
QUuid EntityScriptingInterface::editEntity(QUuid id, const EntityItemProperties& scriptSideProperties) {
    EntityItemProperties properties = scriptSideProperties;

    auto dimensions = properties.getDimensions();
    float volume = dimensions.x * dimensions.y * dimensions.z;
    auto density = properties.getDensity();
    auto newVelocity = properties.getVelocity().length();
    float oldVelocity = { 0.0f };

    EntityItemID entityID(id);
    if (!_entityTree) {
        queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityEdit, entityID, properties);

        //if there is no local entity entity tree, no existing velocity, use 0.
        float cost = calculateCost(density * volume, oldVelocity, newVelocity);
        cost *= costMultiplier;

        if (cost > _currentAvatarEnergy) {
            return QUuid();
        } else {
            //debit the avatar energy and continue
            emit debitEnergySource(cost);

        return id;
    // If we have a local entity tree set, then also update it.

    bool updatedEntity = false;
    _entityTree->withWriteLock([&] {
        if (scriptSideProperties.parentRelatedPropertyChanged()) {
            // All of parentID, parentJointIndex, position, rotation are needed to make sense of any of them.
            // If any of these changed, pull any missing properties from the entity.
            EntityItemPointer entity = _entityTree->findEntityByEntityItemID(entityID);
            if (!entity) {
            //existing entity, retrieve old velocity for check down below
            oldVelocity = entity->getVelocity().length();

            if (!scriptSideProperties.parentIDChanged()) {
            if (!scriptSideProperties.parentJointIndexChanged()) {
            if (!scriptSideProperties.localPositionChanged() && !scriptSideProperties.positionChanged()) {
            if (!scriptSideProperties.localRotationChanged() && !scriptSideProperties.rotationChanged()) {
        properties = convertLocationFromScriptSemantics(properties);

        float cost = calculateCost(density * volume, oldVelocity, newVelocity);
        cost *= costMultiplier;

        if (cost > _currentAvatarEnergy) {
            updatedEntity = false;
        } else {
            //debit the avatar energy and continue
            updatedEntity = _entityTree->updateEntity(entityID, properties);
            if (updatedEntity) {
                emit debitEnergySource(cost);

    if (!updatedEntity) {
        return QUuid();

    _entityTree->withReadLock([&] {
        EntityItemPointer entity = _entityTree->findEntityByEntityItemID(entityID);
        if (entity) {
            // make sure the properties has a type, so that the encode can know which properties to include
            bool hasTerseUpdateChanges = properties.hasTerseUpdateChanges();
            bool hasPhysicsChanges = properties.hasMiscPhysicsChanges() || hasTerseUpdateChanges;
            if (_bidOnSimulationOwnership && hasPhysicsChanges) {
                auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
                const QUuid myNodeID = nodeList->getSessionUUID();

                if (entity->getSimulatorID() == myNodeID) {
                    // we think we already own the simulation, so make sure to send ALL TerseUpdate properties
                    if (hasTerseUpdateChanges) {
                    // TODO: if we knew that ONLY TerseUpdate properties have changed in properties AND the object
                    // is dynamic AND it is active in the physics simulation then we could chose to NOT queue an update
                    // and instead let the physics simulation decide when to send a terse update.  This would remove
                    // the "slide-no-rotate" glitch (and typical double-update) that we see during the "poke rolling
                    // balls" test.  However, even if we solve this problem we still need to provide a "slerp the visible
                    // proxy toward the true physical position" feature to hide the final glitches in the remote watcher's
                    // simulation.

                    if (entity->getSimulationPriority() < SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY) {
                        // we re-assert our simulation ownership at a higher priority
                        properties.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
                } else {
                    // we make a bid for simulation ownership
                    properties.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
            if (properties.parentRelatedPropertyChanged() && entity->computePuffedQueryAACube()) {

            // if we've moved an entity with children, check/update the queryAACube of all descendents and tell the server
            // if they've changed.
            entity->forEachDescendant([&](SpatiallyNestablePointer descendant) {
                if (descendant->getNestableType() == NestableType::Entity) {
                    if (descendant->computePuffedQueryAACube()) {
                        EntityItemPointer entityDescendant = std::static_pointer_cast<EntityItem>(descendant);
                        EntityItemProperties newQueryCubeProperties;
                        queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityEdit, descendant->getID(), newQueryCubeProperties);
    queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityEdit, entityID, properties);
    return id;
Example #7
OctreeElement::AppendState EntityTreeElement::appendElementData(OctreePacketData* packetData,
                                                                    EncodeBitstreamParams& params) const {

    OctreeElement::AppendState appendElementState = OctreeElement::COMPLETED; // assume the best...

    // first, check the params.extraEncodeData to see if there's any partial re-encode data for this element
    OctreeElementExtraEncodeData* extraEncodeData = params.extraEncodeData;
    EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData* entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData = NULL;
    bool hadElementExtraData = false;
    if (extraEncodeData && extraEncodeData->contains(this)) {
        entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData =
        hadElementExtraData = true;
    } else {
        // if there wasn't one already, then create one
        entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData = new EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData();
        entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->elementCompleted = !hasContent();

        for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN; i++) {
            EntityTreeElementPointer child = getChildAtIndex(i);
            if (!child) {
                entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->childCompleted[i] = true; // if no child exists, it is completed
            } else {
                if (child->hasEntities()) {
                    entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->childCompleted[i] = false;
                } else {
                    // if the child doesn't have enities, it is completed
                    entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->childCompleted[i] = true;
        forEachEntity([&](EntityItemPointer entity) {
            entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.insert(entity->getEntityItemID(), entity->getEntityProperties(params));

    //entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData = static_cast<EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData*>(extraEncodeData->value(this));

    LevelDetails elementLevel = packetData->startLevel();

    // write our entities out... first determine which of the entities are in view based on our params
    uint16_t numberOfEntities = 0;
    uint16_t actualNumberOfEntities = 0;
    int numberOfEntitiesOffset = 0;
    withReadLock([&] {
        QVector<uint16_t> indexesOfEntitiesToInclude;

        // It's possible that our element has been previous completed. In this case we'll simply not include any of our
        // entities for encoding. This is needed because we encode the element data at the "parent" level, and so we
        // need to handle the case where our sibling elements need encoding but we don't.
        if (!entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->elementCompleted) {
            for (uint16_t i = 0; i < _entityItems.size(); i++) {
                EntityItemPointer entity = _entityItems[i];
                bool includeThisEntity = true;

                if (!params.forceSendScene && entity->getLastChangedOnServer() < params.lastViewFrustumSent) {
                    includeThisEntity = false;

                if (hadElementExtraData) {
                    includeThisEntity = includeThisEntity &&

                if (includeThisEntity && params.viewFrustum) {

                    // we want to use the maximum possible box for this, so that we don't have to worry about the nuance of
                    // simulation changing what's visible. consider the case where the entity contains an angular velocity
                    // the entity may not be in view and then in view a frame later, let the client side handle it's view
                    // frustum culling on rendering.
                    bool success;
                    AACube entityCube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
                    if (!success || !params.viewFrustum->cubeIntersectsKeyhole(entityCube)) {
                        includeThisEntity = false; // out of view, don't include it
                    } else {
                        // Check the size of the entity, it's possible that a "too small to see" entity is included in a
                        // larger octree cell because of its position (for example if it crosses the boundary of a cell it
                        // pops to the next higher cell. So we want to check to see that the entity is large enough to be seen
                        // before we consider including it.
                        success = true;
                        // we can't cull a parent-entity by its dimensions because the child may be larger.  we need to
                        // avoid sending details about a child but not the parent.  the parent's queryAACube should have
                        // been adjusted to encompass the queryAACube of the child.
                        AABox entityBounds = entity->hasChildren() ? AABox(entityCube) : entity->getAABox(success);
                        if (!success) {
                            // if this entity is a child of an avatar, the entity-server wont be able to determine its
                            // AABox.  If this happens, fall back to the queryAACube.
                            entityBounds = AABox(entityCube);
                        auto renderAccuracy = params.viewFrustum->calculateRenderAccuracy(entityBounds,
                        if (renderAccuracy <= 0.0f) {
                            includeThisEntity = false; // too small, don't include it

                            #ifdef WANT_LOD_DEBUGGING
                            qDebug() << "skipping entity - TOO SMALL - \n"
                                     << "......id:" << entity->getID() << "\n"
                                     << "....name:" << entity->getName() << "\n"
                                     << "..bounds:" << entityBounds << "\n"
                                     << "....cell:" << getAACube();

                if (includeThisEntity) {
                    #ifdef WANT_LOD_DEBUGGING
                    qDebug() << "including entity - \n"
                        << "......id:" << entity->getID() << "\n"
                        << "....name:" << entity->getName() << "\n"
                        << "....cell:" << getAACube();
                    indexesOfEntitiesToInclude << i;
                } else {
                    // if the extra data included this entity, and we've decided to not include the entity, then
                    // we can treat it as if it was completed.

        numberOfEntitiesOffset = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();
        bool successAppendEntityCount = packetData->appendValue(numberOfEntities);

        if (successAppendEntityCount) {
            foreach(uint16_t i, indexesOfEntitiesToInclude) {
                EntityItemPointer entity = _entityItems[i];
                LevelDetails entityLevel = packetData->startLevel();
                OctreeElement::AppendState appendEntityState = entity->appendEntityData(packetData,
                    params, entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData);

                // If none of this entity data was able to be appended, then discard it
                // and don't include it in our entity count
                if (appendEntityState == OctreeElement::NONE) {
                } else {
                    // If either ALL or some of it got appended, then end the level (commit it)
                    // and include the entity in our final count of entities

                // If the entity item got completely appended, then we can remove it from the extra encode data
                if (appendEntityState == OctreeElement::COMPLETED) {

                // If any part of the entity items didn't fit, then the element is considered partial
                // NOTE: if the entity item didn't fit or only partially fit, then the entity item should have
                // added itself to the extra encode data.
                if (appendEntityState != OctreeElement::COMPLETED) {
                    appendElementState = OctreeElement::PARTIAL;
        } else {