void AutonomousPeriodic(void) { m_autoPeriodicLoops++; #if 0 static int Clock=0; bool correct = DriveStick->GetButton(Joystick::kTriggerButton); bool Reset = DriveStick->GetButton (Joystick::kTopButton); ds->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, "%s %s", correct ? "correct on" : "correct off", Reset ? "Reset": "No Reset"); //ds->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6, "%d %c %c", Clock, correct? "C" : "c", Reset? "R" : "r"); if (Reset) Clock=0, MyRobot.ResetCounters(); else { ++Clock; if(Clock<=100) MyRobot.DriveRobot(1.0,0.0, ds, correct); // drive forward else if (Clock<=200) MyRobot.DriveRobot(-1.0,0.0, ds, correct); // stop else if (Clock<=250) MyRobot.DriveRobot(-1.0,0.0, ds, correct); // drive back halfway else if (Clock<=300) MyRobot.DriveRobot(1.0,0.0, ds, correct); // stop else { // Real teleop mode: use the JoySticks to drive MyRobot.DriveRobot(DriveStick->GetY(),(DriveStick->GetX()), ds); } } #endif }
void Periodic(EntropyDrive& MyRobot, DriverStationLCD* ds) { unsigned int ctrs = (unsigned)(Reverse? -1 : 1) * MyRobot.GetCounters(); ds->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, "c%d d%d t%d ",ctrs, Distance, t); if (ctrs < (Distance - t)) MyRobot.DriveRobot(Reverse?1.0:-1.0, 0.0, ds); else MyRobot.DriveRobot(0.0, 0.0, ds); if (t == 0) { if (MyRobot.AtTopSpeed()) t = ctrs; if (ctrs > Distance/2) t = ctrs; // if t is just way bigger than we meant to travel, set it to the distance (which will stop us) if (t >= Distance) t = Distance; } }
void TeleopPeriodic(void) { // increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed m_telePeriodicLoops++; static AutoDrive *autoDrive = NULL; bool autoButton = DriveStick->GetButton(Joystick::kTriggerButton); if (autoButton) { if (autoDrive == NULL) autoDrive = new AutoDrive(m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cAutoDrive]) * 100); autoDrive->Periodic(MyRobot, ds); ds->PrintfLine (DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5, "autoDrive on"); } else { ds->PrintfLine (DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5, "autoDrive off"); if (autoDrive != NULL) { MyRobot.ResetCounters(); delete autoDrive; autoDrive = NULL; } if( !m_Configuration) { printf( "Configuration Initialize"); InitializeConfiguration(); } m_Configuration->Execute( DriveStick->GetRawButton( 2), DriveStick->GetZ(), ds); if(DriveStick->GetRawButton( 3)) { ds->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6, "Calculating distance..."); Vision *vision = new Vision(); double distance = vision->TakeDistancePicture( ds, m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cHBottom]), m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cHTop]), m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cSBottom]), m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cSTop]), m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cVBottom]), m_Configuration->GetValue( m_Constant[ cVTop])); if( distance < 0.000001) ds->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6, "No target found"); else ds->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6, "distance to target: %lf",distance); delete vision; } // Real teleop mode: use the JoySticks to drive MyRobot.DriveRobot(DriveStick->GetY(),(DriveStick->GetX()), ds); } ds->UpdateLCD(); } // TeleopPeriodic(void)
void TeleopPeriodic(void) { // increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed m_telePeriodicLoops++; //Feed joystick inputs to each subsystem here //Using triggers to turn; ds->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,0, "GetY: %f",DriveStick->GetY()); ds->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,0, "GetZ: %f",DriveStick->GetZ()); MyRobot.DriveRobot(DriveStick->GetY(),(-DriveStick->GetZ())); //original:MyRobot.DriveRobot(DriveStick->GetY(),DriveStick->GetX()); //MyRobot.DriveRobotTrig(DriveStick->GetY(),DriveStick->GetX()); } // TeleopPeriodic(void)
void TeleopPeriodic(void) { // increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed m_telePeriodicLoops++; //Feed joystick inputs to each subsystem here MyRobot.DriveRobot(DriveStick->GetY(),DriveStick->GetX()); Arm.Update(); Arm.UpperVerticalPos(GameStick); Arm.LowerVerticalPos(GameStick); Arm.Extend(GameStick); Arm.BeltEnable(GameStick); //MyRobot.DriveRobotTrig(DriveStick->GetY(),DriveStick->GetX()); // DriverStationLCD::GetInstance()->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, "Sensor output: %f", InfraredSensor.GetValue()); // DriverStationLCD::GetInstance()->UpdateLCD(); } // TeleopPeriodic(void)