EstLogPropSharedPtr AppliedStatMan::synthesizeLogProp(
				const CANodeIdSet * nodeSet,
				EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP)
  EstLogPropSharedPtr outputEstLogProp;
  CANodeIdSet combinedNodeSetWithInput = *nodeSet;

  if (inLP->isCacheable())
    CANodeIdSet * inNodeSet = inLP->getNodeSet();

    // if inLP are cacheable these should have a nodeSet attached
    // if not, assert in debug mode. In release mode, set the properties
    // as not cacheable. These will then be looked into group attr cache
    if (inNodeSet == NULL)
      CCMPASSERT(inNodeSet != NULL);
      // check ASM cache for the estLogProps of nodeSet for the given
      // inLP

      if ((outputEstLogProp =\
        getCachedStatistics(&combinedNodeSetWithInput)) != NULL)
      return outputEstLogProp;

	if(nodeSet->entries() == 1)
    return getStatsForCANodeId(nodeSet->getFirst(), inLP);

  JBBSubset * jbbSubset = nodeSet->jbbcsToJBBSubset();

  Join * preferredJoin = jbbSubset->getPreferredJoin();


  outputEstLogProp = preferredJoin->getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLP);

	return outputEstLogProp;
} // AppliedStatMan::synthesizeLogProp
Example #2
// Used for other RelExpr but not MultiJoin
void MultiJoin::synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp)

  Join * preferredJoin = jbbSubset_.getPreferredJoin();
  EstLogPropSharedPtr myEstLogProp = 
  getGroupAttr()->addInputOutputLogProp (inputEstLogProp, myEstLogProp, NULL);
} // MultiJoin::synthEstLogProp
NABoolean AppliedStatMan::insertCachePredStatEntry(
			    const CANodeIdSet & jbbcNodeSet,
			    const EstLogPropSharedPtr& estLogProp)
  CANodeIdSet * tableSet = new (STMTHEAP) CANodeIdSet (jbbcNodeSet);
// FIXME!!! Must properly create cacheASM_
  CANodeIdSet * result = cacheASM_->
			insert(tableSet, estLogProp.get());

  if (result == NULL)
    return FALSE;  // insert failed.
    return TRUE; // insert successful
} // AppliedStatMan::insertCachePredStatEntry
EstLogPropSharedPtr AppliedStatMan::joinJBBChildren(
					const CANodeIdSet & leftChildren,
					const CANodeIdSet & rightChildren,
					EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP)

  EstLogPropSharedPtr inputLP = inLP;

  EstLogPropSharedPtr outputEstLogProp;

    inputLP = leftChildren.getJBBInput();

  // Because there exist a nodeSet for the left, right and the outer
  // child, hence these properties are cacheable. Check to see if the
  // outputEstLogProp of the join for the given inLP exist in the cache

  CANodeIdSet combinedNodeSet = leftChildren;

  CANodeIdSet * inNodeSet = NULL;

  if (inputLP->isCacheable())
    inNodeSet = inputLP->getNodeSet();

    CANodeIdSet combinedWithInputNodeSet = combinedNodeSet;

    outputEstLogProp = getCachedStatistics(&combinedWithInputNodeSet);

  if(outputEstLogProp == NULL)
    outputEstLogProp = synthesizeLogProp(&combinedNodeSet, inputLP);
  return outputEstLogProp;
} // AppliedStatMan::joinJBBChildren
COMPARE_RESULT EstLogProp::compareEstLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr &other) const
  if (this == other.get())
    return SAME;

  // First thing that we may want to compare is the CANodeSets of the EstLogProp
  // if these are NOT NULL

  // This would work if Query Analizer created nodeSet_ for this and other
  if ((nodeSet_ != NULL) && (other->nodeSet_ != NULL))
    if ((*nodeSet_) == (*(other->nodeSet_)))
      return SAME;
      return INCOMPATIBLE;

  // This is the old logic after removing heuristic returning SAME for close 
  // EstLogProp like resultCardinality_/other->resultCardinality in [0.8,1.2]
  // That heuristics was incompatible with Cascades assumption that in the case
  // when pruning is on we cannot have 2 different context for optimization 
  // if their comparison returns SAME.
  if ( resultCardinality_ == other->resultCardinality_  AND
       ( // Check for the case where we have two "empty" input logical properties.
         ( columnStats_.entries() == 0 AND other->columnStats_.entries() == 0) 
         ( columnStats_       == other->columnStats_ AND
	   unresolvedPreds_   == other->unresolvedPreds_ AND
	   inputForSemiTSJ_   == other->inputForSemiTSJ_ )
    return SAME;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility Routine: pickOutputs
// From the given ColStatDescList, populate columnStats_ with column
// descriptors that are useful based on the characteristic outputs for
// the group.
// Always include in the output the current histograms of the input data,
// and, if the histogram is contained in the required output list, then
// this is a useful histogram and will also be output.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void EstLogProp::pickOutputs( ColStatDescList & columnStats,
			      const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
			      const ValueIdSet specifiedOutputs,
			      const ValueIdSet predSet)

  const ColStatDescList & outerColStatsList = inputEstLogProp->getColStats();

  ValueIdSet colsRequiringHistograms = specifiedOutputs;
  // (i) see if the selection predicates contain any constant value or a 
  // constant expression

  // (ii) check if there are any columns of this table being joined to some other
  // columns, which do not appear as characteristics outputs. There should be
  // histograms available for these columns, as these might be needed later.
  // This problem was seen for temporary tables created as normal_tables by the
  // triggers.

  colStats().setMCSkewedValueLists(columnStats.getMCSkewedValueLists()) ;

  NABoolean colStatDescAdded = FALSE;

  for (CollIndex i=0; i < columnStats.entries(); i++)
      // we probably don't need 'em all, but this is the easiest way to
      // grab all of the multi-column uec information we'll need later
      colStats().insertIntoUecList (columnStats.getUecList()) ;
      NABoolean found = FALSE;

      // Note: The following inserts into a ColStatDescList should not
      // have to be deep copies.  From this point on, ColStatDescs that
      // describe the output of the calling operator are read-only.

      ColStatDescSharedPtr colStatDesc = columnStats[i];

      // the value-id we're looking for
      const ValueId columnId = colStatDesc->getVEGColumn() ;

      for (CollIndex j=0 ; j < outerColStatsList.entries() ; j++)
	  if (columnId == outerColStatsList[j]->getVEGColumn() OR
              colStats().insert(colStatDesc) ;
              found = TRUE;
                colStatDescAdded = TRUE;
              break ; // jump to next ColStatDesc

    // OK, the valueid doesn't match directly -- but there are still a
    // couple of things to check in order to verify whether or not we're
    // interested in keeping the i'th ColStatDesc ...

	ValueId throwaway ; // used by the second clause below

    if ( NOT found  AND
	 (columnId != NULL_VALUE_ID) AND
         (colsRequiringHistograms.contains (columnId) OR
          colsRequiringHistograms.referencesTheGivenValue (columnId, throwaway) OR
	  columnId.isInvolvedInJoinAndConst() OR
          CmpCommon::context()->showQueryStats() )
	  found = TRUE;
	    colStatDescAdded = TRUE;
	if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->incorporateSkewInCosting())
	  // if the column is referenced for histogram, but is 
	  // not needed beyond this time , then we shall save its  
	  // max freq, which might be used later in costing if this
	  // column is a part of the partitioning key

	  ColStatsSharedPtr stat = colStatDesc->getColStats();
	  if (!(stat->isVirtualColForHist() ) && NOT found &&
                    !(stat->isOrigFakeHist() ) )
            const ValueId col = colStatDesc->getColumn();
            ColAnalysis * colAnalysis = col.colAnalysis();
            if (colAnalysis)
              NAColumn * column = stat->getStatColumns()[0];

              if (column->isReferencedForHistogram())
                CostScalar maxFreq = columnStats.getMaxFreq(columnId);
      } // for columnStats.entries()
      if(!colStatDescAdded && columnStats.entries() > 0)
        colStats().insert(columnStats[0]) ;
} // pickOutputs
CostScalar AppliedStatMan::computeJoinReduction(
          const CANodeIdSet & leftChildren,
          const CANodeIdSet & rightChildren)
  CostScalar result = 0;

  // get stats for left
  EstLogPropSharedPtr leftCard =

  // get stats for right
  EstLogPropSharedPtr rightCard =

  CANodeIdSet jbbcsJoinedToRight;
  CANodeIdSet allPredecessors;
  CANodeIdSet allSuccessors;

  for( CANodeId rChild = rightChildren.init();;
    JBBC * rChildJBBC = rChild.getNodeAnalysis()->getJBBC();
    jbbcsJoinedToRight += rChildJBBC->getJoinedJBBCs();
    jbbcsJoinedToRight += rChildJBBC->getPredecessorJBBCs();
    allPredecessors    += rChildJBBC->getPredecessorJBBCs();
    jbbcsJoinedToRight += rChildJBBC->getSuccessorJBBCs();
    allSuccessors      += rChildJBBC->getSuccessorJBBCs();

  CANodeIdSet dependencyCausingNodesFromLeft = leftChildren;
  dependencyCausingNodesFromLeft.intersectSet(allPredecessors + allSuccessors);

  CANodeIdSet leftNodesJoinedToRight = leftChildren;

    result = rightCard->getResultCardinality();
    return result;

  CANodeIdSet leftSetPredecessors;
  CANodeIdSet newNodes = leftNodesJoinedToRight;
  CANodeIdSet nodesConsidered;

    for( CANodeId lChild = newNodes.init();;
      JBBC * lChildJBBC = lChild.getNodeAnalysis()->getJBBC();
      leftSetPredecessors += lChildJBBC->getPredecessorJBBCs();
      nodesConsidered += lChild;

    newNodes = leftSetPredecessors;
    newNodes -= nodesConsidered;

  leftNodesJoinedToRight += leftSetPredecessors;

  // for a JBBSubset to be legal it has to have at least one
  // independent jbbc i.e. a jbbcs connect via a innerNonSemiNonTsjJoin
  // Assumption: leftChildren represents a legal JBBSubset
  CANodeIdSet independentJBBCsInLeftNodesJoinedToRight =

    leftNodesJoinedToRight += 

  EstLogPropSharedPtr cardLeftNodesJoinedToRight =

  // All nodes connected via a join
  CANodeIdSet connectedNodes(leftNodesJoinedToRight);
  connectedNodes += rightChildren;

  EstLogPropSharedPtr cardConnectedNodes =

  result = cardConnectedNodes->getResultCardinality() /

  return result;
EstLogPropSharedPtr AppliedStatMan::joinEstLogProps (
              const EstLogPropSharedPtr& leftEstLogProp,
              const EstLogPropSharedPtr& rightEstLogProp,
              const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP)
  EstLogPropSharedPtr outputEstLogProp;

  NABoolean cacheable = FALSE;

  CANodeIdSet * inputNodeSet = inLP->getNodeSet();

  // These nodesets could be NULL, if the estLogProps to which they
  // belong are not cacheable

  CANodeIdSet * leftNodeSet = leftEstLogProp->getNodeSet();
  CANodeIdSet * rightNodeSet = rightEstLogProp->getNodeSet();

  if ((leftEstLogProp->isCacheable()) &&
     (rightEstLogProp->isCacheable()) &&
     (inLP->isCacheable()) )
    CCMPASSERT(leftNodeSet != NULL);
    CCMPASSERT(rightNodeSet != NULL);
    CCMPASSERT(inputNodeSet != NULL);
    if (leftNodeSet && rightNodeSet && inputNodeSet)
      cacheable = TRUE;

  if (cacheable)
    // check the ASM cache to see if outputEstLogProp for these
    // NodeSets appear for the given inputEstLogProp

    CANodeIdSet combineNodeSet = *leftNodeSet;

    CANodeIdSet combinedWithInputNodeSet = combineNodeSet;

    outputEstLogProp = getCachedStatistics(&combinedWithInputNodeSet);
    if (outputEstLogProp != NULL)
      return outputEstLogProp;

  JBBSubset * newJBBSubset = NULL;

  ValueIdSet setOfPredicates;

  if  (leftNodeSet && rightNodeSet)
    // join predicates can be obtained from EstLogProp, only
    // if these corresponded to complete set of predicates -
    // all local or complete join. Also, we need a
    // combinedJBBSubset to set in the fake join expression
    // that we will be creating.

    newJBBSubset = leftNodeSet->computeJBBSubset();
    JBBSubset rightJBBSubset = *(rightNodeSet->computeJBBSubset());
    setOfPredicates = newJBBSubset->joinPredsWithOther(rightJBBSubset);

    // Since the properties from this group are cacheable, hence the
    // group attributes for the new join expression should contain
    // the combined JBBsubset of the left and the right children


  // inputEstLogProp would be either empty input estLogProp or from the
  // outer child. If cacheable is TRUE, then newJBBsubset should
  // contain the combined left and the right JBB subset. But if
  // cacheable is FALSE, newJBBsubset should be NULL

  Join * joinExpr = formJoinExprWithEstLogProps(

  // Now do the actual synthesis and cache statistics in the cache

  outputEstLogProp = joinExpr->getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLP);
  return outputEstLogProp;
Join * AppliedStatMan::formJoinExprWithCANodeSets(
					const CANodeIdSet & leftNodeSet,
					const CANodeIdSet & rightNodeSet,
					EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
					const ValueIdSet * joinPreds,
					const NABoolean cacheable)
  EstLogPropSharedPtr leftEstLogProp = NULL;
  EstLogPropSharedPtr rightEstLogProp = NULL;

  CANodeIdSet * inputNodeSet = NULL;
  if (inLP->isCacheable())
    inputNodeSet = inLP->getNodeSet();

    // if inLP are cacheable these should have a nodeSet attached
    // if it is not for some reason, assert in debug mode. In release
    // mode do not look for properties in ASM cache, instead get them
    // from group attr cache.
    if (inputNodeSet == NULL)
      CCMPASSERT(inputNodeSet != NULL);

  CANodeIdSet commonNodeSet = leftNodeSet;

  // remove CANodeIds which are common to both left and the right children
  // from the child, whose estLogProps are not cached. If the estLogProps
  // of both children are not cached, then remove it from the child which
  // has a larger CANodeIdSet associated with it.

  CANodeIdSet tempLeftNodeSet = leftNodeSet;
  CANodeIdSet tempRightNodeSet = rightNodeSet;

  if (commonNodeSet.entries() > 0)
    if (lookup(leftNodeSet))
      if (lookup(rightNodeSet))
	if (leftNodeSet.entries() > rightNodeSet.entries())

  // get the estLogProps for the left and the right child.
  // If these are not in the cache, then synthesize them incrementally
  // starting from the left most JBBC in the JBBSubset

  if (inputNodeSet)
    // leftEstLogProp cached?

    CANodeIdSet combinedNodeSetWithInput = tempLeftNodeSet;

    leftEstLogProp = getCachedStatistics(&combinedNodeSetWithInput);

    combinedNodeSetWithInput = tempRightNodeSet;

    rightEstLogProp = getCachedStatistics(&combinedNodeSetWithInput);

  if (leftEstLogProp == NULL)
      leftEstLogProp = synthesizeLogProp(&tempLeftNodeSet, inLP);

  // if the estimate logical properties have been computed for non-cacheable
  // inLP, then these would not contain nodeSet. But we do need the nodeSet
  // to compute potential output values. Hence we shall add this now

  if (!leftEstLogProp->getNodeSet())
    CANodeIdSet * copyLeftNodeSet = new (STMTHEAP) CANodeIdSet (tempLeftNodeSet);

  if (rightEstLogProp == NULL)
      rightEstLogProp = synthesizeLogProp(&tempRightNodeSet, inLP);

  if (!rightEstLogProp->getNodeSet())
    CANodeIdSet * copyRightNodeSet = new (STMTHEAP) CANodeIdSet (tempRightNodeSet);

  // Now form the join expressions with these EstLogProp,
  // inLP and the joinPred will be same as those for which the
  // estLogProp are to be synthesized. Cacheable flag would depend
  // on whether left, right and the outer child are caheable, or
  // if the join is on all columns or not

  // Since the join expression consists of the left and the right
  // JBBSubsets, the JBBSubset for this Join expression would be
  // the superset of left and right JBBSubset

  JBBSubset * combinedSet = leftNodeSet.jbbcsToJBBSubset();

  // Now form the join expressions with these EstLogProp,
  // inLP and the joinPred will be same as those for which the
  // estLogProp are to be synthesized. Cacheable flag would depend
  // on whether left, right and the outer child are ccaheable, or
  // if the join is on all columns or not

  return formJoinExprWithEstLogProps(leftEstLogProp, rightEstLogProp,
			    inLP, joinPreds, cacheable, combinedSet);

} // AppliedStatMan::formJoinExprWithCANodeSets
EstLogPropSharedPtr AppliedStatMan::getStatsForCANodeId(
					CANodeId jbbc,
					const EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP,
					const ValueIdSet * predIdSet)

  EstLogPropSharedPtr inputLP = inLP;

    inputLP = jbbc.getJBBInput();

  EstLogPropSharedPtr outputEstLogProp = NULL;

  // 1. Try to find Logical Properties from cache if cacheable.

  // The estimate Logical Properties can be cacheable if all local
  // predicates are to be applied and if inNodeSet is provided,
  // or the inLP are cacheable

  if ((inputLP->isCacheable()) && (predIdSet == NULL) )
    CANodeIdSet combinedSet = jbbc;

    // get the nodeIdSet of the outer child, if not already given. This
    // along with the present jbbc is used as a key in the cache

    CANodeIdSet * inputNodeSet;
    inputNodeSet = inputLP->getNodeSet();

    // if inLP are cacheable these should have a nodeSet attached
    CCMPASSERT(inputNodeSet != NULL);

    if (inputNodeSet)
      // if estLogProp for all local predicates is required,
      // then it might already exist in the cache
      outputEstLogProp = getCachedStatistics(&combinedSet);

  if (outputEstLogProp == NULL)
    // 2. properties do not exist in the cache, so synthesize them.

    //if specified by the user apply those predicates,
    // else apply predicates in the original expr
    NodeAnalysis * jbbcNode = jbbc.getNodeAnalysis();

    TableAnalysis * tableAnalysis = jbbcNode->getTableAnalysis();

    if (tableAnalysis && predIdSet)
      TableDesc * tableDesc = tableAnalysis->getTableDesc();

      const QualifiedName& qualName = 

      CorrName name(qualName, STMTHEAP);

      Scan *scanExpr = new STMTHEAP Scan(name, tableDesc, REL_SCAN, STMTHEAP);

      Cardinality rc = tableDesc->getNATable()->getEstRowCount();

      const CardinalityHint* cardHint = tableDesc->getCardinalityHint();
      if ( cardHint ) 
         rc = (cardHint->getScanCardinality()).getValue();

      if ( !cardHint && tableDesc->getNATable()->isHbaseTable() ) {

          NATable* nt = (NATable*)(tableDesc->getNATable());
          StatsList* statsList = nt->getColStats();
          if ( statsList && statsList->entries() > 0 ) {
              ColStatsSharedPtr cStatsPtr = 
              if ( cStatsPtr )
                 rc = (cStatsPtr->getRowcount()).getValue();

      scanExpr->setBaseCardinality(MIN_ONE (rc));

      GroupAttributes * gaExpr = new STMTHEAP GroupAttributes();


      ValueIdSet requiredOutputs = jbbc.getNodeAnalysis()->\



      EstLogPropSharedPtr nonCacheableInLP(new (HISTHEAP) EstLogProp (*inputLP));
      outputEstLogProp = scanExpr->getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(nonCacheableInLP);
        NodeAnalysis * nodeAnalysis = jbbc.getNodeAnalysis();

        RelExpr * relExpr = nodeAnalysis->getModifiedExpr();

	if (relExpr == NULL)
	  relExpr = nodeAnalysis->getOriginalExpr();

      // synthesize and cache estLogProp for the given inLP.
      outputEstLogProp = relExpr->getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inputLP);

  return outputEstLogProp;
} // getStatsForCANodeId