bool operator == (const ExecutorInfo& left, const ExecutorInfo& right) { return left.executor_id() == right.executor_id() && == && Resources(left.resources()) == Resources(right.resources()) && left.command() == right.command() && left.framework_id() == right.framework_id() && == && left.source() == right.source() && left.container() == right.container() && left.discovery() == right.discovery(); }
inline bool operator == (const ExecutorInfo& left, const ExecutorInfo& right) { return left.executor_id() == right.executor_id() && left.has_framework_id() == right.has_framework_id() && (!left.has_framework_id() || (left.framework_id() == right.framework_id())) && left.command() == right.command() && Resources(left.resources()) == Resources(right.resources()) && left.has_name() == right.has_name() && (!left.has_name() || ( == && left.has_source() == right.has_source() && (!left.has_source() || (left.source() == right.source())) && left.has_data() == right.has_data() && (!left.has_data() || ( ==; }
// In this hook, we create a new environment variable "FOO" and set // it's value to "bar". virtual Result<Environment> slaveExecutorEnvironmentDecorator( const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo) { LOG(INFO) << "Executing 'slaveExecutorEnvironmentDecorator' hook"; Environment environment; if (executorInfo.command().has_environment()) { environment.CopyFrom(executorInfo.command().environment()); } Environment::Variable* variable = environment.add_variables(); variable->set_name("FOO"); variable->set_value("bar"); return environment; }
process::Future<Option<ContainerPrepareInfo>> CalicoIsolatorProcess::prepare( const ContainerID& containerId, const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo, const std::string& directory, const Option<std::string>& user) { LOG(INFO) << "CalicoIsolator::prepare"; std::string ipAddress = "auto"; std::string profile = "none"; foreach (const Environment_Variable& var, executorInfo.command().environment().variables()) { LOG(INFO) << "ENV: " << << "=" << var.value(); if ( == "CALICO_IP") { ipAddress = var.value(); } else if ( == "CALICO_PROFILE") { profile = var.value(); } } if (ipAddress == "auto") { std::vector<std::string> argv(3); argv[0] = "python"; argv[1] = ipamPath; argv[2] = "assign_ipv4"; Try<process::Subprocess> child = process::subprocess( pythonPath, argv, process::Subprocess::PIPE(), process::Subprocess::PIPE(), process::Subprocess::PIPE()); CHECK_SOME(child); waitpid(child.get().pid(), NULL, 0); ipAddress = process::io::read(child.get().out().get()).get(); LOG(INFO) << "Got IP " << ipAddress << " from IPAM."; } LOG(INFO) << "LIBPROCESS_IP=" << ipAddress; ContainerPrepareInfo prepareInfo; Environment::Variable* variable = prepareInfo.mutable_environment()->add_variables(); variable->set_name("LIBPROCESS_IP"); variable->set_value(ipAddress); foreach (const Parameter& parameter, parameters.parameter()) { if (parameter.key() == initializationKey) { prepareInfo.add_commands()->set_value(parameter.value()); } } (*infos)[containerId] = new Info(ipAddress, profile); (*executors)[executorInfo.executor_id()] = containerId; return prepareInfo; }
// This hook locates the file created by environment decorator hook // and deletes it. virtual Try<Nothing> slaveRemoveExecutorHook( const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo, const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo) { LOG(INFO) << "Executing 'slaveRemoveExecutorHook'"; foreach (const Environment::Variable& variable, executorInfo.command().environment().variables()) { if ( == testEnvironmentVariableName) { string path = variable.value(); // The removeExecutor hook may be called multiple times; thus // we ignore the subsequent calls. if (os::isfile(path)) { CHECK_SOME(os::rm(path)); } break; } } return Nothing(); }
Environment HookManager::slaveExecutorEnvironmentDecorator( ExecutorInfo executorInfo) { Lock lock(&mutex); foreachpair (const string& name, Hook* hook, availableHooks) { const Result<Environment>& result = hook->slaveExecutorEnvironmentDecorator(executorInfo); if (result.isSome()) { // Update executorInfo to include newer environment variables // so that the next hook module can extend the environment // variables instead of simply overwriting them. executorInfo.mutable_command()->mutable_environment()->MergeFrom( result.get()); } else if (result.isError()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Slave environment decorator hook failed for module '" << name << "': " << result.error(); } } return executorInfo.command().environment(); }
Future<bool> launch( const ContainerID& containerId, const Option<TaskInfo>& taskInfo, const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo, const string& directory, const Option<string>& user, const SlaveID& slaveId, const map<string, string>& environment, bool checkpoint) { CHECK(!terminatedContainers.contains(containerId)) << "Failed to launch nested container " << containerId << " for executor '" << executorInfo.executor_id() << "'" << " of framework " << executorInfo.framework_id() << " because this ContainerID is being re-used with" << " a previously terminated container"; CHECK(!containers_.contains(containerId)) << "Failed to launch container " << containerId << " for executor '" << executorInfo.executor_id() << "'" << " of framework " << executorInfo.framework_id() << " because it is already launched"; CHECK(executors.contains(executorInfo.executor_id())) << "Failed to launch executor '" << executorInfo.executor_id() << "'" << " of framework " << executorInfo.framework_id() << " because it is unknown to the containerizer"; containers_[containerId] = Owned<ContainerData>(new ContainerData());>executorId = executorInfo.executor_id();>frameworkId = executorInfo.framework_id(); // We need to synchronize all reads and writes to the environment // as this is global state. // // TODO(jmlvanre): Even this is not sufficient, as other aspects // of the code may read an environment variable while we are // manipulating it. The better solution is to pass the environment // variables into the fork, or to set them on the command line. // See MESOS-3475. static std::mutex mutex; synchronized(mutex) { // Since the constructor for `MesosExecutorDriver` reads // environment variables to load flags, even it needs to // be within this synchronization section. // // Prepare additional environment variables for the executor. // TODO(benh): Need to get flags passed into the TestContainerizer // in order to properly use here. slave::Flags flags; flags.recovery_timeout = Duration::zero(); // We need to save the original set of environment variables so we // can reset the environment after calling 'driver->start()' below. hashmap<string, string> original = os::environment(); foreachpair (const string& name, const string variable, environment) { os::setenv(name, variable); } // TODO(benh): Can this be removed and done exclusively in the // 'executorEnvironment()' function? There are other places in the // code where we do this as well and it's likely we can do this once // in 'executorEnvironment()'. foreach (const Environment::Variable& variable, executorInfo.command().environment().variables()) { os::setenv(, variable.value()); } os::setenv("MESOS_LOCAL", "1"); const Owned<ExecutorData>& executorData =; if (executorData->executor != nullptr) { executorData->driver = Owned<MesosExecutorDriver>( new MesosExecutorDriver(executorData->executor)); executorData->driver->start(); } else { shared_ptr<v1::MockHTTPExecutor> executor = executorData->v1ExecutorMock; executorData->v1Library = Owned<v1::executor::TestMesos>( new v1::executor::TestMesos(ContentType::PROTOBUF, executor)); } os::unsetenv("MESOS_LOCAL"); // Unset the environment variables we set by resetting them to their // original values and also removing any that were not part of the // original environment. foreachpair (const string& name, const string& value, original) { os::setenv(name, value); }
// Prepare runs BEFORE a task is started // will check if the volume is already mounted and if not, // will mount the volume. // A container can ask for multiple mounts, but if // there are any problems parsing or mounting even one // mount, we want to exit with an error and no new // mounted volumes. Goal: make all mounts or none. Future<Option<ContainerPrepareInfo>> DockerVolumeDriverIsolator::prepare( const ContainerID& containerId, const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo, const string& directory, const Option<string>& user) { LOG(INFO) << "Preparing external storage for container: " << stringify(containerId); // Get things we need from task's environment in ExecutoInfo. if (!executorInfo.command().has_environment()) { // No environment means no external volume specification. // Not an error, just nothing to do, so return None. LOG(INFO) << "No environment specified for container "; return None(); } // In the future we aspire to accepting a json mount list // some un-used "scaffolding" is in place now for this JSON::Object environment; JSON::Array jsonVariables; // We accept <environment-var-name>#, where # can be 1-9, saved in array[#]. // We also accept <environment-var-name>, saved in array[0]. static constexpr size_t ARRAY_SIZE = 10; std::array<std::string, ARRAY_SIZE> deviceDriverNames; std::array<std::string, ARRAY_SIZE> volumeNames; std::array<std::string, ARRAY_SIZE> mountOptions; // Iterate through the environment variables, // looking for the ones we need. foreach (const auto &variable, executorInfo.command().environment().variables()) { JSON::Object variableObject; variableObject.values["name"] =; variableObject.values["value"] = variable.value(); jsonVariables.values.push_back(variableObject); if (strings::startsWith(, VOL_NAME_ENV_VAR_NAME)) { if (containsProhibitedChars(variable.value())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Environment variable " << << " rejected because it's value contains " << "prohibited characters"; return Failure("prepare() failed due to illegal environment variable"); } const size_t prefixLength = strlen(VOL_NAME_ENV_VAR_NAME); if ( == prefixLength) { volumeNames[0] = variable.value(); } else if ( == (prefixLength+1)) { char digit =[prefixLength]; if (isdigit(digit)) { size_t index = std::atoi(; if (index !=0) { volumeNames[index] = variable.value(); } } } LOG(INFO) << "External volume name (" << variable.value() << ") parsed from environment"; } else if (strings::startsWith(, VOL_DRIVER_ENV_VAR_NAME)) { if (containsProhibitedChars(variable.value())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Environment variable " << << " rejected because it's value contains prohibited characters"; return Failure("prepare() failed due to illegal environment variable"); } const size_t prefixLength = strlen(VOL_DRIVER_ENV_VAR_NAME); if ( == prefixLength) { deviceDriverNames[0] = variable.value(); } else if ( == (prefixLength+1)) { char digit =[prefixLength]; if (isdigit(digit)) { size_t index = std::atoi(; if (index !=0) { deviceDriverNames[index] = variable.value(); } } } } else if (strings::startsWith(, VOL_OPTS_ENV_VAR_NAME)) { if (containsProhibitedChars(variable.value())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Environment variable " << << " rejected because it's value contains prohibited characters"; return Failure("prepare() failed due to illegal environment variable"); } const size_t prefixLength = strlen(VOL_OPTS_ENV_VAR_NAME); if ( == prefixLength) { mountOptions[0] = variable.value(); } else if ( == (prefixLength+1)) { char digit =[prefixLength]; if (isdigit(digit)) { size_t index = std::atoi(; if (index !=0) { mountOptions[index] = variable.value(); } } } } else if ( == JSON_VOLS_ENV_VAR_NAME) { //JSON::Value jsonVolArray = JSON::parse(variable.value()); } } // TODO: json environment is not used yet environment.values["variables"] = jsonVariables; // requestedExternalMounts is all mounts requested by container. std::vector<process::Owned<ExternalMount>> requestedExternalMounts; // unconnectedExternalMounts is the subset of those not already // in use by another container. std::vector<process::Owned<ExternalMount>> unconnectedExternalMounts; // prevConnectedExternalMounts is the subset of those that are // in use by another container. std::vector<process::Owned<ExternalMount>> prevConnectedExternalMounts; // Not using iterator because we access all 3 arrays using common index. for (size_t i = 0; i < volumeNames.size(); i++) { if (volumeNames[i].empty()) { continue; } LOG(INFO) << "Validating mount name " << volumeNames[i]; if (deviceDriverNames[i].empty()) { deviceDriverNames[i] = VOL_DRIVER_DEFAULT; } process::Owned<ExternalMount> mount( new ExternalMount(deviceDriverNames[i], volumeNames[i], mountOptions[i])); // Check for duplicates in environment. bool duplicateInEnv = false; for (const auto &ent : requestedExternalMounts) { if (ent.get()->getExternalMountId() == mount.get()->getExternalMountId()) { duplicateInEnv = true; break; } } if (duplicateInEnv) { LOG(INFO) << "Duplicate mount request(" << *mount << ") in environment will be ignored"; continue; } requestedExternalMounts.push_back(mount); // Now check if another container is already using this same mount. bool mountInUse = false; for (const auto &ent : infos) { if (ent.second.get()->getExternalMountId() == mount.get()->getExternalMountId()) { mountInUse = true; prevConnectedExternalMounts.push_back(ent.second); LOG(INFO) << "Requested mount(" << *mount << ") is already mounted by another container"; break; } } if (!mountInUse) { unconnectedExternalMounts.push_back(mount); } } // As we connect mounts we will build a list of successful mounts. // We need this because, if there is a failure, we need to unmount these. // The goal is we mount either ALL or NONE. std::vector<process::Owned<ExternalMount>> successfulExternalMounts; for (const auto &iter : unconnectedExternalMounts) { std::string mountpoint = mount(*iter, "prepare()"); if (!mountpoint.empty()) { // Need to construct a newExternalMount because we just // learned the mountpoint. process::Owned<ExternalMount> newmount( new ExternalMount(iter->deviceDriverName, iter->volumeName, iter->mountOptions, mountpoint)); successfulExternalMounts.push_back(newmount); } else { // Once any mount attempt fails, give up on whole list // and attempt to undo the mounts we already made. LOG(ERROR) << "Mount failed during prepare()"; for (const auto &unmountme : successfulExternalMounts) { if (unmount(*unmountme, "prepare()-reverting mounts after failure")) { LOG(ERROR) << "During prepare() of a container requesting multiple " << "mounts, a mount failure occurred after making " << "at least one mount and a second failure occurred " << "while attempting to remove the earlier mount(s)"; break; } } return Failure("prepare() failed during mount attempt"); } } // Note: infos has a record for each mount associated with this container // even if the mount is also used by another container. for (const auto &iter : prevConnectedExternalMounts) { infos.put(containerId, iter); } for (const auto &iter : successfulExternalMounts) { infos.put(containerId, iter); } //checkpoint the dvdi mounts for persistence std::string myinfosout; dumpInfos(myinfosout); mesos::internal::slave::state::checkpoint(mountJsonFilename, myinfosout); return None(); }
Future<bool> TestContainerizer::_launch( const ContainerID& containerId, const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo, const string& directory, const Option<string>& user, const SlaveID& slaveId, const PID<slave::Slave>& slavePid, bool checkpoint) { CHECK(!drivers.contains(containerId)) << "Failed to launch executor " << executorInfo.executor_id() << " of framework " << executorInfo.framework_id() << " because it is already launched"; CHECK(executors.contains(executorInfo.executor_id())) << "Failed to launch executor " << executorInfo.executor_id() << " of framework " << executorInfo.framework_id() << " because it is unknown to the containerizer"; // Store mapping from (frameworkId, executorId) -> containerId to facilitate // easy destroy from tests. std::pair<FrameworkID, ExecutorID> key(executorInfo.framework_id(), executorInfo.executor_id()); containers_[key] = containerId; Executor* executor = executors[executorInfo.executor_id()]; // We need to synchronize all reads and writes to the environment as this is // global state. // TODO(jmlvanre): Even this is not sufficient, as other aspects of the code // may read an environment variable while we are manipulating it. The better // solution is to pass the environment variables into the fork, or to set them // on the command line. See MESOS-3475. static std::mutex mutex; synchronized(mutex) { // Since the constructor for `MesosExecutorDriver` reads environment // variables to load flags, even it needs to be within this synchronization // section. Owned<MesosExecutorDriver> driver(new MesosExecutorDriver(executor)); drivers[containerId] = driver; // Prepare additional environment variables for the executor. // TODO(benh): Need to get flags passed into the TestContainerizer // in order to properly use here. slave::Flags flags; flags.recovery_timeout = Duration::zero(); // We need to save the original set of environment variables so we // can reset the environment after calling 'driver->start()' below. hashmap<string, string> original = os::environment(); const map<string, string> environment = executorEnvironment( executorInfo, directory, slaveId, slavePid, checkpoint, flags); foreachpair (const string& name, const string variable, environment) { os::setenv(name, variable); } // TODO(benh): Can this be removed and done exlusively in the // 'executorEnvironment()' function? There are other places in the // code where we do this as well and it's likely we can do this once // in 'executorEnvironment()'. foreach (const Environment::Variable& variable, executorInfo.command().environment().variables()) { os::setenv(, variable.value()); } os::setenv("MESOS_LOCAL", "1"); driver->start(); os::unsetenv("MESOS_LOCAL"); // Unset the environment variables we set by resetting them to their // original values and also removing any that were not part of the // original environment. foreachpair (const string& name, const string& value, original) { os::setenv(name, value); }