Example #1
void Compute_Maps(INT*& node_map, INT*& elmt_map,
                  ExoII_Read<INT>& file1, ExoII_Read<INT>& file2)
  size_t num_nodes = file1.Num_Nodes();
  size_t num_elmts = file1.Num_Elmts();
  int dim = file1.Dimension();
  //  ********************  elements  ********************  //

  // Load global ids (0-offset) into id array.
  auto  id = new INT[num_elmts];
  {for (size_t e = 0; e < num_elmts; ++e) id[e] = e;}
  // Get map storage.
  node_map = new INT[num_nodes];  SMART_ASSERT(node_map != nullptr);
  {for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) node_map[i] = -1; }
  elmt_map = new INT[num_elmts];  SMART_ASSERT(elmt_map != nullptr);
  // Create storage for midpoints.
  double *x2 = nullptr, *y2 = nullptr, *z2 = nullptr;
  x2 = new double[num_elmts];  SMART_ASSERT(x2 != nullptr);
  if (dim > 1) { y2 = new double[num_elmts];  SMART_ASSERT(y2 != nullptr); }
  if (dim > 2) { z2 = new double[num_elmts];  SMART_ASSERT(z2 != nullptr); }
  // Load coordinates for file 2 and get pointers to them.
  const double* x2_f = (double*)file2.X_Coords();
  const double* y2_f = (double*)file2.Y_Coords();
  const double* z2_f = (double*)file2.Z_Coords();
  // Load connectivities for all blocks in second file.
    // Compute midpoints of each element and place into x,y,z arrays.
    size_t num_blocks = file2.Num_Elmt_Blocks(),
      e = 0;
    double sum_x, sum_y, sum_z;
    for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks; ++b)
	const Exo_Block<INT>* block = file2.Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(b);
	num_elmts_in_block = block->Size();
	num_nodes_per_elmt = block->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i)
	    const INT* conn = block->Connectivity(i);  // Connectivity for element i.
	    sum_x = 0.0; sum_y = 0.0; sum_z = 0.0;
	    for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
	      sum_x += x2_f[ conn[j] - 1 ];
	      if (dim > 1) sum_y += y2_f[ conn[j] - 1 ];
	      if (dim > 2) sum_z += z2_f[ conn[j] - 1 ];
	    x2[e] = sum_x / (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
	    if (dim > 1) y2[e] = sum_y / (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
	    if (dim > 2) z2[e] = sum_z / (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
  // Sort by x value.
  index_qsort(x2, id, num_elmts);
#if 0
  std::cout << "******************  elmts  ******************** " << std::endl;
  {for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts; ++i)
      std::cout << i << ")\t"
		<< x2[id[i]] << "\t"
		<< y2[id[i]] << "\t"
		<< z2[id[i]] << "\t" << id[i] << std::endl;}
  std::cout << "******************  elmts  ******************** " << std::endl;
  //  Load and get nodal coordinates for first file.
  const double* x1_f = (double*)file1.X_Coords();
  const double* y1_f = (double*)file1.Y_Coords();
  const double* z1_f = (double*)file1.Z_Coords();
  // Cannot ignore the comparisons, so make sure the coord_tol_type
  // is not -1 which is "ignore"
  TOLERANCE_TYPE_enum save_tolerance_type = interface.coord_tol.type;
  if (save_tolerance_type == IGNORE)
    interface.coord_tol.type = ABSOLUTE;

  // Match elmts in first file to their corresponding elmts in second.
  size_t num_blocks = file1.Num_Elmt_Blocks();
  size_t num_elmts_in_block;
  size_t num_nodes_per_elmt;
  size_t e1 = 0;
  size_t e2 = 0;
  INT sort_idx;
  double mid_x, mid_y, mid_z;

  for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks; ++b)
      const Exo_Block<INT>* block1 = file1.Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(b);
      num_elmts_in_block = block1->Size();
      num_nodes_per_elmt = block1->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt();
      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i)
	  // Connectivity for element i.
	  const INT* conn1 = block1->Connectivity(i);
	  // Compute midpoint.
	  mid_x = 0.0; mid_y = 0.0; mid_z = 0.0;

	  for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
	    SMART_ASSERT(conn1[j] >= 1 && conn1[j] <= (INT)num_nodes);
	    mid_x += x1_f[conn1[j]-1];
	    if (dim > 1) mid_y += y1_f[conn1[j]-1];
	    if (dim > 2) mid_z += z1_f[conn1[j]-1];
	  mid_x /= (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
	  if (dim > 1) mid_y /= (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
	  if (dim > 2) mid_z /= (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
	  // Locate midpoint in sorted array.
	  sort_idx = Find(mid_x, mid_y, mid_z, x2, y2, z2, id, num_elmts, dim,
			  file1.Block_Id(b), interface.ignore_dups);

	  if (sort_idx < 0) {
	    std::cout << "\nexodiff: ERROR: Files are different (couldn't match element "
		      << (i+1) << " from block " << file1.Block_Id(b)
		      << " from first file to second)" << std::endl;
	  e2 = id[sort_idx];
	  // Assign element map for this element.
	  elmt_map[e1] = e2;
	    // Determine the block and elmt index of matched element.
	    int b2;
	    size_t l2;
	    file2.Global_to_Block_Local(e2+1, b2, l2);
	    const Exo_Block<INT>* block2 = file2.Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(b2);
	    SMART_ASSERT(block2 != nullptr);
	    // Check that the element types are the same.
	    if (num_nodes_per_elmt != block2->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt())
		std::cout << "\nexodiff: ERROR: Files are different.\n"
			  << " In File 1: Element " << (i+1)  << " in Block " << file1.Block_Id(b)
			  << " has " << num_nodes_per_elmt << " and\n"
			  << " In File 2: Element " << (l2+1) << " in Block " << file2.Block_Id(b2)
			  << " has " << block2->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt()
			  << std::endl;
	    // Get connectivity for file2 element.
	    const INT* conn2 = block2->Connectivity(l2);
	    // Match each node in the first elmt with a node in the second
	    // and assign node_map.
	    for (size_t ln1 = 0; ln1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln1)
		// Grab coordinate of node in first file.
		double x1_val = x1_f[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ];
		double y1_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		double z1_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		size_t found = 0;
		for (size_t ln2 = 0; ln2 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln2)
		    // Grab coordinate of node in second file.
		    double x2_val = x2_f[ conn2[ln2] - 1 ];
		    double y2_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[ conn2[ln2] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		    double z2_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[ conn2[ln2] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		    if (!interface.coord_tol.Diff(x1_val, x2_val) &&
			!interface.coord_tol.Diff(y1_val, y2_val) &&
			!interface.coord_tol.Diff(z1_val, z2_val) )
			// assert that if this node has been given a map
			// previously, that it agrees with the latest
			// assignment.
			if (node_map[conn1[ln1]-1] >= 0 && node_map[conn1[ln1]-1] != conn2[ln2]-1) {

			  if (!interface.ignore_dups) {
			    // Node in file 1.
			    INT node1 = conn1[ln1];
			    double x1a = x1_f[node1-1];
			    double y1a = dim >= 2 ? y1_f[node1-1] : 0.0;
			    double z1a = dim >= 3 ? z1_f[node1-1] : 0.0;
			    // Node in file 2 that was already mapped to node 1 in file 1
			    INT n1 = node_map[conn1[ln1]-1]+1;
			    double x2a = x2_f[n1-1];
			    double y2a = dim >= 2 ? y2_f[n1-1] : 0.0;
			    double z2a = dim >= 3 ? z2_f[n1-1] : 0.0;

			    // Node in file 2 that is now being mapped to node 1 in file 1
			    INT n2 = conn2[ln2];
			    double x2b = x2_f[n2-1];
			    double y2b = dim >= 2 ? y2_f[n2-1] : 0.0;
			    double z2b = dim >= 3 ? z2_f[n2-1] : 0.0;

			    SMART_ASSERT(!interface.coord_tol.Diff(x2a, x2b) &&
					 !interface.coord_tol.Diff(y2a, y2b) &&
					 !interface.coord_tol.Diff(z2a, z2b));
			    std::cout << "\nexodiff: ERROR - No unique node mapping possible.\n"
				      << "\tFile 1, Node " << node1
				      << " at (" << x1a << ", " << y1a << ", " << z1a << ") maps to both:\n"
				      << "\tFile 2, Node " << n1
				      << " at (" << x2a << ", " << y2a << ", " << z2a << ") and\n"
				      << "\tFile 2, Node " << n2
				      << " at (" << x2b << ", " << y2b << ", " << z2b << ")\n\n";
			  found = 1;
			node_map[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ] = conn2[ln2] - 1;
			found = 1;
		if (!found) {
		  std::cout << "\nexodiff: ERROR: Cannot find a match for node at position "
			    << ln1+1 << " in first element.\n"
			    << "\tFile 1: Element " << (i+1)  << " in Block " << file1.Block_Id(b) << " nodes:\n";
		  for (size_t l1 = 0; l1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l1) {
		    double x_val = x1_f[ conn1[l1] - 1 ];
		    double y_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[ conn1[l1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		    double z_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[ conn1[l1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		    std::cout << "\t(" << l1+1 << ")\t" << conn1[l1] << "\t"
			      << std::setprecision(9) << x_val << "\t" << y_val << "\t" << z_val << "\n";
		  std::cout << "\tFile 2: Element " << (l2+1) << " in Block " << file1.Block_Id(b) << " nodes:\n";
		  for (size_t l3 = 0; l3 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l3) {
		    double x_val = x2_f[ conn2[l3] - 1 ];
		    double y_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[ conn2[l3] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		    double z_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[ conn2[l3] - 1 ] : 0.0;
		    std::cout << "\t(" << l3+1 << ")\t" << conn2[l3] << "\t"
			      << std::setprecision(9) << x_val << "\t" << y_val << "\t" << z_val << "\n";
		  std::cout << "Coordinates compared using tolerance: " << interface.coord_tol.value
			    << " (" << interface.coord_tol.typestr() << "), floor: "
			    <<  interface.coord_tol.floor << "\n";
	      }  // End of local node loop on file1's element.
	  }  // End of local node search block.
	}  // End of loop on elements in file1 element block.
    }  // End of loop on file1 blocks.
  // Check that all nodes in the file have been matched...  If any
  // unmatched nodes are found, then perform a node-based matching
  // algorithm...
  for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
    if (node_map[i] < 0) {
      Compute_Node_Map(node_map, file1, file2);

  if (x2 != nullptr) delete [] x2;
  if (y2 != nullptr) delete [] y2;
  if (z2 != nullptr) delete [] z2;
  if (id != nullptr) delete [] id;

  interface.coord_tol.type = save_tolerance_type;
Example #2
double Find_Min_Coord_Sep(ExoII_Read<INT>& file)
  size_t num_nodes = file.Num_Nodes();
  if (num_nodes < 2) return 0.0;
  const double* x = (double*)file.X_Coords();
  const double* y = (double*)file.Y_Coords();
  const double* z = (double*)file.Z_Coords();
  auto indx = new INT[num_nodes];
  for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
    indx[i] = i;

  // Find coordinate with largest range...
  const double *r = x;
  double range = find_range(x, num_nodes);
  if (file.Dimension() > 1) {
    double yrange = find_range(y, num_nodes);
    if (yrange > range) {
      range = yrange;
      r = y;

  if (file.Dimension() > 2) {
    double zrange = find_range(z, num_nodes);
    if (zrange > range) {
      range = zrange;
      r = z;

  // Sort based on coordinate with largest range...
  index_qsort(r, indx, num_nodes);
  double min = DBL_MAX;;
  switch (file.Dimension()) {
  case 1: {
    for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
      for (size_t j=i+1; j < num_nodes; j++) {
	double tmp = dist_sqrd(x[indx[i]], x[indx[j]]);
	if (tmp >= min) {
	} else {
	  min = tmp;
  case 2: {
    for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
      for (size_t j=i+1; j < num_nodes; j++) {
	double delr = dist_sqrd(r[indx[i]], r[indx[j]]);
	if (delr > min) {
	} else {	  
	  double tmp = dist_sqrd(x[indx[i]], y[indx[i]], x[indx[j]], y[indx[j]]);
	  min = min < tmp ? min : tmp;
  case 3: {
    for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
      for (size_t j=i+1; j < num_nodes; j++) {
	double delr = dist_sqrd(r[indx[i]], r[indx[j]]);
	if (delr > min) {
	} else {	  
	  double tmp = dist_sqrd(x[indx[i]], y[indx[i]], z[indx[i]], x[indx[j]], y[indx[j]], z[indx[j]]);
	  min = min < tmp ? min : tmp;
  delete [] indx;
  return sqrt(min);
Example #3
void Compute_Partial_Maps(INT*& node_map, INT*& elmt_map,
			  ExoII_Read<INT>& file1, ExoII_Read<INT>& file2)
  size_t num_nodes1 = file1.Num_Nodes();
  size_t num_elmts1 = file1.Num_Elmts();

  //size_t num_nodes2 = file2.Num_Nodes();
  size_t num_elmts2 = file2.Num_Elmts();
  int dim = file1.Dimension();
  SMART_ASSERT(dim == file2.Dimension());
//  ********************  elements  ********************  //

  // Load global ids (0-offset) into id array.
  auto  id2 = new INT[num_elmts2];
  {for (size_t e = 0; e < num_elmts2; ++e) id2[e] = e;}
  // Get map storage.
  node_map = new INT[num_nodes1];  SMART_ASSERT(node_map != nullptr);
  {for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes1; ++i) node_map[i] = -1; }
  elmt_map = new INT[num_elmts1];  SMART_ASSERT(elmt_map != nullptr);
  {for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts1; ++i) elmt_map[i] = -1; }

  // Create storage for midpoints.
  double *x2 = nullptr, *y2 = nullptr, *z2 = nullptr;
  x2 = new double[num_elmts2];  SMART_ASSERT(x2 != nullptr);
  if (dim > 1) { y2 = new double[num_elmts2];  SMART_ASSERT(y2 != nullptr); }
  if (dim > 2) { z2 = new double[num_elmts2];  SMART_ASSERT(z2 != nullptr); }
  // Load coordinates for file 2 and get pointers to them.
  const double* x2_f = (double*)file2.X_Coords();
  const double* y2_f = (double*)file2.Y_Coords();
  const double* z2_f = (double*)file2.Z_Coords();
  // Load connectivities for all blocks in second file.
  // Compute midpoints of each element and place into x,y,z arrays.
  size_t num_blocks2 = file2.Num_Elmt_Blocks(),
      e = 0;
  double sum_x, sum_y, sum_z;
  for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks2; ++b)
    const Exo_Block<INT>* block = file2.Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(b);
    num_elmts_in_block = block->Size();
    num_nodes_per_elmt = block->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i)
      const INT* conn = block->Connectivity(i);  // Connectivity for element i.
      sum_x = 0.0; sum_y = 0.0; sum_z = 0.0;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
        sum_x += x2_f[ conn[j] - 1 ];
        if (dim > 1) sum_y += y2_f[ conn[j] - 1 ];
        if (dim > 2) sum_z += z2_f[ conn[j] - 1 ];
      x2[e] = sum_x / (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
      if (dim > 1) y2[e] = sum_y / (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
      if (dim > 2) z2[e] = sum_z / (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
  // Sort by x value.
  index_qsort(x2, id2, num_elmts2);
#if 0
  std::cout << "******************  elmts  ******************** " << std::endl;
  {for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts; ++i)
    std::cout << i << ")\t"
	      << x2[id[i]] << "\t"
	      << y2[id[i]] << "\t"
	      << z2[id[i]] << "\t" << id[i] << std::endl;}
  std::cout << "******************  elmts  ******************** " << std::endl;
  //  Load and get nodal coordinates for first file.
  const double* x1_f = (double*)file1.X_Coords();
  const double* y1_f = (double*)file1.Y_Coords();
  const double* z1_f = (double*)file1.Z_Coords();
  // Cannot ignore the comparisons, so make sure the coord_tol_type
  // is not -1 which is "ignore"
  TOLERANCE_TYPE_enum save_tolerance_type = interface.coord_tol.type;
  if (save_tolerance_type == IGNORE)
    interface.coord_tol.type = ABSOLUTE;

  // Match elmts in first file to their corresponding elmts in second.
  size_t num_blocks1 = file1.Num_Elmt_Blocks();
  size_t num_elmts_in_block;
  size_t num_nodes_per_elmt;
  size_t e1 = 0;
  size_t e2 = 0;
  INT    sort_idx;
  double mid_x, mid_y, mid_z;

  bool first = true;
  size_t  unmatched = 0;
  for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks1; ++b)
    const Exo_Block<INT>* block1 = file1.Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(b);
    num_elmts_in_block = block1->Size();
    num_nodes_per_elmt = block1->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i)
      // Connectivity for element i.
      const INT* conn1 = block1->Connectivity(i);
      // Compute midpoint.
      mid_x = 0.0; mid_y = 0.0; mid_z = 0.0;

      for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
        SMART_ASSERT(conn1[j] >= 1 && conn1[j] <= (INT)num_nodes1);
        mid_x += x1_f[conn1[j]-1];
        if (dim > 1) mid_y += y1_f[conn1[j]-1];
        if (dim > 2) mid_z += z1_f[conn1[j]-1];
      mid_x /= (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
      if (dim > 1) mid_y /= (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
      if (dim > 2) mid_z /= (double)num_nodes_per_elmt;
      // Locate midpoint in sorted array.
      sort_idx = Find(mid_x, mid_y, mid_z, x2, y2, z2, id2, num_elmts2, dim,
		      file1.Block_Id(b), interface.ignore_dups);
      if (sort_idx < 0) {
	if (first && interface.show_unmatched) {
	  std::cout << "exodiff: Doing Partial Comparison: No Match for (b.e):\n";
	first = false;
        if (interface.show_unmatched)
	  std::cout << file1.Block_Id(b) << "." << (i+1) << ", ";
	e2 = id2[sort_idx];
	elmt_map[e1] = e2;
	// Assign element map for this element.
        // Determine the block and elmt index of matched element.
	int b2;
        size_t l2;
	file2.Global_to_Block_Local(e2+1, b2, l2);
        const Exo_Block<INT>* block2 = file2.Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(b2);
        SMART_ASSERT(block2 != nullptr);
        // Check that the element types are the same.
        if (num_nodes_per_elmt != block2->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt())
          std::cout << "\nexodiff: ERROR: Files are different.\n"
		    << " In File 1: Element " << (i+1)  << " in Block " << file1.Block_Id(b)
		    << " has " << num_nodes_per_elmt << " and\n"
		    << " In File 2: Element " << (l2+1) << " in Block " << file2.Block_Id(b2)
		    << " has " << block2->Num_Nodes_per_Elmt()
		    << std::endl;
        // Get connectivity for file2 element.
        const INT* conn2 = block2->Connectivity(l2);
        // Match each node in the first elmt with a node in the second
        // and assign node_map.
        for (size_t ln1 = 0; ln1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln1)
          // Grab coordinate of node in first file.
          double x1_val = x1_f[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ];
          double y1_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
          double z1_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
          size_t found = 0;
          for (size_t ln2 = 0; ln2 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln2)
            // Grab coordinate of node in second file.
            double x2_val =           x2_f[ conn2[ln2] - 1 ];
            double y2_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[ conn2[ln2] - 1 ] : 0.0;
            double z2_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[ conn2[ln2] - 1 ] : 0.0;
            if (!interface.coord_tol.Diff(x1_val, x2_val) &&
		!interface.coord_tol.Diff(y1_val, y2_val) &&
		!interface.coord_tol.Diff(z1_val, z2_val) )
              node_map[ conn1[ln1] - 1 ] = conn2[ln2] - 1;
              found = 1;
          if (!found) {
            std::cout << "\nexodiff: ERROR: Cannot find a match for node at position "
		      << ln1+1 << " in first element.\n"
		      << "\tFile 1: Element " << (i+1)  << " in Block " << file1.Block_Id(b) << " nodes:\n";
	    for (size_t l1 = 0; l1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l1) {
	      double x_val = x1_f[ conn1[l1] - 1 ];
	      double y_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[ conn1[l1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
	      double z_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[ conn1[l1] - 1 ] : 0.0;
	      std::cout << "\t(" << l1+1 << ")\t" << conn1[l1] << "\t"
			<< std::setprecision(9) << x_val << "\t" << y_val << "\t" << z_val << "\n";
	    std::cout << "\tFile 2: Element " << (l2+1) << " in Block " << file1.Block_Id(b) << " nodes:\n";
	    for (size_t l3 = 0; l3 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l3) {
	      double x_val = x2_f[ conn2[l3] - 1 ];
	      double y_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[ conn2[l3] - 1 ] : 0.0;
	      double z_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[ conn2[l3] - 1 ] : 0.0;
	      std::cout << "\t(" << l3+1 << ")\t" << conn2[l3] << "\t"
			<< std::setprecision(9) << x_val << "\t" << y_val << "\t" << z_val << "\n";
	    std::cout << "Coordinates compared using tolerance: " << interface.coord_tol.value
		      << " (" << interface.coord_tol.typestr() << "), floor: "
		      <<  interface.coord_tol.floor << "\n";
        }  // End of local node loop on file1's element.
      }  // End of local node search block.
    }  // End of loop on elements in file1 element block.
  }  // End of loop on file1 blocks.
  if (!first) {
    std::cout << "\nPartial Map selected -- " << unmatched << " elements unmatched\n";
  } else {
    if (num_elmts1 == num_elmts2)
      std::cout << "exodiff: INFO .. Partial Map was specfied, but not needed.  All elements matched.\n";
  // Check that all nodes in the file have been matched...  If any
  // unmatched nodes are found, then perform a node-based matching
  // algorithm...
//   for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
//     if (node_map[i] < 0) {
//       Compute_Node_Map(node_map, file1, file2);
//       break;
//     }
//   }

  if (x2 != nullptr) delete [] x2;
  if (y2 != nullptr) delete [] y2;
  if (z2 != nullptr) delete [] z2;
  if (id2 != nullptr) delete [] id2;

  interface.coord_tol.type = save_tolerance_type;