returnValue MemoryAllocator::add(const ExportIndex& _obj)
	if (indices.add( _obj ) == false)
		LOG( LVL_WARNING ) << "Object '" << _obj.getFullName().getName() << "' already exists in an object pool" << endl;

returnValue MemoryAllocator::release(const ExportIndex& _obj)
	if (indices.release( _obj ) == false)
		LOG( LVL_ERROR ) << "Object '" << _obj.getFullName().getName() << "' is not found in an object pool" << endl;

Example #3
ExportIndex operator+(	const ExportIndex& _arg1,
						const ExportIndex& _arg2
	ExportIndex tmp;

	if (_arg1.isGiven() == BT_TRUE && _arg2.isGiven() == BT_TRUE)
		tmp.assignNode(new ExportIndexNode(_arg1.getGivenValue() + _arg2.getGivenValue()));

		return tmp;

	if (_arg1.isVariable() == BT_TRUE && _arg2.isGiven() == BT_TRUE)
		tmp.assignNode(new ExportIndexNode(_arg1.getName(), _arg1.getPrefix(), _arg1->getFactor(), _arg1->getOffset() + _arg2.getGivenValue()));

		return tmp;

	if (_arg1.isGiven() == BT_TRUE && _arg2.isVariable() == BT_TRUE)
		tmp.assignNode(new ExportIndexNode(_arg2.getName(), _arg2.getPrefix(),  _arg2->getFactor(), _arg2->getOffset() + _arg1.getGivenValue()));

		return tmp;

	if(_arg1.isVariable() == BT_TRUE && _arg2.isVariable() == BT_TRUE && _arg1.getFullName() == _arg2.getFullName())
		if ((_arg1->getFactor() + _arg2->getFactor()) == 0)
			tmp.assignNode(new ExportIndexNode(_arg1->getOffset() + _arg2->getOffset()));
			tmp.assignNode(new ExportIndexNode(_arg1.getName(), _arg1.getPrefix(), _arg1->getFactor() + _arg2->getFactor(), _arg1->getOffset() + _arg2->getOffset()));
		tmp.assignNode(new ExportIndexNode(ESO_ADD, _arg1, _arg2));

	return tmp;
returnValue ExportNLPSolver::setupSimulation( void )
	// \todo Implement free parameters and support for DAEs

	// By default, here will be defined model simulation suitable for sparse QP solver.
	// Condensing based QP solvers should redefine/extend model simulation

	// \todo Move to something like: setupInitialization
	ExportVariable retInit("ret", 1, 1, INT, ACADO_LOCAL);
	retInit.setDoc("=0: OK, otherwise an error code of a QP solver.");
	initialize.setup( "initializeSolver" );
	initialize.doc( "Solver initialization. Must be called once before any other function call." );
	initialize << retInit.getFullName() << String(" = 0;\n");

	initialize.addComment( "This is a function which must be called once before any other function call!" );
	initialize.addLinebreak( 2 );

	modelSimulation.setup( "modelSimulation" );
	ExportIndex run;
	modelSimulation.acquire( run );
	ExportForLoop loop(run, 0, getN());

	int useOMP;
	get(CG_USE_OPENMP, useOMP);

	x.setup("x", (getN() + 1), getNX(), REAL, ACADO_VARIABLES);
	x.setDoc( (String)"Matrix containing " << (getN() + 1) << " differential variable vectors." );
	z.setup("z", getN(), getNXA(), REAL, ACADO_VARIABLES);
	z.setDoc( (String)"Matrix containing " << N << " algebraic variable vectors." );
	u.setup("u", getN(), getNU(), REAL, ACADO_VARIABLES);
	u.setDoc( (String)"Matrix containing " << N << " control variable vectors." );
	p.setup("p", 1, getNP(), REAL, ACADO_VARIABLES);
	p.setDoc( (String)"Vector of parameters." );

	if (performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE)
		d.setup("d", getN() * getNX(), 1, REAL, ACADO_WORKSPACE);

	evGx.setup("evGx", N * NX, NX, REAL, ACADO_WORKSPACE);
	evGu.setup("evGu", N * NX, NU, REAL, ACADO_WORKSPACE);

	ExportStruct dataStructWspace;
	dataStructWspace = (useOMP && performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE) ? ACADO_LOCAL : ACADO_WORKSPACE;
	state.setup("state", 1, (getNX() + getNXA()) * (getNX() + getNU() + 1) + getNU() + getNP(), REAL, dataStructWspace);

	unsigned indexZ   = NX + NXA;
	unsigned indexGxx = indexZ + NX * NX;
	unsigned indexGzx = indexGxx + NXA * NX;
	unsigned indexGxu = indexGzx + NX * NU;
	unsigned indexGzu = indexGxu + NXA * NU;
	unsigned indexU   = indexGzu + NU;
	unsigned indexP   = indexU + NP;

	// Code for model simulation
	if (performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE)
		modelSimulation.addStatement( state.getCols(0, NX)				== x.getRow( 0 ) );
		modelSimulation.addStatement( state.getCols(NX, NX + NXA)		== z.getRow( 0 ) );
		modelSimulation.addStatement( state.getCols(indexGzu, indexU)	== u.getRow( 0 ) );
		modelSimulation.addStatement( state.getCols(indexU, indexP)		== p );
		modelSimulation.addLinebreak( );

	if ( useOMP )
		stringstream s;
		s << "#pragma omp parallel for private(" << run.getName().getName() << ", " << state.getFullName().getName()
				<< ") shared("
				<< evGx.getDataStructString().getName() << ", "
				<< x.getDataStructString().getName()
				<< ")" << endl;

		modelSimulation.addStatement( s.str().c_str() );

	if (performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE)
		loop.addStatement( state.getCols(0, NX)			== x.getRow( run ) );
		loop.addStatement( state.getCols(NX, NX + NXA)	== z.getRow( run ) );
	loop.addLinebreak( );

	// Fill in the input vector
	loop.addStatement( state.getCols(indexGzu, indexU)	== u.getRow( run ) );
	loop.addStatement( state.getCols(indexU, indexP)	== p );
	loop.addLinebreak( );

	// Integrate the model
	// TODO make that function calls can accept constant defined scalars
	if ( integrator->equidistantControlGrid() )
		if (performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE)
			loop.addStatement( (String)"integrate"
					<< "(" << state.getFullName() << ", 1);\n"  );
			loop.addStatement( (String)"integrate"
					<< "(" << state.getFullName() << ", "
					<< run.getFullName() << " == 0"
					<< ");\n"  );
		if (performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE)
			loop.addStatement( (String)"integrate"
					<< "(" << state.getFullName() << ", 1, " << run.getFullName() << ");\n" );
			loop.addStatement( (String)"integrate"
					<< "(" << state.getFullName() << ", "
					<< run.getFullName() << " == 0"
					<< ", " << run.getFullName() << ");\n" );
	loop.addLinebreak( );

	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		// Single shooting case: prepare for the next iteration
		loop.addStatement( x.getRow(run + 1) == state.getCols(0, NX) );
		loop.addLinebreak( );
		// Multiple shootin', compute residuum
		loop.addStatement( d.getTranspose().getCols(run * NX, (run  + 1) * NX) == state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) - x.getRow( run+1 ) );
		loop.addLinebreak( );

	loop.addStatement( z.getRow( run ) == state.getCols(NX, NX + NXA) );

	// Stack sensitivities
	// \todo Upgrade this code later to stack Z sens
			evGx.makeRowVector().getCols(run * NX * NX, (run + 1) * NX * NX) == state.getCols(indexZ, indexGxx)

			evGu.makeRowVector().getCols(run * NX * NU, (run + 1) * NX * NU) == state.getCols(indexGzx, indexGxu)

	modelSimulation.addStatement( loop );

	// XXX This should be revisited at some point
//	modelSimulation.release( run );
