Example #1
* Function: AssignStmt::getSymbolUses()
* Purpose : Get all symbols read/used by this expression
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on March 17, 2009
Revisions and bug fixes:
Expression::SymbolSet AssignStmt::getSymbolUses() const
	// Create a set to store the defined symbols
	Expression::SymbolSet symbols;
	// Get the symbols used by the right-expression
	Expression::SymbolSet rightSymbols = m_pRightExpr->getSymbolUses();
	// Add those symbols to the set
	symbols.insert(rightSymbols.begin(), rightSymbols.end());
	// For each left-expression
	for (ExprVector::const_iterator itr = m_leftExprs.begin(); itr != m_leftExprs.end(); ++itr)
		// Get a pointer to this expression
		Expression* pExpr = *itr;
		// Switch on the expression type
		switch (pExpr->getExprType())
			// Symbol expression
			case Expression::SYMBOL:
			// Parameterized expression
			case Expression::PARAM:
				// Get a typed pointer to the expression
				ParamExpr* pLeftExpr = (ParamExpr*)pExpr;
				// Get the symbols used by this expression
				Expression::SymbolSet exprSymbols = pLeftExpr->getSymbolUses();
				// Add those symbols to the main set
				symbols.insert(exprSymbols.begin(), exprSymbols.end());

			// Cell indexing expression
			case Expression::CELL_INDEX:
				// Get a typed pointer to the expression
				CellIndexExpr* pLeftExpr = (CellIndexExpr*)pExpr;
				// Get the symbols used by this expression
				Expression::SymbolSet exprSymbols = pLeftExpr->getSymbolUses();
				// Add those symbols to the main set
				symbols.insert(exprSymbols.begin(), exprSymbols.end());
			// Invalid expression type
			default: assert (false);
	// Return the set of symbols
	return symbols;
Example #2
* Function: CodeParser::parseCellIndexExpr()
* Purpose : Parse the XML code of a cell indexing expression
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on February 15, 2009
Revisions and bug fixes:
Expression* CodeParser::parseCellIndexExpr(const XML::Element* pElement)
	// Parse the symbol expression
	Expression* pSymExpr = parseExpression(pElement->getChildElement(0));

	// If the symbol expression is not a symbol, throw an exception
	if (pSymExpr->getExprType() != Expression::SYMBOL)
		throw XML::ParseError("Expected symbol expression", pElement->getTextPos());

	// Compute the number of arguments
	size_t numArgs = pElement->getNumChildren() - 1;

	// Declare a vector for the arguments
	ParamExpr::ExprVector arguments;

	// For each child element
	for (size_t i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i)
		// Parse this argument
		arguments.push_back(parseExpression(pElement->getChildElement(i + 1)));

	// Create and return the new cell indexing expression
	return new CellIndexExpr(
Example #3
* Function: AssignStmt::getSymbolDefs()
* Purpose : Get all symbols written/defined by this expression
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on March 17, 2009
Revisions and bug fixes:
Expression::SymbolSet AssignStmt::getSymbolDefs() const
	// Create a set to store the defined symbols
	Expression::SymbolSet symbols;
	// For each left-expression
	for (ExprVector::const_iterator itr = m_leftExprs.begin(); itr != m_leftExprs.end(); ++itr)
		// Get a pointer to this expression
		Expression* pExpr = *itr;
		// Switch on the expression type
		switch (pExpr->getExprType())
			// Symbol expression
			case Expression::SYMBOL:
			// Parameterized expression
			case Expression::PARAM:

			// Cell indexing expression
			case Expression::CELL_INDEX:
			// Invalid expression type
			default: assert (false);
	// Return the set of symbols
	return symbols;
Example #4
* Function: splitExpression()
* Purpose : Convert an expression to split form
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on January 7, 2009
Revisions and bug fixes:
bool splitExpression(Expression* pExpr, StmtSequence::StmtVector& stmtVector, Expression*& pTopExpr, ProgFunction* pFunction)
	// For each sub-expression:
	// - Split it recursively
	// - Assign top-level expression to a temp
	// - Replace sub-expr by temp var
	// Take a temp from list to assign sub-expr to temp
	// Once temps are used, they become free again
	// Make a copy of the expression to use as the top-level expression
	pTopExpr = pExpr->copy();
	// If the expression is a lambda expression, perform no splitting and return early
	if (pTopExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::LAMBDA)
		return false;
	if (pTopExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::DOT)
		return false;

	// Get the list of sub-expressions for this expression
	Expression::ExprVector subExprs = pTopExpr->getSubExprs();
	// If there are no sub-expressions, perform no splitting and return early
	if (subExprs.empty())
		return false;
	// For each sub-expression
	for (size_t i = 0; i < subExprs.size(); ++i)
		// Get a pointer to the sub-expression
		Expression* pSubExpr = subExprs[i];
		// If the sub-expression is null, skip it
		if (pSubExpr == NULL)
		// Declare a variable to store the top-level expression
		Expression* pTopSubExpr = NULL;
		// Split the sub-expression
		bool exprSplit = splitExpression(pSubExpr, stmtVector, pTopSubExpr, pFunction);
		// If the sub-expression was not split, skip it
		if (!exprSplit)
		// If the current expression is a parameterized or
		// cell indexing expression and the sub-expression
		// is a range expressions
		if ((pTopExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::PARAM ||
			pTopExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::CELL_INDEX) &&
			pTopSubExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::RANGE)
			// Replace the sub-expression by the top sub-expression directly
			pTopExpr->replaceSubExpr(i, pTopSubExpr);
		// If the current expression is a parameterized 
		// expression and the sub-expression is a cell-indexing
		// expression
		else if (pTopExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::PARAM &&
				pTopSubExpr->getExprType() == Expression::ExprType::CELL_INDEX) 
			// Replace the sub-expression by the top sub-expression directly
			pTopExpr->replaceSubExpr(i, pTopSubExpr);
			// Create a new symbol object for the temp variable
			SymbolExpr* pTempVar = pFunction->createTemp();
			// Assign the sub-expression to the temp variable
			stmtVector.push_back(new AssignStmt(pTempVar, pTopSubExpr));
			// Replace the sub-expression use by the temp variable
			pTopExpr->replaceSubExpr(i, pTempVar);
	// Expression split
	return true;