ExpressionPtr Expression::replaceValue(ExpressionPtr rep, bool noWarn) { if (hasContext(Expression::RefValue) && isRefable(true) && !rep->isRefable(true)) { /* An assignment isRefable, but the rhs may not be. Need this to prevent "bad pass by reference" errors. */ auto el = std::make_shared<ExpressionList>( getScope(), getRange(), noWarn ? ExpressionList::ListKindWrappedNoWarn : ExpressionList::ListKindWrapped); el->addElement(rep); rep->clearContext(AssignmentRHS); rep = el; } if (rep->is(KindOfSimpleVariable) && !is(KindOfSimpleVariable)) { static_pointer_cast<SimpleVariable>(rep)->setAlwaysStash(); } rep->copyContext(m_context & ~(DeadStore|AccessContext)); if (rep->getScope() != getScope()) { rep->resetScope(getScope()); } return rep; }
ExpressionPtr Expression::replaceValue(ExpressionPtr rep) { if (hasContext(Expression::RefValue) && isRefable(true) && !rep->isRefable(true)) { /* An assignment isRefable, but the rhs may not be. Need this to prevent "bad pass by reference" errors. */ ExpressionListPtr el(new ExpressionList(getScope(), getRange(), ExpressionList::ListKindWrapped)); el->addElement(rep); rep->clearContext(AssignmentRHS); rep = el; } if (rep->is(KindOfSimpleVariable) && !is(KindOfSimpleVariable)) { static_pointer_cast<SimpleVariable>(rep)->setAlwaysStash(); } rep->copyContext(m_context & ~(DeadStore|AccessContext)); if (TypePtr t1 = getType()) { if (TypePtr t2 = rep->getType()) { if (!Type::SameType(t1, t2)) { rep->setExpectedType(t1); } } } if (rep->getScope() != getScope()) { rep->resetScope(getScope()); } return rep; }