Example #1
File: init.c Project: llucenic/GDC
Expression *ExpInitializer::toExpression(Type *t)
    if (t)
        Type *tb = t->toBasetype();
        if (tb->ty == Tsarray && exp->implicitConvTo(tb->nextOf()))
            TypeSArray *tsa = (TypeSArray *)tb;
            size_t d = tsa->dim->toInteger();
            Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
                (*elements)[i] = exp;
            ArrayLiteralExp *ae = new ArrayLiteralExp(exp->loc, elements);
            ae->type = t;
            exp = ae;
    return exp;
Example #2
File: init.c Project: NativeAPI/dmd
Expression *ExpInitializer::toExpression(Type *t)
    if (t)
        //printf("ExpInitializer::toExpression(t = %s) exp = %s\n", t->toChars(), exp->toChars());
        Type *tb = t->toBasetype();
        Expression *e = (exp->op == TOKconstruct || exp->op == TOKblit) ? ((AssignExp *)exp)->e2 : exp;
        if (tb->ty == Tsarray && e->implicitConvTo(tb->nextOf()))
            TypeSArray *tsa = (TypeSArray *)tb;
            size_t d = (size_t)tsa->dim->toInteger();
            Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
                (*elements)[i] = e;
            ArrayLiteralExp *ae = new ArrayLiteralExp(e->loc, elements);
            ae->type = t;
            return ae;
    return exp;
Example #3
Expression *ArrayInitializer::toExpression()
{   Expressions *elements;

    //printf("ArrayInitializer::toExpression(), dim = %d\n", dim);
    //static int i; if (++i == 2) halt();

    size_t edim;
    Type *t = NULL;
    if (type)
        if (type == Type::terror)
            return new ErrorExp();

        t = type->toBasetype();
        switch (t->ty)
           case Tsarray:
               edim = ((TypeSArray *)t)->dim->toInteger();

           case Tpointer:
           case Tarray:
               edim = dim;

        edim = value.dim;
        for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < value.dim; i++, j++)
            if (index[i])
                j = index[i]->toInteger();
            if (j >= edim)
                edim = j + 1;

    elements = new Expressions();
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < value.dim; i++, j++)
        if (index[i])
            j = (index[i])->toInteger();
        assert(j < edim);
        Initializer *iz = value[i];
        if (!iz)
            goto Lno;
        Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
        if (!ex)
            goto Lno;
        (*elements)[j] = ex;

    /* Fill in any missing elements with the default initializer
    Expression *init = NULL;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < edim; i++)
        if (!(*elements)[i])
            if (!type)
                goto Lno;
            if (!init)
                init = ((TypeNext *)t)->next->defaultInit();
            (*elements)[i] = init;

    Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, elements);
    e->type = type;
    return e;

    return NULL;
Example #4
 * This works by transforming a struct initializer into
 * a struct literal. In the future, the two should be the
 * same thing.
Expression *StructInitializer::toExpression()
{   Expression *e;
    size_t offset;

    //printf("StructInitializer::toExpression() %s\n", toChars());
    if (!ad)                            // if fwd referenced
        return NULL;
    StructDeclaration *sd = ad->isStructDeclaration();
    if (!sd)
        return NULL;

    Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
    size_t nfields = ad->fields.dim;
#if DMDV2
    if (sd->isnested)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        (*elements)[i] = NULL;
    unsigned fieldi = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
        Identifier *id = field[i];
        if (id)
            Dsymbol * s = ad->search(loc, id, 0);
            if (!s)
                error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                goto Lno;
            s = s->toAlias();

            // Find out which field index it is
            for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
                if (fieldi >= nfields)
                    s->error("is not a per-instance initializable field");
                    goto Lno;
                if (s == ad->fields[fieldi])
        else if (fieldi >= nfields)
        {   error(loc, "too many initializers for '%s'", ad->toChars());
            goto Lno;
        Initializer *iz = value[i];
        if (!iz)
            goto Lno;
        Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
        if (!ex)
            goto Lno;
        if ((*elements)[fieldi])
        {   error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'",
            goto Lno;
        (*elements)[fieldi] = ex;
    // Now, fill in any missing elements with default initializers.
    // We also need to validate any anonymous unions
    offset = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; )
        VarDeclaration * vd = ad->fields[i]->isVarDeclaration();

        //printf("test2 [%d] : %s %d %d\n", i, vd->toChars(), (int)offset, (int)vd->offset);
        if (vd->offset < offset)
            // Only the first field of a union can have an initializer
            if ((*elements)[i])
                goto Lno;
            if (!(*elements)[i])
                // Default initialize
                (*elements)[i] = vd->type->defaultInit();
        offset = vd->offset + vd->type->size();
#if 0
        int unionSize = ad->numFieldsInUnion(i);
        if (unionSize == 1)
        {   // Not a union -- default initialize if missing
            if (!(*elements)[i])
                (*elements)[i] = vd->type->defaultInit();
        {   // anonymous union -- check for errors
            int found = -1; // index of the first field with an initializer
            for (size_t j = i; j < i + unionSize; ++j)
                if (!(*elements)[j])
                if (found >= 0)
                    VarDeclaration * v1 = ((Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[found])->isVarDeclaration();
                    VarDeclaration * v = ((Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[j])->isVarDeclaration();
                    error(loc, "%s cannot have initializers for fields %s and %s in same union",
                        v1->toChars(), v->toChars());
                    goto Lno;
                found = j;
            if (found == -1)
                error(loc, "no initializer for union that contains field %s",
                goto Lno;
        i += unionSize;
    e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements);
    e->type = sd->type;
    return e;

    delete elements;
    return NULL;
Example #5
File: init.c Project: NativeAPI/dmd
Initializer *ArrayInitializer::inferType(Scope *sc)
    //printf("ArrayInitializer::inferType() %s\n", toChars());
    Expressions *keys = NULL;
    Expressions *values;
    if (isAssociativeArray())
        keys = new Expressions();
        values = new Expressions();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
            Expression *e = index[i];
            if (!e)
                goto Lno;
            (*keys)[i] = e;

            Initializer *iz = value[i];
            if (!iz)
                goto Lno;
            iz = iz->inferType(sc);
            if (iz->isErrorInitializer())
                return iz;
            (*values)[i] = ((ExpInitializer *)iz)->exp;
            assert((*values)[i]->op != TOKerror);

        Expression *e = new AssocArrayLiteralExp(loc, keys, values);
        ExpInitializer *ei = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
        return ei->inferType(sc);
        Expressions *elements = new Expressions();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
            assert(!index[i]);  // already asserted by isAssociativeArray()

            Initializer *iz = value[i];
            if (!iz)
                goto Lno;
            iz = iz->inferType(sc);
            if (iz->isErrorInitializer())
                return iz;
            (*elements)[i] = ((ExpInitializer *)iz)->exp;
            assert((*elements)[i]->op != TOKerror);

        Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, elements);
        ExpInitializer *ei = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
        return ei->inferType(sc);
    if (keys)
        delete keys;
        delete values;
        error(loc, "not an associative array initializer");
        error(loc, "cannot infer type from array initializer");
    return new ErrorInitializer();
Example #6
File: init.c Project: NativeAPI/dmd
Initializer *StructInitializer::semantic(Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret)
    //printf("StructInitializer::semantic(t = %s) %s\n", t->toChars(), toChars());
    t = t->toBasetype();
    if (t->ty == Tsarray && t->nextOf()->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct)
        t = t->nextOf()->toBasetype();
    if (t->ty == Tstruct)
        StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym;
        if (sd->ctor)
            error(loc, "%s %s has constructors, cannot use { initializers }, use %s( initializers ) instead",
                sd->kind(), sd->toChars(), sd->toChars());
            return new ErrorInitializer();
        if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
            return new ErrorInitializer();
        size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim - sd->isNested();

        //expandTuples for non-identity arguments?

        Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
            (*elements)[i] = NULL;

        // Run semantic for explicitly given initializers
        // TODO: this part is slightly different from StructLiteralExp::semantic.
        bool errors = false;
        for (size_t fieldi = 0, i = 0; i < field.dim; i++)
            if (Identifier *id = field[i])
                Dsymbol *s = sd->search(loc, id);
                if (!s)
                    s = sd->search_correct(id);
                    if (s)
                        error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?",
                              id->toChars(), sd->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars());
                        error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                    return new ErrorInitializer();
                s = s->toAlias();

                // Find out which field index it is
                for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
                    if (fieldi >= nfields)
                        error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field",
                            sd->toChars(), s->toChars());
                        return new ErrorInitializer();
                    if (s == sd->fields[fieldi])
            else if (fieldi >= nfields)
                error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", sd->toChars());
                return new ErrorInitializer();

            VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[fieldi];
            if ((*elements)[fieldi])
                error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", vd->toChars());
                errors = true;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
                VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j];
                bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() &&
                                v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size());
                if (overlap && (*elements)[j])
                    error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s",
                        v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
                    errors = true;

            Initializer *iz = value[i];
            iz = iz->semantic(sc, vd->type->addMod(t->mod), needInterpret);
            Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
            if (ex->op == TOKerror)
                errors = true;
            value[i] = iz;
            (*elements)[fieldi] = ex;
        if (errors)
            return new ErrorInitializer();

        StructLiteralExp *sle = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements, t);
        if (!sd->fill(loc, elements, false))
            return new ErrorInitializer();
        sle->type = t;

        ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, sle);
        return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret);
    else if ((t->ty == Tdelegate || t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction) && value.dim == 0)
        TOK tok = (t->ty == Tdelegate) ? TOKdelegate : TOKfunction;
        /* Rewrite as empty delegate literal { }
        Parameters *arguments = new Parameters;
        Type *tf = new TypeFunction(arguments, NULL, 0, LINKd);
        FuncLiteralDeclaration *fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, Loc(), tf, tok, NULL);
        fd->fbody = new CompoundStatement(loc, new Statements());
        fd->endloc = loc;
        Expression *e = new FuncExp(loc, fd);
        ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
        return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret);

    error(loc, "a struct is not a valid initializer for a %s", t->toChars());
    return new ErrorInitializer();
Example #7
File: init.c Project: dreamsxin/GDC
Expression *ArrayInitializer::toExpression(Type *tx)
    //printf("ArrayInitializer::toExpression(), dim = %d\n", dim);
    //static int i; if (++i == 2) halt();

    Expressions *elements;
    size_t edim;
    Type *t = NULL;
    if (type)
        if (type == Type::terror)
            return new ErrorExp();

        t = type->toBasetype();
        switch (t->ty)
           case Tsarray:
               edim = (size_t)((TypeSArray *)t)->dim->toInteger();

           case Tvector:
               t = ((TypeVector *)t)->basetype;
               edim = (size_t)((TypeSArray *)t)->dim->toInteger();

           case Tpointer:
           case Tarray:
               edim = dim;

        edim = value.dim;
        for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < value.dim; i++, j++)
            if (index[i])
                if (index[i]->op == TOKint64)
                    j = (size_t)index[i]->toInteger();
                    goto Lno;
            if (j >= edim)
                edim = j + 1;

    elements = new Expressions();
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < value.dim; i++, j++)
        if (index[i])
            j = (size_t)(index[i])->toInteger();
        assert(j < edim);
        Initializer *iz = value[i];
        if (!iz)
            goto Lno;
        Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
        if (!ex)
            goto Lno;
        (*elements)[j] = ex;

    /* Fill in any missing elements with the default initializer
    Expression *init = NULL;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < edim; i++)
        if (!(*elements)[i])
            if (!type)
                goto Lno;
            if (!init)
                init = ((TypeNext *)t)->next->defaultInit();
            (*elements)[i] = init;

    /* Expand any static array initializers that are a single expression
     * into an array of them
    if (t)
        Type *tn = t->nextOf()->toBasetype();
        if (tn->ty == Tsarray)
            size_t dim = ((TypeSArray *)tn)->dim->toInteger();
            Type *te = tn->nextOf()->toBasetype();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
                Expression *e = (*elements)[i];
                if (te->equals(e->type))
                    Expressions *elements2 = new Expressions();
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                        (*elements2)[j] = e;
                    e = new ArrayLiteralExp(e->loc, elements2);
                    e->type = tn;
                    (*elements)[i] = e;

    /* If any elements are errors, then the whole thing is an error
    for (size_t i = 0; i < edim; i++)
        Expression *e = (*elements)[i];
        if (e->op == TOKerror)
            return e;

    Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, elements);
    e->type = type;
    return e;

    return NULL;
Example #8
Expression *FuncDeclaration::interpret(InterState *istate, Expressions *arguments)
#if LOG
    printf("\n********\nFuncDeclaration::interpret(istate = %p) %s\n", istate, toChars());
    printf("cantInterpret = %d, semanticRun = %d\n", cantInterpret, semanticRun);
    if (global.errors)
	return NULL;
    if (ident == Id::aaLen)
	return interpret_aaLen(istate, arguments);
    else if (ident == Id::aaKeys)
	return interpret_aaKeys(istate, arguments);
    else if (ident == Id::aaValues)
	return interpret_aaValues(istate, arguments);

    if (cantInterpret || semanticRun == 1)
	return NULL;

    if (needThis() || isNested() || !fbody)
    {	cantInterpret = 1;
	return NULL;

    if (semanticRun == 0 && scope)
	if (global.errors)	// if errors compiling this function
	    return NULL;
    if (semanticRun < 2)
	return NULL;

    Type *tb = type->toBasetype();
    assert(tb->ty == Tfunction);
    TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)tb;
    Type *tret = tf->next->toBasetype();
    if (tf->varargs /*|| tret->ty == Tvoid*/)
    {	cantInterpret = 1;
	return NULL;

    if (tf->parameters)
    {	size_t dim = Argument::dim(tf->parameters);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	{   Argument *arg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);
	    if (arg->storageClass & STClazy)
	    {   cantInterpret = 1;
		return NULL;

    InterState istatex;
    istatex.caller = istate;
    istatex.fd = this;

    Expressions vsave;		// place to save previous parameter values
    size_t dim = 0;
    if (arguments)
	dim = arguments->dim;
	assert(!dim || parameters->dim == dim);

	/* Evaluate all the arguments to the function,
	 * store the results in eargs[]
	Expressions eargs;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	{   Expression *earg = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
	    Argument *arg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);

	    if (arg->storageClass & (STCout | STCref))
	    {	/* Value parameters
		Type *ta = arg->type->toBasetype();
		if (ta->ty == Tsarray && earg->op == TOKaddress)
		    /* Static arrays are passed by a simple pointer.
		     * Skip past this to get at the actual arg.
		    earg = ((AddrExp *)earg)->e1;
		earg = earg->interpret(istate ? istate : &istatex);
		if (earg == EXP_CANT_INTERPRET)
		    return NULL;
	    eargs.data[i] = earg;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	{   Expression *earg = (Expression *)eargs.data[i];
	    Argument *arg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);
	    VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)parameters->data[i];
	    vsave.data[i] = v->value;
#if LOG
	    printf("arg[%d] = %s\n", i, earg->toChars());
	    if (arg->storageClass & (STCout | STCref))
		/* Bind out or ref parameter to the corresponding
		 * variable v2
		if (!istate || earg->op != TOKvar)
		    return NULL;	// can't bind to non-interpreted vars

		VarDeclaration *v2;
		while (1)
		    VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)earg;
		    v2 = ve->var->isVarDeclaration();
		    if (!v2)
			return NULL;
		    if (!v2->value || v2->value->op != TOKvar)
		    earg = v2->value;

		v->value = new VarExp(earg->loc, v2);

		/* Don't restore the value of v2 upon function return
		for (size_t i = 0; i < istate->vars.dim; i++)
		{   VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)istate->vars.data[i];
		    if (v == v2)
		    {	istate->vars.data[i] = NULL;
	    {	/* Value parameters
		v->value = earg;
#if LOG
	    printf("interpreted arg[%d] = %s\n", i, earg->toChars());

    /* Save the values of the local variables used
    Expressions valueSaves;
    if (istate)
	//printf("saving local variables...\n");
	for (size_t i = 0; i < istate->vars.dim; i++)
	{   VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)istate->vars.data[i];
	    if (v)
		//printf("\tsaving [%d] %s = %s\n", i, v->toChars(), v->value ? v->value->toChars() : "");
		valueSaves.data[i] = v->value;
		v->value = NULL;

    Expression *e = NULL;

    while (1)
	e = fbody->interpret(&istatex);
#if LOG
	    printf("function body failed to interpret\n");
	    e = NULL;

	/* This is how we deal with a recursive statement AST
	 * that has arbitrary goto statements in it.
	 * Bubble up a 'result' which is the target of the goto
	 * statement, then go recursively down the AST looking
	 * for that statement, then execute starting there.
	    istatex.start = istatex.gotoTarget;	// set starting statement
	    istatex.gotoTarget = NULL;

    /* Restore the parameter values
    for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
	VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)parameters->data[i];
	v->value = (Expression *)vsave.data[i];

    if (istate)
	/* Restore the variable values
	//printf("restoring local variables...\n");
	for (size_t i = 0; i < istate->vars.dim; i++)
	{   VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)istate->vars.data[i];
	    if (v)
	    {	v->value = (Expression *)valueSaves.data[i];
		//printf("\trestoring [%d] %s = %s\n", i, v->toChars(), v->value ? v->value->toChars() : "");

    return e;
Example #9
File: init.c Project: nischu7/dmd
 * This works by transforming a struct initializer into
 * a struct literal. In the future, the two should be the
 * same thing.
Expression *StructInitializer::toExpression()
{   Expression *e;

    //printf("StructInitializer::toExpression() %s\n", toChars());
    if (!ad)                            // if fwd referenced
        return NULL;
    StructDeclaration *sd = ad->isStructDeclaration();
    if (!sd)
        return NULL;
    Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
    for (int i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        elements->data[i] = NULL;
    unsigned fieldi = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
        Identifier *id = (Identifier *)field.data[i];
        if (id)
            Dsymbol * s = ad->search(loc, id, 0);
            if (!s)
                error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                goto Lno;

            // Find out which field index it is
            for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
                if (fieldi >= ad->fields.dim)
                    s->error("is not a per-instance initializable field");
                    goto Lno;
                if (s == (Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[fieldi])
        else if (fieldi >= ad->fields.dim)
        {   error(loc, "too many initializers for '%s'", ad->toChars());
            goto Lno;
        Initializer *iz = (Initializer *)value.data[i];
        if (!iz)
            goto Lno;
        Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
        if (!ex)
            goto Lno;
        if (elements->data[fieldi])
        {   error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'",
                ((Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[fieldi])->toChars());
            goto Lno;
        elements->data[fieldi] = ex;
    // Now, fill in any missing elements with default initializers.
    // We also need to validate any anonymous unions
    for (int i = 0; i < elements->dim; )
        VarDeclaration * vd = ((Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[i])->isVarDeclaration();
        int unionSize = ad->numFieldsInUnion(i);
        if (unionSize == 1)
        {   // Not a union -- default initialize if missing
            if (!elements->data[i])
                elements->data[i] = vd->type->defaultInit();
        {   // anonymous union -- check for errors
            int found = -1; // index of the first field with an initializer
            for (int j = i; j < i + unionSize; ++j)
                if (!elements->data[j])
                if (found >= 0)
                    VarDeclaration * v1 = ((Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[found])->isVarDeclaration();
                    VarDeclaration * v = ((Dsymbol *)ad->fields.data[j])->isVarDeclaration();
                    error(loc, "%s cannot have initializers for fields %s and %s in same union",
                        v1->toChars(), v->toChars());
                    goto Lno;
                found = j;
            if (found == -1)
                error(loc, "no initializer for union that contains field %s",
                goto Lno;
        i += unionSize;
    e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements);
    e->type = sd->type;
    return e;

    delete elements;
    return NULL;
Example #10
Expression *StructInitializer::fill(Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret)
    //printf("StructInitializer::fill(sc = %p, '%s')\n", sc, toChars());
    assert(t->ty == Tstruct);
    StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym;
    if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
        return new ErrorExp();
    size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim - sd->isNested();

    Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        (*elements)[i] = NULL;

    // Run semantic for explicitly given initializers
    bool errors = false;
    for (size_t fieldi = 0, i = 0; i < field.dim; i++)
        if (Identifier *id = field[i])
            Dsymbol *s = sd->search(loc, id, 0);
            if (!s)
                s = sd->search_correct(id);
                if (s)
                    error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?",
                          id->toChars(), sd->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars());
                    error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                return new ErrorExp();
            s = s->toAlias();

            // Find out which field index it is
            for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
                if (fieldi >= nfields)
                    error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field",
                        sd->toChars(), s->toChars());
                    return new ErrorExp();
                if (s == sd->fields[fieldi])
        else if (fieldi >= nfields)
            error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", sd->toChars());
            return new ErrorExp();

        VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[fieldi];
        if ((*elements)[fieldi])
            error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", vd->toChars());
            errors = true;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
            VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j];
            bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() &&
                            v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size());
            if (overlap && (*elements)[j])
                error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s",
                    v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
                errors = true;

        Initializer *iz = value[i];
        iz = iz->semantic(sc, vd->type->addMod(t->mod), needInterpret);
        Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
        if (ex->op == TOKerror)
            errors = true;
        value[i] = iz;
        (*elements)[fieldi] = ex;
    if (errors)
        return new ErrorExp();

    // Fill in missing any elements with default initializers
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        if ((*elements)[i])
        VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[i];
        VarDeclaration *vx = vd;
        if (vd->init && vd->init->isVoidInitializer())
            vx = NULL;
        // Find overlapped fields with the hole [vd->offset .. vd->offset->size()].
        size_t fieldi = i;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
            if (i == j)
            VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j];
            if (v2->init && v2->init->isVoidInitializer())

            bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() &&
                            v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size());
            if (!overlap)

            if ((*elements)[j])
                vx = NULL;

    #if 1
            /* Prefer first found non-void-initialized field
             * union U { int a; int b = 2; }
             * U u;    // Error: overlapping initialization for field a and b
            if (!vx)
                vx = v2, fieldi = j;
            else if (v2->init)
                error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s",
                    v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
    #else   // fix Bugzilla 1432
            /* Prefer explicitly initialized field
             * union U { int a; int b = 2; }
             * U u;    // OK (u.b == 2)
            if (!vx || !vx->init && v2->init)
                vx = v2, fieldi = j;
            else if (vx->init && v2->init)
                error(loc, "overlapping default initialization for field %s and %s",
                    v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
                assert(vx->init || !vx->init && !v2->init);
        if (vx)
            if (vx->init)
                if (vx->scope)
                    // Do deferred semantic analysis
                    Initializer *i2 = vx->init->syntaxCopy();
                    i2 = i2->semantic(vx->scope, vx->type, INITinterpret);
                    (*elements)[fieldi] = i2->toExpression();
                    if (!global.gag)
                        vx->scope = NULL;
                        vx->init = i2;  // save result
                    (*elements)[fieldi] = vx->init->toExpression();
                (*elements)[fieldi] = vx->type->defaultInit();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        Expression *e = (*elements)[i];
        if (e && e->op == TOKerror)
            return e;

    Expression *e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements, t);
    if (sc)
        e = e->semantic(sc);
        e->type = sd->type; // from glue layer
    return e;
Example #11
Initializer *ArrayInitializer::inferType(Scope *sc, Type *tx)
    //printf("ArrayInitializer::inferType() %s\n", toChars());
    Expressions *keys = NULL;
    Expressions *values;
    if (tx ? (tx->ty == Taarray ||
              tx->ty != Tarray && tx->ty != Tsarray && isAssociativeArray())
           : isAssociativeArray())
        Type *tidx = NULL;
        Type *tval = NULL;
        if (tx && tx->ty == Taarray)
            tidx = ((TypeAArray *)tx)->index;
            tval = ((TypeAArray *)tx)->next;

        keys = new Expressions();
        values = new Expressions();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
            Expression *e = index[i];
            if (!e)
                goto Lno;
            if (tidx)
                e = ::inferType(e, tidx);
                e = e->semantic(sc);
                e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
                if (tidx->deco) // tidx may be partial type
                    e = e->implicitCastTo(sc, tidx);
            (*keys)[i] = e;

            Initializer *iz = value[i];
            if (!iz)
                goto Lno;
            iz = iz->inferType(sc, tval);
            if (iz->isErrorInitializer())
                return iz;
            (*values)[i] = ((ExpInitializer *)iz)->exp;
            assert((*values)[i]->op != TOKerror);

        Expression *e = new AssocArrayLiteralExp(loc, keys, values);
        ExpInitializer *ei = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
        return ei->inferType(sc, tx);
        Type *tn = NULL;
        if (tx && (tx->ty == Tarray || tx->ty == Tsarray))
            tn = ((TypeNext *)tx)->next;

        Expressions *elements = new Expressions();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
            assert(!index[i]);  // already asserted by isAssociativeArray()

            Initializer *iz = value[i];
            if (!iz)
                goto Lno;
            iz = iz->inferType(sc, tn);
            if (iz->isErrorInitializer())
                return iz;
            (*elements)[i] = ((ExpInitializer *)iz)->exp;
            assert((*elements)[i]->op != TOKerror);

        Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, elements);
        ExpInitializer *ei = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
        return ei->inferType(sc, tx);
    if (keys)
        delete keys;
        delete values;
        error(loc, "not an associative array initializer");
        error(loc, "cannot infer type from array initializer");
    return new ErrorInitializer();