void	EuclideanDisplacementTest::testInterpolate() {
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "testInterpolate() begin");

	// read testimages/sun.fits
	std::string	name("testimages/sun.fits");
	FITSinfile<RGB<unsigned char> >	infile(name);
        Image<RGB<unsigned char> >    *i = infile.read();
	ImagePtr	image(i);

	// apply the transformation
	Point	translation(1024 * (1 - sqrt(2)) / 2, 1024 / 2);
	transform::EuclideanDisplacement	d(M_PI / 4, translation);

	// create an image from the transform
	transform::InterpolatingEuclideanDisplacementAdapter<RGB<unsigned char> >	ta(*i, d);
	Image<RGB<unsigned char> >	*t = new Image<RGB<unsigned char> >(ta);
	ImagePtr	transformed(t);

	// write the transformed image back to tmp/sun-displace.fits
	std::string	outname("tmp/sun-interpolate.fits");
	FITSoutfile<RGB<unsigned char> >       *outfile
                = new FITSoutfile<RGB<unsigned char> >(outname);
        delete outfile;
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "testInterpolate() end");
void	EuclideanDisplacementTest::testConvolve() {
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "testConvolve() begin");

	// read testimages/sun.fits
	std::string	name("testimages/orion1.fits");
	FITSinfile<unsigned short>	infile(name);
        Image<unsigned short>	*i = infile.read();
	ImagePtr	image(i);

	// create an adapter so that we see double values
	adapter::TypeConversionAdapter<unsigned short>	tconv(*i);

	// apply the convolution
	simpleconvolution	f;

	// create an image from the transform
	transform::EuclideanDisplacementConvolve<double>	ta(f, 1000);
	Image<double>	*result = ta(tconv);
	ImagePtr	r(result);

	// write the transformed image back to tmp/sun-displace.fits
	std::string	outname("tmp/orion-convolve.fits");
	FITSoutfile<double>       *outfile = new FITSoutfile<double>(outname);
        delete outfile;
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "testConvolve() end");
void	MosaicTest::testMosaic(MosaicType::mosaic_type mosaic) {
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "testMosaic() begin");
    Image<RGB<unsigned char> >	image(44, 62);
    for (int x = 0; x < image.size().width(); x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < image.size().height(); y++) {
            image.pixel(x, y).R = 'R';
            image.pixel(x, y).G = 'G';
            image.pixel(x, y).B = 'B';

    Mosaic<unsigned char>	mosaicer(mosaic);
    Image<unsigned char>	*mosaiced = mosaicer(image);
    std::string	filename = stringprintf("tmp/mosaic%d.fits", mosaic);
    FITSoutfile<unsigned char>	*outfile
        = new FITSoutfile<unsigned char>(filename.c_str());
    delete outfile;

    for (int x = 0; x < image.size().width(); x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < image.size().height(); y++) {
            if (mosaiced->getMosaicType().isR(x, y)) {
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT(mosaiced->pixel(x, y) == 'R');
            if (mosaiced->getMosaicType().isG(x, y)) {
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT(mosaiced->pixel(x, y) == 'G');
            if (mosaiced->getMosaicType().isB(x, y)) {
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT(mosaiced->pixel(x, y) == 'B');
    delete mosaiced;
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "testMosaic() end");