virtual FReply OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent) override
		const FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
		if (Key == EKeys::Enter)
			MenuOwner->HandleLoginUIClosed(TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId>(), 0);
		else if (!MenuOwner->GetControlsLocked() && Key == EKeys::Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom)
			bool bSkipToMainMenu = true;

				const auto OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
				if (OnlineSub)
					const auto IdentityInterface = OnlineSub->GetIdentityInterface();
					if (IdentityInterface.IsValid())
						TSharedPtr<GenericApplication> GenericApplication = FSlateApplication::Get().GetPlatformApplication();
						const bool bIsLicensed = GenericApplication->ApplicationLicenseValid();

						const auto LoginStatus = IdentityInterface->GetLoginStatus(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex());
						if (LoginStatus == ELoginStatus::NotLoggedIn || !bIsLicensed)
							// Show the account picker.
							const auto ExternalUI = OnlineSub->GetExternalUIInterface();
							if (ExternalUI.IsValid())
								ExternalUI->ShowLoginUI(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex(), false, IOnlineExternalUI::FOnLoginUIClosedDelegate::CreateSP(MenuOwner, &FShooterWelcomeMenu::HandleLoginUIClosed));
								bSkipToMainMenu = false;

			if (bSkipToMainMenu)
				const auto OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
				if (OnlineSub)
					const auto IdentityInterface = OnlineSub->GetIdentityInterface();
					if (IdentityInterface.IsValid())
						TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId> UserId = IdentityInterface->GetUniquePlayerId(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex());
						// If we couldn't show the external login UI for any reason, or if the user is
						// already logged in, just advance to the main menu immediately.
						MenuOwner->HandleLoginUIClosed(UserId, InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex());

			return FReply::Handled();

		return FReply::Unhandled();
Example #2
FReply FSceneViewport::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& InGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	// Start a new reply state
	CurrentReplyState = FReply::Handled(); 

	FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
	KeyStateMap.Add( Key, true );

	//@todo Slate Viewports: FWindowsViewport checks for Alt+Enter or F11 and toggles fullscreen.  Unknown if fullscreen via this method will be needed for slate viewports. 
	if( ViewportClient && GetSizeXY() != FIntPoint::ZeroValue  )
		// Switch to the viewport clients world before processing input
		FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher WorldSwitcher( ViewportClient );

		if (!ViewportClient->InputKey(this, InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex(), Key, InKeyEvent.IsRepeat() ? IE_Repeat : IE_Pressed, 1.0f, Key.IsGamepadKey()))
			CurrentReplyState = FReply::Unhandled();
	return CurrentReplyState;
Example #3
FReply FSceneViewport::OnKeyUp( const FGeometry& InGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	// Start a new reply state
	CurrentReplyState = FReply::Handled(); 

	FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
	KeyStateMap.Add( Key, false );
	if( ViewportClient && GetSizeXY() != FIntPoint::ZeroValue  )
		// Switch to the viewport clients world before processing input
		FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher WorldSwitcher( ViewportClient );

		if (!ViewportClient->InputKey(this, InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex(), Key, IE_Released, 1.0f, Key.IsGamepadKey()))
			CurrentReplyState = FReply::Unhandled();

	return CurrentReplyState;
int32 UKismetInputLibrary::GetUserIndex(const FKeyEvent& Input)
	return Input.GetUserIndex();