void DrawDebugCapsule(const UWorld* InWorld, FVector const& Center, float HalfHeight, float Radius, const FQuat & Rotation, FColor const& Color, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, uint8 DepthPriority)
	// no debug line drawing on dedicated server
	if (GEngine->GetNetMode(InWorld) != NM_DedicatedServer)
		const int32 DrawCollisionSides = 16;

		FVector Origin = Center;
		FMatrix Axes = FQuatRotationTranslationMatrix(Rotation, FVector::ZeroVector);
		FVector XAxis = Axes.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X );
		FVector YAxis = Axes.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y );
		FVector ZAxis = Axes.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z ); 

		// Draw top and bottom circles
		float HalfAxis = FMath::Max<float>(HalfHeight - Radius, 1.f);
		FVector TopEnd = Origin + HalfAxis*ZAxis;
		FVector BottomEnd = Origin - HalfAxis*ZAxis;

		DrawCircle(InWorld, TopEnd, XAxis, YAxis, Color, Radius, DrawCollisionSides, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawCircle(InWorld, BottomEnd, XAxis, YAxis, Color, Radius, DrawCollisionSides, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);

		// Draw domed caps
		DrawHalfCircle(InWorld, TopEnd, YAxis, ZAxis, Color, Radius, DrawCollisionSides, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawHalfCircle(InWorld, TopEnd, XAxis, ZAxis, Color, Radius, DrawCollisionSides, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);

		FVector NegZAxis = -ZAxis;

		DrawHalfCircle(InWorld, BottomEnd, YAxis, NegZAxis, Color, Radius, DrawCollisionSides, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawHalfCircle(InWorld, BottomEnd, XAxis, NegZAxis, Color, Radius, DrawCollisionSides, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);

		// Draw connecty lines
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, TopEnd + Radius*XAxis, BottomEnd + Radius*XAxis, Color, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, TopEnd - Radius*XAxis, BottomEnd - Radius*XAxis, Color, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, TopEnd + Radius*YAxis, BottomEnd + Radius*YAxis, Color, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, TopEnd - Radius*YAxis, BottomEnd - Radius*YAxis, Color, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
 * Set current transform and the relative to ParentTransform.
 * Equates to This = This->GetRelativeTransform(Parent), but saves the intermediate FTransform storage and copy.
void FTransform::SetToRelativeTransform(const FTransform& ParentTransform)
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = ParentTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)	
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D	= VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(ParentTransform.Scale3D));
	Scale3D = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);
	//VQTranslation = (  ( T(A).X - T(B).X ),  ( T(A).Y - T(B).Y ), ( T(A).Z - T(B).Z), 0.f );
	VectorRegister VQTranslation = VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Translation, ParentTransform.Translation));

	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	VectorRegister VInverseParentRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(ParentTransform.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseParentRot, VQTranslation);
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, ParentTransform.Rotation);
	Translation = VectorMultiply(VR, VSafeScale3D);

	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)	
	Rotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseParentRot, Rotation );


	DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());
void FEditorCommonDrawHelper::DrawGridSection(float ViewportGridY,FVector* A,FVector* B,float* AX,float* BX,int32 Axis,const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const EAxisLines::Type LineType )
	if( ViewportGridY == 0 )
		// Don't draw zero-size grid

	const FMatrix InvViewProjMatrix = View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.Inverse() * View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.Inverse();
	int32 FirstLine = FMath::Trunc(InvViewProjMatrix.TransformPosition(FVector(-1,-1,0.5f)).Component(Axis) / ViewportGridY);
	int32 LastLine = FMath::Trunc(InvViewProjMatrix.TransformPosition(FVector(+1,+1,0.5f)).Component(Axis) / ViewportGridY);
	if( FirstLine > LastLine )

	const float SizeX = View->ViewRect.Width();
	const float Zoom = (1.0f / View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0]) * 2.0f / SizeX;
	const int32 Dist = FMath::Trunc(SizeX * Zoom / ViewportGridY);

	// Figure out alpha interpolator for fading in the grid lines.
	float Alpha;
	int32 IncBits=0;
		if( Dist+Dist >= SizeX/4 )
			while( (Dist>>IncBits) >= SizeX/4 )
			Alpha = 2 - 2*(float)Dist / (float)((1<<IncBits) * SizeX/4);
			Alpha = 1.0;
Example #4
        virtual void _add(Real alpha, const FMatrix &mX, const ScalarAltMatrix &mA) override {           
            if(alpha < 0)
                KQP_THROW_EXCEPTION(not_implemented_exception, "Downdating with accumulator");

            // If there is nothing to add            
            if (mA.cols() == 0)
            // Do a deep copy of mA
            offsets_X.push_back(offsets_X.back() + mX->size());
            offsets_A.push_back(offsets_A.back() + mA.cols());
Example #5
 * Set current transform and the relative to ParentTransform.
 * Equates to This = This->GetRelativeTransform(Parent), but saves the intermediate FTransform storage and copy.
void FTransform::SetToRelativeTransform(const FTransform& ParentTransform)
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
 	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
 	FMatrix BM = ParentTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

	const FVector SafeRecipScale3D = GetSafeScaleReciprocal(ParentTransform.Scale3D);
	const FQuat InverseRot = ParentTransform.Rotation.Inverse();

	Scale3D *= SafeRecipScale3D;	
	Translation = (InverseRot * (Translation - ParentTransform.Translation)) * SafeRecipScale3D;
	Rotation = InverseRot * Rotation;

 	DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());
void DrawTransformedRectangle(
	FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList,
	float X,
	float Y,
	float SizeX,
	float SizeY,
	const FMatrix& PosTransform,
	float U,
	float V,
	float SizeU,
	float SizeV,
	const FMatrix& TexTransform,
	FIntPoint TargetSize,
	FIntPoint TextureSize
	float ClipSpaceQuadZ = 0.0f;

	// we don't do the triangle optimization as this case is rare for the DrawTransformedRectangle case

	FFilterVertex Vertices[4];

	Vertices[0].Position = PosTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector4(X,			Y,			ClipSpaceQuadZ,	1));
	Vertices[1].Position = PosTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector4(X + SizeX,	Y,			ClipSpaceQuadZ,	1));
	Vertices[2].Position = PosTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector4(X,			Y + SizeY,	ClipSpaceQuadZ,	1));
	Vertices[3].Position = PosTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector4(X + SizeX,	Y + SizeY,	ClipSpaceQuadZ,	1));

	Vertices[0].UV = FVector2D(TexTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector(U,			V,         0)));
	Vertices[1].UV = FVector2D(TexTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector(U + SizeU,	V,         0)));
	Vertices[2].UV = FVector2D(TexTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector(U,			V + SizeV, 0)));
	Vertices[3].UV = FVector2D(TexTransform.TransformFVector4(FVector(U + SizeU,	V + SizeV, 0)));

	for (int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < 4; VertexIndex++)
		Vertices[VertexIndex].Position.X = -1.0f + 2.0f * (Vertices[VertexIndex].Position.X) / (float)TargetSize.X;
		Vertices[VertexIndex].Position.Y = (+1.0f - 2.0f * (Vertices[VertexIndex].Position.Y) / (float)TargetSize.Y) * GProjectionSignY;

		Vertices[VertexIndex].UV.X = Vertices[VertexIndex].UV.X / (float)TextureSize.X;
		Vertices[VertexIndex].UV.Y = Vertices[VertexIndex].UV.Y / (float)TextureSize.Y;

	static const uint16 Indices[] =	{ 0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2 };

	DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleList, 0, 4, 2, Indices, sizeof(Indices[0]), Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]));
Example #7
void DrawFrustumWireframe(
	FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI,
	const FMatrix& FrustumToWorld,
	FColor Color,
	uint8 DepthPriority
	FVector Vertices[2][2][2];
	for(uint32 Z = 0;Z < 2;Z++)
		for(uint32 Y = 0;Y < 2;Y++)
			for(uint32 X = 0;X < 2;X++)
				FVector4 UnprojectedVertex = FrustumToWorld.TransformFVector4(
						(X ? -1.0f : 1.0f),
						(Y ? -1.0f : 1.0f),
						(Z ?  0.0f : 1.0f),
				Vertices[X][Y][Z] = FVector(UnprojectedVertex) / UnprojectedVertex.W;



void DrawDebugFrustum(const UWorld* InWorld, const FMatrix& FrustumToWorld, FColor const& Color, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, uint8 DepthPriority)
	// no debug line drawing on dedicated server
	if (GEngine->GetNetMode(InWorld) != NM_DedicatedServer)
		FVector Vertices[2][2][2];
		for(uint32 Z = 0;Z < 2;Z++)
			for(uint32 Y = 0;Y < 2;Y++)
				for(uint32 X = 0;X < 2;X++)
					FVector4 UnprojectedVertex = FrustumToWorld.TransformFVector4(
						(X ? -1.0f : 1.0f),
						(Y ? -1.0f : 1.0f),
						(Z ?  0.0f : 1.0f),
					Vertices[X][Y][Z] = FVector(UnprojectedVertex) / UnprojectedVertex.W;

		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][0][0], Vertices[0][0][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[1][0][0], Vertices[1][0][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][1][0], Vertices[0][1][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[1][1][0], Vertices[1][1][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);

		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][0][0], Vertices[0][1][0],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[1][0][0], Vertices[1][1][0],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][0][1], Vertices[0][1][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[1][0][1], Vertices[1][1][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);

		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][0][0], Vertices[1][0][0],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][1][0], Vertices[1][1][0],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][0][1], Vertices[1][0][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
		DrawDebugLine(InWorld, Vertices[0][1][1], Vertices[1][1][1],Color,  bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
Example #9
void GetViewFrustumBounds(FConvexVolume& OutResult, const FMatrix& ViewProjectionMatrix, const FPlane& InFarPlane, bool bOverrideFarPlane, bool UseNearPlane)
	OutResult.Planes.Empty( 6 );
	FPlane	Temp;

	// Near clipping plane.
	if(UseNearPlane && ViewProjectionMatrix.GetFrustumNearPlane(Temp))

	// Left clipping plane.

	// Right clipping plane.

	// Top clipping plane.

	// Bottom clipping plane.

	// Far clipping plane.
	if (bOverrideFarPlane)
	else if(ViewProjectionMatrix.GetFrustumFarPlane(Temp))

void AAmethystCharacter::OnCameraUpdate(const FVector& CameraLocation, const FRotator& CameraRotation)
	USkeletalMeshComponent* DefMesh1P = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(TEXT("PawnMesh1P")));
	const FMatrix DefMeshLS = FRotationTranslationMatrix(DefMesh1P->RelativeRotation, DefMesh1P->RelativeLocation);
	const FMatrix LocalToWorld = ActorToWorld().ToMatrixWithScale();

	// Mesh rotating code expect uniform scale in LocalToWorld matrix

	const FRotator RotCameraPitch(CameraRotation.Pitch, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	const FRotator RotCameraYaw(0.0f, CameraRotation.Yaw, 0.0f);

	const FMatrix LeveledCameraLS = FRotationTranslationMatrix(RotCameraYaw, CameraLocation) * LocalToWorld.Inverse();
	const FMatrix PitchedCameraLS = FRotationMatrix(RotCameraPitch) * LeveledCameraLS;
	const FMatrix MeshRelativeToCamera = DefMeshLS * LeveledCameraLS.Inverse();
	const FMatrix PitchedMesh = MeshRelativeToCamera * PitchedCameraLS;

	Mesh1P->SetRelativeLocationAndRotation(PitchedMesh.GetOrigin(), PitchedMesh.Rotator());
Example #11
FBox FBox::TransformProjectBy(const FMatrix& ProjM) const
	FVector Vertices[8] = 
		FVector(Min.X, Min.Y, Max.Z),
		FVector(Min.X, Max.Y, Min.Z),
		FVector(Max.X, Min.Y, Min.Z),
		FVector(Max.X, Max.Y, Min.Z),
		FVector(Max.X, Min.Y, Max.Z),
		FVector(Min.X, Max.Y, Max.Z),

	FBox NewBox(0);

	for (int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(Vertices); VertexIndex++)
		FVector4 ProjectedVertex = ProjM.TransformPosition(Vertices[VertexIndex]);
		NewBox += ((FVector)ProjectedVertex) / ProjectedVertex.W;

	return NewBox;
void UCameraModifier_CameraShake::UpdateCameraShake(float DeltaTime, FCameraShakeInstance& Shake, FMinimalViewInfo& InOutPOV)
	if (!Shake.SourceShake)

	// this is the base scale for the whole shake, anim and oscillation alike
	float const BaseShakeScale = GetShakeScale(Shake);
	// do not update if percentage is null
	if (BaseShakeScale <= 0.f)

	// update anims with any desired scaling
	if (Shake.AnimInst)
		Shake.AnimInst->TransientScaleModifier *= BaseShakeScale;

	// update oscillation times
 	if (Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining > 0.f)
 		Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining -= DeltaTime;
 		Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining = FMath::Max(0.f, Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining);
	if (Shake.bBlendingIn)
		Shake.CurrentBlendInTime += DeltaTime;
	if (Shake.bBlendingOut)
		Shake.CurrentBlendOutTime += DeltaTime;

	// see if we've crossed any important time thresholds and deal appropriately
	bool bOscillationFinished = false;

	if (Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining == 0.f)
		// finished!
		bOscillationFinished = true;
	else if (Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining < 0.0f)
		// indefinite shaking
	else if (Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining < Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendOutTime)
		// start blending out
		Shake.bBlendingOut = true;
		Shake.CurrentBlendOutTime = Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendOutTime - Shake.OscillatorTimeRemaining;

	if (Shake.bBlendingIn)
		if (Shake.CurrentBlendInTime > Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendInTime)
			// done blending in!
			Shake.bBlendingIn = false;
	if (Shake.bBlendingOut)
		if (Shake.CurrentBlendOutTime > Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendOutTime)
			// done!!
			Shake.CurrentBlendOutTime = Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendOutTime;
			bOscillationFinished = true;

	// calculate blend weight. calculating separately and taking the minimum handles overlapping blends nicely.
	float const BlendInWeight = (Shake.bBlendingIn) ? (Shake.CurrentBlendInTime / Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendInTime) : 1.f;
	float const BlendOutWeight = (Shake.bBlendingOut) ? (1.f - Shake.CurrentBlendOutTime / Shake.SourceShake->OscillationBlendOutTime) : 1.f;
	float const CurrentBlendWeight = FMath::Min(BlendInWeight, BlendOutWeight);

	// Do not update oscillation further if finished
	if (bOscillationFinished)

	// this is the oscillation scale, which includes oscillation fading
	float const OscillationScale = GetShakeScale(Shake) * CurrentBlendWeight;

	if (OscillationScale > 0.f)
		// View location offset, compute sin wave value for each component
		FVector	LocOffset = FVector(0);
		LocOffset.X = UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->LocOscillation.X, Shake.LocSinOffset.X, DeltaTime);
		LocOffset.Y = UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->LocOscillation.Y, Shake.LocSinOffset.Y, DeltaTime);
		LocOffset.Z = UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->LocOscillation.Z, Shake.LocSinOffset.Z, DeltaTime);
		LocOffset *= OscillationScale;

		// View rotation offset, compute sin wave value for each component
		FRotator RotOffset;
		RotOffset.Pitch = UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->RotOscillation.Pitch, Shake.RotSinOffset.X, DeltaTime) * OscillationScale;
		RotOffset.Yaw = UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->RotOscillation.Yaw, Shake.RotSinOffset.Y, DeltaTime) * OscillationScale;
		RotOffset.Roll = UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->RotOscillation.Roll, Shake.RotSinOffset.Z, DeltaTime) * OscillationScale;

		if (Shake.PlaySpace == CAPS_CameraLocal)
			// the else case will handle this as well, but this is the faster, cleaner, most common code path

			// apply loc offset relative to camera orientation
			FRotationMatrix CamRotMatrix(InOutPOV.Rotation);
			InOutPOV.Location += CamRotMatrix.TransformVector(LocOffset);

			// apply rot offset relative to camera orientation
			FRotationMatrix const AnimRotMat( RotOffset );
			InOutPOV.Rotation = (AnimRotMat * FRotationMatrix(InOutPOV.Rotation)).Rotator();
			// find desired space
			FMatrix const PlaySpaceToWorld = (Shake.PlaySpace == CAPS_UserDefined) ? Shake.UserPlaySpaceMatrix : FMatrix::Identity; 

			// apply loc offset relative to desired space
			InOutPOV.Location += PlaySpaceToWorld.TransformVector( LocOffset );

			// apply rot offset relative to desired space

			// find transform from camera to the "play space"
			FRotationMatrix const CamToWorld(InOutPOV.Rotation);
			FMatrix const CameraToPlaySpace = CamToWorld * PlaySpaceToWorld.InverseSafe();	// CameraToWorld * WorldToPlaySpace

			// find transform from anim (applied in playspace) back to camera
			FRotationMatrix const AnimToPlaySpace(RotOffset);
			FMatrix const AnimToCamera = AnimToPlaySpace * CameraToPlaySpace.InverseSafe();			// AnimToPlaySpace * PlaySpaceToCamera

			// RCS = rotated camera space, meaning camera space after it's been animated
			// this is what we're looking for, the diff between rotated cam space and regular cam space.
			// apply the transform back to camera space from the post-animated transform to get the RCS
			FMatrix const RCSToCamera = CameraToPlaySpace * AnimToCamera;

			// now apply to real camera
			InOutPOV.Rotation = (RCSToCamera * CamToWorld).Rotator();

		// Compute FOV change
		InOutPOV.FOV += OscillationScale * UpdateFOscillator(Shake.SourceShake->FOVOscillation, Shake.FOVSinOffset, DeltaTime);
Example #13
void FAnimNode_Trail::EvaluateBoneTransforms(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, FA2CSPose& MeshBases, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms)
	check(OutBoneTransforms.Num() == 0);

	if( ChainLength < 2 )

	// The incoming BoneIndex is the 'end' of the spline chain. We need to find the 'start' by walking SplineLength bones up hierarchy.
	// Fail if we walk past the root bone.

	int32 WalkBoneIndex = TrailBone.BoneIndex;

	TArray<int32> ChainBoneIndices;

	ChainBoneIndices[ChainLength - 1] = WalkBoneIndex;

	for (int32 i = 1; i < ChainLength; i++)
		// returns to avoid a crash
		// @TODO : shows an error message why failed
		if (WalkBoneIndex == 0)

		// Get parent bone.
		WalkBoneIndex = RequiredBones.GetParentBoneIndex(WalkBoneIndex);

		//Insert indices at the start of array, so that parents are before children in the array.
		int32 TransformIndex = ChainLength - (i + 1);
		ChainBoneIndices[TransformIndex] = WalkBoneIndex;


	// If we have >0 this frame, but didn't last time, record positions of all the bones.
	// Also do this if number has changed or array is zero.
	bool bHasValidStrength = (Alpha > 0.f);
	if(TrailBoneLocations.Num() != ChainLength || (bHasValidStrength && !bHadValidStrength))

		for(int32 i=0; i<ChainBoneIndices.Num(); i++)
			int32 ChildIndex = ChainBoneIndices[i];
			FTransform ChainTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(ChildIndex);
			TrailBoneLocations[i] = ChainTransform.GetTranslation();
		OldLocalToWorld = SkelComp->GetTransformMatrix();
	bHadValidStrength = bHasValidStrength;

	// transform between last frame and now.
	FMatrix OldToNewTM = OldLocalToWorld * SkelComp->GetTransformMatrix().InverseFast();

	// Add fake velocity if present to all but root bone
		FVector FakeMovement = -FakeVelocity * ThisTimstep;

		if (bActorSpaceFakeVel && SkelComp->GetOwner())
			const FTransform BoneToWorld(SkelComp->GetOwner()->GetActorRotation(), SkelComp->GetOwner()->GetActorLocation());
			FakeMovement = BoneToWorld.TransformVector(FakeMovement);

		FakeMovement = SkelComp->GetTransformMatrix().InverseTransformVector(FakeMovement);
		// Then add to each bone
		for(int32 i=1; i<TrailBoneLocations.Num(); i++)
			TrailBoneLocations[i] += FakeMovement;

	// Root bone of trail is not modified.
	int32 RootIndex = ChainBoneIndices[0]; 
	FTransform ChainTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(RootIndex);
	OutBoneTransforms[0] = FBoneTransform(RootIndex, ChainTransform);
	TrailBoneLocations[0] = ChainTransform.GetTranslation();

	// Starting one below head of chain, move bones.
	for(int32 i=1; i<ChainBoneIndices.Num(); i++)
		// Parent bone position in component space.
		int32 ParentIndex = ChainBoneIndices[i-1];
		FVector ParentPos = TrailBoneLocations[i-1];
		FVector ParentAnimPos = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(ParentIndex).GetTranslation();

		// Child bone position in component space.
		int32 ChildIndex = ChainBoneIndices[i];
		FVector ChildPos = OldToNewTM.TransformPosition(TrailBoneLocations[i]); // move from 'last frames component' frame to 'this frames component' frame
		FVector ChildAnimPos = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(ChildIndex).GetTranslation();

		// Desired parent->child offset.
		FVector TargetDelta = (ChildAnimPos - ParentAnimPos);

		// Desired child position.
		FVector ChildTarget = ParentPos + TargetDelta;

		// Find vector from child to target
		FVector Error = ChildTarget - ChildPos;

		// Calculate how much to push the child towards its target
		float Correction = FMath::Clamp<float>(ThisTimstep * TrailRelaxation, 0.f, 1.f);

		// Scale correction vector and apply to get new world-space child position.
		TrailBoneLocations[i] = ChildPos + (Error * Correction);

		// If desired, prevent bones stretching too far.
			float RefPoseLength = TargetDelta.Size();
			FVector CurrentDelta = TrailBoneLocations[i] - TrailBoneLocations[i-1];
			float CurrentLength = CurrentDelta.Size();

			// If we are too far - cut it back (just project towards parent particle).
			if( (CurrentLength - RefPoseLength > StretchLimit) && CurrentLength > SMALL_NUMBER )
				FVector CurrentDir = CurrentDelta / CurrentLength;
				TrailBoneLocations[i] = TrailBoneLocations[i-1] + (CurrentDir * (RefPoseLength + StretchLimit));

		// Modify child matrix
		OutBoneTransforms[i] = FBoneTransform(ChildIndex, MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(ChildIndex));

		// Modify rotation of parent matrix to point at this one.

		// Calculate the direction that parent bone is currently pointing.
		FVector CurrentBoneDir = OutBoneTransforms[i-1].Transform.TransformVector( GetAlignVector(ChainBoneAxis, bInvertChainBoneAxis) );
		CurrentBoneDir = CurrentBoneDir.SafeNormal(SMALL_NUMBER);

		// Calculate vector from parent to child.
		FVector NewBoneDir = FVector(OutBoneTransforms[i].Transform.GetTranslation() - OutBoneTransforms[i - 1].Transform.GetTranslation()).SafeNormal(SMALL_NUMBER);

		// Calculate a quaternion that gets us from our current rotation to the desired one.
		FQuat DeltaLookQuat = FQuat::FindBetween(CurrentBoneDir, NewBoneDir);
		FTransform DeltaTM( DeltaLookQuat, FVector(0.f) );

		// Apply to the current parent bone transform.
		FTransform TmpMatrix = FTransform::Identity;
		TmpMatrix.CopyRotationPart(OutBoneTransforms[i - 1].Transform);
		TmpMatrix = TmpMatrix * DeltaTM;
		OutBoneTransforms[i - 1].Transform.CopyRotationPart(TmpMatrix);

	// For the last bone in the chain, use the rotation from the bone above it.
	OutBoneTransforms[ChainLength - 1].Transform.CopyRotationPart(OutBoneTransforms[ChainLength - 2].Transform);

	// Update OldLocalToWorld
	OldLocalToWorld = SkelComp->GetTransformMatrix();
Example #14
  //trains a neural net
  void FBNN::train(const FMatrix & train_x, const FMatrix & train_y, const Opts & opts, const FMatrix & valid_x, const FMatrix & valid_y, const FBNN_ptr pFBNN)
      int ibatchNum = train_x.rows() / opts.batchsize + (train_x.rows() % opts.batchsize != 0);
      FMatrix L = zeros(opts.numpochs * ibatchNum, 1);
      m_oLp = std::make_shared<FMatrix>(L);
      Loss loss;
//       std::cout << "numpochs = " << opts.numpochs << std::endl;
      for(int i = 0; i < opts.numpochs; ++i)
	  std::cout << "start numpochs " << i << std::endl;	  
	  int elapsedTime = count_elapse_second([&train_x,&train_y,&L,&opts,i,pFBNN,ibatchNum,this]{
	    std::vector<int> iRandVec;
            std::cout << "start batch: ";
            for(int j = 0; j < ibatchNum; ++j)
                std::cout << " " << j;
// 		    TMutex::scoped_lock lock;
// 		    lock.acquire(pFBNN->W_RWMutex,false);
// 		    lock.release();//reader lock tbb
		    boost::shared_lock<RWMutex> rlock(pFBNN->W_RWMutex);		    
                    if(m_fMomentum > 0)
                int curBatchSize = opts.batchsize;
                if(j == ibatchNum - 1 && train_x.rows() % opts.batchsize != 0)
                    curBatchSize = train_x.rows() % opts.batchsize;
                FMatrix batch_x(curBatchSize,train_x.columns());
                for(int r = 0; r < curBatchSize; ++r)//randperm()
                    row(batch_x,r) = row(train_x,iRandVec[j * opts.batchsize + r]);

                //Add noise to input (for use in denoising autoencoder)
                if(m_fInputZeroMaskedFraction != 0)
                    batch_x = bitWiseMul(batch_x,(rand(curBatchSize,train_x.columns())>m_fInputZeroMaskedFraction));

                FMatrix batch_y(curBatchSize,train_y.columns());
                for(int r = 0; r < curBatchSize; ++r)//randperm()
                    row(batch_y,r) = row(train_y,iRandVec[j * opts.batchsize + r]);

                L(i*ibatchNum+j,0) = nnff(batch_x,batch_y);
// 		    TMutex::scoped_lock lock;
// 		    lock.acquire(W_RWMutex);
// 		    lock.release();//writer lock tbb
		    boost::unique_lock<RWMutex> wlock(pFBNN->W_RWMutex);
// 	      std::cout << "end batch " << j << std::endl;
            std::cout << std::endl;
	  std::cout << "elapsed time: " << elapsedTime << "s" << std::endl;
	  //loss calculate use nneval
	  if(valid_x.rows() == 0 || valid_y.rows() == 0){
	    nneval(loss, train_x, train_y);
	    std::cout << "Full-batch train mse = " << loss.train_error.back() << std::endl;
	    nneval(loss, train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y);
	    std::cout << "Full-batch train mse = " << loss.train_error.back() << " , val mse = " << loss.valid_error.back() << std::endl;
	  std::cout << "epoch " << i+1 << " / " <<  opts.numpochs << " took " << elapsedTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
	  std::cout << "Mini-batch mean squared error on training set is " << columnMean(submatrix(L,i*ibatchNum,0UL,ibatchNum,L.columns())) << std::endl;      
	  m_iLearningRate *= m_fScalingLearningRate;    
// 	  std::cout << "end numpochs " << i << std::endl;

Example #15
  //NNFF performs a feedforward pass
  double FBNN::nnff(const FMatrix& x, const FMatrix& y)
//     std::cout << "start nnff x = (" << x.rows() << "," << x.columns() << ")" << std::endl;
    double L = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < m_iN; ++i)
    *m_oAs[0] = addPreColumn(x,1);    
    if(m_fDropoutFraction > 0 && !m_fTesting)
        if(m_odOMs.empty())//clear dropOutMask
            for(int i = 0; i < m_iN - 1; ++i)
//     std::cout << "start feedforward" << std::endl;
    //feedforward pass
    for(int i = 1; i < m_iN - 1; ++i)
//       std::cout << "activation function" << std::endl;
      //activation function
      if(m_strActivationFunction == "sigm")
	//Calculate the unit's outputs (including the bias term)
	*m_oAs[i] = sigm((*m_oAs[i-1]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[i-1]));
      else if(m_strActivationFunction == "tanh_opt")
	*m_oAs[i] = tanh_opt((*m_oAs[i-1]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[i-1]));
//       std::cout << "dropout" << std::endl;
      if(m_fDropoutFraction > 0)
	  *m_oAs[i] = (*m_oAs[i]) * (1 - m_fDropoutFraction);
	  *m_odOMs[i] = rand(m_oAs[i]->rows(),m_oAs[i]->columns()) > m_fDropoutFraction;
	  *m_oAs[i] = bitWiseMul(*m_oAs[i],*m_odOMs[i]);
//       std::cout << "sparsity" << std::endl;
      //calculate running exponential activations for use with sparsity
      if(m_fNonSparsityPenalty > 0)
	*m_oPs[i] =  (*m_oPs[i]) * 0.99 + columnMean(*m_oAs[i]);
//       std::cout << "Add the bias term" << std::endl;
      //Add the bias term
      *m_oAs[i] = addPreColumn(*m_oAs[i],1);    
//     std::cout << "start calculate output" << std::endl;
    if(m_strOutput == "sigm")
      *m_oAs[m_iN -1] = sigm((*m_oAs[m_iN-2]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[m_iN-2]));
    else if(m_strOutput == "linear")
      *m_oAs[m_iN -1] = (*m_oAs[m_iN-2]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[m_iN-2]);
    else if(m_strOutput == "softmax")
      *m_oAs[m_iN -1] = softmax((*m_oAs[m_iN-2]) * blaze::trans(*m_oWs[m_iN-2]));
//     std::cout << "start error and loss" << std::endl;
    //error and loss
    m_oEp = std::make_shared<FMatrix>(y - (*m_oAs[m_iN-1]));
    if(m_strOutput == "sigm" || m_strOutput == "linear")
      L = 0.5 * matrixSum(bitWiseSquare(*m_oEp)) / x.rows();
    else if(m_strOutput == "softmax")
      L = -matrixSum(bitWiseMul(y,bitWiseLog(*m_oAs[m_iN-1]))) / x.rows();
//     std::cout << "end nnff" << std::endl;
    return L;
void UParticleModuleVelocityCone::SpawnEx(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float SpawnTime, struct FRandomStream* InRandomStream, FBaseParticle* ParticleBase)
	static const float TwoPI = 2.0f * PI;
	static const float ToRads = PI / 180.0f;
	static const int32 UUPerRad = 10430;
	static const FVector DefaultDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	// Calculate the owning actor's scale
	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel	= Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner);
	FVector OwnerScale(1.0f);
	if ((bApplyOwnerScale == true) && Owner->Component)
		OwnerScale = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();
	// Spawn particles
		// Calculate the default position (prior to the Direction vector being factored in)
		const float SpawnAngle = Angle.GetValue(Owner->EmitterTime, Owner->Component, InRandomStream);
		const float SpawnVelocity = Velocity.GetValue(Owner->EmitterTime, Owner->Component, InRandomStream);
		const float LatheAngle = FMath::SRand() * TwoPI;
		const FRotator DefaultDirectionRotater((int32)(SpawnAngle * ToRads * UUPerRad), (int32)(LatheAngle * UUPerRad), 0);
		const FRotationMatrix DefaultDirectionRotation(DefaultDirectionRotater);
		const FVector DefaultSpawnDirection = DefaultDirectionRotation.TransformVector(DefaultDirection);

		// Orientate the cone along the direction vector		
		const FVector ForwardDirection = (Direction != FVector::ZeroVector)? Direction.GetSafeNormal(): DefaultDirection;
		FVector UpDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		FVector RightDirection(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		if ((ForwardDirection != UpDirection) && (-ForwardDirection != UpDirection))
			RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection;
			UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection;
			UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection;
			RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection;

		FMatrix DirectionRotation;
		DirectionRotation.SetAxis(0, RightDirection.GetSafeNormal());
		DirectionRotation.SetAxis(1, UpDirection.GetSafeNormal());
		DirectionRotation.SetAxis(2, ForwardDirection);
		FVector SpawnDirection = DirectionRotation.TransformVector(DefaultSpawnDirection);
		// Transform according to world and local space flags 
		if (!LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && !bInWorldSpace)
			SpawnDirection = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.TransformVector(SpawnDirection);
		else if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && bInWorldSpace)
			SpawnDirection = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.InverseTransformVector(SpawnDirection);

		// Set final velocity vector
		const FVector FinalVelocity = SpawnDirection * SpawnVelocity * OwnerScale;
		Particle.Velocity += FinalVelocity;
		Particle.BaseVelocity += FinalVelocity;
FMatrix FDecalRendering::ComputeComponentToClipMatrix(const FViewInfo& View, const FMatrix& DecalComponentToWorld)
	FMatrix ComponentToWorldMatrixTrans = DecalComponentToWorld.ConcatTranslation(View.ViewMatrices.PreViewTranslation);
	return ComponentToWorldMatrixTrans * View.ViewMatrices.TranslatedViewProjectionMatrix;
void DrawDebugCone(const UWorld* InWorld, FVector const& Origin, FVector const& Direction, float Length, float AngleWidth, float AngleHeight, int32 NumSides, FColor const& DrawColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, uint8 DepthPriority)
	// no debug line drawing on dedicated server
	if (GEngine->GetNetMode(InWorld) != NM_DedicatedServer)
		// Need at least 4 sides
		NumSides = FMath::Max(NumSides, 4);

		const float Angle1 = FMath::Clamp<float>(AngleHeight, (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER, (float)(PI - KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));
		const float Angle2 = FMath::Clamp<float>(AngleWidth, (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER, (float)(PI - KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));

		const float SinX_2 = FMath::Sin(0.5f * Angle1);
		const float SinY_2 = FMath::Sin(0.5f * Angle2);

		const float SinSqX_2 = SinX_2 * SinX_2;
		const float SinSqY_2 = SinY_2 * SinY_2;

		const float TanX_2 = FMath::Tan(0.5f * Angle1);
		const float TanY_2 = FMath::Tan(0.5f * Angle2);

		TArray<FVector> ConeVerts;

		for(int32 i = 0; i < NumSides; i++)
			const float Fraction	= (float)i/(float)(NumSides);
			const float Thi			= 2.f * PI * Fraction;
			const float Phi			= FMath::Atan2(FMath::Sin(Thi)*SinY_2, FMath::Cos(Thi)*SinX_2);
			const float SinPhi		= FMath::Sin(Phi);
			const float CosPhi		= FMath::Cos(Phi);
			const float SinSqPhi	= SinPhi*SinPhi;
			const float CosSqPhi	= CosPhi*CosPhi;

			const float RSq			= SinSqX_2*SinSqY_2 / (SinSqX_2*SinSqPhi + SinSqY_2*CosSqPhi);
			const float R			= FMath::Sqrt(RSq);
			const float Sqr			= FMath::Sqrt(1-RSq);
			const float Alpha		= R*CosPhi;
			const float Beta		= R*SinPhi;

			ConeVerts[i].X = (1 - 2*RSq);
			ConeVerts[i].Y = 2 * Sqr * Alpha;
			ConeVerts[i].Z = 2 * Sqr * Beta;

		// Calculate transform for cone.
		FVector YAxis, ZAxis;
		FVector DirectionNorm = Direction.SafeNormal();
		DirectionNorm.FindBestAxisVectors(YAxis, ZAxis);
		const FMatrix ConeToWorld = FScaleMatrix(FVector(Length)) * FMatrix(DirectionNorm, YAxis, ZAxis, Origin);

		// this means foreground lines can't be persistent 
		ULineBatchComponent* const LineBatcher = GetDebugLineBatcher( InWorld, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, (DepthPriority == SDPG_Foreground) );
		if(LineBatcher != NULL)
			float const LineLifeTime = (LifeTime > 0.f) ? LifeTime : LineBatcher->DefaultLifeTime;

			TArray<FBatchedLine> Lines;

			FVector CurrentPoint, PrevPoint, FirstPoint;
			for(int32 i = 0; i < NumSides; i++)
				CurrentPoint = ConeToWorld.TransformPosition(ConeVerts[i]);
				Lines.Add(FBatchedLine(ConeToWorld.GetOrigin(), CurrentPoint, DrawColor, LineLifeTime, 0.0f, DepthPriority));

				// PrevPoint must be defined to draw junctions
				if( i > 0 )
					Lines.Add(FBatchedLine(PrevPoint, CurrentPoint, DrawColor, LineLifeTime, 0.0f, DepthPriority));
					FirstPoint = CurrentPoint;

				PrevPoint = CurrentPoint;
			// Connect last junction to first
			Lines.Add(FBatchedLine(CurrentPoint, FirstPoint, DrawColor, LineLifeTime, 0.0f, DepthPriority));

void APlayerCameraManager::ApplyAnimToCamera(ACameraActor const* AnimatedCamActor, UCameraAnimInst const* AnimInst, FMinimalViewInfo& InOutPOV)
	if (AnimInst->CamAnim->bRelativeToInitialTransform)
		// move animated cam actor to initial-relative position
		FTransform const AnimatedCamToWorld = AnimatedCamActor->GetTransform();
		FTransform const AnimatedCamToInitialCam = AnimatedCamToWorld * AnimInst->InitialCamToWorld.Inverse();
		ACameraActor* const MutableCamActor = const_cast<ACameraActor*>(AnimatedCamActor);

	float const Scale = AnimInst->CurrentBlendWeight;
	FRotationMatrix const CameraToWorld(InOutPOV.Rotation);

	if (AnimInst->PlaySpace == ECameraAnimPlaySpace::CameraLocal)
		// the code in the else block will handle this just fine, but this path provides efficiency and simplicity for the most common case

		// loc
		FVector const LocalOffset = CameraToWorld.TransformVector( AnimatedCamActor->GetActorLocation()*Scale );
		InOutPOV.Location += LocalOffset;

		// rot
		FRotationMatrix const AnimRotMat( AnimatedCamActor->GetActorRotation()*Scale );
		InOutPOV.Rotation = (AnimRotMat * CameraToWorld).Rotator();
		// handle playing the anim in an arbitrary space relative to the camera

		// find desired space
		FMatrix const PlaySpaceToWorld = (AnimInst->PlaySpace == ECameraAnimPlaySpace::UserDefined) ? AnimInst->UserPlaySpaceMatrix : FMatrix::Identity;

		// loc
		FVector const LocalOffset = PlaySpaceToWorld.TransformVector( AnimatedCamActor->GetActorLocation()*Scale );
		InOutPOV.Location += LocalOffset;

		// rot
		// find transform from camera to the "play space"
		FMatrix const CameraToPlaySpace = CameraToWorld * PlaySpaceToWorld.Inverse();	// CameraToWorld * WorldToPlaySpace

		// find transform from anim (applied in playspace) back to camera
		FRotationMatrix const AnimToPlaySpace(AnimatedCamActor->GetActorRotation()*Scale);
		FMatrix const AnimToCamera = AnimToPlaySpace * CameraToPlaySpace.Inverse();			// AnimToPlaySpace * PlaySpaceToCamera

		// RCS = rotated camera space, meaning camera space after it's been animated
		// this is what we're looking for, the diff between rotated cam space and regular cam space.
		// apply the transform back to camera space from the post-animated transform to get the RCS
		FMatrix const RCSToCamera = CameraToPlaySpace * AnimToCamera;

		// now apply to real camera
		FRotationMatrix const RealCamToWorld(InOutPOV.Rotation);
		InOutPOV.Rotation = (RCSToCamera * RealCamToWorld).Rotator();

	// fov
	const float FOVMin = 5.f;
	const float FOVMax = 170.f;
	InOutPOV.FOV += (AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView - AnimInst->InitialFOV) * Scale;
	InOutPOV.FOV = FMath::Clamp<float>(InOutPOV.FOV, FOVMin, FOVMax);

	// postprocess
	if (AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->PostProcessBlendWeight > 0.f)
		AddCachedPPBlend(AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->PostProcessSettings, AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->PostProcessBlendWeight);
void UTexAlignerFit::AlignSurf( ETexAlign InTexAlignType, UModel* InModel, FBspSurfIdx* InSurfIdx, FPoly* InPoly, FVector* InNormal )
	// @todo: Support cycling between texture corners by FIT'ing again?  Each Ctrl+Shift+F would rotate texture.
	// @todo: Consider making initial FIT match the texture's current orientation as close as possible?
	// @todo: Handle subtractive brush polys differently?  (flip U texture direction)
	// @todo: Option to ignore pixel aspect for quads (e.g. stretch full texture non-uniformly over quad)

	// Compute world space vertex positions
	TArray< FVector > WorldSpacePolyVertices;
	for( int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < InPoly->Vertices.Num(); ++VertexIndex )
		WorldSpacePolyVertices.Add( InSurfIdx->Surf->Actor->ActorToWorld().TransformPosition( InPoly->Vertices[ VertexIndex ] ) );

	// Create an orthonormal basis for the polygon
	FMatrix WorldToPolyRotationMatrix;
	const FVector& FirstPolyVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ 0 ];
		const FVector& VertexA = FirstPolyVertex;
		const FVector& VertexB = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ 1 ];
		FVector UpVec = ( VertexB - VertexA ).GetSafeNormal();
		FVector RightVec = InPoly->Normal ^ UpVec;
		WorldToPolyRotationMatrix.SetAxes( &RightVec, &UpVec, &InPoly->Normal );

	// Find a corner of the polygon that's closest to a 90 degree angle.  When there are multiple corners with
	// similar angles, we'll use the one closest to the local space bottom-left along the polygon's plane
	const float DesiredAbsDotProduct = 0.0f;
	int32 BestVertexIndex = INDEX_NONE;
	float BestDotProductDiff = 10000.0f;
	float BestPositivity = 10000.0f;
	for( int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < WorldSpacePolyVertices.Num(); ++VertexIndex )
		// Compute the previous and next vertex in the winding
		const int32 PrevWindingVertexIndex = ( VertexIndex > 0 ) ? ( VertexIndex - 1 ) : ( WorldSpacePolyVertices.Num() - 1 );
		const int32 NextWindingVertexIndex = ( VertexIndex < WorldSpacePolyVertices.Num() - 1 ) ? ( VertexIndex + 1 ) : 0;

		const FVector& PrevVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ PrevWindingVertexIndex ];
		const FVector& CurVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ VertexIndex ];
		const FVector& NextVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ NextWindingVertexIndex ];

		// Compute the corner angle
		float AbsDotProduct = FMath::Abs( ( PrevVertex - CurVertex ).GetSafeNormal() | ( NextVertex - CurVertex ).GetSafeNormal() );

		// Compute how 'positive' this vertex is relative to the bottom left position in the polygon's plane
		FVector PolySpaceVertex = WorldToPolyRotationMatrix.InverseTransformVector( CurVertex - FirstPolyVertex );
		const float Positivity = PolySpaceVertex.X + PolySpaceVertex.Y;

		// Is the corner angle closer to 90 degrees than our current best?
		const float DotProductDiff = FMath::Abs( AbsDotProduct - DesiredAbsDotProduct );
		if( FMath::IsNearlyEqual( DotProductDiff, BestDotProductDiff, 0.1f ) )
			// This angle is just as good as the current best, so check to see which is closer to the local space
			// bottom-left along the polygon's plane
			if( Positivity < BestPositivity )
				// This vertex is in a more suitable location for the bottom-left of the texture
				BestVertexIndex = VertexIndex;
				if( DotProductDiff < BestDotProductDiff )
					// Only store the new dot product if it's actually better than the existing one
					BestDotProductDiff = DotProductDiff;
				BestPositivity = Positivity;
		else if( DotProductDiff <= BestDotProductDiff )
			// This angle is definitely better!
			BestVertexIndex = VertexIndex;
			BestDotProductDiff = DotProductDiff;
			BestPositivity = Positivity;

	// Compute orthonormal basis for the 'best corner' of the polygon.  The texture will be positioned at the corner
	// of the bounds of the poly in this coordinate system
	const FVector& BestVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ BestVertexIndex ];
	const int32 NextWindingVertexIndex = ( BestVertexIndex < WorldSpacePolyVertices.Num() - 1 ) ? ( BestVertexIndex + 1 ) : 0;
	const FVector& NextVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ NextWindingVertexIndex ];

	FVector TextureUpVec = ( NextVertex - BestVertex ).GetSafeNormal();
	FVector TextureRightVec = InPoly->Normal ^ TextureUpVec;

	FMatrix WorldToTextureRotationMatrix;
	WorldToTextureRotationMatrix.SetAxes( &TextureRightVec, &TextureUpVec, &InPoly->Normal );

	// Compute bounds of polygon along plane
	float MinX = FLT_MAX;
	float MaxX = -FLT_MAX;
	float MinY = FLT_MAX;
	float MaxY = -FLT_MAX;
	for( int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < WorldSpacePolyVertices.Num(); ++VertexIndex )
		const FVector& CurVertex = WorldSpacePolyVertices[ VertexIndex ];

		// Transform vertex into the coordinate system of our texture
		FVector TextureSpaceVertex = WorldToTextureRotationMatrix.InverseTransformVector( CurVertex - BestVertex );

		if( TextureSpaceVertex.X < MinX )
			MinX = TextureSpaceVertex.X;
		if( TextureSpaceVertex.X > MaxX )
			MaxX = TextureSpaceVertex.X;

		if( TextureSpaceVertex.Y < MinY )
			MinY = TextureSpaceVertex.Y;
		if( TextureSpaceVertex.Y > MaxY )
			MaxY = TextureSpaceVertex.Y;

	// We'll use the texture space corner of the bounds as the origin of the texture.  This ensures that
	// the texture fits over the entire polygon without revealing any tiling
	const FVector TextureSpaceBasePos( MinX, MinY, 0.0f );
	FVector WorldSpaceBasePos = WorldToTextureRotationMatrix.TransformVector( TextureSpaceBasePos ) + BestVertex;

	// Apply scale to UV vectors.  We incorporate the parameterized tiling rations and scale by our texture size
	const float WorldTexelScale = UModel::GetGlobalBSPTexelScale();
	const float TextureSizeU = FMath::Abs( MaxX - MinX );
	const float TextureSizeV = FMath::Abs( MaxY - MinY );
	FVector TextureUVector = UTile * TextureRightVec * WorldTexelScale / TextureSizeU;
	FVector TextureVVector = VTile * TextureUpVec * WorldTexelScale / TextureSizeV;

	// Flip the texture vertically if we want that
	const bool bFlipVertically = true;
	if( bFlipVertically )
		WorldSpaceBasePos += TextureUpVec * TextureSizeV;
		TextureVVector *= -1.0f;

	// Apply texture base position
		const bool bExactMatch = false;
		InSurfIdx->Surf->pBase = FBSPOps::bspAddPoint( InModel, const_cast< FVector* >( &WorldSpaceBasePos ), bExactMatch );

	// Apply texture UV vectors
		const bool bExactMatch = false;
		InSurfIdx->Surf->vTextureU = FBSPOps::bspAddVector( InModel, const_cast< FVector* >( &TextureUVector ), bExactMatch );
		InSurfIdx->Surf->vTextureV = FBSPOps::bspAddVector( InModel, const_cast< FVector* >( &TextureVVector ), bExactMatch );
void FDecalRendering::BuildVisibleDecalList(const FScene& Scene, const FViewInfo& View, EDecalRenderStage DecalRenderStage, FTransientDecalRenderDataList& OutVisibleDecals)


	const float FadeMultiplier = CVarDecalFadeScreenSizeMultiplier.GetValueOnRenderThread();
	const EShaderPlatform ShaderPlatform = View.GetShaderPlatform();

	const bool bIsPerspectiveProjection = View.IsPerspectiveProjection();

	// Build a list of decals that need to be rendered for this view in SortedDecals
	for (const FDeferredDecalProxy* DecalProxy : Scene.Decals)
		bool bIsShown = true;

		if (!DecalProxy->IsShown(&View))
			bIsShown = false;

		const FMatrix ComponentToWorldMatrix = DecalProxy->ComponentTrans.ToMatrixWithScale();

		// can be optimized as we test against a sphere around the box instead of the box itself
		const float ConservativeRadius = FMath::Sqrt(
				ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X).SizeSquared() +
				ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::Y).SizeSquared() +

		// can be optimized as the test is too conservative (sphere instead of OBB)
		if(ConservativeRadius < SMALL_NUMBER || !View.ViewFrustum.IntersectSphere(ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetOrigin(), ConservativeRadius))
			bIsShown = false;

		if (bIsShown)
			FTransientDecalRenderData Data(Scene, DecalProxy, ConservativeRadius);
			// filter out decals with blend modes that are not supported on current platform
			if (IsBlendModeSupported(ShaderPlatform, Data.DecalBlendMode))
				if (bIsPerspectiveProjection && Data.DecalProxy->Component->FadeScreenSize != 0.0f)
					float Distance = (View.ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin - ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetOrigin()).Size();
					float Radius = ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetMaximumAxisScale();
					float CurrentScreenSize = ((Radius / Distance) * FadeMultiplier);

					// fading coefficient needs to increase with increasing field of view and decrease with increasing resolution
					// FadeCoeffScale is an empirically determined constant to bring us back roughly to fraction of screen size for FadeScreenSize
					const float FadeCoeffScale = 600.0f;
					float FOVFactor = ((2.0f/View.ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0]) / View.ViewRect.Width()) * FadeCoeffScale;
					float FadeCoeff = Data.DecalProxy->Component->FadeScreenSize * FOVFactor;
					float FadeRange = FadeCoeff * 0.5f;

					float Alpha = (CurrentScreenSize - FadeCoeff) / FadeRange;
					Data.FadeAlpha = FMath::Min(Alpha, 1.0f);

				EDecalRenderStage LocalDecalRenderStage = FDecalRenderingCommon::ComputeRenderStage(ShaderPlatform, Data.DecalBlendMode);

				// we could do this test earlier to avoid the decal intersection but getting DecalBlendMode also costs
				if (View.Family->EngineShowFlags.ShaderComplexity || (DecalRenderStage == LocalDecalRenderStage && Data.FadeAlpha>0.0f) )

	if (OutVisibleDecals.Num() > 0)
		// Sort by sort order to allow control over composited result
		// Then sort decals by state to reduce render target switches
		// Also sort by component since Sort() is not stable
		struct FCompareFTransientDecalRenderData
			FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const FTransientDecalRenderData& A, const FTransientDecalRenderData& B) const
				if (B.DecalProxy->SortOrder != A.DecalProxy->SortOrder)
					return A.DecalProxy->SortOrder < B.DecalProxy->SortOrder;
				// bHasNormal here is more important then blend mode because we want to render every decals that output normals before those that read normal.
				if (B.bHasNormal != A.bHasNormal)
					return B.bHasNormal < A.bHasNormal; // < so that those outputting normal are first.
				if (B.DecalBlendMode != A.DecalBlendMode)
					return (int32)B.DecalBlendMode < (int32)A.DecalBlendMode;
				// Batch decals with the same material together
				if (B.MaterialProxy != A.MaterialProxy)
					return B.MaterialProxy < A.MaterialProxy;
				return (PTRINT)B.DecalProxy->Component < (PTRINT)A.DecalProxy->Component;

		// Sort decals by blend mode to reduce render target switches
void FGridWidget::DrawNewGrid(const FSceneView* View, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI)
	if (LevelGridMaterial->IsCompilingOrHadCompileError(View->GetFeatureLevel()) || LevelGridMaterial2->IsCompilingOrHadCompileError(View->GetFeatureLevel()))
		// The material would appear to be black (because we don't use a MaterialDomain but a UsageFlag - we should change that).
		// Here we rather want to hide it.

	bool bUseTextureSolution = CVarEditorNewLevelGrid.GetValueOnGameThread() > 1;

	UMaterialInstanceDynamic *MaterialInst = bUseTextureSolution ? LevelGridMaterialInst2 : LevelGridMaterialInst;


	bool bMSAA = IsEditorCompositingMSAAEnabled(View->GetFeatureLevel());
	bool bIsPerspective = ( View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[3][3] < 1.0f );

	// in unreal units
	float SnapGridSize = GEditor->GetGridSize();

	// not used yet
	const bool bSnapEnabled = GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->GridEnabled;

	float SnapAlphaMultiplier = 1.0f;

	// to get a light grid in a black level but use a high opacity value to be able to see it in a bright level
	static float Darken = 0.11f;

	static FName GridColorName("GridColor");
	static FName SnapColorName("SnapColor");
	static FName ExponentName("Exponent");
	static FName AlphaBiasName("AlphaBias");
		MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue(GridColorName, FLinearColor(0.6f * Darken, 0.6f * Darken, 0.6f * Darken, CVarEditor3DGridFade.GetValueOnGameThread()));
		MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue(SnapColorName, FLinearColor(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, SnapAlphaMultiplier * CVarEditor3DSnapFade.GetValueOnGameThread()));
		MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue(GridColorName, FLinearColor(0.6f * Darken, 0.6f * Darken, 0.6f * Darken, CVarEditor2DGridFade.GetValueOnGameThread()));
		MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue(SnapColorName, FLinearColor(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, SnapAlphaMultiplier * CVarEditor2DSnapFade.GetValueOnGameThread()));

	// true:1m, false:1dm ios smallest grid size
	bool bLarger1mGrid = true;

	const int Exponent = 10;

	// 2 is the default so we need to set it
	MaterialInst->SetScalarParameterValue(ExponentName, (float)Exponent);

	// without MSAA we need the grid to be more see through so lines behind it can be recognized
	MaterialInst->SetScalarParameterValue(AlphaBiasName, bMSAA ? 0.0f : 0.05f);

	// grid for size
	float GridSplit = 0.5f;
	// red dots to visualize the snap
	float SnapSplit = 0.075f;

	float WorldToUVScale = 0.001f;

		WorldToUVScale *= 0.1f;
		GridSplit *= 0.1f;

	// in 2D all grid lines are same size in world space (they are at different scale so we need to adjust here)
	FLinearColor GridSplitTriple(GridSplit * 0.01f, GridSplit * 0.1f, GridSplit);

		// largest grid lines
		GridSplitTriple.R *= 8.0f;
		// medium grid lines
		GridSplitTriple.G *= 3.0f;
		// fine grid lines
		GridSplitTriple.B *= 1.0f;

		// screenspace size looks better in 2d

		float ScaleX = View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0] * View->ViewRect.Width();
		float ScaleY = View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[1][1] * View->ViewRect.Height();

		float Scale = FMath::Min(ScaleX, ScaleY);

		float GridScale = CVarEditor2DSnapScale.GetValueOnGameThread();
		float GridMin = CVarEditor2DSnapMin.GetValueOnGameThread();

		// we need to account for a larger grids setting
		SnapSplit = 1.25f * FMath::Min(GridScale / SnapGridSize / Scale, GridMin);

		// hack test
		GridSplitTriple.R = 0.25f * FMath::Min(GridScale / 100 / Scale * 0.01f, GridMin);
		GridSplitTriple.G = 0.25f * FMath::Min(GridScale / 100 / Scale * 0.1f, GridMin);
		GridSplitTriple.B = 0.25f * FMath::Min(GridScale / 100 / Scale, GridMin);

	float SnapTile = (1.0f / WorldToUVScale) / FMath::Max(1.0f, SnapGridSize);

	MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue("GridSplit", GridSplitTriple);
	MaterialInst->SetScalarParameterValue("SnapSplit", SnapSplit);
	MaterialInst->SetScalarParameterValue("SnapTile", SnapTile);

	FMatrix ObjectToWorld = FMatrix::Identity;

	FVector CameraPos = View->ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin;

	FVector2D UVCameraPos = FVector2D(CameraPos.X, CameraPos.Y);

	ObjectToWorld.SetOrigin(FVector(CameraPos.X, CameraPos.Y, 0));

	FLinearColor AxisColors[3];
	GetAxisColors(AxisColors, true);

	FLinearColor UAxisColor = AxisColors[1];
	FLinearColor VAxisColor = AxisColors[0];

		float FarZ = 100000.0f;

		if(View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.M[1][1] == -1.f )		// Top
			ObjectToWorld.SetOrigin(FVector(CameraPos.X, CameraPos.Y, -FarZ));
		if(View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.M[1][2] == -1.f )		// Front
			UVCameraPos = FVector2D(CameraPos.Z, CameraPos.X);
			ObjectToWorld.SetAxis(0, FVector(0,0,1));
			ObjectToWorld.SetAxis(1, FVector(1,0,0));
			ObjectToWorld.SetAxis(2, FVector(0,1,0));
			ObjectToWorld.SetOrigin(FVector(CameraPos.X, -FarZ, CameraPos.Z));
			UAxisColor = AxisColors[0];
			VAxisColor = AxisColors[2];
		else if(View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.M[1][0] == 1.f )		// Side
			UVCameraPos = FVector2D(CameraPos.Y, CameraPos.Z);
			ObjectToWorld.SetAxis(0, FVector(0,1,0));
			ObjectToWorld.SetAxis(1, FVector(0,0,1));
			ObjectToWorld.SetAxis(2, FVector(1,0,0));
			ObjectToWorld.SetOrigin(FVector(FarZ, CameraPos.Y, CameraPos.Z));
			UAxisColor = AxisColors[2];
			VAxisColor = AxisColors[1];
	MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue("UAxisColor", UAxisColor);
	MaterialInst->SetVectorParameterValue("VAxisColor", VAxisColor);

	// We don't want to affect the mouse interaction.

	// good enough to avoid the AMD artifacts, horizon still appears to be a line
	float Radii = 100000;

		// the higher we get the larger we make the geometry to give the illusion of an infinite grid while maintains the precision nearby
		Radii *= FMath::Max( 1.0f, FMath::Abs(CameraPos.Z) / 1000.0f );
		float ScaleX = View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0];
		float ScaleY = View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[1][1];

		float Scale = FMath::Min(ScaleX, ScaleY);

		Scale *= View->ViewRect.Width();

		// We render a larger grid if we are zoomed out more (good precision at any scale)
		Radii *= 1.0f / Scale;

	FVector2D UVMid = UVCameraPos * WorldToUVScale;
	float UVRadi = Radii * WorldToUVScale;

	FVector2D UVMin = UVMid + FVector2D(-UVRadi, -UVRadi);
	FVector2D UVMax = UVMid + FVector2D(UVRadi, UVRadi);

	// vertex pos is in -1..1 range
	DrawPlane10x10(PDI, ObjectToWorld, Radii, UVMin, UVMax, MaterialInst->GetRenderProxy(false), SDPG_World );
void UParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
	check(Owner && Owner->Component);
	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel	= Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner);
	FVector OwnerScale(1.0f);
	if ((bApplyOwnerScale == true) && Owner->Component)
		OwnerScale = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();
	if (Absolute)
		if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace == false)
			if (bInWorldSpace == false)
				FVector Vel;
				const FMatrix LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixNoScale();
					Vel = VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
					Particle.Velocity = LocalToWorld.TransformVector(Vel) * OwnerScale;
					Particle.Velocity = VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component) * OwnerScale;
			if (bInWorldSpace == false)
					Particle.Velocity = VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component) * OwnerScale;
				FVector Vel;
				const FMatrix LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixNoScale();
				const FMatrix InvMat = LocalToWorld.InverseFast();
					Vel = VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
					Particle.Velocity = InvMat.TransformVector(Vel) * OwnerScale;
		if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace == false)
			FVector Vel;
			if (bInWorldSpace == false)
				const FMatrix LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixNoScale();
					Vel = VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
					Particle.Velocity *= LocalToWorld.TransformVector(Vel) * OwnerScale;
					Particle.Velocity *= VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component) * OwnerScale;
			if (bInWorldSpace == false)
					Particle.Velocity *= VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component) * OwnerScale;
				FVector Vel;
				const FMatrix LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixNoScale();
				const FMatrix InvMat = LocalToWorld.InverseFast();
					Vel = VelOverLife.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component);
					Particle.Velocity *= InvMat.TransformVector(Vel) * OwnerScale;
Example #24
void FSimpleHMD::PushViewCanvas(EStereoscopicPass StereoPass, FCanvas *InCanvas, UCanvas *InCanvasObject, FSceneView *InView) const 
	FMatrix m;
void UParticleModuleVelocityCone::Render3DPreview(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI)
	float ConeMaxAngle = 0.0f;
	float ConeMinAngle = 0.0f;
	Angle.GetOutRange(ConeMinAngle, ConeMaxAngle);

	float ConeMaxVelocity = 0.0f;
	float ConeMinVelocity = 0.0f;
	Velocity.GetOutRange(ConeMinVelocity, ConeMaxVelocity);

	float MaxLifetime = 0.0f;
	TArray<UParticleModule*>& Modules = Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner)->Modules;
	for (int32 ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < Modules.Num(); ModuleIndex++)
		UParticleModuleLifetimeBase* LifetimeMod = Cast<UParticleModuleLifetimeBase>(Modules[ModuleIndex]);
		if (LifetimeMod != NULL)
			MaxLifetime = LifetimeMod->GetMaxLifetime();

	const int32 ConeSides = 16;
	const float ConeRadius = ConeMaxVelocity * MaxLifetime;

	// Calculate direction transform
	const FVector DefaultDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	const FVector ForwardDirection = (Direction != FVector::ZeroVector)? Direction.GetSafeNormal(): DefaultDirection;
	FVector UpDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	FVector RightDirection(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	if ((ForwardDirection != UpDirection) && (-ForwardDirection != UpDirection))
		RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection;
		UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection;
		UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection;
		RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection;

	FMatrix DirectionRotation;
	DirectionRotation.SetAxis(0, RightDirection.GetSafeNormal());
	DirectionRotation.SetAxis(1, UpDirection.GetSafeNormal());
	DirectionRotation.SetAxis(2, ForwardDirection);

	// Calculate the owning actor's scale and rotation
	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel	= Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner);
	FVector OwnerScale(1.0f);
	FMatrix OwnerRotation(FMatrix::Identity);
	FVector LocalToWorldOrigin(0.0f);
	FMatrix LocalToWorld(FMatrix::Identity);
	if (Owner->Component)
		AActor* Actor = Owner->Component->GetOwner();
		if (Actor)
			if (bApplyOwnerScale == true)
				OwnerScale = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();

			OwnerRotation = FQuatRotationMatrix(Actor->GetActorQuat());
	  LocalToWorldOrigin = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
	  LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixWithScale().RemoveTranslation();
	FMatrix Transform;

	// DrawWireCone() draws a cone down the X axis, but this cone's default direction is down Z
	const FRotationMatrix XToZRotation(FRotator((int32)(HALF_PI * 10430), 0, 0));
	Transform *= XToZRotation;

	// Apply scale
	Transform.SetAxis(0, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X ) * OwnerScale.X);
	Transform.SetAxis(1, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y ) * OwnerScale.Y);
	Transform.SetAxis(2, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z ) * OwnerScale.Z);

	// Apply direction transform
	Transform *= DirectionRotation;

	// Transform according to world and local space flags 
	if (!LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && !bInWorldSpace)
		Transform *= LocalToWorld;
	else if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && bInWorldSpace)
		Transform *= OwnerRotation;
		Transform *= LocalToWorld.InverseFast();
	else if (!bInWorldSpace)
		Transform *= OwnerRotation;

	// Apply translation

	TArray<FVector> OuterVerts;
	TArray<FVector> InnerVerts;

	// Draw inner and outer cones
	DrawWireCone(PDI, InnerVerts, Transform, ConeRadius, ConeMinAngle, ConeSides, ModuleEditorColor, SDPG_World);
	DrawWireCone(PDI, OuterVerts, Transform, ConeRadius, ConeMaxAngle, ConeSides, ModuleEditorColor, SDPG_World);

	// Draw radial spokes
	for (int32 i = 0; i < ConeSides; ++i)
		PDI->DrawLine( OuterVerts[i], InnerVerts[i], ModuleEditorColor, SDPG_World );
Example #26
void FLightSceneProxy::SetTransform(const FMatrix& InLightToWorld,const FVector4& InPosition)
	LightToWorld = InLightToWorld;
	WorldToLight = InLightToWorld.InverseFast();
	Position = InPosition;
void FEditorCommonDrawHelper::DrawGridSection(float ViewportGridY,FVector* A,FVector* B,float* AX,float* BX,int32 Axis,const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI )
	if( ViewportGridY == 0 )
		// Don't draw zero-size grid

	// todo
	int32 Exponent = GEditor->IsGridSizePowerOfTwo() ? 8 : 10;

	const float SizeX = View->ViewRect.Width();
	const float Zoom = (1.0f / View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0]) * 2.0f / SizeX;
	const float Dist = SizeX * Zoom / ViewportGridY;

	// when the grid fades
	static float Tweak = 4.0f;

	float IncValue = FMath::LogX(Exponent, Dist / (float)(SizeX / Tweak));
	int32 IncScale = 1;

	for(float x = 0; x < IncValue; ++x)
		IncScale *= Exponent;

	if (IncScale == 0)
		// Prevent divide by zero

	// 0 excluded for hard transitions .. 0.5f for very soft transitions
	const float TransitionRegion = 0.5f;

	const float InvTransitionRegion = 1.0f / TransitionRegion;
	float Fract = IncValue - floorf(IncValue);
	float AlphaA = FMath::Clamp(Fract * InvTransitionRegion, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	float AlphaB = FMath::Clamp(InvTransitionRegion - Fract * InvTransitionRegion, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	if(IncValue < -0.5f)
		// no fade in magnification case
		AlphaA = 1.0f;
		AlphaB = 1.0f;

	const int32 MajorLineInterval = GEditor->GetGridInterval();

	const FLinearColor Background = View->BackgroundColor;

	FLinearColor MajorColor = FMath::Lerp(Background, FLinearColor::White, 0.05f);
	FLinearColor MinorColor = FMath::Lerp(Background, FLinearColor::White, 0.02f);

	const FMatrix InvViewProjMatrix = View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.InverseFast() * View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.InverseFast();
	int32 FirstLine = FMath::TruncToInt(InvViewProjMatrix.TransformPosition(FVector(-1, -1, 0.5f)).Component(Axis) / ViewportGridY);
	int32 LastLine = FMath::TruncToInt(InvViewProjMatrix.TransformPosition(FVector(+1, +1, 0.5f)).Component(Axis) / ViewportGridY);
	if (FirstLine > LastLine)
		Exchange(FirstLine, LastLine);

	// Draw major and minor grid lines
	const int32 FirstLineClamped = FMath::Max<int32>(FirstLine - 1,-HALF_WORLD_MAX/ViewportGridY) / IncScale;
	const int32 LastLineClamped = FMath::Min<int32>(LastLine + 1, +HALF_WORLD_MAX/ViewportGridY) / IncScale;
	for( int32 LineIndex = FirstLineClamped; LineIndex <= LastLineClamped; ++LineIndex )
		*AX = FPlatformMath::TruncToFloat(LineIndex * ViewportGridY) * IncScale;
		*BX = FPlatformMath::TruncToFloat(LineIndex * ViewportGridY) * IncScale;

		// Only minor lines fade out with ortho zoom distance.  Origin lines and major lines are drawn
		// at 100% opacity, but with a brighter value
		const bool bIsMajorLine = (LineIndex % MajorLineInterval) == 0;

			// Don't bother drawing the world origin line.  We'll do that later.
			const bool bIsOriginLine = ( LineIndex == 0 );
			if( !bIsOriginLine )
				FLinearColor Color;
				if( bIsMajorLine )
					Color = FMath::Lerp( Background, MajorColor, AlphaA );
					Color = FMath::Lerp( Background, MinorColor, AlphaB );

void UKismetMathLibrary::MinimumAreaRectangle(class UObject* WorldContextObject, const TArray<FVector>& InVerts, const FVector& SampleSurfaceNormal, FVector& OutRectCenter, FRotator& OutRectRotation, float& OutSideLengthX, float& OutSideLengthY, bool bDebugDraw)
	float MinArea = -1.f;
	float CurrentArea = -1.f;
	FVector SupportVectorA, SupportVectorB;
	FVector RectSideA, RectSideB;
	float MinDotResultA, MinDotResultB, MaxDotResultA, MaxDotResultB;
	FVector TestEdge;
	float TestEdgeDot = 0.f;
	FVector PolyNormal(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
	TArray<int32> PolyVertIndices;

	// Bail if we receive an empty InVerts array
	if( InVerts.Num() == 0 )

	// Compute the approximate normal of the poly, using the direction of SampleSurfaceNormal for guidance
	PolyNormal = (InVerts[InVerts.Num() / 3] - InVerts[0]) ^ (InVerts[InVerts.Num() * 2 / 3] - InVerts[InVerts.Num() / 3]);
	if( (PolyNormal | SampleSurfaceNormal) < 0.f )
		PolyNormal = -PolyNormal;

	// Transform the sample points to 2D
	FMatrix SurfaceNormalMatrix = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromZX(PolyNormal, FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f));
	TArray<FVector> TransformedVerts;
	OutRectCenter = FVector(0.f);
	for( int32 Idx = 0; Idx < InVerts.Num(); ++Idx )
		OutRectCenter += InVerts[Idx];
	OutRectCenter /= InVerts.Num();

	// Compute the convex hull of the sample points
	ConvexHull2D::ComputeConvexHull(TransformedVerts, PolyVertIndices);

	// Minimum area rectangle as computed by http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/MinimumAreaRectangle.pdf
	for( int32 Idx = 1; Idx < PolyVertIndices.Num() - 1; ++Idx )
		SupportVectorA = (TransformedVerts[PolyVertIndices[Idx]] - TransformedVerts[PolyVertIndices[Idx-1]]).SafeNormal();
		SupportVectorA.Z = 0.f;
		SupportVectorB.X = -SupportVectorA.Y;
		SupportVectorB.Y = SupportVectorA.X;
		SupportVectorB.Z = 0.f;
		MinDotResultA = MinDotResultB = MaxDotResultA = MaxDotResultB = 0.f;

		for (int TestVertIdx = 1; TestVertIdx < PolyVertIndices.Num(); ++TestVertIdx )
			TestEdge = TransformedVerts[PolyVertIndices[TestVertIdx]] - TransformedVerts[PolyVertIndices[0]];
			TestEdgeDot = SupportVectorA | TestEdge;
			if( TestEdgeDot < MinDotResultA )
				MinDotResultA = TestEdgeDot;
			else if(TestEdgeDot > MaxDotResultA )
				MaxDotResultA = TestEdgeDot;

			TestEdgeDot = SupportVectorB | TestEdge;
			if( TestEdgeDot < MinDotResultB )
				MinDotResultB = TestEdgeDot;
			else if( TestEdgeDot > MaxDotResultB )
				MaxDotResultB = TestEdgeDot;

		CurrentArea = (MaxDotResultA - MinDotResultA) * (MaxDotResultB - MinDotResultB);
		if( MinArea < 0.f || CurrentArea < MinArea )
			MinArea = CurrentArea;
			RectSideA = SupportVectorA * (MaxDotResultA - MinDotResultA);
			RectSideB = SupportVectorB * (MaxDotResultB - MinDotResultB);

	RectSideA = SurfaceNormalMatrix.TransformVector(RectSideA);
	RectSideB = SurfaceNormalMatrix.TransformVector(RectSideB);
	OutRectRotation = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromZX(PolyNormal, RectSideA).Rotator();
	OutSideLengthX = RectSideA.Size();
	OutSideLengthY = RectSideB.Size();

	if( bDebugDraw )
		DrawDebugSphere(GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject), OutRectCenter, 10.f, 12, FColor::Yellow, true);
		DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject), OutRectCenter, SurfaceNormalMatrix.Rotator(), 100.f, true);
		DrawDebugLine(GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject), OutRectCenter - RectSideA * 0.5f + FVector(0,0,10.f), OutRectCenter + RectSideA * 0.5f + FVector(0,0,10.f), FColor::Green, true,-1, 0, 5.f);
		DrawDebugLine(GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject), OutRectCenter - RectSideB * 0.5f + FVector(0,0,10.f), OutRectCenter + RectSideB * 0.5f + FVector(0,0,10.f), FColor::Blue, true,-1, 0, 5.f);
void UCameraAnimInst::ApplyToView(FMinimalViewInfo& InOutPOV) const
	if (CurrentBlendWeight > 0.f)
		ACameraActor const* AnimatedCamActor = dynamic_cast<ACameraActor*>(InterpGroupInst->GetGroupActor());
		if (AnimatedCamActor)

			if (CamAnim->bRelativeToInitialTransform)
				// move animated cam actor to initial-relative position
				FTransform const AnimatedCamToWorld = AnimatedCamActor->GetTransform();
				FTransform const AnimatedCamToInitialCam = AnimatedCamToWorld * InitialCamToWorld.Inverse();
				ACameraActor* const MutableCamActor = const_cast<ACameraActor*>(AnimatedCamActor);

			float const Scale = CurrentBlendWeight;
			FRotationMatrix const CameraToWorld(InOutPOV.Rotation);

			if (PlaySpace == ECameraAnimPlaySpace::CameraLocal)
				// the code in the else block will handle this just fine, but this path provides efficiency and simplicity for the most common case

				// loc
				FVector const LocalOffset = CameraToWorld.TransformVector(AnimatedCamActor->GetActorLocation()*Scale);
				InOutPOV.Location += LocalOffset;

				// rot
				FRotationMatrix const AnimRotMat(AnimatedCamActor->GetActorRotation()*Scale);
				InOutPOV.Rotation = (AnimRotMat * CameraToWorld).Rotator();
				// handle playing the anim in an arbitrary space relative to the camera

				// find desired space
				FMatrix const PlaySpaceToWorld = (PlaySpace == ECameraAnimPlaySpace::UserDefined) ? UserPlaySpaceMatrix : FMatrix::Identity;

				// loc
				FVector const LocalOffset = PlaySpaceToWorld.TransformVector(AnimatedCamActor->GetActorLocation()*Scale);
				InOutPOV.Location += LocalOffset;

				// rot
				// find transform from camera to the "play space"
				FMatrix const CameraToPlaySpace = CameraToWorld * PlaySpaceToWorld.Inverse();	// CameraToWorld * WorldToPlaySpace

				// find transform from anim (applied in playspace) back to camera
				FRotationMatrix const AnimToPlaySpace(AnimatedCamActor->GetActorRotation()*Scale);
				FMatrix const AnimToCamera = AnimToPlaySpace * CameraToPlaySpace.Inverse();			// AnimToPlaySpace * PlaySpaceToCamera

				// RCS = rotated camera space, meaning camera space after it's been animated
				// this is what we're looking for, the diff between rotated cam space and regular cam space.
				// apply the transform back to camera space from the post-animated transform to get the RCS
				FMatrix const RCSToCamera = CameraToPlaySpace * AnimToCamera;

				// now apply to real camera
				FRotationMatrix const RealCamToWorld(InOutPOV.Rotation);
				InOutPOV.Rotation = (RCSToCamera * RealCamToWorld).Rotator();

			// fov
			if (bHasFOVTrack)
				const float FOVMin = 5.f;
				const float FOVMax = 170.f;

				// Interp the FOV toward the camera component's FOV based on Scale
				if (CamAnim->bRelativeToInitialFOV)
					InOutPOV.FOV += (AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView - InitialFOV) * Scale;
					const int32 DesiredDirection = FMath::Sign(AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView - InOutPOV.FOV);
					const int32 InitialDirection = FMath::Sign(AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView - InitialFOV);
					if (DesiredDirection != InitialDirection)
						InOutPOV.FOV = FMath::Clamp(InOutPOV.FOV + ((AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView - InOutPOV.FOV) * Scale), InOutPOV.FOV, AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView);
						InOutPOV.FOV = FMath::Clamp(InOutPOV.FOV + ((AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView - InitialFOV) * Scale), AnimatedCamActor->GetCameraComponent()->FieldOfView, InitialFOV);
				InOutPOV.FOV = FMath::Clamp<float>(InOutPOV.FOV, FOVMin, FOVMax);
void FRCPassPostProcessDeferredDecals::Process(FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context)
	FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList = Context.RHICmdList;
	FSceneRenderTargets& SceneContext = FSceneRenderTargets::Get(RHICmdList);

	const bool bShaderComplexity = Context.View.Family->EngineShowFlags.ShaderComplexity;
	const bool bDBuffer = IsDBufferEnabled();
	const bool bStencilSizeThreshold = CVarStencilSizeThreshold.GetValueOnRenderThread() >= 0;

	SCOPED_DRAW_EVENTF(RHICmdList, DeferredDecals, TEXT("DeferredDecals %s"), GetStageName(CurrentStage));

	if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass)
		// before BasePass, only if DBuffer is enabled


		FPooledRenderTargetDesc GBufferADesc;

		// DBuffer: Decal buffer
		FPooledRenderTargetDesc Desc(FPooledRenderTargetDesc::Create2DDesc(GBufferADesc.Extent,
			TexCreate_ShaderResource | TexCreate_RenderTargetable,

		if (!SceneContext.DBufferA)
			Desc.ClearValue = FClearValueBinding::Black;
			GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, SceneContext.DBufferA, TEXT("DBufferA"));

		if (!SceneContext.DBufferB)
			Desc.ClearValue = FClearValueBinding(FLinearColor(128.0f / 255.0f, 128.0f / 255.0f, 128.0f / 255.0f, 1));
			GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, SceneContext.DBufferB, TEXT("DBufferB"));

		Desc.Format = PF_R8G8;

		if (!SceneContext.DBufferC)
			Desc.ClearValue = FClearValueBinding(FLinearColor(0, 1, 0, 1));
			GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, SceneContext.DBufferC, TEXT("DBufferC"));

		// we assume views are non overlapping, then we need to clear only once in the beginning, otherwise we would need to set scissor rects
		// and don't get FastClear any more.
		bool bFirstView = Context.View.Family->Views[0] == &Context.View;

		if (bFirstView)
			SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(RHICmdList, DBufferClear);

			FRHIRenderTargetView RenderTargets[3];
			RenderTargets[0] = FRHIRenderTargetView(SceneContext.DBufferA->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, 0, -1, ERenderTargetLoadAction::EClear, ERenderTargetStoreAction::EStore);
			RenderTargets[1] = FRHIRenderTargetView(SceneContext.DBufferB->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, 0, -1, ERenderTargetLoadAction::EClear, ERenderTargetStoreAction::EStore);
			RenderTargets[2] = FRHIRenderTargetView(SceneContext.DBufferC->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, 0, -1, ERenderTargetLoadAction::EClear, ERenderTargetStoreAction::EStore);

			FRHIDepthRenderTargetView DepthView(SceneContext.GetSceneDepthTexture(), ERenderTargetLoadAction::ELoad, ERenderTargetStoreAction::ENoAction, ERenderTargetLoadAction::ELoad, ERenderTargetStoreAction::ENoAction, FExclusiveDepthStencil(FExclusiveDepthStencil::DepthRead_StencilWrite));

			FRHISetRenderTargetsInfo Info(3, RenderTargets, DepthView);

	// this cast is safe as only the dedicated server implements this differently and this pass should not be executed on the dedicated server
	const FViewInfo& View = Context.View;
	const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily = *(View.Family);

	bool bHasValidDBufferMask = false;

		if(CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass || CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeLighting)
			RenderMeshDecals(Context, CurrentStage);

		FScene& Scene = *(FScene*)ViewFamily.Scene;

		//don't early return.  Resolves must be run for fast clears to work.
		if (Scene.Decals.Num())
			FDecalRenderTargetManager RenderTargetManager(RHICmdList, Context.GetShaderPlatform(), CurrentStage);

			// Build a list of decals that need to be rendered for this view
			FTransientDecalRenderDataList SortedDecals;
			FDecalRendering::BuildVisibleDecalList(Scene, View, CurrentStage, SortedDecals);

			if (SortedDecals.Num() > 0)
				SCOPED_DRAW_EVENTF(RHICmdList, DeferredDecalsInner, TEXT("DeferredDecalsInner %d/%d"), SortedDecals.Num(), Scene.Decals.Num());

				// optimization to have less state changes
				EDecalRasterizerState LastDecalRasterizerState = DRS_Undefined;
				FDecalDepthState LastDecalDepthState;
				int32 LastDecalBlendMode = -1;
				int32 LastDecalHasNormal = -1; // Decal state can change based on its normal property.(SM5)
				FDecalRenderingCommon::ERenderTargetMode LastRenderTargetMode = FDecalRenderingCommon::RTM_Unknown;
				const ERHIFeatureLevel::Type SMFeatureLevel = Context.GetFeatureLevel();

				SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(RHICmdList, Decals);
				INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Decals, SortedDecals.Num());

				for (int32 DecalIndex = 0, DecalCount = SortedDecals.Num(); DecalIndex < DecalCount; DecalIndex++)
					const FTransientDecalRenderData& DecalData = SortedDecals[DecalIndex];
					const FDeferredDecalProxy& DecalProxy = *DecalData.DecalProxy;
					const FMatrix ComponentToWorldMatrix = DecalProxy.ComponentTrans.ToMatrixWithScale();
					const FMatrix FrustumComponentToClip = FDecalRendering::ComputeComponentToClipMatrix(View, ComponentToWorldMatrix);

					EDecalBlendMode DecalBlendMode = DecalData.DecalBlendMode;
					EDecalRenderStage LocalDecalStage = FDecalRenderingCommon::ComputeRenderStage(View.GetShaderPlatform(), DecalBlendMode);
					bool bStencilThisDecal = IsStencilOptimizationAvailable(LocalDecalStage);

					FDecalRenderingCommon::ERenderTargetMode CurrentRenderTargetMode = FDecalRenderingCommon::ComputeRenderTargetMode(View.GetShaderPlatform(), DecalBlendMode, DecalData.bHasNormal);

					if (bShaderComplexity)
						CurrentRenderTargetMode = FDecalRenderingCommon::RTM_SceneColor;
						// we want additive blending for the ShaderComplexity mode
						DecalBlendMode = DBM_Emissive;

					// Here we assume that GBuffer can only be WorldNormal since it is the only GBufferTarget handled correctly.
					if (RenderTargetManager.bGufferADirty && DecalData.MaterialResource->NeedsGBuffer())
						RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(SceneContext.GBufferA->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, SceneContext.GBufferA->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, true, FResolveParams());
						RenderTargetManager.TargetsToResolve[FDecalRenderTargetManager::GBufferAIndex] =  nullptr;
						RenderTargetManager.bGufferADirty = false;

					// fewer rendertarget switches if possible
					if (CurrentRenderTargetMode != LastRenderTargetMode)
						LastRenderTargetMode = CurrentRenderTargetMode;

						RenderTargetManager.SetRenderTargetMode(CurrentRenderTargetMode, DecalData.bHasNormal);

					bool bThisDecalUsesStencil = false;

					if (bStencilThisDecal && bStencilSizeThreshold)
						// note this is after a SetStreamSource (in if CurrentRenderTargetMode != LastRenderTargetMode) call as it needs to get the VB input
						bThisDecalUsesStencil = RenderPreStencil(Context, ComponentToWorldMatrix, FrustumComponentToClip);

						LastDecalRasterizerState = DRS_Undefined;
						LastDecalDepthState = FDecalDepthState();
						LastDecalBlendMode = -1;

					const bool bBlendStateChange = DecalBlendMode != LastDecalBlendMode;// Has decal mode changed.
					const bool bDecalNormalChanged = GSupportsSeparateRenderTargetBlendState && // has normal changed for SM5 stain/translucent decals?
						(DecalBlendMode == DBM_Translucent || DecalBlendMode == DBM_Stain) &&
						(int32)DecalData.bHasNormal != LastDecalHasNormal;

					// fewer blend state changes if possible
					if (bBlendStateChange || bDecalNormalChanged)
						LastDecalBlendMode = DecalBlendMode;
						LastDecalHasNormal = (int32)DecalData.bHasNormal;

						SetDecalBlendState(RHICmdList, SMFeatureLevel, CurrentStage, (EDecalBlendMode)LastDecalBlendMode, DecalData.bHasNormal);

					// todo
					const float ConservativeRadius = DecalData.ConservativeRadius;
					//			const int32 IsInsideDecal = ((FVector)View.ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin - ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetOrigin()).SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(ConservativeRadius * 1.05f + View.NearClippingDistance * 2.0f) + ( bThisDecalUsesStencil ) ? 2 : 0;
					const bool bInsideDecal = ((FVector)View.ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin - ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetOrigin()).SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(ConservativeRadius * 1.05f + View.NearClippingDistance * 2.0f);
					//			const bool bInsideDecal =  !(IsInsideDecal & 1);

					// update rasterizer state if needed
						bool bReverseHanded = false;
							// Account for the reversal of handedness caused by negative scale on the decal
							const auto& Scale3d = DecalProxy.ComponentTrans.GetScale3D();
							bReverseHanded =  Scale3d[0] * Scale3d[1] * Scale3d[2] < 0.f;
						EDecalRasterizerState DecalRasterizerState = ComputeDecalRasterizerState(bInsideDecal, bReverseHanded, View);

						if (LastDecalRasterizerState != DecalRasterizerState)
							LastDecalRasterizerState = DecalRasterizerState;
							SetDecalRasterizerState(DecalRasterizerState, RHICmdList);

					// update DepthStencil state if needed
						FDecalDepthState DecalDepthState = ComputeDecalDepthState(LocalDecalStage, bInsideDecal, bThisDecalUsesStencil);

						if (LastDecalDepthState != DecalDepthState)
							LastDecalDepthState = DecalDepthState;
							SetDecalDepthState(DecalDepthState, RHICmdList);

					FDecalRendering::SetShader(RHICmdList, View, DecalData, FrustumComponentToClip);

					RHICmdList.DrawIndexedPrimitive(GetUnitCubeIndexBuffer(), PT_TriangleList, 0, 0, 8, 0, ARRAY_COUNT(GCubeIndices) / 3, 1);
					RenderTargetManager.bGufferADirty |= (RenderTargetManager.TargetsToResolve[FDecalRenderTargetManager::GBufferAIndex] != nullptr);

				// we don't modify stencil but if out input was having stencil for us (after base pass - we need to clear)
				// Clear stencil to 0, which is the assumed default by other passes
				RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor::White, false, (float)ERHIZBuffer::FarPlane, true, 0, FIntRect());

			if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass)
				// combine DBuffer RTWriteMasks; will end up in one texture we can load from in the base pass PS and decide whether to do the actual work or not

				if (GSupportsRenderTargetWriteMask)
					bHasValidDBufferMask = true;


		if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass)
			// before BasePass
			GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, SceneContext.DBufferA);
			GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, SceneContext.DBufferB);
			GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, SceneContext.DBufferC);

	if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass && !bHasValidDBufferMask)
		// Return the DBufferMask to the render target pool.
		// FDeferredPixelShaderParameters will fall back to setting a white dummy mask texture.
		// This allows us to ignore the DBufferMask on frames without decals, without having to explicitly clear the texture.
		SceneContext.DBufferMask = nullptr;