void FProfilerManager::TrackDefaultStats()
	// Find StatId for the game thread.
	for( auto It = GetProfilerInstancesIterator(); It; ++It )
		FProfilerSessionRef ProfilerSession = It.Value();
		if( ProfilerSession->GetMetaData()->IsReady() )
			TrackStat( ProfilerSession->GetMetaData()->GetGameThreadStatID() );
bool FProfilerManager::TrackStat( const uint32 StatID )
	bool bAdded = false;

	// Check if all profiler instances have this stat ready.
	int32 NumReadyStats = 0;
	for( auto It = GetProfilerInstancesIterator(); It; ++It )
		const FProfilerSessionRef ProfilerSession = It.Value();
		NumReadyStats += ProfilerSession->GetAggregatedStat(StatID) != nullptr ? 1 : 0;
	const bool bStatIsReady = NumReadyStats == GetProfilerInstancesNum();

	if( StatID != 0 && bStatIsReady )
		FTrackedStat* TrackedStat = TrackedStats.Find( StatID );

		if( TrackedStat == nullptr )
			// R = H, G = S, B = V
			const FLinearColor& ColorAverage = GetColorForStatID( StatID );
			const FLinearColor ColorAverageHSV = ColorAverage.LinearRGBToHSV();

			FLinearColor ColorBackgroundHSV = ColorAverageHSV;
			ColorBackgroundHSV.G = FMath::Max( 0.0f, ColorBackgroundHSV.G-0.25f );

			FLinearColor ColorExtremesHSV = ColorAverageHSV;
			ColorExtremesHSV.G = FMath::Min( 1.0f, ColorExtremesHSV.G+0.25f );
			ColorExtremesHSV.B = FMath::Min( 1.0f, ColorExtremesHSV.B+0.25f );

			const FLinearColor ColorBackground = ColorBackgroundHSV.HSVToLinearRGB();
			const FLinearColor ColorExtremes = ColorExtremesHSV.HSVToLinearRGB();

			TrackedStat = &TrackedStats.Add( StatID, FTrackedStat(CreateCombinedGraphDataSource( StatID ),ColorAverage,ColorExtremes,ColorBackground,StatID) );
			bAdded = true;

			// @TODO: Convert a reference parameter to copy parameter/sharedptr/ref/weak, to avoid problems when a reference is no longer valid.
			TrackedStatChangedEvent.Broadcast( *TrackedStat, true );

		if( TrackedStat != nullptr )
			uint32 NumAddedInstances = 0;
			bool bMetadataInitialized = false;

			for( auto It = GetProfilerInstancesIterator(); It; ++It )
				const FGuid& SessionInstanceID = It.Key();// ProfilerSessionInstanceID, ProfilerInstanceID, InstanceID
				const FProfilerSessionRef ProfilerSession = It.Value();
				const bool bInstanceAdded = TrackStatForSessionInstance( StatID, SessionInstanceID );
				NumAddedInstances += bInstanceAdded ? 1 : 0;

				// Initialize metadata for combine graph data source.
				// TODO: This should be checked against the remaining elements to detect inconsistent data.
				// The first instance should be the main.
				if( !bMetadataInitialized )
					const bool bIsStatReady = ProfilerSession->GetMetaData()->IsStatInitialized( StatID );
					if( bIsStatReady )
						const FProfilerStatMetaDataRef MetaData = ProfilerSession->GetMetaData();
						const FProfilerStat& Stat = MetaData->GetStatByID( StatID );
						const FProfilerGroup& Group = Stat.OwningGroup();

						TrackedStat->CombinedGraphDataSource->Initialize( Stat.Name().GetPlainNameString(), Group.ID(), Group.Name().GetPlainNameString(), Stat.Type(), ProfilerSession->GetCreationTime() );
						bMetadataInitialized = true;

	return bAdded;