 *	Transforms CurveTable data into format more effecient to read at runtime.
 *	UCurveTable requires string parsing to map to GroupName/AttributeSet/Attribute
 *	Each curve in the table represents a *single attribute's values for all levels*.
 *	At runtime, we want *all attribute values at given level*.
void FAttributeSetInitter::PreloadAttributeSetData(UCurveTable* CurveData)

	 *	Get list of AttributeSet classes loaded

	TArray<TSubclassOf<UAttributeSet> >	ClassList;
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* TestClass = *ClassIt;
		if (TestClass->IsChildOf(UAttributeSet::StaticClass()))
			// This can only work right now on POD attribute sets. If we ever support FStrings or TArrays in AttributeSets
			// we will need to update this code to not use memcpy etc.
			for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropIt(TestClass, EFieldIteratorFlags::IncludeSuper); PropIt; ++PropIt)
				if (!PropIt->HasAllPropertyFlags(CPF_IsPlainOldData))
					ABILITY_LOG(Error, TEXT("FAttributeSetInitter::PreloadAttributeSetData Unable to Handle AttributeClass %s because it has a non POD property: %s"),
						*TestClass->GetName(), *PropIt->GetName());

	 *	Loop through CurveData table and build sets of Defaults that keyed off of Name + Level

	for (auto It = CurveData->RowMap.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		FString RowName = It.Key().ToString();
		FString ClassName;
		FString SetName;
		FString AttributeName;
		FString Temp;

		RowName.Split(TEXT("."), &ClassName, &Temp);
		Temp.Split(TEXT("."), &SetName, &AttributeName);

		if (!ensure(!ClassName.IsEmpty() && !SetName.IsEmpty() && !AttributeName.IsEmpty()))
			ABILITY_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("FAttributeSetInitter::PreloadAttributeSetData Unable to parse row %s in %s"), *RowName, *CurveData->GetName());

		// Find the AttributeSet

		TSubclassOf<UAttributeSet> Set = FindBestAttributeClass(ClassList, SetName);
		if (!Set)
			// This is ok, we may have rows in here that don't correspond directly to attributes
			ABILITY_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("FAttributeSetInitter::PreloadAttributeSetData Unable to match AttributeSet from %s (row: %s)"), *SetName, *RowName);

		// Find the UProperty

		UNumericProperty* Property = FindField<UNumericProperty>(*Set, *AttributeName);
		if (!Property)
			ABILITY_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("FAttributeSetInitter::PreloadAttributeSetData Unable to match Attribute from %s (row: %s)"), *AttributeName, *RowName);

		FRichCurve* Curve = It.Value();
		FName ClassFName = FName(*ClassName);
		FAttributeSetDefaulsCollection& DefaultCollection = Defaults.FindOrAdd(ClassFName);

		int32 LastLevel = Curve->GetLastKey().Time;
		DefaultCollection.LevelData.SetNum(FMath::Max(LastLevel, DefaultCollection.LevelData.Num()));

		//At this point we know the Name of this "class"/"group", the AttributeSet, and the Property Name. Now loop through the values on the curve to get the attribute default value at each level.
		for (auto KeyIter = Curve->GetKeyIterator(); KeyIter; ++KeyIter)
			const FRichCurveKey& CurveKey = *KeyIter;

			int32 Level = CurveKey.Time;
			float Value = CurveKey.Value;

			FAttributeSetDefaults& SetDefaults = DefaultCollection.LevelData[Level-1];

			FAttributeDefaultValueList* DefaultDataList = SetDefaults.DataMap.Find(Set);
			if (DefaultDataList == nullptr)
				ABILITY_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("Initializing new default set for %s[%d]. PropertySize: %d.. DefaultSize: %d"), *Set->GetName(), Level, Set->GetPropertiesSize(), UAttributeSet::StaticClass()->GetPropertiesSize());
				DefaultDataList = &SetDefaults.DataMap.Add(Set);

			// Import curve value into default data

			DefaultDataList->AddPair(Property, Value);
