Example #1
void UCheatManager::Teleport()
	FVector	ViewLocation;
	FRotator ViewRotation;
	check(GetOuterAPlayerController() != NULL);
	GetOuterAPlayerController()->GetPlayerViewPoint( ViewLocation, ViewRotation );

	FHitResult Hit;

	APawn* AssociatedPawn = GetOuterAPlayerController()->GetPawn();
	static FName NAME_TeleportTrace = FName(TEXT("TeleportTrace"));
	FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(NAME_TeleportTrace, true, AssociatedPawn);

	bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingle(Hit, ViewLocation, ViewLocation + 1000000.f * ViewRotation.Vector(), ECC_Pawn, TraceParams);
	if ( bHit )
		Hit.Location += Hit.Normal * 4.0f;

	if (AssociatedPawn != NULL)
		AssociatedPawn->TeleportTo( Hit.Location, AssociatedPawn->GetActorRotation() );
		ADebugCameraController* const DCC = Cast<ADebugCameraController>(GetOuter());
		if ((DCC != NULL) && (DCC->OriginalControllerRef != NULL))
			APawn* OriginalControllerPawn = DCC->OriginalControllerRef->GetPawn();
			if (OriginalControllerPawn != NULL)
				OriginalControllerPawn->TeleportTo(Hit.Location, OriginalControllerPawn->GetActorRotation());
// Read motion data from Axis Neuron
// Deprecated
bool UPerceptionNeuronBPLibrary::NeuronReadMotion(APerceptionNeuronController *Controller, FVector& Translation, FRotator& Rotation, FVector AdditionalTranslation, FRotator AdditionalRotation, int32 BoneIndex, ENeuronSkeletonEnum SkeletonType)
	if (Controller == nullptr)
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Controller is invalid.")));
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;
	else if ((Controller->bConnected == false) && (Controller->bPlay == false))
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;
	else if (BoneIndex >= Controller->Skeleton.BoneNr)
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Boneindex %d exceeds maximum available bones %d."), BoneIndex, Controller->Skeleton.BoneNr));
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;

	int32 FloatsPerBone = 6; // 3 for x,y,z translation and 3 for x,y,z rotation
	if (Controller->bDisplacement == false)
		FloatsPerBone = 3;	// If there is no displacement (translation) info we have only 3 floats for rotation left

	if ((BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) > Controller->FloatCount)
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;

	// Translation

	if (Controller->bDisplacement == true)
		// Read translation values and remove BVH reference position
		float X = Controller->MotionLine[(BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].XPos] - Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].Offset[0];
		float Y = Controller->MotionLine[(BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].YPos] - Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].Offset[1];
		float Z = Controller->MotionLine[(BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].ZPos] - Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].Offset[2];

		// Map BVH right hand system to local bone coordinate system
		switch (SkeletonType)
		case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_Neuron:  // Neuron BVH skeleton
			if (BoneIndex == 0)
			{	// Hips
				Translation = FVector(X, -Y, Z);
			else if ((BoneIndex >= 1) && (BoneIndex <= 6))
			{	// Legs
				Translation = FVector(X, Y, -Z);
			else if ((BoneIndex >= 7) && (BoneIndex <= 12))
			{	// Spine,...
				Translation = FVector(X, -Y, -Z);
			else if ((BoneIndex >= 13) && (BoneIndex <= 35))
			{	// Right arm
				Translation = FVector(-Z, X, Y);
			else if ((BoneIndex >= 36) && (BoneIndex <= 58))
			{	// Left arm
				Translation = FVector(Z, -X, Y);
		case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_TPP_Hero:	// Hero_TPP, Old blue Unreal default skeleton with T-Pose
		case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_Mannequin: // Mannequin, New Unreal default skeleton with A-Pose
			if (BoneIndex == 0)
			{	// Hips
				Translation = FVector(Y, Z, -X);
			// Ignore other bones
		case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_Map: // Map to configured bone map
			// Map translation with configured Bonemap
			float Map[3] = { X, Y, Z };

			Translation = FVector(Map[Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].XYZ[0]] * Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].Sign[0],
				Map[Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].XYZ[1]] * Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].Sign[1],
				Map[Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].XYZ[2]] * Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].Sign[2]);
		case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_UE4: // Map to UE4 world coordinate system
			Translation = FVector(X, Z, Y);
		case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_None: // Map to nothing, use BVH translation as it is
			Translation = FVector(X, Y, Z);
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;

	// Add additional translation
	Translation.X += AdditionalTranslation.X;
	Translation.Y += AdditionalTranslation.Y;
	Translation.Z += AdditionalTranslation.Z;

	// Rotation 

	// Read rotation values and map to pitch, yaw, roll (y, z, x)
	float XR = Controller->MotionLine[(BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].XRot] * PI / 180.f;
	float YR = Controller->MotionLine[(BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].YRot] * PI / 180.f;
	float ZR = Controller->MotionLine[(BoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].ZRot] * PI / 180.f;

	// Calculate Rotation Matrix and map to Quaternion
	FQuat Quat = CalculateQuat(XR, YR, ZR, Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BoneIndex].RotOrder);

	// Map BVH coordinate system to each bone coordinate system dependend on skeleton type
	switch (SkeletonType)
	case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_Neuron:  // Neuron BVH skeleton
		if ((BoneIndex >= 1) && (BoneIndex <= 6))
		{	// Legs
			Quat.Z *= -1.f;
		else if ((BoneIndex >= 13) && (BoneIndex <= 35))
		{	// Right Arm
			float X = Quat.X;
			float Y = Quat.Y;
			float Z = Quat.Z;
			Quat.X = -Z;
			Quat.Y = X;
			Quat.Z = Y;
		else if ((BoneIndex >= 36) && (BoneIndex <= 58))
		{	// Left Arm
			float X = Quat.X;
			float Y = Quat.Y;
			float Z = Quat.Z;
			Quat.X = Z;
			Quat.Y = -X;
			Quat.Z = Y;
			Quat.Y *= -1.f;
	case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_TPP_Hero:	// Hero_TPP, Old blue Unreal default skeleton with T-Pose
	case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_Mannequin: // Mannequin, New Unreal default skeleton with A-Pose
		if ((BoneIndex >= 1) && (BoneIndex <= 3))
		{	// Right Leg
			float X = Quat.X;
			float Y = Quat.Y;
			float Z = Quat.Z;
			Quat.X = -Y;
			Quat.Y = -Z;
			Quat.Z = -X;
		else if (BoneIndex == 16)
		{	// Right Hand
			Quat.Y *= -1.f;
		else if ((BoneIndex >= 13) && (BoneIndex <= 19))
		{	// Right Arm and Thumb
			float Y = Quat.Y;
			float Z = Quat.Z;
			Quat.Y = -Z;
			Quat.Z = -Y;
		else if ((BoneIndex >= 20) && (BoneIndex <= 35))
		{	// Right Finger
			Quat.Y *= -1.f;
		else if (BoneIndex == 39)
		{	// Left Hand
			Quat.Z *= -1.f;
		else if ((BoneIndex >= 36) && (BoneIndex <= 42))
		{	// Left Arm and Thumb
			float Y = Quat.Y;
			float Z = Quat.Z;
			Quat.Y = Z;
			Quat.Z = Y;
		else if ((BoneIndex >= 43) && (BoneIndex <= 58))
		{	// Left Finger
			Quat.Z *= -1.f;
		{	// Left Leg, Hips, Spine, Neck, Head
			float X = Quat.X;
			float Y = Quat.Y;
			float Z = Quat.Z;
			Quat.X = Y;
			Quat.Y = Z;
			Quat.Z = -X;
	case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_Map: // Map to configured bone map
		// Map Quat.X/Y/Z with configured Bonemap				
		float Map[3] = { Quat.X, Quat.Y, Quat.Z };

		Quat.X = Map[Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].XYZ[0]] * Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].Sign[0];
		Quat.Y = Map[Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].XYZ[1]] * Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].Sign[1];
		Quat.Z = Map[Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].XYZ[2]] * Controller->Bonemap[BoneIndex].Sign[2];
	case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_UE4: // Map to UE4 world coordinate system
		float Y = Quat.Y;
		float Z = Quat.Z;
		Quat.Y = Z;
		Quat.Z = Y;
	case ENeuronSkeletonEnum::VE_None: // Map to nothing, use BVH rotation as it is
		// Nothing to do, Quaternion is already BVH

	// Convert to Rotator
	Rotation = Quat.Rotator();

	// Add additional rotation
	Rotation.Yaw += AdditionalRotation.Yaw;
	Rotation.Pitch += AdditionalRotation.Pitch;
	Rotation.Roll += AdditionalRotation.Roll;

	return true;
FString UKismetStringLibrary::Conv_RotatorToString(FRotator InRot)
	return InRot.ToString();	
FRotator UKismetMathLibrary::NormalizedDeltaRotator(FRotator A, FRotator B)
	FRotator Delta = A - B;
	return Delta;
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::LessLess_VectorRotator(FVector A, FRotator B)
	return B.UnrotateVector(A);
bool UMovementComponent::K2_MoveUpdatedComponent(FVector Delta, FRotator NewRotation, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bSweep, bool bTeleport)
	return SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(Delta, NewRotation.Quaternion(), bSweep, OutHit, TeleportFlagToEnum(bTeleport));
void APlayerCameraManager::UpdateViewTarget(FTViewTarget& OutVT, float DeltaTime)
	// Don't update outgoing viewtarget during an interpolation 
	if ((PendingViewTarget.Target != NULL) && BlendParams.bLockOutgoing && OutVT.Equal(ViewTarget))

	// store previous POV, in case we need it later
	FMinimalViewInfo OrigPOV = OutVT.POV;

	//@TODO: CAMERA: Should probably reset the view target POV fully here
	OutVT.POV.FOV = DefaultFOV;
	OutVT.POV.OrthoWidth = DefaultOrthoWidth;
	OutVT.POV.bConstrainAspectRatio = false;
	OutVT.POV.bUseFieldOfViewForLOD = true;
	OutVT.POV.ProjectionMode = bIsOrthographic ? ECameraProjectionMode::Orthographic : ECameraProjectionMode::Perspective;
	OutVT.POV.PostProcessBlendWeight = 1.0f;

	bool bDoNotApplyModifiers = false;

	if (ACameraActor* CamActor = Cast<ACameraActor>(OutVT.Target))
		// Viewing through a camera actor.
		CamActor->GetCameraComponent()->GetCameraView(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);

		static const FName NAME_Fixed = FName(TEXT("Fixed"));
		static const FName NAME_ThirdPerson = FName(TEXT("ThirdPerson"));
		static const FName NAME_FreeCam = FName(TEXT("FreeCam"));
		static const FName NAME_FreeCam_Default = FName(TEXT("FreeCam_Default"));
		static const FName NAME_FirstPerson = FName(TEXT("FirstPerson"));

		if (CameraStyle == NAME_Fixed)
			// do not update, keep previous camera position by restoring
			// saved POV, in case CalcCamera changes it but still returns false
			OutVT.POV = OrigPOV;

			// don't apply modifiers when using this debug camera mode
			bDoNotApplyModifiers = true;
		else if (CameraStyle == NAME_ThirdPerson || CameraStyle == NAME_FreeCam || CameraStyle == NAME_FreeCam_Default)
			// Simple third person view implementation
			FVector Loc = OutVT.Target->GetActorLocation();
			FRotator Rotator = OutVT.Target->GetActorRotation();

			if (OutVT.Target == PCOwner)
				Loc = PCOwner->GetFocalLocation();

			// Take into account Mesh Translation so it takes into account the PostProcessing we do there.
			// @fixme, can crash in certain BP cases where default mesh is null
//			APawn* TPawn = Cast<APawn>(OutVT.Target);
// 			if ((TPawn != NULL) && (TPawn->Mesh != NULL))
// 			{
// 				Loc += FQuatRotationMatrix(OutVT.Target->GetActorQuat()).TransformVector(TPawn->Mesh->RelativeLocation - GetDefault<APawn>(TPawn->GetClass())->Mesh->RelativeLocation);
// 			}

			//OutVT.Target.GetActorEyesViewPoint(Loc, Rot);
			if( CameraStyle == NAME_FreeCam || CameraStyle == NAME_FreeCam_Default )
				Rotator = PCOwner->GetControlRotation();

			FVector Pos = Loc + FRotationMatrix(Rotator).TransformVector(FreeCamOffset) - Rotator.Vector() * FreeCamDistance;
			FCollisionQueryParams BoxParams(NAME_FreeCam, false, this);
			FHitResult Result;

			GetWorld()->SweepSingleByChannel(Result, Loc, Pos, FQuat::Identity, ECC_Camera, FCollisionShape::MakeBox(FVector(12.f)), BoxParams);
			OutVT.POV.Location = !Result.bBlockingHit ? Pos : Result.Location;
			OutVT.POV.Rotation = Rotator;

			// don't apply modifiers when using this debug camera mode
			bDoNotApplyModifiers = true;
		else if (CameraStyle == NAME_FirstPerson)
			// Simple first person, view through viewtarget's 'eyes'
			OutVT.Target->GetActorEyesViewPoint(OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation);
			// don't apply modifiers when using this debug camera mode
			bDoNotApplyModifiers = true;
			UpdateViewTargetInternal(OutVT, DeltaTime);

	if (!bDoNotApplyModifiers || bAlwaysApplyModifiers)
		// Apply camera modifiers at the end (view shakes for example)
		ApplyCameraModifiers(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);

	if (bFollowHmdOrientation)
		if (GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid() && GEngine->HMDDevice->IsHeadTrackingAllowed())
			GEngine->HMDDevice->UpdatePlayerCameraRotation(this, OutVT.POV);

	// Synchronize the actor with the view target results
	SetActorLocationAndRotation(OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation, false);

Example #8
bool UKismetMathLibrary::NotEqual_RotatorRotator(FRotator A, FRotator B, float ErrorTolerance)
	return !A.Equals(B, ErrorTolerance);
void USpringArmComponent::UpdateDesiredArmLocation(bool bDoTrace, bool bDoLocationLag, bool bDoRotationLag, float DeltaTime)
	FRotator DesiredRot = GetComponentRotation();

	// If inheriting rotation, check options for which components to inherit
			DesiredRot.Pitch = RelativeRotation.Pitch;

		if (!bInheritYaw)
			DesiredRot.Yaw = RelativeRotation.Yaw;

		if (!bInheritRoll)
			DesiredRot.Roll = RelativeRotation.Roll;

	// Apply 'lag' to rotation if desired
		DesiredRot = FMath::RInterpTo(PreviousDesiredRot, DesiredRot, DeltaTime, CameraRotationLagSpeed);
	PreviousDesiredRot = DesiredRot;

	// Get the spring arm 'origin', the target we want to look at
	FVector ArmOrigin = GetComponentLocation() + TargetOffset;
	// We lag the target, not the actuall camera position, so rotating the camera around does not hav lag
	FVector DesiredLoc = ArmOrigin;
	if (bDoLocationLag)
		DesiredLoc = FMath::VInterpTo(PreviousDesiredLoc, DesiredLoc, DeltaTime, CameraLagSpeed);
	PreviousDesiredLoc = DesiredLoc;

	// Now offset camera position back along our rotation
	DesiredLoc -= DesiredRot.Vector() * TargetArmLength;
	// Add socket offset in local space
	DesiredLoc += FRotationMatrix(DesiredRot).TransformVector(SocketOffset);

	// Do a sweep to ensure we are not penetrating the world
	FVector ResultLoc;
	if (bDoTrace && (TargetArmLength != 0.0f))
		static FName TraceTagName(TEXT("SpringArm"));
		FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams(TraceTagName, false, GetOwner());

		FHitResult Result;
		GetWorld()->SweepSingle(Result, ArmOrigin, DesiredLoc, FQuat::Identity, ProbeChannel, FCollisionShape::MakeSphere(ProbeSize), QueryParams);

		ResultLoc = BlendLocations(DesiredLoc, Result.Location, Result.bBlockingHit, DeltaTime);
		ResultLoc = DesiredLoc;

	// Form a transform for new world transform for camera
	FTransform WorldCamTM(DesiredRot, ResultLoc);
	// Convert to relative to component
	FTransform RelCamTM = WorldCamTM.GetRelativeTransform(ComponentToWorld);

	// Update socket location/rotation
	RelativeSocketLocation = RelCamTM.GetLocation();
	RelativeSocketRotation = RelCamTM.GetRotation();

void FSpriteSelectedShape::ApplyDelta(const FVector2D& Delta, const FRotator& Rotation, const FVector& Scale3D, FWidget::EWidgetMode MoveMode)
	if (Geometry.Shapes.IsValidIndex(ShapeIndex))
		FSpriteGeometryShape& Shape = Geometry.Shapes[ShapeIndex];

		const bool bDoRotation = (MoveMode == FWidget::WM_Rotate) || (MoveMode == FWidget::WM_TranslateRotateZ);
		const bool bDoTranslation = (MoveMode == FWidget::WM_Translate) || (MoveMode == FWidget::WM_TranslateRotateZ);
		const bool bDoScale = MoveMode == FWidget::WM_Scale;

		if (bDoTranslation)
			const FVector WorldSpaceDelta = (PaperAxisX * Delta.X) + (PaperAxisY * Delta.Y);
			const FVector2D TextureSpaceDelta = EditorContext->SelectedItemConvertWorldSpaceDeltaToLocalSpace(WorldSpaceDelta);

			Shape.BoxPosition += TextureSpaceDelta;

			Geometry.GeometryType = ESpritePolygonMode::FullyCustom;

		if (bDoScale)
			const float ScaleDeltaX = FVector::DotProduct(Scale3D, PaperAxisX);
			const float ScaleDeltaY = FVector::DotProduct(Scale3D, PaperAxisY);

			const FVector2D OldSize = Shape.BoxSize;
			const FVector2D NewSize(OldSize.X + ScaleDeltaX, OldSize.Y + ScaleDeltaY);

			if (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(NewSize.X, KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) && !FMath::IsNearlyZero(NewSize.Y, KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER))
				const FVector2D ScaleFactor(NewSize.X / OldSize.X, NewSize.Y / OldSize.Y);
				Shape.BoxSize = NewSize;

				// Now apply it to the verts
				for (FVector2D& Vertex : Shape.Vertices)
					Vertex.X *= ScaleFactor.X;
					Vertex.Y *= ScaleFactor.Y;

				Geometry.GeometryType = ESpritePolygonMode::FullyCustom;

		if (bDoRotation)
			//@TODO: This stuff should probably be wrapped up into a utility method (also used for socket editing)
			const FRotator CurrentRot(Shape.Rotation, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			FRotator SocketWinding;
			FRotator SocketRotRemainder;
			CurrentRot.GetWindingAndRemainder(SocketWinding, SocketRotRemainder);

			const FQuat ActorQ = SocketRotRemainder.Quaternion();
			const FQuat DeltaQ = Rotation.Quaternion();
			const FQuat ResultQ = DeltaQ * ActorQ;
			const FRotator NewSocketRotRem = FRotator(ResultQ);
			FRotator DeltaRot = NewSocketRotRem - SocketRotRemainder;

			const FRotator NewRotation(CurrentRot + DeltaRot);

			Shape.Rotation = NewRotation.Pitch;
			Geometry.GeometryType = ESpritePolygonMode::FullyCustom;
Example #11
// Thow out item with index
void UInventory::ThrowOutIndex(int32 ItemIndex)
	// Inside the list of items
	if (Items.IsValidIndex(ItemIndex) && ThePlayer && ThePlayer->IsAnimState(EAnimState::Idle_Run))
		// Check if current weapon, can't throw out weapon that is equiped
		if (Items[ItemIndex].Archetype && ThePlayer->TheWeapon 
			&& ThePlayer->TheWeapon->GetClass() == Items[ItemIndex].Archetype.GetDefaultObject()->GetClass())

		UWorld* const World = ThePlayer->GetWorld();
		if (World && Items[ItemIndex].Archetype && Items[ItemIndex].Archetype->GetDefaultObject<AItem>())
			// Get Player Rotation
			FRotator rot = ThePlayer->GetActorRotation();
			FVector spawnLoc = rot.Vector() * 200 + ThePlayer->FirstPersonCameraComponent->GetComponentLocation()+ FVector(0, 0, -50);

			AItemPickup* newPickup;
			AItem* newItem=Items[ItemIndex].Archetype->GetDefaultObject<AItem>();

			// Spawn Item Pickup archtype
			if (newItem && newItem->ItemPickupArchetype)
				newPickup = World->SpawnActor<AItemPickup>(newItem->ItemPickupArchetype, spawnLoc, rot);

			// Spawn Default pickup
			else newPickup = World->SpawnActor<AItemPickup>(AItemPickup::StaticClass(), spawnLoc, rot);

			if (newPickup)
				if (newItem)

					newPickup->Item = newItem->GetClass();
					if (newItem->PickupMesh)
					else if (newItem->PickupSkelMesh)


				newPickup->bAutoPickup = true;
				if (Cast<AWeapon>(newItem))
					newPickup->bOverideItemData = true;
					newPickup->OverideItemData = Items[ItemIndex];


				if (Items[ItemIndex].ItemCount > 1)
				else RemoveItemIndex(ItemIndex);

				if (newPickup->Mesh && newPickup->Mesh->IsSimulatingPhysics())
					newPickup->Mesh->AddImpulse(rot.Vector() * 12000, NAME_None, true);
				if (newPickup->SkeletalMesh && newPickup->SkeletalMesh->IsSimulatingPhysics())
					newPickup->SkeletalMesh->AddForce(rot.Vector() * 12000, NAME_None, true);
Example #12
static void ConvertRuneAnimations(UMeshAnimation &Anim, const TArray<RJoint> &Bones,
	const TArray<FRSkelAnimSeq> &Seqs)

	int i, j;
	int numBones = Bones.Num();
	// create RefBones
	for (i = 0; i < Bones.Num(); i++)
		const RJoint &SB = Bones[i];
		FNamedBone *B = new(Anim.RefBones) FNamedBone;
		B->Name        = SB.name;
		B->Flags       = 0;
		B->ParentIndex = SB.parent;
	// create AnimSeqs
	for (i = 0; i < Seqs.Num(); i++)
		// create FMeshAnimSeq
		const FRSkelAnimSeq &SS = Seqs[i];
		FMeshAnimSeq *S = new(Anim.AnimSeqs) FMeshAnimSeq;
		S->Name       = SS.Name;
		CopyArray(S->Groups, SS.Groups);
		S->StartFrame = 0;
		S->NumFrames  = SS.NumFrames;
		S->Rate       = SS.Rate;
		//?? S->Notifys
		// create MotionChunk
		MotionChunk *M = new(Anim.Moves) MotionChunk;
		M->TrackTime  = SS.NumFrames;
		// dummy bone remap
		// convert animation data
		const byte *data = &SS.animdata[0];
		for (j = 0; j < numBones; j++)
			// prepare AnalogTrack
			AnalogTrack *A = new(M->AnimTracks) AnalogTrack;
		for (int frame = 0; frame < SS.NumFrames; frame++)
			for (int joint = 0; joint < numBones; joint++)
				AnalogTrack &A = M->AnimTracks[joint];

				FVector pos, scale;
				pos.Set(0, 0, 0);
				scale.Set(1, 1, 1);
				FRotator rot;
				rot.Set(0, 0, 0);

				byte f = *data++;
				int16 d;
#define GET		d = data[0] + (data[1] << 8); data += 2;
#define GETF(v)	{ GET; v = (float)d / 256.0f; }
#define GETI(v)	{ GET; v = d; }
				// decode position
				if (f & 1)    GETF(pos.X);
				if (f & 2)    GETF(pos.Y);
				if (f & 4)    GETF(pos.Z);
				// decode scale
				if (f & 8)  { GETF(scale.X); GETF(scale.Z); }
				if (f & 0x10) GETF(scale.Y);
				// decode rotation
				if (f & 0x20) GETI(rot.Pitch);
				if (f & 0x40) GETI(rot.Yaw);
				if (f & 0x80) GETI(rot.Roll);
#undef GET
#undef GETF
#undef GETI
				//?? notify about scale!=(1,1,1)
		assert(data == &SS.animdata[0] + SS.animdata.Num());

void AGameplayDebuggingHUDComponent::DrawEQSData(APlayerController* PC, class UGameplayDebuggingComponent *DebugComponent)
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n{green}EQS {white}[Use + key to switch query]\n"));

	if (DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() == 0)

	const int32 EQSIndex = DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() > 0 ? FMath::Clamp(DebugComponent->CurrentEQSIndex, 0, DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() - 1) : INDEX_NONE;
	if (!DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.IsValidIndex(EQSIndex))

		int32 Index = 0;
		PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("{white}Queries: "));
		for (auto CurrentQuery : DebugComponent->EQSLocalData)
			if (EQSIndex == Index)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{green}%s, "), *CurrentQuery.Name));
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{yellow}%s, "), *CurrentQuery.Name));
		PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n"));

	auto& CurrentLocalData = DebugComponent->EQSLocalData[EQSIndex];

	/** find and draw item selection */
	int32 BestItemIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		APlayerController* const MyPC = Cast<APlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
		FVector CamLocation;
		FVector FireDir;
		if (!MyPC->GetSpectatorPawn())
			FRotator CamRotation;
			MyPC->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLocation, CamRotation);
			FireDir = CamRotation.Vector();
			FireDir = DefaultContext.Canvas->SceneView->GetViewDirection();
			CamLocation = DefaultContext.Canvas->SceneView->ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin;

		float bestAim = 0;
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers.Num(); ++Index)
			auto& CurrentItem = CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[Index];

			const FVector AimDir = CurrentItem.Location - CamLocation;
			float FireDist = AimDir.SizeSquared();

			FireDist = FMath::Sqrt(FireDist);
			float newAim = FireDir | AimDir;
			newAim = newAim / FireDist;
			if (newAim > bestAim)
				BestItemIndex = Index;
				bestAim = newAim;

		if (BestItemIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			DrawDebugSphere(World, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].Location, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].Radius, 8, FColor::Red, false);
			int32 FailedTestIndex = CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].FailedTestIndex;
			if (FailedTestIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{red}Selected item failed with test %d: {yellow}%s {LightBlue}(%s)\n")
					, FailedTestIndex
					, *CurrentLocalData.Tests[FailedTestIndex].ShortName
					, *CurrentLocalData.Tests[FailedTestIndex].Detailed
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}'%s' with score %3.3f\n\n"), *CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].AdditionalInformation, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].FailedScore));

	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Timestamp: {yellow}%.3f (%.2fs ago)\n")
		, CurrentLocalData.Timestamp, PC->GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds() - CurrentLocalData.Timestamp
	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Query ID: {yellow}%d\n")
		, CurrentLocalData.Id

	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Query contains %d options: "), CurrentLocalData.Options.Num()));
	for (int32 OptionIndex = 0; OptionIndex < CurrentLocalData.Options.Num(); ++OptionIndex)
		if (OptionIndex == CurrentLocalData.UsedOption)
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{green}%s, "), *CurrentLocalData.Options[OptionIndex]));
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{yellow}%s, "), *CurrentLocalData.Options[OptionIndex]));
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n"));

	const float RowHeight = 20.0f;
	const int32 NumTests = CurrentLocalData.Tests.Num();
	if (CurrentLocalData.NumValidItems > 0 && GetDebuggingReplicator()->EnableEQSOnHUD )
		// draw test weights for best X items
		const int32 NumItems = CurrentLocalData.Items.Num();

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(0, 0), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(Canvas->SizeX, RowHeight), FLinearColor::Black);
		FLinearColor ColorOdd(0, 0, 0, 0.6f);
		FLinearColor ColorEven(0, 0, 0.4f, 0.4f);
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;

		// table header		
			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;
			const float HeaderY = DefaultContext.CursorY + 3.0f;
			DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, 0, DefaultContext.CursorY);

			float HeaderX = DefaultContext.CursorX;
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Num items: %d"), CurrentLocalData.NumValidItems), HeaderX, HeaderY);
			HeaderX += ItemDescriptionWidth;

			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, TEXT("Score"), HeaderX, HeaderY);
			HeaderX += ItemScoreWidth;

			for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NumTests; TestIdx++)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d"), TestIdx), HeaderX, HeaderY);
				HeaderX += TestScoreWidth;

			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;

		// valid items
		for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < NumItems; Idx++)
			TileItem.SetColor((Idx % 2) ? ColorOdd : ColorEven);
			DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, 0, DefaultContext.CursorY);

			DrawEQSItemDetails(Idx, DebugComponent);
			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;
		DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;

	// test description
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("All tests from used option:\n"));
	for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NumTests; TestIdx++)
		FString TestDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Test %d = {yellow}%s {LightBlue}(%s)\n"), TestIdx,

		PrintString(DefaultContext, TestDesc);

void AGameplayDebuggingHUDComponent::DrawMenu(const float X, const float Y, class UGameplayDebuggingComponent* DebugComponent)
	const float OldX = DefaultContext.CursorX;
	const float OldY = DefaultContext.CursorY;

	UGameplayDebuggingControllerComponent*  GDC = GetDebuggingReplicator()->FindComponentByClass<UGameplayDebuggingControllerComponent>();
	if (DefaultContext.Canvas != NULL)
		TArray<FDebugCategoryView> Categories;

		UFont* OldFont = DefaultContext.Font;
		DefaultContext.Font = GEngine->GetMediumFont();

		TArray<float> CategoriesWidth;
		float TotalWidth = 0.0f, MaxHeight = 0.0f;

		FString ActivationKeyDisplayName = TEXT("'");
		FString ActivationKeyName = TEXT("Apostrophe");

		APlayerController* const MyPC = Cast<APlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
		if (GDC)
			ActivationKeyDisplayName = GDC->GetActivationKey().Key.GetDisplayName().ToString();
			ActivationKeyName = GDC->GetActivationKey().Key.GetFName().ToString();

		const FString KeyDesc = ActivationKeyName != ActivationKeyDisplayName ? FString::Printf(TEXT("(%s key)"), *ActivationKeyName) : TEXT("");
		FString HeaderDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("Tap %s %s to close, use Numpad numbers to toggle categories"), *ActivationKeyDisplayName, *KeyDesc);

		float HeaderWidth = 0.0f;
		CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, HeaderDesc, HeaderWidth, MaxHeight);

		for (int32 i = 0; i < Categories.Num(); i++)
			Categories[i].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d:%s "), i, *Categories[i].Desc);

			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[i].Desc, CategoriesWidth[i], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[i];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);

			static FString KeyShortcut = GDC->DebugCameraBind.GetInputText().ToString();
			const int32 DebugCameraIndex = Categories.Add(FDebugCategoryView());
			Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT(" %s[%s]: %s  "), GDC && GDC->GetDebugCameraController().IsValid() ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{White}"), *KeyShortcut, TEXT("Debug Camera"));
			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc, CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);
			static FString KeyShortcut = GDC->OnScreenDebugMessagesBind.GetInputText().ToString();
			const int32 DebugCameraIndex = Categories.Add(FDebugCategoryView());
			Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT(" %s[%s]: %s  "), GEngine && GEngine->bEnableOnScreenDebugMessages ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{White}"), *KeyShortcut, TEXT("DebugMessages"));
			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc, CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);
			static FString KeyShortcut = GDC->GameHUDBind.GetInputText().ToString();
			const AHUD* GameHUD = MyPC ? MyPC->GetHUD() : NULL;
			const int32 DebugCameraIndex = Categories.Add(FDebugCategoryView());
			Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT(" %s[%s]: %s  "), GameHUD && GameHUD->bShowHUD ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{White}"), *KeyShortcut, TEXT("GameHUD"));
			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc, CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);

		TotalWidth = FMath::Max(TotalWidth, HeaderWidth);

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(10, 10), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(TotalWidth + 20, MaxHeight + 20), FColor(0, 0, 0, 20));
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, MenuStartX, MenuStartY);

		PrintString(DefaultContext, FColorList::LightBlue, HeaderDesc, MenuStartX + 2.f, MenuStartY + 2.f);

		float XPos = MenuStartX + 20.f;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < Categories.Num(); i++)
			const bool bIsActive = GameplayDebuggerSettings(GetDebuggingReplicator()).CheckFlag(Categories[i].View) ? true : false;
			const bool bIsDisabled = Categories[i].View == EAIDebugDrawDataView::NavMesh ? false : (DebugComponent && DebugComponent->GetSelectedActor() ? false: true);

			PrintString(DefaultContext, bIsDisabled ? (bIsActive ? FColorList::DarkGreen  : FColorList::LightGrey) : (bIsActive ? FColorList::Green : FColorList::White), Categories[i].Desc, XPos, MenuStartY + MaxHeight + 2.f);
			XPos += CategoriesWidth[i];
		DefaultContext.Font = OldFont;

	if ((!DebugComponent || !DebugComponent->GetSelectedActor()) && GetWorld()->GetNetMode() == NM_Client)
		PrintString(DefaultContext, "\n{red}No Pawn selected - waiting for data to replicate from server. {green}Press and hold ' to select Pawn \n");

	if (GDC && GDC->GetDebugCameraController().IsValid())
		ADebugCameraController* DebugCamController = GDC->GetDebugCameraController().Get();
		if (DebugCamController != NULL)
			FVector const CamLoc = DebugCamController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraLocation();
			FRotator const CamRot = DebugCamController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation();

			FString HitString;
			FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(NAME_None, true, this);
			FHitResult Hit;
			bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, CamLoc, CamRot.Vector() * 100000.f + CamLoc, ECC_Pawn, TraceParams);
			if (bHit && Hit.GetActor() != nullptr)
				HitString = FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Under cursor: {yellow}'%s'"), *Hit.GetActor()->GetName());
				DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Hit.Location, Hit.Location + Hit.Normal*30.f, FColor::White);
				HitString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Not actor under cursor"));

			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, HitString, MenuStartX, MenuStartY + 40);

	DefaultContext.CursorX = OldX;
	DefaultContext.CursorY = OldY;
void UPhysicsConstraintComponent::SetAngularOrientationTarget( const FRotator& InPosTarget )
bool FInstancedStaticMeshSCSEditorCustomization::HandleViewportDrag(class USceneComponent* InSceneComponent, class USceneComponent* InComponentTemplate, const FVector& InDeltaTranslation, const FRotator& InDeltaRotation, const FVector& InDeltaScale, const FVector& InPivot)

	UInstancedStaticMeshComponent* InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene = CastChecked<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>(InSceneComponent);
	UInstancedStaticMeshComponent* InstancedStaticMeshComponentTemplate = CastChecked<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>(InComponentTemplate);

	// transform pivot into component's space
	const FVector LocalPivot = InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene->GetComponentToWorld().InverseTransformPosition(InPivot);

	// Ensure that selected instances are up-to-date

	bool bMovedInstance = false;
	check(InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene->SelectedInstances.Num() == InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene->PerInstanceSMData.Num());
	for(int32 InstanceIndex = 0; InstanceIndex < InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene->SelectedInstances.Num(); InstanceIndex++)
		if (InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene->SelectedInstances[InstanceIndex] && InstancedStaticMeshComponentTemplate->PerInstanceSMData.IsValidIndex(InstanceIndex))
			FMatrix& MatrixScene = InstancedStaticMeshComponentScene->PerInstanceSMData[InstanceIndex].Transform;
			FMatrix& MatrixTemplate = InstancedStaticMeshComponentTemplate->PerInstanceSMData[InstanceIndex].Transform;

			FVector Translation = MatrixScene.GetOrigin();
			FRotator Rotation = MatrixScene.Rotator();
			FVector Scale = MatrixScene.GetScaleVector();

			FVector NewTranslation = Translation;
			FRotator NewRotation = Rotation;
			FVector NewScale = Scale;

			if( !InDeltaRotation.IsZero() )
				NewRotation = FRotator( InDeltaRotation.Quaternion() * Rotation.Quaternion() );

				NewTranslation -= LocalPivot;
				NewTranslation = FRotationMatrix( InDeltaRotation ).TransformPosition( NewTranslation );
				NewTranslation += LocalPivot;

			NewTranslation += InDeltaTranslation;

			if( !InDeltaScale.IsNearlyZero() )
				const FScaleMatrix ScaleMatrix( InDeltaScale );

				FVector DeltaScale3D = ScaleMatrix.TransformPosition( Scale );
				NewScale = Scale + DeltaScale3D;

				NewTranslation -= LocalPivot;
				NewTranslation += ScaleMatrix.TransformPosition( NewTranslation );
				NewTranslation += LocalPivot;

			MatrixScene = FScaleRotationTranslationMatrix(NewScale, NewRotation, NewTranslation);
			MatrixTemplate = FScaleRotationTranslationMatrix(NewScale, NewRotation, NewTranslation);

			bMovedInstance = true;

	return bMovedInstance;
Example #17
void AWizardsCharacter::OnFire()
	if (!mySpellBook.IsValidIndex(0)) {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Spell Gathering Needed!"));
	if (Mana > mySpellBook[currSpell].spellCost) {
		Mana -= mySpellBook[currSpell].spellCost;
		// try and fire a projectile

		if (mySpellBook[currSpell].spellType == 0)
			const FRotator SpawnRotation = GetControlRotation();
			const FVector SpawnLocation = GetActorLocation() + SpawnRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);

			UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
			if (World)
				// spawn the projectile at the muzzle
				/*UParticleSystem* projParticle = particleList[mySpellBook[currSpell].spellEffect + mySpellBook[currSpell].spellType * 5];
				UParticleSystem* blastParticle = particleList[mySpellBook[currSpell].spellEffect + 5];
				AWizardsProjectile* wizardsSpell = World->SpawnActor<AWizardsProjectile>(ProjectileClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);// , myparams);
				wizardsSpell->SpellCreation(&mySpellBook[currSpell], projParticle, blastParticle, this);*/
				if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
					ServerFireProjectile(mySpellBook[currSpell], SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation);//mySpellBook[currSpell]);
				else {
					ClientFireProjectile(mySpellBook[currSpell], SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation);
		else if (mySpellBook[currSpell].spellType == 1) {
			const FRotator SpawnRotation = FRotator(0.0);//GetControlRotation();
														 // MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the character location to find the final muzzle position
			const FVector SpawnLocation = FVector(0.0);//GetActorLocation() + SpawnRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);

			UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
			if (World)
				// spawn the projectile at the muzzle
				/*UParticleSystem* blastParticle = particleList[mySpellBook[currSpell].spellEffect + mySpellBook[currSpell].spellType * 5];
				AWizardsBlast* wizardsSpell = World->SpawnActor<AWizardsBlast>(BlastClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);// , myparams);
				wizardsSpell->SpellCreation(blastParticle, mySpellBook[currSpell].spellSize, mySpellBook[currSpell].spellDamage, this);
				wizardsSpell->AttachRootComponentTo(GetCapsuleComponent());//Probably useful for Blasts, Rays, and Conical attacks*/
				if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
					ServerFireProjectile(mySpellBook[currSpell], SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation);
				else {
					ClientFireProjectile(mySpellBook[currSpell], SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation);
		else if (mySpellBook[currSpell].spellType == 2) {
			const FRotator SpawnRotation = FRotator(0.0);//GetControlRotation();
														 // MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the character location to find the final muzzle position
			const FVector SpawnLocation = FVector(0.0);//GetActorLocation() + SpawnRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);

			UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
			if (World)
				// spawn the projectile at the muzzle
				/*UParticleSystem* coneParticle = particleList[mySpellBook[currSpell].spellEffect + mySpellBook[currSpell].spellType * 5];
				AWizardsCone* wizardsCone = World->SpawnActor<AWizardsCone>(ConeClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);// , myparams);
				wizardsCone->SpellCreation(coneParticle, mySpellBook[currSpell].spellSize, mySpellBook[currSpell].spellDamage, this);
				wizardsCone->AttachRootComponentTo(GetCapsuleComponent());//Probably useful for Blasts, Rays, and Conical attacks
				activeAttack = Cast<AActor>(wizardsCone);*/
				if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
					ServerFireProjectile(mySpellBook[currSpell], SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation);
				else {
					ClientFireProjectile(mySpellBook[currSpell], SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation);
		// God this sound is so annoying
		/*if (FireSound != NULL)
		UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());

		// try and play a firing animation if specified
		if (FireAnimation != NULL)
			// Get the animation object for the arms mesh
			UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = Mesh1P->GetAnimInstance();
			if (AnimInstance != NULL)
				AnimInstance->Montage_Play(FireAnimation, 1.f);

Example #18
// Actual Melee Attack
void AWeapon::MeleeAttack()

	if (Mesh1P && ThePlayer && ThePlayer->Controller)
		FVector CamLoc;
		FRotator CamRot;
		ThePlayer->Controller->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);

		/// Get Camera Location and Rotation
		FVector Camoffset = ThePlayer->FirstPersonCameraComponent->RelativeLocation;
		FVector TraceStart = Camoffset + ThePlayer->GetActorLocation() - CamRot.Vector() * 20;
		FVector TraceEnd = Camoffset + ThePlayer->GetActorLocation() + CamRot.Vector()  * MeleeAttackDistance;

		// Set trace values and perform trace to retrieve hit info
		FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(FName(TEXT("Melee Weapon Trace")), true, this);
		TraceParams.bTraceAsyncScene = true;
		TraceParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = true;

		FHitResult FHit(ForceInit);

		GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(FHit, TraceStart, TraceEnd, ECC_WorldStatic, TraceParams);

		ARadeCharacter* EnemyPlayer = Cast<ARadeCharacter>(FHit.GetActor());

		// Forward Hit Checking
		if (EnemyPlayer)
			if (EnemyPlayer)
				// Hit Enemy

				// Apply Damage
				UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(EnemyPlayer, MeleeAttackDamage, ThePlayer->Controller, Cast<AActor>(this), UDamageType::StaticClass());
			// Right Hit Checking
			FHitResult RHit(ForceInit);

			FVector rightAngle = CamRot.Vector().RotateAngleAxis(MeleeAttackAngles, FVector::UpVector);
			rightAngle = Camoffset + ThePlayer->GetActorLocation() + rightAngle * MeleeAttackDistance;

			GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(RHit, TraceStart, rightAngle, ECC_WorldStatic, TraceParams);

			EnemyPlayer = Cast<ARadeCharacter>(RHit.GetActor());
			if (EnemyPlayer)

				// Apply Damage
				UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(EnemyPlayer, MeleeAttackDamage, ThePlayer->Controller, Cast<AActor>(this), UDamageType::StaticClass());
				// Left Hit Checking
				FHitResult LHit(ForceInit);

				FVector leftAngle = CamRot.Vector().RotateAngleAxis(-MeleeAttackAngles, FVector::UpVector);
				leftAngle = Camoffset + ThePlayer->GetActorLocation() + leftAngle * MeleeAttackDistance;

				GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(LHit, TraceStart, leftAngle, ECC_WorldStatic, TraceParams);

				EnemyPlayer = Cast<ARadeCharacter>(LHit.GetActor());
				if (EnemyPlayer)

					// Apply Damage
					UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(EnemyPlayer, MeleeAttackDamage, ThePlayer->Controller, Cast<AActor>(this), UDamageType::StaticClass());
bool FSplineComponentVisualizer::HandleInputDelta(FEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient, FViewport* Viewport, FVector& DeltaTranslate, FRotator& DeltaRotate, FVector& DeltaScale)
	USplineComponent* SplineComp = GetEditedSplineComponent();
	if (SplineComp != nullptr)
		FInterpCurveVector& SplineInfo = SplineComp->SplineInfo;
		FInterpCurveQuat& SplineRotInfo = SplineComp->SplineRotInfo;
		FInterpCurveVector& SplineScaleInfo = SplineComp->SplineScaleInfo;

		const int32 NumPoints = SplineInfo.Points.Num();

		if (SelectedTangentHandle != INDEX_NONE)
			// When tangent handles are manipulated...

			check(SelectedTangentHandle < NumPoints);

			if (!DeltaTranslate.IsZero())
				check(SelectedTangentHandleType != ESelectedTangentHandle::None);


				FInterpCurvePoint<FVector>& EditedPoint = SplineInfo.Points[SelectedTangentHandle];
				const FVector Delta = (SelectedTangentHandleType == ESelectedTangentHandle::Leave) ? DeltaTranslate : -DeltaTranslate;
				const FVector Tangent = EditedPoint.LeaveTangent + SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.InverseTransformVector(Delta);

				EditedPoint.LeaveTangent = Tangent;
				EditedPoint.ArriveTangent = Tangent;
				EditedPoint.InterpMode = CIM_CurveUser;
			// When spline keys are manipulated...

			check(LastKeyIndexSelected != INDEX_NONE);
			check(LastKeyIndexSelected < NumPoints);
			check(SelectedKeys.Num() > 0);


			if (ViewportClient->IsAltPressed() && bAllowDuplication)
				// Don't duplicate again until we release LMB
				bAllowDuplication = false;

			for (int32 SelectedKeyIndex : SelectedKeys)
				FInterpCurvePoint<FVector>& EditedPoint = SplineInfo.Points[SelectedKeyIndex];
				FInterpCurvePoint<FQuat>& EditedRotPoint = SplineRotInfo.Points[SelectedKeyIndex];
				FInterpCurvePoint<FVector>& EditedScalePoint = SplineScaleInfo.Points[SelectedKeyIndex];

				if (!DeltaTranslate.IsZero())
					// Find key position in world space
					const FVector CurrentWorldPos = SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.TransformPosition(EditedPoint.OutVal);
					// Move in world space
					const FVector NewWorldPos = CurrentWorldPos + DeltaTranslate;
					// Convert back to local space
					EditedPoint.OutVal = SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.InverseTransformPosition(NewWorldPos);

				if (!DeltaRotate.IsZero())
					// Set point tangent as user controlled
					EditedPoint.InterpMode = CIM_CurveUser;

					// Rotate tangent according to delta rotation
					FVector NewTangent = SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.GetRotation().RotateVector(EditedPoint.LeaveTangent); // convert local-space tangent vector to world-space
					NewTangent = DeltaRotate.RotateVector(NewTangent); // apply world-space delta rotation to world-space tangent
					NewTangent = SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.GetRotation().Inverse().RotateVector(NewTangent); // convert world-space tangent vector back into local-space
					EditedPoint.LeaveTangent = NewTangent;
					EditedPoint.ArriveTangent = NewTangent;

					// Rotate spline rotation according to delta rotation
					FQuat NewRot = SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.GetRotation() * EditedRotPoint.OutVal; // convert local-space rotation to world-space
					NewRot = DeltaRotate.Quaternion() * NewRot; // apply world-space rotation
					NewRot = SplineComp->ComponentToWorld.GetRotation().Inverse() * NewRot; // convert world-space rotation to local-space
					EditedRotPoint.OutVal = NewRot;

				if (DeltaScale.X != 0.0f)
					// Set point tangent as user controlled
					EditedPoint.InterpMode = CIM_CurveUser;

					const FVector NewTangent = EditedPoint.LeaveTangent * (1.0f + DeltaScale.X);
					EditedPoint.LeaveTangent = NewTangent;
					EditedPoint.ArriveTangent = NewTangent;

				if (DeltaScale.Y != 0.0f)
					// Scale in Y adjusts the scale spline
					EditedScalePoint.OutVal.Y *= (1.0f + DeltaScale.Y);

				if (DeltaScale.Z != 0.0f)
					// Scale in Z adjusts the scale spline
					EditedScalePoint.OutVal.Z *= (1.0f + DeltaScale.Z);

		return true;

	return false;
Example #20
void UCheatManager::BugItStringCreator( FVector ViewLocation, FRotator ViewRotation, FString& GoString, FString& LocString )
	GoString = FString::Printf(TEXT("BugItGo %f %f %f %f %f %f"), ViewLocation.X, ViewLocation.Y, ViewLocation.Z, ViewRotation.Pitch, ViewRotation.Yaw, ViewRotation.Roll);
	UE_LOG(LogCheatManager, Log, TEXT("%s"), *GoString);

	LocString = FString::Printf(TEXT("?BugLoc=%s?BugRot=%s"), *ViewLocation.ToString(), *ViewRotation.ToString());
	UE_LOG(LogCheatManager, Log, TEXT("%s"), *LocString);
void FAnimNode_KinectV2Retarget::EvaluateBoneTransforms(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, FCSPose<FCompactPose>& MeshBases, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms)

	uint8 i = 0;

	if (!KinectBody.bIsTracked)

	const FBoneContainer BoneContainer = MeshBases.GetPose().GetBoneContainer();

	FA2CSPose TempPose;

	TempPose.AllocateLocalPoses(BoneContainer, SkelComp->LocalAtoms);

	for (auto Bone : KinectBody.KinectBones)

		if (BonesToRetarget[i].IsValid(BoneContainer))

			auto DeltaTranform = Bone.MirroredJointTransform.GetRelativeTransform(SkelComp->GetBoneTransform(0));

			//AxisMeshes[Bone.JointTypeEnd]->SetRelativeLocation(PosableMesh->GetBoneLocationByName(RetargetBoneNames[Bone.JointTypeEnd], EBoneSpaces::ComponentSpace));

			auto BoneBaseTransform = DeltaTranform*SkelComp->GetBoneTransform(0);

			FRotator PreAdjusmentRotator = BoneBaseTransform.Rotator();

			FRotator PostBoneDirAdjustmentRotator = (BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].BoneDirAdjustment.Quaternion()*PreAdjusmentRotator.Quaternion()).Rotator();

			FRotator CompSpaceRotator = (PostBoneDirAdjustmentRotator.Quaternion()*BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].BoneNormalAdjustment.Quaternion()).Rotator();

			FVector Normal, Binormal, Dir;

			UKismetMathLibrary::BreakRotIntoAxes(CompSpaceRotator, Normal, Binormal, Dir);

			Dir *= BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].bInvertDir ? -1 : 1;

			Normal *= BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].bInvertNormal ? -1 : 1;

			FVector X, Y, Z;

			switch (BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].BoneDirAxis)
			case EAxis::X:
				X = Dir;
			case EAxis::Y:
				Y = Dir;
			case EAxis::Z:
				Z = Dir;

			switch (BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].BoneBinormalAxis)
			case EAxis::X:
				X = Binormal;
			case EAxis::Y:
				Y = Binormal;
			case EAxis::Z:
				Z = Binormal;

			switch (BoneAdjustments[Bone.JointTypeEnd].BoneNormalAxis)
			case EAxis::X:
				X = Normal;
			case EAxis::Y:
				Y = Normal;
			case EAxis::Z:
				Z = Normal;

			FRotator SwiveledRot = UKismetMathLibrary::MakeRotationFromAxes(X, Y, Z);

			SwiveledRot = (SkelComp->GetBoneTransform(0).Rotator().Quaternion()*SwiveledRot.Quaternion()).Rotator();
			//PosableMesh->SetBoneRotationByName(RetargetBoneNames[Bone.JointTypeEnd], (PosableMesh->GetBoneTransform(0).Rotator().Quaternion()*SwiveledRot.Quaternion()).Rotator(), EBoneSpaces::ComponentSpace);

			if (BoneAdjustments[i].bDebugDraw)
				DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(SkelComp->GetWorld(), SkelComp->GetBoneLocation(BonesToRetarget[i].BoneName), SwiveledRot, 100.f, false, 0.1f);


			FCompactPoseBoneIndex CompactPoseBoneToModify = BonesToRetarget[i].GetCompactPoseIndex(BoneContainer);
			FTransform NewBoneTM = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(CompactPoseBoneToModify);

			FAnimationRuntime::ConvertCSTransformToBoneSpace(SkelComp, MeshBases, NewBoneTM, CompactPoseBoneToModify, BCS_ComponentSpace);

			const FQuat BoneQuat(SwiveledRot);


			// Convert back to Component Space.
			FAnimationRuntime::ConvertBoneSpaceTransformToCS(SkelComp, MeshBases, NewBoneTM, CompactPoseBoneToModify, BCS_ComponentSpace);

			FAnimationRuntime::SetSpaceTransform(TempPose, BonesToRetarget[i].BoneIndex, NewBoneTM);

			OutBoneTransforms.Add(FBoneTransform(BonesToRetarget[i].GetCompactPoseIndex(BoneContainer), NewBoneTM));




Example #22
void UCheatManager::Summon( const FString& ClassName )
	UE_LOG(LogCheatManager, Log,  TEXT("Fabricate %s"), *ClassName );

	bool bIsValidClassName = true;
	FString FailureReason;
	if ( ClassName.Contains(TEXT(" ")) )
		FailureReason = FString::Printf(TEXT("ClassName contains a space."));
		bIsValidClassName = false;
	else if ( !FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(ClassName) )
		if ( ClassName.Contains(TEXT(".")) )
			FString PackageName;
			FString ObjectName;
			ClassName.Split(TEXT("."), &PackageName, &ObjectName);

			const bool bIncludeReadOnlyRoots = true;
			FText Reason;
			if ( !FPackageName::IsValidLongPackageName(PackageName, bIncludeReadOnlyRoots, &Reason) )
				FailureReason = Reason.ToString();
				bIsValidClassName = false;
			FailureReason = TEXT("Class names with a path must contain a dot. (i.e /Script/Engine.StaticMeshActor)");
			bIsValidClassName = false;

	bool bSpawnedActor = false;
	if ( bIsValidClassName )
		UClass* NewClass = NULL;
		if ( FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(ClassName) )
			NewClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *ClassName);
			NewClass = FindObject<UClass>(NULL, *ClassName);

		if( NewClass )
			if ( NewClass->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()) )
				APlayerController* const MyPlayerController = GetOuterAPlayerController();
					FRotator const SpawnRot = MyPlayerController->GetControlRotation();
					FVector SpawnLoc = MyPlayerController->GetFocalLocation();

					SpawnLoc += 72.f * SpawnRot.Vector() + FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f) * 15.f;
					FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
					SpawnInfo.Instigator = MyPlayerController->Instigator;
					AActor* Actor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(NewClass, &SpawnLoc, &SpawnRot, SpawnInfo );
					if ( Actor )
						bSpawnedActor = true;
						FailureReason = TEXT("SpawnActor failed.");
						bSpawnedActor = false;
				FailureReason = TEXT("Class is not derived from Actor.");
				bSpawnedActor = false;
			FailureReason = TEXT("Failed to find class.");
			bSpawnedActor = false;
	if ( !bSpawnedActor )
		UE_LOG(LogCheatManager, Warning, TEXT("Failed to summon %s. Reason: %s"), *ClassName, *FailureReason);
void ADebugCameraHUD::PostRender()

	if (bShowHUD)
		ADebugCameraController* DCC = Cast<ADebugCameraController>( PlayerOwner );
		UFont* RenderFont = GEngine->GetSmallFont();
		if( DCC != NULL )
			FFontRenderInfo FontRenderInfo = Canvas->CreateFontRenderInfo(false, true);

			Canvas->SetDrawColor(64, 64, 255, 255);
			FString MyText = TEXT("Debug Camera");
			float xl, yl;
			Canvas->StrLen(RenderFont, MyText, xl, yl);
			float X = Canvas->SizeX * 0.05f;
			float Y = yl;//*1.67;
			yl += 2*Y;
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, MyText, X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);

			Canvas->SetDrawColor(200, 200, 128, 255);

			FVector const CamLoc = DCC->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraLocation();
			FRotator const CamRot = DCC->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation();
			float const CamFOV = DCC->PlayerCameraManager->GetFOVAngle();

			yl += Y;
			FString const LocRotString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Loc=(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) Rot=(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)"), CamLoc.X, CamLoc.Y, CamLoc.Z, CamRot.Pitch, CamRot.Yaw, CamRot.Roll);
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, LocRotString, X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
			FString const FOVString = FString::Printf(TEXT("HFOV=%.1f"), CamFOV);
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FOVString, X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
			FString const SpeedScaleString = FString::Printf(TEXT("SpeedScale=%.2fx"), DCC->SpeedScale);
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, SpeedScaleString, X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
			FString const SpeedString = FString::Printf(TEXT("MaxSpeed=%.1f"), DCC->GetSpectatorPawn() && DCC->GetSpectatorPawn()->GetMovementComponent() ? DCC->GetSpectatorPawn()->GetMovementComponent()->GetMaxSpeed() : 0.f);
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, SpeedString, X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;

			//Canvas->DrawText(FString::Printf(TEXT("CamLoc:%s CamRot:%s"), *CamLoc.ToString(), *CamRot.ToString() ));

			const TCHAR* CVarComplexName = TEXT("g.DebugCameraTraceComplex");
			bool bTraceComplex = true;

			bTraceComplex = CVarDebugCameraTraceComplex.GetValueOnGameThread() != 0;

			FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(NAME_None, bTraceComplex, this);
			FHitResult Hit;
			bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, CamLoc, CamRot.Vector() * 100000.f + CamLoc, ECC_Pawn, TraceParams);

			yl += Y;
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("Trace info (%s = %d):"), CVarComplexName, bTraceComplex ? 1 : 0), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);

			if( bHit )
				AActor* HitActor = Hit.GetActor();
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("HitLoc:%s HitNorm:%s"), *Hit.Location.ToString(), *Hit.Normal.ToString() ), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("HitDist: %f"), Hit.Distance), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("HitActor: '%s'"), HitActor ? *HitActor->GetFName().ToString() : TEXT("<NULL>")), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("HitComponent: '%s'"), Hit.Component.Get() ? *Hit.Component.Get()->GetFName().ToString() : TEXT("<NULL>")), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("HitActor Class: '%s'"), HitActor && HitActor->GetClass() ? *HitActor->GetClass()->GetName() : TEXT("<Not Found>") ), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, FString::Printf(TEXT("HitActorPath: '%s'"), HitActor ? *HitActor->GetPathName() : TEXT("<Not Found>")), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				yl += Y;

				bool bFoundMaterial = false;
				if ( Hit.Component != NULL )
					bFoundMaterial = DisplayMaterials( X, yl, Y, Cast<UMeshComponent>(Hit.Component.Get()) );
					TInlineComponentArray<UMeshComponent*> Components;

					for ( int32 i=0; i<Components.Num(); i++ )
						UMeshComponent* MeshComp = Components[i];
						if ( MeshComp->IsRegistered() )
							bFoundMaterial = bFoundMaterial || DisplayMaterials( X, yl, Y, MeshComp );	
				if ( bFoundMaterial == false )
					yl += Y;
					Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, "Material: NULL", X + Y, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo );
				DrawDebugLine( GetWorld(), Hit.Location, Hit.Location+Hit.Normal*30.f, FColor::White );
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText( RenderFont, TEXT("No trace Hit"), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);

			if ( DCC->bShowSelectedInfo && DCC->SelectedActor != NULL )
				yl += Y;
				Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont,  FString::Printf(TEXT("Selected actor: '%s'"), *DCC->SelectedActor->GetFName().ToString()), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
				DisplayMaterials( X, yl, Y, Cast<UMeshComponent>(DCC->SelectedComponent) );

			// controls display
			yl += Y*15;
			Canvas->SetDrawColor(64, 64, 255, 255);
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, TEXT("Controls"), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
			Canvas->SetDrawColor(200, 200, 128, 255);
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, TEXT("FOV +/-: ,/. or DPad Up/Down"), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, TEXT("Speed +/-: MouseWheel or +/- or LB/RB"), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, TEXT("Freeze Rendering: F or YButton"), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;			
			Canvas->DrawText(RenderFont, TEXT("Toggle Display: BackSpace or XButton"), X, yl, 1.f, 1.f, FontRenderInfo);
			yl += Y;
Example #24
void UCheatManager::TickCollisionDebug()
	// If we are debugging capsule tracing
		APlayerController* PC = GetOuterAPlayerController();
			// Get view location to act as start point
			FVector ViewLoc;
			FRotator ViewRot;
			PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(ViewLoc, ViewRot);
			FVector ViewDir = ViewRot.Vector();
			FVector End = ViewLoc + (DebugTraceDistance * ViewDir);

			// Fill in params and do trace
			static const FName TickCollisionDebugName(TEXT("TickCollisionDebug"));
			FCollisionQueryParams CapsuleParams(TickCollisionDebugName, false, PC->GetPawn());
			CapsuleParams.bTraceComplex = bDebugCapsuleTraceComplex;

			if (bDebugCapsuleSweep)
				// If we get a hit, draw the capsule
				FHitResult Result;
				bool bHit = GetWorld()->SweepSingle(Result, ViewLoc, End, FQuat::Identity, DebugTraceChannel, FCollisionShape::MakeCapsule(DebugCapsuleRadius, DebugCapsuleHalfHeight), CapsuleParams);
					AddCapsuleSweepDebugInfo(ViewLoc, End, Result.ImpactPoint, Result.Normal, Result.ImpactNormal, Result.Location, DebugCapsuleHalfHeight, DebugCapsuleRadius, false, (Result.bStartPenetrating && Result.bBlockingHit)? true: false);
					UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("Collision component (%s) : Actor (%s)"), *GetNameSafe(Result.Component.Get()), *GetNameSafe(Result.GetActor()));

	// draw
	for (int32 TraceIdx=0; TraceIdx < DebugTraceInfoList.Num(); ++TraceIdx)
		FDebugTraceInfo & TraceInfo = DebugTraceInfoList[TraceIdx];
		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.LineTraceStart, TraceInfo.LineTraceEnd, 10.f, FColor::White, SDPG_World);
		// if it's current trace index, use highlight color
		if (CurrentTraceIndex == TraceIdx)
			if (TraceInfo.bInsideOfObject)
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(255,100,64));
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(255,200,128));
			if (TraceInfo.bInsideOfObject)
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(64,100,255));
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(128,200,255));

		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitNormalStart, TraceInfo.HitNormalEnd, 5, FColor(255,64,64), SDPG_World);

		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitNormalStart, TraceInfo.HitImpactNormalEnd, 5, FColor(64,64,255), SDPG_World);

	FLinearColor CurrentColor(255.f/255.f,96.f/255.f,96/255.f);
	FLinearColor DeltaColor = (FLinearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - CurrentColor)*0.1f;
	int32 TotalCount=0;

	if ( DebugTracePawnInfoList.Num() > 0 )
		// the latest will draw very red-ish to whiter color as it gets older. 
		for (int32 TraceIdx=CurrentTracePawnIndex; TotalCount<10; TraceIdx=SAFE_TRACEINDEX_DECREASE(TraceIdx), CurrentColor+=DeltaColor, ++TotalCount)
			FDebugTraceInfo & TraceInfo = DebugTracePawnInfoList[TraceIdx];
			DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.LineTraceStart, TraceInfo.LineTraceEnd, 10.f, FColor(200,200,100), SDPG_World);

			if (TraceInfo.bInsideOfObject)
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(64, 64, 255));
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, CurrentColor.Quantize());
			DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitNormalStart, TraceInfo.HitNormalEnd, 5.f, FColor(255,64,64), SDPG_World);
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::GreaterGreater_VectorRotator(FVector A, FRotator B)
	return B.RotateVector(A);
bool FPhATEdPreviewViewportClient::InputWidgetDelta( FViewport* InViewport, EAxisList::Type CurrentAxis, FVector& Drag, FRotator& Rot, FVector& Scale )
	bool bHandled = false;
	TArray<FPhATSharedData::FSelection> & SelectedObjects = SharedData->EditingMode == FPhATSharedData::PEM_BodyEdit ? SharedData->SelectedBodies : SharedData->SelectedConstraints;

	for(int32 i=0; i<SelectedObjects.Num(); ++i)
		FPhATSharedData::FSelection & SelectedObject = SelectedObjects[i];
		if( SharedData->bManipulating )
			float BoneScale = 1.f;
			if (SharedData->EditingMode == FPhATSharedData::PEM_BodyEdit) /// BODY EDITING ///
				int32 BoneIndex = SharedData->EditorSkelComp->GetBoneIndex(SharedData->PhysicsAsset->SkeletalBodySetups[SelectedObject.Index]->BoneName);

				FTransform BoneTM = SharedData->EditorSkelComp->GetBoneTransform(BoneIndex);
				BoneScale = BoneTM.GetScale3D().GetAbsMax();

				SelectedObject.WidgetTM = SharedData->EditorSkelComp->GetPrimitiveTransform(BoneTM, SelectedObject.Index, SelectedObject.PrimitiveType, SelectedObject.PrimitiveIndex, BoneScale);
			else  /// CONSTRAINT EDITING ///
				SelectedObject.WidgetTM = SharedData->GetConstraintMatrix(SelectedObject.Index, EConstraintFrame::Frame2, 1.f);

			if ( GetWidgetMode() == FWidget::WM_Translate )
				FVector Dir = SelectedObject.WidgetTM.InverseTransformVector( Drag.GetSafeNormal() );
				FVector DragVec = Dir * Drag.Size() / BoneScale;
				SelectedObject.ManipulateTM.AddToTranslation( DragVec );
			else if ( GetWidgetMode() == FWidget::WM_Rotate )
				FVector Axis; 
				float Angle;
				Rot.Quaternion().ToAxisAndAngle(Axis, Angle);
				Axis = SelectedObject.WidgetTM.InverseTransformVectorNoScale( Axis );
				const FQuat Start = SelectedObject.ManipulateTM.GetRotation();
				const FQuat Delta = FQuat( Axis, Angle );
				const FQuat Result = Delta * Start;

				SelectedObject.ManipulateTM = FTransform( Result );
			else if ( GetWidgetMode() == FWidget::WM_Scale && SharedData->EditingMode == FPhATSharedData::PEM_BodyEdit) // Scaling only valid for bodies.
				ModifyPrimitiveSize(SelectedObject.Index, SelectedObject.PrimitiveType, SelectedObject.PrimitiveIndex, Scale );

			if (SharedData->EditingMode == FPhATSharedData::PEM_ConstraintEdit)
				UPhysicsConstraintTemplate* ConstraintSetup = SharedData->PhysicsAsset->ConstraintSetup[SelectedObject.Index];

				ConstraintSetup->DefaultInstance.SetRefFrame(EConstraintFrame::Frame2, SelectedObject.ManipulateTM * StartManParentConTM);

				//Rotation by default only rotates one frame, but translation by default moves both
				bool bMultiFrame = (IsAltPressed() && GetWidgetMode() == FWidget::WM_Rotate) || (!IsAltPressed() && GetWidgetMode() == FWidget::WM_Translate);
				if (bMultiFrame)
					ConstraintSetup->DefaultInstance.SetRefFrame(EConstraintFrame::Frame1, FTransform(StartManChildConTM));

			bHandled = true;

	return bHandled;
FVector UKismetMathLibrary::Conv_RotatorToVector(FRotator InRot)
	return InRot.Vector();
void ASCharacter::DropWeapon()
	if (Role < ROLE_Authority)

	if (CurrentWeapon)
		FVector CamLoc;
		FRotator CamRot;

		if (Controller == nullptr)
		/* Find a location to drop the item, slightly in front of the player.
			Perform ray trace to check for blocking objects or walls and to make sure we don't drop any item through the level mesh */
		Controller->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);
		FVector SpawnLocation;
		FRotator SpawnRotation = CamRot;

		const FVector Direction = CamRot.Vector();
		const FVector TraceStart = GetActorLocation();
		const FVector TraceEnd = GetActorLocation() + (Direction * DropWeaponMaxDistance);

		/* Setup the trace params, we are only interested in finding a valid drop position */
		FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams;
		TraceParams.bTraceComplex = false;
		TraceParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = false;

		FHitResult Hit;
		GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, TraceStart, TraceEnd, ECC_WorldDynamic, TraceParams);

		/* Find farthest valid spawn location */
		if (Hit.bBlockingHit)
			/* Slightly move away from impacted object */
			SpawnLocation = Hit.ImpactPoint + (Hit.ImpactNormal * 20);
			SpawnLocation = TraceEnd;

		/* Spawn the "dropped" weapon */
		FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
		SpawnInfo.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
		ASWeaponPickup* NewWeaponPickup = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ASWeaponPickup>(CurrentWeapon->WeaponPickupClass, SpawnLocation, FRotator::ZeroRotator, SpawnInfo);

		if (NewWeaponPickup)
			/* Apply torque to make it spin when dropped. */
			UStaticMeshComponent* MeshComp = NewWeaponPickup->GetMeshComponent();
			if (MeshComp)
				MeshComp->AddTorque(FVector(1, 1, 1) * 4000000);

		RemoveWeapon(CurrentWeapon, true);
void UInfiniteSystemComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
    Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

    // If disabled or we are not attached to a parent component, return.
    if (!bIsActive || !AttachParent || !GetWorld()) return;

    FVector CamLoc;
    FRotator CamRot;
    FVector PawnLoc;
    FVector NewLoc;

    if (GIsEditor)
        if (!UpdateInEditor) return;

        TArray<FVector> viewLocations = GetWorld()->ViewLocationsRenderedLastFrame;
        if (viewLocations.Num() != 0)
            CamLoc = viewLocations[0];

        //FEditorViewportClient* client = (FEditorViewportClient*)GEditor->GetActiveViewport()->GetClient();
        //CamLoc = client->GetViewLocation();
        //CamRot = client->GetViewRotation();

        if (FollowMethod == LookAtLocation || FollowMethod == FollowCamera)
            NewLoc = CamLoc;
            NewLoc = NewLoc.GridSnap(GridSnapSize);
            NewLoc.Z = AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z;
            AttachParent->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(0, 0, 0)); //Reset location

        if (ScaleByDistance && FMath::Abs(CamLoc.Z - AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z) > ScaleStartDistance)
            float DistScale = FMath::Abs(CamLoc.Z - AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z) / ScaleDistanceFactor;
            DistScale = FMath::Clamp(DistScale, ScaleMin, ScaleMax);
            AttachParent->SetRelativeScale3D(FVector(DistScale, DistScale, 1)); //Scale only on x & y axis
        else if (!ScaleByDistance)
            AttachParent->SetRelativeScale3D(FVector(1, 1, 1)); //Reset scale

    if (GetWorld()->WorldType == EWorldType::Game || GetWorld()->WorldType == EWorldType::PIE)
        if (!GEngine || !GEngine->GetFirstLocalPlayerController(GetWorld())) return;

        GEngine->GetFirstLocalPlayerController(GetWorld())->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);

        if (GEngine->GetFirstLocalPlayerController(GetWorld())->GetPawn()) //null check
            PawnLoc = GEngine->GetFirstLocalPlayerController(GetWorld())->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation();
            PawnLoc = AttachParent->GetComponentLocation();

    switch (FollowMethod)
    case LookAtLocation:
        if (!FMath::SegmentPlaneIntersection(CamLoc, CamLoc + CamRot.Vector() * MaxLookAtDistance, FPlane(AttachParent->GetComponentLocation(), FVector(0, 0, 1)), NewLoc))
            NewLoc = CamLoc + CamRot.Vector() * MaxLookAtDistance;
    case FollowCamera:
        NewLoc = CamLoc;
    case FollowPawn:
        NewLoc = PawnLoc;

    //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Camera Z Distance from Plane: %f"), FMath::Abs(CamLoc.Z - AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z));

    if (ScaleByDistance && FMath::Abs(CamLoc.Z - AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z) > ScaleStartDistance)
        float DistScale = FMath::Abs(CamLoc.Z - AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z) / ScaleDistanceFactor;
        DistScale = FMath::Clamp(DistScale, ScaleMin, ScaleMax);
        AttachParent->SetRelativeScale3D(FVector(DistScale, DistScale, 1)); //Scale only on x & y axis

    if (FollowMethod == Stationary) return;

    NewLoc = NewLoc.GridSnap(GridSnapSize);
    NewLoc.Z = AttachParent->GetComponentLocation().Z;
// Read motion data from Axis Neuron
bool UPerceptionNeuronBPLibrary::NeuronRead(APerceptionNeuronController *Controller, USkeletalMeshComponent *Mesh, FVector& Translation, FRotator& Rotation, FVector AdditionalTranslation, FRotator AdditionalRotation, EPerceptionNeuronBonesEnum BVHBone, FName CustomBoneName, bool InverseForward)
	if (Controller == nullptr)
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Controller is invalid.")));
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;
	else if ((Controller->bConnected == false) && (Controller->bPlay == false))
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;

	int32 BVHBoneIndex = (int32)BVHBone;
	if (BVHBoneIndex >= Controller->Skeleton.BoneNr)
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Boneindex %d exceeds maximum available bones %d."), BVHBoneIndex, Controller->Skeleton.BoneNr));
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;

	int32 FloatsPerBone = 6; // 3 for x,y,z translation and 3 for x,y,z rotation
	if (Controller->bDisplacement == false)
		FloatsPerBone = 3;	// If there is no displacement (translation) info we have only 3 floats for rotation left
	if ((BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) > Controller->FloatCount)
		Rotation.Yaw = Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;
		return false;

	// Get the rotation of the reference pose bone
	FQuat RefQuat(FQuat::Identity);
	if (Mesh != nullptr && Mesh->SkeletalMesh != nullptr)
		const FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton(Mesh->SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton);
		int32 RefBoneIndex = Mesh->GetBoneIndex(CustomBoneName);
		while (RefBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			RefQuat = RefSkeleton.GetRefBonePose()[RefBoneIndex].GetRotation() * RefQuat;
			RefBoneIndex = RefSkeleton.GetParentIndex(RefBoneIndex);

	// Translation

	if (Controller->bDisplacement == true)
		// Read translation values and remove BVH reference position
		float X = Controller->MotionLine[(BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].XPos] - Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].Offset[0];
		float Y = Controller->MotionLine[(BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].YPos] - Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].Offset[1];
		float Z = Controller->MotionLine[(BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].ZPos] - Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].Offset[2];

		// Map BVH translation to UE4 world coordinate system (Inverse if forward direction is -Y)
		if (InverseForward)
			Translation = FVector(-X, -Z, Y);
			Translation = FVector(X, Z, Y);

		// Map UE4 world translation to bone space	
		Translation = RefQuat.Inverse().RotateVector(Translation);
		Translation.X = Translation.Y = Translation.Z = 0;

	// Add additional translation
	Translation.X += AdditionalTranslation.X;
	Translation.Y += AdditionalTranslation.Y;
	Translation.Z += AdditionalTranslation.Z;

	// Rotation 

	// Read rotation values and map to pitch, yaw, roll (y, z, x)
	float XR = Controller->MotionLine[(BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].XRot] * PI / 180.f;
	float YR = Controller->MotionLine[(BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].YRot] * PI / 180.f;
	float ZR = Controller->MotionLine[(BVHBoneIndex * FloatsPerBone) + Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].ZRot] * PI / 180.f;

	// Calculate Rotation Matrix and map to Quaternion
	FQuat BVHQuat = CalculateQuat(XR, YR, ZR, Controller->Skeleton.Bones[BVHBoneIndex].RotOrder);

	// Map BVH rotation to UE4 world coordinate system (Inverse if forward direction is -Y)
	float Y = BVHQuat.Y;
	float Z = BVHQuat.Z;
	if (InverseForward)
		BVHQuat.X *= -1.0;
		BVHQuat.Y = -Z;
		BVHQuat.Z = Y;
		BVHQuat.Y = Z;
		BVHQuat.Z = Y;

	// Map UE4 world rotation to bone space
	FQuat Quat(RefQuat.Inverse() * BVHQuat * RefQuat);
	// Add additional rotation
	FQuat AddRot(AdditionalRotation);
	Quat *= AddRot;

	// Convert to Rotator
	Rotation = Quat.Rotator();

	return true;