Example #1
FSwitchDef *FTextureManager::ParseSwitchDef (FScanner &sc, bool ignoreBad)
	const BITFIELD texflags = TEXMAN_Overridable | TEXMAN_TryAny;
	FSwitchDef *def;
	TArray<FSwitchDef::frame> frames;
	FSwitchDef::frame thisframe;
	FTextureID picnum;
	bool bad;
	FSoundID sound;

	bad = false;

	while (sc.GetString ())
		if (sc.Compare ("sound"))
			if (sound != 0)
				sc.ScriptError ("Switch state already has a sound");
			sc.MustGetString ();
			sound = sc.String;
		else if (sc.Compare ("pic"))
			sc.MustGetString ();
			picnum = CheckForTexture (sc.String, FTexture::TEX_Wall, texflags);
			if (!picnum.Exists() && !ignoreBad)
				//Printf ("Unknown switch texture %s\n", sc.String);
				bad = true;
			thisframe.Texture = picnum;
			sc.MustGetString ();
			if (sc.Compare ("tics"))
				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				thisframe.TimeMin = sc.Number & 65535;
				thisframe.TimeRnd = 0;
			else if (sc.Compare ("rand"))
				int min, max;

				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				min = sc.Number & 65535;
				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				max = sc.Number & 65535;
				if (min > max)
					swapvalues (min, max);
				thisframe.TimeMin = min;
				thisframe.TimeRnd = (max - min + 1);
			    thisframe.TimeMin = 0;     // Shush, GCC.
				thisframe.TimeRnd = 0;
				sc.ScriptError ("Must specify a duration for switch frame");
			sc.UnGet ();
	if (frames.Size() == 0)
		sc.ScriptError ("Switch state needs at least one frame");
	if (bad)
		return NULL;

	def = (FSwitchDef *)M_Malloc (myoffsetof (FSwitchDef, frames[0]) + frames.Size()*sizeof(frames[0]));
	def->Sound = sound;
	def->NumFrames = frames.Size();
	memcpy (&def->frames[0], &frames[0], frames.Size() * sizeof(frames[0]));
	def->PairDef = NULL;
	return def;
Example #2
void FTextureManager::ProcessSwitchDef (FScanner &sc)
	const BITFIELD texflags = TEXMAN_Overridable | TEXMAN_TryAny;
	FString picname;
	FSwitchDef *def1, *def2;
	FTextureID picnum;
	int gametype;
	bool quest = false;

	def1 = def2 = NULL;
	sc.MustGetString ();
	if (sc.Compare ("doom"))
		gametype = GAME_DoomChex;
		sc.CheckNumber();	// skip the gamemission filter
	else if (sc.Compare ("heretic"))
		gametype = GAME_Heretic;
	else if (sc.Compare ("hexen"))
		gametype = GAME_Hexen;
	else if (sc.Compare ("strife"))
		gametype = GAME_Strife;
	else if (sc.Compare ("any"))
		gametype = GAME_Any;
		// There is no game specified; just treat as any
		//max = 240;
		gametype = GAME_Any;
		sc.UnGet ();

	sc.MustGetString ();
	picnum = CheckForTexture (sc.String, FTexture::TEX_Wall, texflags);
	picname = sc.String;
	while (sc.GetString ())
		if (sc.Compare ("quest"))
			quest = true;
		else if (sc.Compare ("on"))
			if (def1 != NULL)
				sc.ScriptError ("Switch already has an on state");
			def1 = ParseSwitchDef (sc, !picnum.Exists());
		else if (sc.Compare ("off"))
			if (def2 != NULL)
				sc.ScriptError ("Switch already has an off state");
			def2 = ParseSwitchDef (sc, !picnum.Exists());
			sc.UnGet ();

	if (def1 == NULL || !picnum.Exists() ||
		(gametype != GAME_Any && !(gametype & gameinfo.gametype)))
		if (def2 != NULL)
			M_Free (def2);
		if (def1 != NULL)
			M_Free (def1);

	// If the switch did not have an off state, create one that just returns
	// it to the original texture without doing anything interesting
	if (def2 == NULL)
		def2 = (FSwitchDef *)M_Malloc (sizeof(FSwitchDef));
		def2->Sound = def1->Sound;
		def2->NumFrames = 1;
		def2->frames[0].TimeMin = 0;
		def2->frames[0].TimeRnd = 0;
		def2->frames[0].Texture = picnum;

	def1->PreTexture = picnum;
	def2->PreTexture = def1->frames[def1->NumFrames-1].Texture;
	if (def1->PreTexture == def2->PreTexture)
		sc.ScriptError ("The on state for switch %s must end with a texture other than %s", picname.GetChars(), picname.GetChars());
	AddSwitchPair(def1, def2);
	def1->QuestPanel = def2->QuestPanel = quest;