void UGameInstance::StartGameInstance() { UEngine* const Engine = GetEngine(); // Create default URL. // @note: if we change how we determine the valid start up map update LaunchEngineLoop's GetStartupMap() FURL DefaultURL; DefaultURL.LoadURLConfig(TEXT("DefaultPlayer"), GGameIni); // Enter initial world. EBrowseReturnVal::Type BrowseRet = EBrowseReturnVal::Failure; FString Error; TCHAR Parm[4096] = TEXT(""); const TCHAR* Tmp = FCommandLine::Get(); #if UE_BUILD_SHIPPING // In shipping don't allow an override Tmp = TEXT(""); #endif // UE_BUILD_SHIPPING const UGameMapsSettings* GameMapsSettings = GetDefault<UGameMapsSettings>(); const FString& DefaultMap = GameMapsSettings->GetGameDefaultMap(); if (!FParse::Token(Tmp, Parm, ARRAY_COUNT(Parm), 0) || Parm[0] == '-') { FCString::Strcpy(Parm, *(DefaultMap + GameMapsSettings->LocalMapOptions)); } FURL URL(&DefaultURL, Parm, TRAVEL_Partial); if (URL.Valid) { BrowseRet = Engine->Browse(*WorldContext, URL, Error); } // If waiting for a network connection, go into the starting level. if (BrowseRet != EBrowseReturnVal::Success && FCString::Stricmp(Parm, *DefaultMap) != 0) { const FText Message = FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("Engine", "MapNotFound", "The map specified on the commandline '{0}' could not be found. Would you like to load the default map instead?"), FText::FromString(URL.Map)); // the map specified on the command-line couldn't be loaded. ask the user if we should load the default map instead if (FCString::Stricmp(*URL.Map, *DefaultMap) != 0 && FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::OkCancel, Message) != EAppReturnType::Ok) { // user canceled (maybe a typo while attempting to run a commandlet) FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(false); return; } else { BrowseRet = Engine->Browse(*WorldContext, FURL(&DefaultURL, *(DefaultMap + GameMapsSettings->LocalMapOptions), TRAVEL_Partial), Error); } } // Handle failure. if (BrowseRet != EBrowseReturnVal::Success) { UE_LOG(LogLoad, Fatal, TEXT("%s"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("Failed to enter %s: %s. Please check the log for errors."), Parm, *Error)); } }
void UAmethystGameInstance::StartGameInstance() { #if PLATFORM_PS4 == 0 TCHAR Parm[4096] = TEXT(""); const TCHAR* Cmd = FCommandLine::Get(); // Catch the case where we want to override the map name on startup (used for connecting to other MP instances) if (FParse::Token(Cmd, Parm, ARRAY_COUNT(Parm), 0) && Parm[0] != '-') { // if we're 'overriding' with the default map anyway, don't set a bogus 'playing' state. if (!MainMenuMap.Contains(Parm)) { FURL DefaultURL; DefaultURL.LoadURLConfig(TEXT("DefaultPlayer"), GGameIni); FURL URL(&DefaultURL, Parm, TRAVEL_Partial); if (URL.Valid) { UEngine* const Engine = GetEngine(); FString Error; const EBrowseReturnVal::Type BrowseRet = Engine->Browse(*WorldContext, URL, Error); if (BrowseRet == EBrowseReturnVal::Success) { // Success, we loaded the map, go directly to playing state GotoState(AmethystGameInstanceState::Playing); return; } else if (BrowseRet == EBrowseReturnVal::Pending) { // Assume network connection LoadFrontEndMap(MainMenuMap); ShowLoadingScreen(); GotoState(AmethystGameInstanceState::Playing); return; } } } } #endif GotoInitialState(); }
void UGameEngine::Init(IEngineLoop* InEngineLoop) { DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("UGameEngine Init"), STAT_GameEngineStartup, STATGROUP_LoadTime); // Call base. UEngine::Init(InEngineLoop); #if USE_NETWORK_PROFILER FString NetworkProfilerTag; if( FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("NETWORKPROFILER="), NetworkProfilerTag ) ) { GNetworkProfiler.EnableTracking(true); } #endif // Load and apply user game settings GetGameUserSettings()->LoadSettings(); GetGameUserSettings()->ApplySettings(); // Creates the initial world context. For GameEngine, this should be the only WorldContext that ever gets created. FWorldContext &InitialWorldContext = CreateNewWorldContext(EWorldType::Game); // Initialize the viewport client. UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = NULL; if(GIsClient) { ViewportClient = ConstructObject<UGameViewportClient>(GameViewportClientClass,this); ViewportClient->SetReferenceToWorldContext(InitialWorldContext); GameViewport = ViewportClient; InitialWorldContext.GameViewport = ViewportClient; } bCheckForMovieCapture = true; // Attach the viewport client to a new viewport. if(ViewportClient) { // This must be created before any gameplay code adds widgets bool bWindowAlreadyExists = GameViewportWindow.IsValid(); if (!bWindowAlreadyExists) { GameViewportWindow = CreateGameWindow(); } CreateGameViewport( ViewportClient ); if( !bWindowAlreadyExists ) { SwitchGameWindowToUseGameViewport(); } FString Error; if(!ViewportClient->Init(Error)) { UE_LOG(LogEngine, Fatal,TEXT("%s"),*Error); } } // Create default URL. // @note: if we change how we determine the valid start up map update LaunchEngineLoop's GetStartupMap() FURL DefaultURL; DefaultURL.LoadURLConfig( TEXT("DefaultPlayer"), GGameIni ); // Enter initial world. EBrowseReturnVal::Type BrowseRet = EBrowseReturnVal::Failure; FString Error; TCHAR Parm[4096]=TEXT(""); const TCHAR* Tmp = FCommandLine::Get(); #if UE_BUILD_SHIPPING // In shipping don't allow an override Tmp = TEXT(""); #endif // UE_BUILD_SHIPPING const UGameMapsSettings* GameMapsSettings = GetDefault<UGameMapsSettings>(); const FString& DefaultMap = GameMapsSettings->GetGameDefaultMap(); if (!FParse::Token(Tmp, Parm, ARRAY_COUNT(Parm), 0) || Parm[0] == '-') { FCString::Strcpy(Parm, *(DefaultMap + GameMapsSettings->LocalMapOptions)); } FURL URL( &DefaultURL, Parm, TRAVEL_Partial ); if( URL.Valid ) { BrowseRet = Browse(InitialWorldContext, URL, Error ); } // If waiting for a network connection, go into the starting level. if (BrowseRet != EBrowseReturnVal::Success && FCString::Stricmp(Parm, *DefaultMap) != 0) { const FText Message = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("Engine", "MapNotFound", "The map specified on the commandline '{0}' could not be found. Would you like to load the default map instead?"), FText::FromString( URL.Map ) ); // the map specified on the command-line couldn't be loaded. ask the user if we should load the default map instead if ( FCString::Stricmp(*URL.Map, *DefaultMap) != 0 && FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::OkCancel, Message ) != EAppReturnType::Ok) { // user canceled (maybe a typo while attempting to run a commandlet) FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( false ); return; } else { BrowseRet = Browse(InitialWorldContext, FURL(&DefaultURL, *(DefaultMap + GameMapsSettings->LocalMapOptions), TRAVEL_Partial), Error); } } // Handle failure. if( BrowseRet != EBrowseReturnVal::Success ) { UE_LOG(LogLoad, Fatal, TEXT("%s"), *FString::Printf( TEXT("Failed to enter %s: %s. Please check the log for errors."), Parm, *Error) ); } UE_LOG(LogInit, Display, TEXT("Game Engine Initialized.") ); // for IsInitialized() bIsInitialized = true; }