FWidgetPath FWeakWidgetPath::ToNextFocusedPath(EUINavigation NavigationType, const FNavigationReply& NavigationReply, const FArrangedWidget& RuleWidget)
	check(NavigationType == EUINavigation::Next || NavigationType == EUINavigation::Previous);

	// Make a copy of the focus path. We will mutate it until it meets the necessary requirements.
	FWidgetPath NewFocusPath = this->ToWidgetPath();
	TSharedPtr<SWidget> CurrentlyFocusedWidget = this->Widgets.Last().Pin();

	bool bMovedFocus = false;
	// Attempt to move the focus starting at the leafmost widget and bubbling up to the root (i.e. the window)
	for (int32 FocusNodeIndex=NewFocusPath.Widgets.Num()-1; !bMovedFocus && FocusNodeIndex >= 0; --FocusNodeIndex)
		// We've reached the stop boundary and not yet moved focus, so don't advance.
		if ( NavigationReply.GetBoundaryRule() == EUINavigationRule::Stop && RuleWidget.Widget == NewFocusPath.Widgets[FocusNodeIndex].Widget )

		//TODO Slate Navigation Handle Wrap.

		bMovedFocus = NewFocusPath.MoveFocus(FocusNodeIndex, NavigationType);

	return NewFocusPath;